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Asian Vision Institute

The Asian Vision Institute (AVI) is an independent think tank based in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. It aims to promote peaceful, inclusive, resilient, and sustainable societies in Asia.

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In May and June 2024, AVI actively promoted international cooperation through various initiatives. The institute organized key events, including the "ASEAN and Australia after the First 50 Years" roundtable and the "Cambodia-China Think Tanks and Public Diplomacy Forum." Simultaneously, AVI strengthened its research networks by signing a Memorandum of Understanding with the Information, Research and Analysis Group (IRAG) and partnering with the Research and Information System for Developing Countries (RIS). To contribute to regional discourse, AVI published insights on critical topics such as the global liberal order, the Funan Techo Canal Project, Cambodia's AI future with a focus on ethical and inclusive development, and strategies for fostering Cambodia-Brunei relations to achieve shared growth. Furthermore, the institute participated in the "ASEAN-China Future Relations Forum," aiming to enhance regional partnerships. These diverse activities collectively demonstrate AVI's commitment to fostering dialogue, collaboration, and knowledge-sharing across Asia and beyond. PDF:
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AVI Bi-Monthly Newsletter for May and June 2024

AVI REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION STUDIES International Coordinating Committee for Angkor (ICC-Angkor): Reflections from Diplomatic Perspectives PDF:
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AVI REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION STUDIES ISSUE: 2024, No. 01 | International Coordinating Committee for Angkor (ICC-Angkor): Reflections from Diplomatic Perspectives

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In close collaboration with the European Union in Cambodia and Asian Vision Institute, we are pleased to co-host a closed-door roundtable discussion on “The European Election 2024” on Monday, July 08, 2024, from 8:30 AM to 12:00 PM at Hyatt Regency Phnom Penh. 🇰🇭🇪🇺 This roundtable discussion will feature Mr. Antoine Ripoll, Minister Counsellor for Parliamentary Affairs of European Union in ASEAN, along with our distinguished speakers, H.E. Mr. Suos Yara of the National Assembly Of Cambodia, H.E. Dr. Khy Sovanrattana and H.E. Dr. Ney Samol from the ក្រសួងការបរទេស - Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation. The discussion will center on the results and implications of the EU Parliament elections held in June, as well as the EU's role in parliamentary diplomacy. 🗳 ✨
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[AVI Commentary] "The Digital Influence of South Korea on Cambodia’s SMEs": Cambodia is leveraging digital technology to spur growth as the Fourth Industrial Revolution is taking shape. Yet, there remains a knowledge gap in the adoption of digitalisation among Cambodian businesses. With that being considered, South Korea's digital influence promises to be a catalyst for Cambodia's technological advancement, economic growth, and integration into the regional and global digital landscape. PDF:
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AVI COMMENTARY ISSUE: 2024, No. 07 | The Digital Influence of South Korea on Cambodia’s SMEs

On 18-19 June 2024, Mr. TON Linasopharith, Programme Officer at the Mekong Centre for Strategic Studies of AVI attended the "ASEAN-China Future Relations Forum: Towards A More Substative Comprehensive Strategic Partnership" co-organised by the Foreign Policy Community of Indonesia, Mission of China to ASEAN and Center for International Security and Strategy of Tsinghua University, in Jakarta, Indonesia. During the Youth Dialogue Session, Mr. Sopharith shared his views on regional challenges facing ASEAN-China regional cooperation and identified strategies to strengthen their partnership and regional collaborative efforts amidst evolving geopolitical landscapes. After the forum, H.E. Dr. KAO Kim Hourn held an interface with youth participants to discuss the critical roles of youth in shaping the future of regional cooperation and building closer ASEAN-China relations. កាលពីថ្ងៃទី ១៨-១៩ ខែមិថុនា ឆ្នាំ២០២៤ លោក ទន់ លីណាសុផាឬទ្ធិ មន្ត្រីកម្មវិធី នៅមជ្ឈមណ្ឌលមេគង្គសម្រាប់ការសិក្សាយុទ្ធសាស្រ្ត នៃវិទ្យាស្ថានចក្ខុវិស័យអាស៊ី បានចូលរួម «វេទិកាទំនាក់ទំនងអនាគតអាស៊ាន-ចិន៖ ការឆ្ពោះទៅរកភាពជាដៃគូយុទ្ធសាស្រ្តគ្រប់ជ្រុងជ្រោយដ៏កាន់តែមានសារៈសំខាន់» ដែលសហការរៀបចំដោយសហគមន៍គោលនយោបាយការបរទេសឥណ្ឌូនេស៊ី ស្ថានបេសកកម្មចិនប្រចាំអាស៊ាន និងមជ្ឈមណ្ឌលសម្រាប់សន្តិសុខ និងយុទ្ធសាស្រ្តអន្តរជាតិ នៃសាកលវិទ្យាល័យឈីងហ័រ នៅទីក្រុងហ្សាកាតា ប្រទេសឥណ្ឌូនេស៊ី។ អំឡុងពេលនៃកិច្ចសន្ទនាយុវជន លោក សុផាឬទ្ធិ បានចែករំលែកនូវទស្សនៈលើបញ្ហាប្រឈមនានាក្នុងតំបន់ ដែលកំពុងតែប្រឈមមុខដល់កិច្ចសហប្រតិបត្តិការអាស៊ាន-ចិន និងបានកំណត់យុទ្ធសាស្រ្តដើម្បីពង្រឹងភាពជាដៃគូ និងកិច្ចខិតខំប្រឹងប្រែងរួមគ្នាក្នុងតំបន់ស្របពេលនៃការវិវត្តទិដ្ឋភាពភូមិសាស្រ្តនយោបាយ។ បន្ទាប់ពីវេទិកា ឯកឧត្ដមបណ្ឌិត កៅ គឹមហួន បានរៀបចំកិច្ចសន្ទនាជាមួយអ្នកចូលរួមដែលជាយុវជន ដើម្បីពិភាក្សាអំពីតួនាទីដ៏សំខាន់របស់យុវជនក្នុងការតម្រង់ទិសអនាគតនៃកិច្ចសហប្រតិបត្តិការក្នុងតំបន់ និងការកសាងទំនាក់ទំនងអាស៊ាន-ចិនឱ្យកាន់តែជិតស្និទ្ធ។
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[AVI Commentary] ‘Fostering Cambodia-Brunei Relations for Shared Growth’ outlines potential sectors including agriculture, the halal industry, tourism and regional partnerships for further cooperation between Cambodia and Brunei to stimulate shared growth and prosperity for the benefit of the peoples of both countries. PDF:
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AVI COMMENTARY ISSUE: 2024, No. 06 | Fostering Cambodia-Brunei Relations for Shared Growth

[AVI Commentary] 'Cambodia's AI Future: Steering Ethical and Inclusive Development' outlines a comprehensive roadmap for integrating Artificial Intelligence ethically and inclusively in Cambodia, emphasizing robust national strategies, cultural sensitivity, and global collaboration to ensure AI serves humanity positively. PDF:
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AVI COMMENTARY ISSUE: 2024, No. 05 | Cambodia's AI Future: Steering Ethical and Inclusive Development

7th Issue of CGID's -Weekly Economy and Finance News Digest Date: 21 - 27 May 2024 Author: So Dana Content: 1. China considering additional SEZs in Kingdom 2. Minister of Commerce recommends five points to promote the export of Cambodian products 3. Cambodia’s exports grow by 13% in past seven years 4. Cambodia asks Vietnam to increase bilateral trade volume to $20 billion 5. Britain's inflation rate could be about to drop below the Bank of England's 2% target 6. GDT tax collection falls in Q1 7. Cambodia’s premium rice expands exports to EU 8. J.P. Morgan raises China’s 2024 growth forecast to 5.2% ------ Read PDF: Telegram Channel:
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[AVI Commentary] Funan Techô Canal Project: Upholding Sovereignty and Development in Cambodia Read PDF: Click Here
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