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The FBI now recommends using an ad blocker when searching the web | Evening Standard
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5 Ways The "Inflation Reduction Act" Is Stealing Your Money | ZeroHedge
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5 Ways The "Inflation Reduction Act" Is Stealing Your Money

Much like the Patriot Act had little to do with making life safer in the U.S., the Biden administration’s “Inflation Reduction Act” has very little to do with reducing inflation...

Facebook has admitted in a defamation court case that the “fact-checks” used by the site to blacklist non-corporate media content are actually opinion-based labels, therefore they can’t be sued for their smear campaigns because they are not actually asserting facts. Imagine calling something a fact, and when someone says “is that true though?” you say “hey it’s just my opinion, man” ... and then you smugly call yourself a fact checker. 🔗 Watts Up With That @MediaTricks
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BOMBSHELL: In court filing, Facebook admits ‘fact checks’ are nothing more than opinion | Watts Up With That?

Facebook has admitted in a court of law that such fact checks are not factual at all, but merely opinions.People send me stuff.As we have previously reported, journalist John Stossel is suing Facebook after Facebook’s ‘fact checkers’ labeled climate change information that Stossel posted as “false and misleading”. In the middle of all this is

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Did the Illuminati Change the Bible? A common question asked by many people. I thought I would make a video about it.

Repost from N/a
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"People talk GLIBLY about science. What is science? People are coming out of the university with a masters degree or a PhD and you take them into the field and they literally don't believe anything unless it is a peer-reviewed paper! That's the only thing they accept. If we say them, "Let's observe, Let's think, Let's discuss." They don't do it. It's just, "Is it in a peer-reviewed paper, or not?" That's their view of science! I think it's pathetic! Going to universities as bright young people - they come out of them BRAIN DEAD, not even knowing what science means. They think it means peer-reviewed papers etc. NO! That's "Academia"! And if a paper is peer-reviewed, it means everybody thought the SAME, therefore they approved it. An unintended consequence is that when NEW knowledge emerges, NEW scientific insights... ...
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5.52 MB
If you're concerned with the new anti-encryption bill in the USA, there's a few things to do to help yourself a great deal later. If you aren't already on a full-disk encrypted system running a FOSS operating system, go and get one now. Manjaro Arch, OpenBSD (or any BSD, really), Debian, Linux Mint, and so forth are dependable and secure operating systems. When installing, choose full-disk Luks2 encryption (with LVM if available) on install. IF YOU ARE USING WINDOWS 10 STOP USING IT. BITLOCKER IS ALREADY BARELY BETTER THAN NOTHING, AND IT WILL BE THE FIRST ENCRYPTION SYSTEM TO FALL TO THE BILL IF PASSED. WINDOWS 10 IS INSECURE, UNSTABLE, AND UNRELIABLE NO MATTER HOW YOU LOOK AT IT. STOP FUCKING USING WINDOWS 10! You are doing yourself less than no favors by using Windows 10. MacOS users, I'm looking at you too! Keep up with your operating system's developer's news. If they state they are going to release an update in accordance with the bill, do not update. Even if not, turn off automatic updating if not already disabled. Every time an update rolls out, wait a while and pay attention to forums and other communities based around the OS, especially open-source development communities. If they start saying that their encryption has been compromised, don't update! While not entirely necessary, I think it is worthwhile to keep a few full-featured installation images of other operating systems (full-featured, as in not the 'netinst' or 'minimal' versions) handy in case the developers decide to be massive retards and violate everything FOSS stands for by forcing an update that compromises encryption. Format all of your removable flash drives (SD cards, thumb drives and so forth) to ext4 with Luks2 encryption. Not only will it be unmountable for everything but GNU/Linux systems, it will be as solidly encrypted as your own machine. If you haven't done it already, download and install Tor Browser from, and learn how to use it properly. Additionally, Freenet, Onionshare, I2P, Gnutella, Retroshare, and so forth are quite useful. Tor is, in essence, the 'de facto' anonymity network. It's been time-tested since the nineties and penetration-tested by countless experts. While not foolproof, it makes censorship and deanonymization a whole lot harder. What will stop this bill is widespread disobedience and anger. If the noballs politicians are shown that nobody with a computer system and half a brain will comply with such a ridiculous law, so much so to the point of protests and such, they might think twice.
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Merry Christmas
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Repost from Autism Central
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A decade ago
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Repost from The General
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Four Republican senators voted Thursday against reinstating military members who were discharged for refusing to get vaccinated against COVID-19. • Mitt Romney of Utah • Mike Rounds of South Dakota • Bill Cassidy of Louisiana • Susan Collins of Maine All voted against Republican Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson’s amendment that would have reinstated and provided backpay to military members discharged for refusing to get vaccinated. @GeneralMCNews
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