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Machine Learning REPA (RU)

Machine Learning REPA: Reproducibility, Experiments and Pipelines Automation - News Site:

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Знакомьтесь, эскперт курсов ML Дмитрий Жванский, Full-stack Machine Learning Engineer в сфере банкинга. Дмитрий заниается Full-stack Machine Learning Engineer и Data Science более 10 лет. Он знает, как найти end-to-end решения для распознавания документов, умеет оптимизировать движение наличных, скоринга корпоративных и розничных клиентов, а еще расскажет, как оценивать прибыльность различных продуктов. Не знаете, как автоматизировать сложные процессы? Дмитрий разложит все по полочкам и поможет найти оптимальные инструменты. Записаться на курс и прокачаться в ML:
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🔥 3
Стань экспертом в Machine Learning и MLOps! Всем привет! 🙌🏻 В сентябре мы запускаем новую коллаборацию с Risoma School 🚀 Стартуют сразу два курса, где вы сможете прокачать навыки для проектов машинного обучения: 1. MLOps для Data Science и разработки ML моделей - курс для Data Scientists & Analytics, для эффективной работы с экспериментами, моделями и подготовки production решений c FastAPI и Airflow. 2. MLOps для Batch Scoring: автоматизация пайплайнов и CI/CD c DVC, MLflow и Airflow - курс для Machine Learning, Data и DevOps инженеров. На курсах вы научитесь: ▪️Управлять экспериментами и жизненным циклом моделей ▪️Работать с продвинутыми сценариями версионирования данных и моделей ▪️Эффективно использовать Git и следовать Git-flow в проектах ▪️Автоматизировать процессы доставки моделей в production, сборку и тестирования решений ▪️Настраивать мониторинг работы моделей и данных в production ▪️Эффективно работать с Airflow, DVD, Evidently, MLflow, FastAPI, Grafana, Git, Docker, GitLab, GitLab CI ❗️Для тех, кто уже проходил курсы в ML REPA School: - это обновленная программа, с обновленным и расширенным стеком технологий - сделан упор на мониторинг и продвинутый DVC - добавили FastAPI - курс 1 больше подойдет для Data Scientists, кто экспериментирует модельками - курс 2 для тех, кто занимается продом, MLOps и лидит команды Делюсь с вами промокодом, с которым вы получите скидку 10% на любой курс: "ML10" ! Выбрать курс со скидкой: тут.
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Risoma School

Школа Risoma - курсы по автоматизации и инженерным практикам в машинном обучении

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🎉Discover the Power of Git in Machine Learning and AI Development! 🚀 We are thrilled to announce the launch of our free community course, git-101: "Git for Machine Learning and AI Development" at ML REPA School! 🌟 If you're a junior data scientist or ML engineer looking to level up your coding and collaboration skills, this course is tailor-made for you! 🚀 📚 In this course, you will learn: - The fundamentals of Git and its application in ML and AI development - Best practices for code versioning, branching, and merging - Efficient collaboration techniques for teams working on ML projects - Integration of Git with popular ML tools and platforms Sign up now: Happy Learning! 🎓✨
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git-101: Git for Machine Learning and AI development

Learn Git for code versioning, efficiently collaborating on projects, and ensuring reproducibility in ML and AI projects.

🚀 Introducing ML REPA Library, a new community project focusing on ML engineering, reproducibility, and automation. We aim to create a valuable resource focused on good engineering practices, reproducibility, and automation in machine learning. Seeking contributors to join us from the start. Share your expertise and shape the future of ML REPA! Let's collaborate and make an impact together. ML REPA Library: Kudos to the first contributors! 🙌 😍 🙏 Check the link above ⬆️ #MLREPALibrary #mlrepa #CommunityProject #MLEngineering #Reproducibility #Automation
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🔥 4
📣 Great news! Post “Managing OpenFOAM Physical Simulations with DVC, CML, and Studio”(part 2) is alive! 🚀 We run OpenFOAM simulations in the cloud with our CI/CD tool CML and GitLab using AWS Computational resources. We then can easily visualize and share the simulation results with colleagues in Iterative Studio. Link: Kudos to Petr Zikán, CTO at PlasmaSolve for ideas, technical guidance, and editing. 🙏 Kudos to Iterative team for publishing this post! 🎁 #dvc #simulations #openfoam #cml #studio #iterative
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🚀 Yet another amazing tutorial: batch ML monitoring blueprint! This is an end-to-end example that shows how to implement ML monitoring as a set of monitoring jobs. It has all the code to run batch inference, emit metrics, log them to the database, and visualize them on a dashboard. Featuring: 📊 Evidently AI to run data quality, drift, and model checks. 🏗 Prefect to orchestrate them. 🛢 PostgreSQL to store the monitoring metrics. 📈 Grafana as a dashboard to visualize them. You can simply copy the repository and adapt it to your use case! Tutorial: Repository with the code: Repost from LinkedIn
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Batch ML monitoring blueprint: Evidently, Prefect, PostgreSQL, and Grafana

In this code tutorial, you will learn how to run batch ML model inference, collect data and ML model quality monitoring metrics, and visualize them on a live dashboard.

🔥 2
📺 The video “Optimizing Image Segmentation Projects with DVC” by @alex000kim , is ready! 🚀 It was a great talk about DVC, DVCLive, VSCode extension for DVC, and Iterative Studio! Take a look: Video:
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Optimizing Image Segmentation Projects with DVC

Join the Machine Learning REPA community to learn and spread good practices in MLOps, Engineering, Reproducibility, and Automation! LinkedIn:




Together with Alex Kim, Solutions and Sales Engineer at we discuss how DVC helps in Image Segmentation projects! Talk details: Image segmentation plays a crucial role in computer vision projects, enabling accurate object recognition and scene comprehension. However, managing vast data volumes and complex machine learning pipelines can be challenging. This talk will demonstrate how DVC simplifies data versioning and ML pipeline management for image segmentation tasks. We will discuss the benefits of versioning systems like DVC. We'll highlight DVC's compatibility with popular tools like Git and various machine learning frameworks, presenting a case study to showcase the practical application of DVC in a computer vision project. Join us to explore how DVC streamlines collaboration, minimizes data redundancy, and enhances reproducibility, leading to improved project outcomes and faster, more accurate image segmentation in computer vision projects. Speaker: Alex Kim, Solutions and Sales Engineer at As an experienced Solutions and Sales Engineer at, Alex Kim has a strong background in software engineering and machine learning. He is passionate about bridging the gap between technology and business to help companies achieve their goals. With his expertise in technical sales and online course development, Alex is a dynamic speaker who brings a wealth of knowledge to any conference. LinkedIn:


Tags: #mlrepa #evidentlyai #streamlit #mlops #machine_learning #data_science #community #monitoring

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Video is ready 🚀🎬🎉:
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Automated Deployment Pipelines: Running CV Models at the Edge

Join the Machine Learning REPA community to learn and spread good practices in MLOps, Engineering, Reproducibility, and Automation! LinkedIn:




Together with Bradley Munday, Head of ML Engineering at Modzy we discuss MLOps on Edge devices! Talk details: Computer vision has the potential to transform many applications of today into solutions of the future - from smart cameras in traffic, to MRI image processing, to monitoring quality for manufacturers, the possibilities are endless. But how can you set up a deployment pipeline that allows you to run your computer vision models anywhere? In this talk, we'll walk through steps that help you build an automated deployment pipeline. First, we will automatically package a pre-trained model into a container using Then, using Modzy, we'll show you how to deploy and run the model on a single board computer edge device. At the end of the talk, you'll walk away with a better understanding of what it takes to build an automated deployment pipeline that enables you to serve and scale your ML models anywhere. Speaker: Bradley Munday, Head of ML Engineering at Modzy As Head of ML Engineering at Modzy, Brad is an experienced technologist and open-source contributor with strong experience in Data Science, ML engineering, technical sales, and customer engagement. In this role, he spends time helping organizations unlock value in their enterprise and edge AI investment through robust MLOps pipelines. Additionally, he is one of the primary contributors and maintainers to Modzy's open source project, Links: Slides:

Chassis Docs:

Chassis GitHub:

Modzy Technical Docs:

Discord Channel:

Tags: #mlrepa #mlops #machine_learning #data_science #community #monitoring #chassisml

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Repost from Reliable ML
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Лекция ML System Design Doc от Reliable ML в ИТМО С радостью и гордостью выступили сегодня с Димой с лекцией по итеративному построению ML-систем в рамках онлайн-магистратуры ИТМО по ML-инженерии. Рассказали про то, как выбирать ML-проекты, что такое ML System Design Doc и как его писать, чтобы предусмотреть основные риски, связанные с разработкой ML-решения и последующим его пилотированием и внедрением. ИТМО планирует включить работу с нашим шаблоном дизайн дока в программу данной магистратуры как ключевой инструмент планирования ML-проектов. Знать, что делаем что-то полезное - большая мотивация для того, чтобы мутить что-то новое. Ваш @Reliable ML
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🔥 4 1
Hey! Please, join us in 15 minutes for a meetup with Bradley Munday, Head of ML Engineering at Modzy 🙌🏻 Link to Zoom:
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Welcome! You are invited to join a meeting: ML REPA Meetup #17: Automated Deployment Pipelines: Running CV Models at the Edge . After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the meeting.

Speaker: Bradley Munday, Head of ML Engineering at Modzy

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