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/pol/ 4chan

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📝 309 replies canadian White Women rejects indian international student Indian student calls her racist
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📝 316 replies How will femoids cope with robowaifus? I can’t wait for AI to exterminate the roasties and for android girls to suck the soul out of my penis
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📝 302 replies You VILL live in ze pod
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📝 301 replies American names of people are tools Americans call their children, like it is a tool. Are you a tool?
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📝 306 replies You guys saved my life I don’t care how ruthless this website can be. You are all the most real people I have ever encountered in my life and I’m absolutely grateful to have found /pol/. I didn’t get the vax and started taking care of myself because of advice from real anons (not shills/feds). For the first time in my life I have purpose and am proud of myself. I will dedicate my entire existence to making the world a better place. Thank you. Be happy and be positive, that’s the greatest fuck you to the Jews you could ever do.
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📝 304 replies What are you white guys doing since you don't work anymore?
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📝 308 replies BREAKING: TRUMP TO BAN PORN what are the political implications of this? based or cringe? will /pol/ still shill for him? and what do the jews think of this? surely they'll hate him for it
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📝 305 replies This is your average German FDP politician What are the political implications of politicians literally eating shit and putting dildos up their asses?
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📝 304 replies Please kind denizens of the political incorrect catalog, may I have a /pol/ humor thread (or humour if you prefer)?
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📝 301 replies dating for women is BRUTAL when they reach their 30s. They discover that men sleep down, but date up. Sloppy vaginas don't recover from that BRUTAL realization. This one even REGRETS rejecting NICE GUYS!!
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