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The National Alliance

Toward a New Conciousness; a New Order; a New People.

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A Memorial That Matters, part 1

American Dissident Voices broadcast of 27 May, 2023 by Kevin Alfred Strom IT’S TIME AGAIN for the mindless flag-waving, even more mindless than the drinking that goes with it. It’s “Memorial Day Weekend” once again. A few miles from here, Boalsburg, Pennsylvania is having its annual Memorial Day festival in

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White Psychology Under Jewish Tyranny, part 4

American Dissident Voices broadcast of 13 May, 2023 by Kevin Alfred Strom THE OTHER DAY I pointed out online that “[w]ithout Jewish power and Jewish-created institutions and paradigms, there would be almost no anti-White Whites, and those few would be widely acknowledged to be nutcases.” One respondent said I was

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Be sure to call your mother today
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White Psychology Under Jewish Tyranny, part 3

American Dissident Voices broadcast of 6 May, 2023 by Kevin Alfred Strom THIS WEEK I RETURN to the theme of White psychology under Jewish tyranny. Just as men who are henpecked or abused by unworthy wives, and women who are abused or neglected by unworthy husbands, will come up with

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The Pope Calls for National Suicide

by Douglas Mercer THAT SENILE OLD CODGER the Pope is at it again, visiting the stalwart nation of Hungary and trying to wheedle and shame them into committing national suicide. You see, Hungarians love Hungary and they like being Hungarians and, just as there have been Hungarians since time immemorial,

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The Tolerant Man Who Could Not Be Tolerated

The saga of William Latson by Hadding Scott IN 2019, and for a couple of years after, we all heard about the “Holocaust-denying” high school principal William Latson. Most who heard about that of course never checked whether the characterization was accurate. Even some politicians who stated forceful opinions on

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Eighty-Eight Seconds of Silence

IN 1960, in his groundbreaking essay In Hoc Signo Vinces George Lincoln Rockwell wrote, Until the advent of Adolf Hitler, the White men of the world had absolutely nothing in the way of a common cause, common heroes, common martyrs, sacred shrines, names, and symbols. But now, after millions of

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Greenblatt, Carlson, DeSantis — and Mary Phagan

American Dissident Voices broadcast of 29 April, 2023 by Kevin Alfred Strom I BELIEVE IT was the great writer Daniel Concannon who first said that in America, no matter who you vote for you always get Jonathan Greenblatt. Greenblatt looks like a particularly filthy gunsel from a 1940s gangster movie.

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Gender Dysphoria and Politically Induced Delusions

by David Sims GENDER DYSPHORIA IS A mental disorder that afflicts one person in 10,000, beginning in childhood. It’s rare. Of children (mostly boys) who actually do have gender dysphoria, most (around 70%) will outgrow it without drugs or therapy. Most of the problem with so-called “transgender” children today is

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Mary Phagan 110: May Her Life Be Not in Vain

by Dale Bennett ON THIS, the 110th anniversary of the rape and strangulation murder of 13-year-old Mary Phagan by her sweatshop boss — and Atlanta B’nai B’rith president — Leo Max Frank, let us remember her young life and reflect on the massive Jewish propaganda machine that has been attempting