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🌟Welcome To The Latest Trending Meme Channel. 𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐃 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐎 @CEOMICKEY

Repost from Stepper 🦋❤️
Ami I got my girlfriend pregnant Amina: And how does that affect my own life? Jamal: I need you to help me tell mom and dad, they’ll listen to you because they think you’re holier than thou. Amina: 🤬 leave here! Jamal: I know all the things you’ve been doing o and I don’t tell on you, please help me I beg 🥺 Amina: Which girl is that? Jamal: Maddie Amina: That small girl! Oh Jamal.... To be continued... Join @bigggstepper for more All questions and suggestions to @sassyyy_ara or @bigggstepperbot © Accra Living
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Repost from Stepper 🦋❤️
ACCRA LIVING 🥴 By: MAAME ARABA (@sassyyy_ara) SEASON TWO (The twist) EPISODE 1 Season one ended at.. Ciara broke with Daniel, she met Jamal while on her way to her hostel from Daniel’s hostel and they had a talk. Daniel went back to his room after he couldn’t find Ciara in her room and his sister Fafa came to see him. Daniel was in bed crying when Fafa came around. Daniel: What are you doing here? Fafa: Is that how you speak to your big sister? Daniel: Please leave me alone Fafa: You’re sacking me because of that girl? Daniel: She left me I hope you’re happy now😔. You never liked her anyway Fafa: Of course I didn’t like her and I still don’t, I warned you several times to leave her now you see what she’s done to you Daniel: Are you here to mock me or something? Fafa: No! I’m sorry, but I can’t help it, I just don’t like that Ciara girl Daniel: But I love her 🥺 Fafa: You got into a fight because of her, Daniel do you know Terrence? That boy his father is rich o, if you hurt him you’ll be arrested. Just leave Ciara for him. Daniel: No! I’ll never leave her for him or Jamal or anyone. Fafa: Jamal? What has he got to do with this? Daniel: Where do you know him from? Fafa: Everyone knows Jamal, he’s quite popular on campus and besides that’s not what we’re talking about, so tell me what he did! Daniel: He didn’t do anything Fafa: Does Ciara like him? Are they together? Daniel: I don’t know, all I know is even if he wants her he’s only doing it out of revenge or something Fafa: Revenge for what? Daniel: For going out with his so called sister, you know that’s against the bro code. Fafa: You dated Jamal’s sister? Jamal has a sister? Daniel: Yes, Jamal claims he’s a twin and he claims I dated his sister that’s why he’s probably trying to steal Ciara but I won’t let him. Fafa: So Ciara and Jamal had a thing? Daniel: No Fafa: (she breathed a sigh of relief) So you’re saying Jamal wants to take revenge? Daniel: Why does that interest you? Do you like Jamal? Fafa: No, he’s a child, I don’t like him. I’m just curious. Daniel: Well I’m not sure Fafa: And who’s Jamal’s sister? Daniel: He says her name is Amina and I haven’t dated any girl by that name. He’s probably just confused and now he’s trying to take revenge on me for that. Since last semester Jamal has been warning me to stay away from his sister, me too I don’t know any girl called Amina. Fafa: Don’t mind him, he’s insane Daniel: You have help me to apologize to Ciara Fafa: Never! Daniel: Please 🥺 I beg you Fafa: No Daniel: Please! I really love her and I want her back please, please help me beg her please. Fafa: I’ll see what I can do. Did Terrence hurt you? Daniel: No he didn’t *************** A few days later Jamal decided to tell his parents about Maddie’s pregnancy 🤰 but he needed his sisters help to break the news to them. He went to see her in her room and her roommate excused them, so they could talk. Amina: What are you doing here? Jamal: I need your help Amina: I can’t help you Jamal: You’ll not even listen to me? Amina: Leave me alone okay Jamal: Where did you get this new phone from? Did Daniel give it to you? Amina: He broke up with me yesterday and it’s all your fault. Why did you keep warning him to stay away from me? 😡 Jamal: Aaarn So after Ciara rejected the phone he gave it to you Amina: Who is Ciara? Jamal: His ex, the one he loves, he was just using you Amina: I’m going to deal with that Ciara girl but first get out of my sight Jamal: I need your help please Ami Amina: Stop calling me that🤦‍♀️ Jamal: That’s the name our parents gave you, so why do you hate it so much? Amina: It’s too local, it’ll ruin my reputation Jamal: Ei! Your own name 😱 Amina: Jamal leave here Jamal: Why don’t you scarf your hair here like you do at home? Do you even pray? Amina: Do you? No! So leave me alone Jamal: You expose your skin too much with these clothes of yours that’s why boys are taking you for granted. Amina: I thought I asked you to leave 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄. Jamal: Okay I’m sorry 😐, I’m sorry my Princess, I really need your help please.
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Repost from Stepper 🦋❤️
ACCRA LIVING 🥴 By @sassyyy_ara Bonus Episode Backstory Daniel and Ciara are both in one church and therefore became friends at church. They are both very active youth in church and always go for clean ups and other programs so they became very familiar with each other and that’s how they started liking each other. Ciara’s mom being the strict mom she was told Ciara not to get into a relationship before she’s 18. They started dating secretly from age 17. After Senior High School when they were both 18+ Ciara’s mom gave her permission to date him. Only if they don’t have sex and do extreme things with each other. They both got admission to the same university and when they got to the university they both joined their church’s school union. Daniel felt he was a big boy and didn’t want to be solely involved in church activities, he wanted to enjoy life and that’s why he started living the night life and doing all sort of things in the name of "enjoyment". He didn’t tell Ciara about his new lifestyle because he didn’t want to lose her. They’re both 20 years and in their second year and so is Terrence and Jamal. Fafa is in her 4th year and is about to graduate but for some reason she decided to date Jamal even though he’s younger than her. Grace is in her third year but went to the same high school with Jamal and that’s why they’re friends. Maddie and Jamal met in SHS and Maddie was his Junior. Maddie and Jamal started dating when she was in SHS one and he was in SHS 3. Gwendolyn is also 20 and in her 2nd year.
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Repost from Stepper 🦋❤️
Jamal: I can’t raise a child now, she’s about to write her wassce too, I can’t let her miss it because of me. Ciara: Both of you are responsible for this, so you must both face it. She’ll not miss her Wassce, she’ll write it while pregnant, it’s no news. It happens Jamal: What about my parents? Ciara: They’ll be mad about it for a while but they can’t disown you because you got a girl pregnant. Jamal: Ciara you don’t know my dad, he’ll kill me. He’s so strict and wicked. He warned me, he told that if I get any girl pregnant he’ll disown me and not pay my fees again. Ciara: Hmmm 😐 then tell your mom, it’s her husband she’ll try to convince him on your behalf. Just do the right thing, think of Maddie’s life too. Jamal: Okay I’ll think about what you’ve said. Daniel couldn’t find Ciara in her room so he went back to his room. He kept calling her but she didn’t answer his calls. His older sister Fafa came to see him because she heard he got into a fight and wanted to make sure he’s alright. To be continued. Watch out for season 2 Join @bigggstepper for me All questions and suggestions to @sassyyy_ara or @bigggstepperbot © Accra Living
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Repost from Stepper 🦋❤️
ACCRA LIVING 🥴 By: MAAME ARABA (@sassyyy_ara) SEASON ONE (The game) EPISODE 10 Previously After Ciara and Daniel had their talk, Ciara run out of the room and Daniel followed. He bumped into Terrence and they ended up in a fight. ******* Ciara was running back to her room, but she met Jamal on the ground floor of the hostel. Jamal was on his way back to the guest house but decided to find out why Ciara was crying. Jamal: Hey... Ciara wait. Are you okay? Ciara was still running, Jamal had to run after her. He pulled her by the hand and asked. Jamal: Are you going for some sort of marathon? Ciara: Please leave me alone 😭 Jamal: What’s wrong? Ciara: I’m okay, I just want to be alone please Jamal: It’s your boyfriend right? What did he do? Ciara: Nothing 😭 Jamal: Lets sit down and talk Ciara: No I want to go to my room Jamal: It won’t take long She followed him and they went to sit on a lovers bench under one of the trees 🌳 on the school’s campus. Jamal gave her a shoulder to cry on and didn’t ask her anything till she stopped crying. After she stopped crying, he gave her tissue to wipe her tears 😭. Jamal: What happened? Ciara: I broke up with him Jamal: Oh that’s nice 🙂 but why? Ciara: It’s a lot... Jamal: I have time, tell me. What happened? Ciara: Someone sent me this phone (she showed him the phone she was holding) I thought it was him because he’s the only one I asked for a phone but he said it’s not him and that it’s Terrence. He thought I was cheating on him with Terrence, I got mad when he said that and I told him about you and I. Jamal: And? Ciara: He said you were just going to play me, which is the obvious.. Jamal: Eh? Daniel said I’d play you? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Tsw, he’s not any better. Ciara: I know, so I told him everything I knew about him that he was hiding from me and we broke up. I don’t know why I’m hurt, I’m not supposed to cry besides I don’t love him anymore. Jamal: You do, you do love him but he’s a jerk. Wait, did Terrence really get you the phone? Ciara: I’m yet to ask him Jamal: Terrence dier he fool o🤦🏽‍♂️.... who even sent him?🤦🏽‍♂️ Ciara: Maybe it’s not him Jamal: It’s him! Terrence doesn’t know what to do with his money o, I hope you’re not into him though 🙂 Ciara: I’m not Jamal: Good, I’m still in a comfortable lead 😂 Ciara: Jamal, I’m not just some object you boys can just pass to each other Jamal: I know, I know, I was just kidding Ciara: Where were you going? I didn’t hear from you last night after you left Jamal: Yeah I got caught up with something Ciara: What thing? Jamal: Nothing serious ☺️ Ciara: So now you’re also hiding things from me, I thought you were different 😔 Jamal: No! it’s not like that Ciara: Then tell me, the truth, please don’t lie Jamal: I got my small girl pregnant Ciara: Ei 😂, your "small girl", why how old is she? Jamal: Old enough 🙂 Ciara: So What are you going to do now? Jamal: Please don’t tell anyone about this. I trust you and that’s why I’m telling you. She’s five months pregnant 🤰. I’m not ready to have a kid, I want her to get rid of it, but I’m scared. I don’t want her to die in the process. Ciara: This is very serious... Jamal: Yes I know right, my parents are gonna kill me if they find out. Ciara: How many girlfriends do you even have? Jamal: Maddie, Fafa, you and some other’s that I don’t count. Ciara: Me? Jamal: Ei sorry o😂, but yeah you, I really like you miss, even though I know you still love that boy 🤦🏽‍♂️. He doesn’t deserve you, none of us do actually, not even Terry. Terry is like the worst honestly 😂, he’s so childish and he thinks he can buy any girl. Ciara: I know right, I’m really mad at him. You and I can’t be together Jamal: Then you’ll be my best friend 🙂 Ciara: Not with benefits Jamal: Oh !💔 I beg 🥺 Ciara: No benefits, just friendship, I’m actually tired and I don’t want to be in any type of entanglement with any boy, not even friends with benefit. Jamal: Yes ma’am Ciara: So Maddie is pregnant 🤰 or it’s Fafa? Jamal: It’s Maddie Ciara: You have to man up and accept your responsibility
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Repost from Stepper 🦋❤️
I really love you Ciara, I hid things because I didn’t want to lose you. I’m so sorry 😔 Ciara: Well you’ve already lost me 🙂 Daniel: Please don’t say that. Please 🥺, we can fix this. Ciara: There’s nothing to fix let’s just end things here. Daniel: No! Please I promise I’ll change please, I really need you, I don’t know what I’d do without you, Cece I love you, I really want you in my future, please don’t leave me. Ciara: I’m sorry but I can’t do this anymore. I’m sorry I hurt you but I can’t be with you anymore, maybe we can be friends. Daniel: No, I don’t wanna be just friends, baby please. I’ll change please, please don’t leave me. Ciara: You have other girls so why do you wanna keep me? Daniel: I don’t care about the other girls, you’re the one I love Ciara: So why are you with them? Daniel: They’re the one’s always throwing themselves at me and I figured I’d just have fun with them, there’s nothing between Edith and I anymore and I’ll end things with the others too but please don’t leave me. Ciara: I have to 🙂. Have a nice day. Daniel: Baby... She run out of the room and he followed her. Terrence was heading towards Jo’s room when he saw Ciara running down stairs, he tried to stop her but she run past him. Daniel on the other hand bumped into him. Terrence: Hey CEO 😂, how’s your love life ? Why’s your girl running away from you? Daniel tried to ignore and walk away but Terrence wouldn’t let him. Terrence: Why? Are you scared now? Did she leave you? I got her a phone did you see it? It was just a small gesture and she already left you awww 😂. Imagine if I got her something bigger like a car for instance. Daniel: That’s all you know, buying things for girls with your daddy’s stolen money. Terrence: So wait, she left you? Just like that? Wow !😂. I got her a phone and she left you? Damn! I told you Danny boy, we could have done this the easy way but you opted for war, so war it is! At this point Daniel couldn’t control his anger anymore and he punched Terrence in the face. Terrence kept laughing and said. Terrence: Hit me, hit me harder, your next home will be jail. Can your parents bail you? Daniel hit him again and again and again until boys came around to stop them. Terrence was still laughing. Terrence: Upon all these punches I’ll still take your woman 😂. Sorry okay, don’t go and die o. Daniel wanted to hit him again but the boys held him back. To be continued Join @bigggstepper for more. All questions and suggestions to @sassyyy_ara or @bigggstepperbot © Accra Living
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Repost from Stepper 🦋❤️
ACCRA LIVING 🥴 By: MAAME ARABA (@sassyyy_ara) SEASON ONE (The game) EPISODE 8 Previously... Daniel went with Ciara to his hostel room after she broke the news to him that she had received the phone. ************ Earlier that day Jamal didn’t say a word to Maddie. He got her food and all but he just didn’t say a word to her. He went out without telling her anything. Jamal went to meet his friend Dylan. Dylan had worked at a pharmacy before he started school so he had some knowledge about drugs, when Jamal’s girlfriend Fafa got pregnant one time it was Dylan that got him drugs to help her abort the pregnancy. Jamal had to go to school to meet him immediately to get drugs to help Maddie abort the baby because he wasn’t ready to be a father. Dylan sent Jamal to some "native doctor" friend of his to get some concoction for Maddie since her pregnancy was 5 months old. Dylan: Boss you sure say ego work? Native Doctor: Definitely, make sure she eats very well before drinking this, it’s very strong. Jamal: Bossu will it kill her or cause infections? Native Doctor: D33bi D33bi (no, no) it won’t. This is the best medicine for abortion. So many women have tried this and they didn’t die. She’ll be fine don’t worry. Jamal: When she takes it what will happen? Native Doctor: She will bleed and she’ll feel some small pains but after that she’ll be okay. Dylan: Thank you boss, you do all They paid and went back to school. Jamal went to his room to get some clothes for himself and Maddie, he left the concoction on a desk in his room and his roommate (Ekow) saw it and asked about it. Ekow: Jamal where you go get this? Jamal: Some native Doctor bi, why? Ekow: Your woman dey preg again? Jamal: Yeah but e no bi Fafa Ekow: But why say you no go use the medicine way you use jie Fafa ein own? Jamal: This one e bi 5 months Ekow: Ei chale you fuck up o Jamal: Hm Ekow: But I no go advice say you go use this o Jamal: Secof? Ekow: That be what Jeff take give Stacey way she die nu, e make she bleed aaaarn Jamal: The Jeff wey dey jail rydee nu? Ekow: Yeah that be why he dey jail Jamal: Ei Ekow: You for try something else secof this medicine bi too strong Disclaimer 🚫: I had to use Pidgin English because I’m trying to make it as realistic as possible. If you don’t understand Pidgin here’s what it means. Dylan sent Jamal to a native Doctor to get some concoction for Maddie so she can abort the baby. Jamal went back to his room after that to get some clothes for himself and Maddie, he left the concoction on a desk in the room while packing the clothes. Ekow (his roommate) saw it and asked him what he was going to use it for. After Jamal told him about Maddie’s case Ekow advised him not to give the concoction to Maddie, because one his friends, named Jeff gave the same thing to his girlfriend Stacey and she died and now Jeff is in jail. ************* Ciara noticed that Daniel was quite moody when she told him about the phone so when they got to the room she asked him why. Ciara: Baby why aren’t you happy? What’s wrong? Daniel opened his drawer and took out the same phone that Ciara was holding, fresh in a box. Daniel: This is what I got for you. I was going to give it to you this evening after church service. So where did you get that phone from? Ciara: Ah Daniel are you sure? Daniel: YES‼️ Ciara: Then who gave this to me? Daniel: I should be asking you that Ciara: Well I don’t know 🤷‍♀️ Daniel: Oh please don’t give me that! You know! You definitely know! It’s not a coincidence that you asked me for a phone and boom another person decided to gift it to you. Who else did you ask? Ciara: You’re the only one I asked Daniel: Oh really? What’s going on between you and Terrence? Ciara: I already told you he’s just an acquaintance. Daniel: Then why did your acquaintance warn me to stay away from you? Ciara: What are you talking about? Daniel: Don’t play dumb with me! 🤬 Oooh okay I now understand. Terrence came to visit you last night.
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Repost from Stepper 🦋❤️
Thanks for the surprise, I wasn’t expecting it today. Daniel was surprised himself, at this point everyone around was looking at them so he played along to avoid embarrassment. Daniel: Oh this phone.... yeah I decided to get it for you today. Baby it’s nothing 🙂. She hugged 🤗 him again and after that he went with her to his hostel room. To be continued... Join @bigggstepper for more All questions and suggestions to @sassyyy_ara or @bigggstepperbot ©️ Accra Living
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Repost from Stepper 🦋❤️
ACCRA LIVING 🥴 By: MAAME ARABA(@sassyyy_ara) SEASON ONE EPISODE 7 Previously.. Maddie finally told Jamal that she is pregnant. Jamal: Who’s the father? Maddie: Jamal how can you ask me that? I just said it’s yours you’re the father. You know I don’t sleep around with other boys, have you forgotten you broke my virginity? Jamal: Well why did you let me? Maddie: You promised I wasn’t going to get pregnant, you insisted I let you do it to prove to you that I love you, so what are you saying now? Jamal: I’m sorry He made her sit on the bed, he got up and started pacing around in the room. Jamal: This is a lot for me to process right now. Maddie I’m not ready to be a father Maddie: Well you should have thought of that before you had sex with me Jamal: But I used a condom Maddie: And it broke Jamal: But then I gave you money to buy a contraceptive, did you buy it? Maddie:........😐 Jamal: Madelyn! Did you buy it? Maddie: Baby you know I live in an estate right....? Jamal: And so? Maddie: There’s only one pharmacy in my neighborhood and it’s run by mom’s friend. There’s no way I could have gone to buy a contraceptive, she’d tell my mom. Jamal: Did you tell me? Maddie: I’m sorry Jamal: You’re sorry that you were careless and now you’re pregnant? Or you’re sorry that you’re gonna have to get rid of it because I am not ready to be a father!? (At this point he was screaming) Maddie: You’re yelling at me 🥺 Jamal: Of course I’m yelling! What you did was very childish. Maddie I thought you were a smart girl but no! You’re just a little spoilt brat Maddie: Jamal! 😭💔 Jamal: Oh please don’t start with those crocodile tears. You’re gonna get rid of it. Maddie: I can’t 😭, I’m already five months in Jamal: Eh? Maddie: Calculate it! I’m five months pregnant 🤰. If you were not ignoring my calls we could have solved this but you were busy falling in love with someone else Jamal: Don’t you dare guilt trip me! I don’t care if you’re five months pregnant. You will get rid of it, wether you like it or not! Jamal left her in the room and Maddie covered herself with the sheets and cried bitterly. Later that night he went back to the room to sleep. Maddie pretended to be asleep to see what he’d do. He first laid flat beside her then later got up and raised her dress to see her tummy, perhaps it was a lie, but no it wasn’t. She was pregnant and it was obvious. She already had a small bump developing but then because she was pretty petite, every time she wore clothes it covered it up. Jamal just laid beside her thinking until he eventually fell asleep. Throughout the night Maddie made sure she wrapped her arms around him tightly to prevent him from running away even in her sleep. He woke up to pee at a point and she woke up too, just to monitor him. The next day: ***************** Ciara and Grace were in their room conversing and just going about their regular activities when Ciara received a call that a package had arrived for her. She went for it and opened it immediately she got back to her room. When she saw what was in the package she screamed. Ciara: Oh my Gooooood!😱, Grace it’s my phone 🥺. Finally! I’ve been waiting for so long. Grace: Ei it’s nice o 😍, iPhone 13 pro max, Daniel has done well. Ciara: I’m so happy🥰. My dream phone, oh my God! I’ll marry this Danny boy. Grace: Ei madam! 😂 I thought you said you don’t love him? Ciara: I’ve changed my mind 😂 I’ll marry. Initially I was doubting he could get me the phone, but now I know he’s a man of his word. Ciara was so happy, she called Daniel to say thank you but he didn’t answer, so she took the new phone along with her and went to his hostel. He wasn’t there either but his roommate told her he’d be at the canteen, she went there and he was there. He had joined a queue to buy some snacks for himself. When Ciara saw him she run to hug him and jumped into his arms. Ciara: awww baby thank you so much 🥰🎉, I love you. Thank you 🥰💃 Daniel: Baby what are you thanking me for? Ciara: For the phone, baby it’s so nice and it’s just the color I wanted 🥰.
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