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COVID 1984, Science & Data

Science, official data/statistics and top experts' opinions are shared questioning the official narrative, in every aspect, with solid evidence based arguments. My aim is to further a meduim for rational & intellectual debate with subestantiated bases.

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Repost from پیک ایران
‏این کشور 10000 سال قدمت داره، 4 تا آخوند درستش نکردن که بذاریم 4 تا آخوند خرابش کنن. تصویر مرد سوار بر اسب تو لرستان مال ده هزار سال پیشه. میدونی چندسال قبلش باید تمدن داشته باشی تا به رام کردم اسب رسیده باشی؟ اجداد ‎#مهسا_امینی 10000 سال خون ندادن که حقش ضربه مغزی باشه. پدر و مادران ما هزاران سال برای حفظ این سرزمین زحمت کشیدند تا به ما رسیده. @peykeiran12
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The WEF have THEIR OWN POLICE FORCE. And they dont follow any laws.
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Journalist Jack Posobiec Detained By World Economic Forum Police All Footage

This is a compilation of all the currently known footage of Journalist Jack Posobiec being detained by the World Economic Forum Police. #WorldEconomicForum #JackPosobiec #Detained

CONFIRMED all 15 in hospital and 1 dead at nyc marathon "fully vaccinated"
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Just in case you doubted that pedos run the show. In california a 21 year old man can now fuck an 11 year old BOY. And if the boy "consented" the 21 year old is not pedophile and does NOT have to register as a sex offender. Sb 145
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Analyst Warns World Has Just ’Ten Weeks’ of Wheat Supplies Left in Storage "The world has only about 10 weeks of wheat supplies left in storage amid the conflict in Ukraine and as India has moved to bar exports of wheat in recent weeks, a food insecurity expert says. Sara Menker, the CEO of agriculture analytics firm Gro Intelligence, told the United Nations Security Council on May 19 that the Russia–Ukraine war 'simply added fuel to a fire that was long burning,' saying that it is not the primary cause of the wheat shortage. Ukraine and Russia both produce close to about a third of the world’s wheat. 'I want to start by explicitly saying that the Russia–Ukraine war did not start the food security crisis. It simply added fuel to a fire that was long burning. A crisis we detected tremors from long before the COVID 19 pandemic exposed the fragility of our supply chains,' Menker said, according to a transcript." 👉 Read more: The Epoch Times / Archive
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Fox News: John Roberts Breaks the Silence About Vaccine Injuries "Two months ago, I helped to publicize the story (375,000 page views and counting!) that Fox News took money from the Biden regime to push COVID vaccine propaganda on their network relentlessly. Fox News (like almost all the other corporate media outlets) did not reveal this crucial fact to its audience — an astonishing breach of journalistic ethics that should never be forgiven or forgotten. I wrote at the time that Fox News was also coercing its own employees into getting vaccinated even though the vast majority were working from home … In the back of my mind, for the last eight weeks, I kept wondering when the reckoning would come for Fox News. How long would it take for a prominent employee to be injured by the COVID vaccines? And who would dare to publicly disclose that injury in the face of Fox News’ ongoing campaign to push Big Pharma’s diabolical shots? And the answer is: John Roberts …" 👉 Read more: Emerald Robinson
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COVID-19 Vaccine Causing Extreme Disease: Greg Hunter Interviews Dr. Elizabeth Eads "Dr. Elizabeth (Betsy) Eads is back to update us from the frontlines of medicine and the growing problems of COVID-19 vax induced AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). Dr. Eads is treating patients who have been injected with the experimental COVID-19 so-called 'vaccines,' and new data is showing the injections are causing the explosion of many types of extreme disease. We start with a recent patient Dr. Eads has that got her COVID-19 booster, and not long after that got cancer. Dr. Eads says, 'I basically told her this is most likely vaccine induced cancer. We know cancers are up, according to Dr. Ryan Cole and several other pathologists … They are up close to 2,000% … I told her to find an oncologist … who is awake to those types of aggressive cancers. I am seeing a lot of unusual cancers, and so is Dr. Ryan Cole.'” 👉 Read more: USAWatchdog
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More Evidence for Early Treatment Malfeasance and collusion by the WHO, Governments, TNI and old media "Trial Site News knocked it out of the park with their May 22 article entitled: 'Opinion: What have We Learned about Early Treatment During the COVID-19 Pandemic?' I strongly encourage people to read the full article, but the quoted sections below highlight key points 'Early calls for use of repurposed drugs that appeared to work—at least according to preliminary studies and hundreds to thousands of doctors on the front lines of the pandemic—were mostly ignored by organized medicine. This was primarily because even in pandemic times, organized medicine will not deviate from the existing stringent approaches and protocols to developing medical evidence…' One of the key takeaways of the article is the apparent malfeasance of the World Health Organization, governments, Trusted News Initiative (TNI) and old media to silence the successes of Ivermectin in countries like India" 👉 Read more: Dr. Robert Malone
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All 16 Runners Who Collapsed and Runner Who Died at Brooklyn Half Marathon Said They Were Vaccinated "It is an absolute fact that all the runners who participated in the Brooklyn Half Marathon on Saturday declared that they had been vaccinated for Covid-19. Whether or not that is relevant to the unprecedented number of runners who collapsed or even the man who died during the event is another story. Saturday's running conditions were unusually hot and humid, even at 9 a.m. when the participant David Reichman is reported to have died shortly after collapsing after the finish line. The New York Post reported that Reichman, a 32 year-old man, collapsed 'after suffering from possible cardiac arrest, according to event organization New York Road Runners club and the NYPD.' 'The 22,000-runner race — from the Brooklyn Museum through Prospect Park to the Coney Island boardwalk — was held on an unseasonably hot and humid day,' the Post added …" 👉 Read more: Kyle Becker
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'The Future Is Built By Us': Klaus Schwab Kicks Off World Economic Forum's 2022 Davos Meeting "The World Economic Forum’s annual meeting during a 'turning point' in history, with the pandemic and war in Ukraine taking centre stage as international elites gather in Switzerland in person for the first time in two years. The globalist ruling class attending the welcoming remarks on day one of the World Economic Forum's meeting on May 23 were warmed up with a 'nightmare' video montage of social unrest throughout the world — surveillance cameras monitoring the public; riot police beating civilians in the streets; climate catastrophe, China’s COVID zero policy and more The video ended on a happy note, following a Zoom meeting and an astronaut in space who called on the world leaders in attendance to take action 'for the future' History at a Turning Point: Government & Business Strategies is the theme for the 51-year-old NGO lobbying organization founded by German economist Klaus Schwab" 👉 Read more: Rebel News
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