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Bahati & Diana Marua Breakup Drama or Masterful Marketing

Dive into the whirlwind of drama surrounding Bahati and Diana's recent social media posts hinting at a possible breakup! In today's video, we unravel the couple's history of sparking rumors right before dropping major news. Have they mastered the art of controlling the narrative, or is this time different? Join us as we explore the impact of their cryptic messages on fans, fellow celebrities, and what it could mean for their careers. From strategic moves to genuine emotions, we're breaking down every angle of this celebrity saga. Don't forget to like and share this video if you love keeping up with celebrity news! #BahatiAndDiana #CelebrityNews #SocialMediaFrenzy #BreakupRumors #trending #kenya

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New Horizons East Africa and South Korea Forge Strategic Trade Alliances

Explore the groundbreaking Korea-Africa Summit, a pivotal event marking a new era in international relations and economic partnership. This video delves into the historical significance of the inaugural summit, highlighting potential transformative impacts on economic ties between South Korea and Africa. We uncover the key sectors—technology, agriculture, and infrastructure—set to benefit from South Korean expertise and investment. Featuring insights on the active roles of prominent leaders like Kenya’s President William Ruto and Tanzania’s President Samia Suluhu Hassan, this analysis provides a comprehensive look at the opportunities for collaboration and economic evolution. Dive into this global milestone with us! Like and share this video to spread the word about this significant event! #KoreaAfricaSummit #EconomicPartnership #GlobalRelations #Technology #Agriculture #Infrastructure #kenya #tanzania

New Crusade Prayer dictated by the Mother of Salvation on the Feast of the Most Holy Trinity in which she says. "Here is a very special Crusade of Prayer, which I have been directed by the Most Holy Trinity, to bequeath to the world. It must be said every day.” Crusade Prayer 171 The Mother’s Prayer of Protection
O Holy Mother of God, come to me at this time in my hour of need. 
Offer my intentions to your Son, Jesus Christ, when I am drowning in sorrow. 
Free me from the fear and hurt inflicted upon me for following the path of Christ. 
Protect all souls from physical and mental oppression in times of turmoil ahead. 
Pray, pray, pray for the darkness in the world to be lifted and free us from the perils of the evil one, and those who carry out his devious plans to destroy humanity. 
Fill me with the gift of seeking out God’s help when doubts fill my soul as to His promises to redeem humanity from the clutches of evil. 
Cover us with your protection and peace. Give us the solace and the strength we need to serve Jesus until our dying breath. 
Pray that our suffering will bring relief to souls who are in darkness and help them to seek the salvation that God has promised them through Jesus’ death on the cross.  Amen. 
Mother of God, Mother of Salvation. Note: Maria was given to understand that we must, as a matter of importance: Wear the Seal of the Living God Scapular at all times and pray Crusade Prayer 33 every day. Wear the Seal Crucifix and or St Benedict Crucifix, if possible. Bless ourselves daily with Holy Water. Carry our Rosary beads on our persons at all times. Receive the Sacraments as often as possible. Pray the Holy Rosary daily
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God the Father: One of most urgent Messages to mankind Tuesday, 2 August 2011 @ 20:15 I come in the name of My Son, Jesus Christ. I am God the Father and wish to communicate to the whole world. It is my intention to put a stay on the severity of the chastisement, to give mankind a chance to open their hearts to the truth of My Existence. They, My precious children, must know that I am a God, firstly of mercy and then of justice. My Mercy has been stretched to extraordinary limits. I will, because of the power of prayer, hold my hand back, in mercy, so that man can alleviate the hatred that is manifested in many souls throughout the world. Beware, My children, when I warn you that failure to stop sin from spreading will result in a chastisement that will destroy much of mankind. Such a chastisement will not have been witnessed since the days of the flood that destroyed the Earth in the time of Noah. I will no longer allow you, my ungrateful children, to destroy those who have shown allegiance to me. Nor will I stand back and allow the one world order to contaminate my creation, My children, my Earth. Heed now this, one of the final warnings being given to mankind. Turn away now from the way of sin and you will be saved. Turn away from your blind devotion to the lure of Satan and his seductive charms, which attract you by means of love of oneself and of material wonders. Should you continue to desecrate this beautiful world, created out of love for you, in the way you do, it will not be there for you to inflict any further damage. I am the God of love, slow to anger, but my patience is running out. Those who continue to maim and destroy My children, through war and control of the world’s finances, know that your days are numbered. Your chance of redemption now will be your last. Should you not respond appropriately during the great gift of mercy that is The Warning, then you and your minions will be destroyed. My glory will be known to every man, woman and child. Those who choose the path to My Kingdom will have everlasting life. Those who do not will experience a darkness the like of which they could never imagine nor want. Followers of Satan, who knowingly idolize his wickedness, hear now my promise. You, my lost children, will be offered the hand of love and peace once more, during The Warning. Grasp it, for it will be your lifeline back into the bosom of My Love. Ignore my pleas and you will suffer for eternity, never to return to the fold of my cherished family. This now, My daughter, is one of the most important warnings to save your brothers and sisters from the torturous fires of eternal damnation. King of the Most High God the Almighty Father Note: for those who do not understand the term, “put a stay on the severity” this means hold back – postpone for the present.
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Humility is more than just the acceptance of suffering. It is a powerful means of defeating evil Thursday, 13 December 2012 @ 18:11 My dearly beloved daughter, the gift of humility must be earned. It must never be confused with cowardice. It was because of my own humility that Satan was fooled and, as such, lost the right to win all souls and curse them with eternal damnation. Satan is arrogant, boastful, deceitful, and full of self-love and hatred. The battle for souls was won through the act of humility when I, the King of mankind, allowed myself to be belittled, tortured, scorned, mocked and tormented by sinners infested with the hatred of Satan. It is impossible for the beast to feel humility. He knew of the power of God and how tough his battle against his children would be. He expected me to, not only proclaim the word of God, but to demonstrate my authority amongst men by declaring myself before them in an exalted state of majesty. Even then he was confident of defeating my mission. What he did not expect was my refusal to condemn my executioners, or the humility I showed. My failure to engage with my tormentors meant that they had no power over me. My tolerance of the scourging, mocking and persecution only further diluted the power of the evil one. He never expected this and tried everything, including physical torture, to get me to renounce the human race. It was my acceptance of My Death, the sacrifice made by My Father, to permit my Crucifixion, that man was set free from sin. This was the first battle fought and won. This is how the second battle will be fought, to bring humanity back into My Kingdom, so that they can enjoy eternal life. He, the beast and all of his fallen angels, tempt many souls so that many are deceived and do not accept My Existence. Many of those who do are fighting hard, through the temptations placed before them, to ignore My Call at this time from Heaven. Then there are those who pose as servants in My Church who are planning, along with the elite group, to destroy millions. They will do this by blocking My Word and then by physical persecution. Their final betrayal against God’s children will be witnessed by all. The souls I am most concerned about are those atheists and young people who have not been taught the truth. I urge all of you who acknowledge me, Your Jesus, to bring them to me. I surround them with My Light and protection and I will fight the evil one right up to the last second for these souls. You must march forward, my brave disciples, and try to block out the evil which surrounds you. If you engage with those who are desperate to stop this mission you will fail me. Why, you may ask, are these people so desperate to block My Word? The answer is that it has always been like this where I walk, where I talk and where I am present. Move and keep close to me. My power will cover you and you will be protected. But do not take your eyes off me because there are many who will threaten you, insult you, try to trip you up. When you hear the arrogant, but disorderly, verbal rants thrown at you, you will know what to do. The more determined your adversaries are, in trying to convince you that it is not I, Jesus Christ, the King of mankind, who speaks with you now, then you will know that I am truly present amongst you. I walk with you as you stay close to me. Your silence and refusal to engage with those taunts will keep you strong. Let those who shout abuse and ridicule My Holy Word do what they do. Pray for them hard, for they are in need of your help. Think of it like this. Look at all of these people as if they are gathered together in a room and that they are only little children. When you look at young children you feel a deep love because of their vulnerability. You see the reliance they have for their parents and guardians and you feel overwhelmed by the love you have in your hearts for them. Some of these children will behave according to what they have been told is the correct way to behave.
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Others show cruelty to the other children. And while you may be appalled by their behaviour, you know that you must correct them, and then punish them, if they continue to refuse to behave properly. Above all, you still love them, no matter what they do as they are the precious children of loving parents. This is the way My Father feels for all of his children. It does not matter what they do because he still loves them. But he will not allow some of his children to destroy his other children and he will punish them, but only so that he can re-unite his family. When you pray for those who offend God and who hurt his children, you cause terrible suffering to Satan, who loosens the grip he holds over the person for whom you pray. Humility is more than just the acceptance of suffering. It is a powerful means of defeating evil. By praying for those who torment you, you bring me a great gift of true love. A special love for me, Your Jesus. I will continue to instruct you, my disciples, so that you will remain strong and faithful to My Teachings. It is in these times of great apostasy, that my holy gospel and My Messages, now being given to prepare you, must be spread throughout the world in my campaign to save souls. Your Jesus
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Angelic Crown of God And.....PAPERBACK (2).pdf2.99 MB
THE ANGELIC CROWN OF GOD AND MARY, THE MYSTICAL ROSE THE 21 PROMISES BRIEFLY (THE EXPLANATION OF THEM IS IN THE INTERVIEW) A POWERFUL DEVOTION FOR THE END TIMES 1. Whoever prays the Angelic Crown will be saved from all punishment and will avoid the first death during the time of the seventh seal of the apocalypse 2. Whoever prays the Angelic Crown will be among those saved with the relief of the elect. 3. Whoever prays the Angelic Crown will see the risen Jesus come on the clouds 4. Whoever prays the Angelic Crown will have a special protection from the seven archangels both before and during the apocalypse 5. Whoever prays the Angelic Crown will contribute to driving out every kind of demon from the earth, water, fire, air and underground; 6. Whoever prays the Angelic Crown will be among the inhabitants of the heavenly Jerusalem which will descend upon Dozulé 7. Whoever prays the Angelic Crown will never lose faith in Christ and the Catholic Church 8. Whoever prays the Angelic Crown will save 21 relatives in purgatory so they may benefit from the joys of paradise. 9. Whoever prays the Angelic Crown will take away from the hands of the devil 21 relatives bound in vice, atheism or false belief. 10. Whoever prays the Angelic Crown will help the Lord and angels to save the righteous from other religions. 11. Whoever prays the Angelic Crown will help the Lord and angels to renew the face of the earth. 12. Whoever prays the Angelic Crown will receive all the gifts of the second Pentecost. 13. Whoever prays the Angelic Crown will receive a crown it's noble title from the hands of Our Lady, Mystical Rose. 14. Whoever prays the Angelic Crown will receive not only the protection of their guardian angel but also the protection of the seven archangels of the Apocalypse (this promise is another claim to angelic protection, especially during the three days of darkness) 15. Whoever prays the Angelic Crown with faith and love will be healed of their own ills and have the grace to heal those who want it. 16. Whoever prays the Angelic Crown will protect their own house and none of their belongings will be taken; however believing this requires a special faith that comes from God alone through prayer and reading the Holy Scriptures. 17. Whoever prays the Angelic Crown will receive special revelations to understand the Bible and end-time events so they will not become confused or be frightened. 18. Whoever prays the Angelic Crown will be able to climb the mystic staircase and know the secrets of heaven. 19. Whoever prays the Angelic Crown will become a friend of the angels and archangels and will see their own patron saints. 20. Whoever makes the Angelic Crown known will be named in the BOOK OF LIFE with a special title. 21. Whoever spreads the use of the Angelic Crown in other nations will have a special place in the HEAVENLY JERUSALEM among the elect and the new kings of the renewed earth.
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At that moment, my mother was given a special grace. She lifted up her two fingers and she pointed upward, as to tell me to look up. I don’t know what I saw. But immediately, upon my looking up, some terrible scales were removed from my eyes, my spiritual blindness. At that moment, I was shown something that had happened to me while I was alive. A patient had come in to see me and she had said to me, “Look, Doctor, I feel very sorry for you. You are a very materialistic person. Whenever you find yourself in imminent danger, whatever it maybe, plead to Jesus to cover you with His precious blood. He will never, never abandon you because He paid the price for you with His blood.” In spite of all the pain that had taken over me at that moment, I yelled out, “Jesus Christ, have mercy on me. Forgive me. Give me a second chance.” That was the most beautiful moment. He came down from the light; he pulled me out of that hole; he placed me on the flat surface. And he said to me, “You are going to be allowed to go back. You are going to get a second chance but not because of the prayers of your loved ones because it’s normal that your loved ones pray for you. Instead, you are getting a second chance through the prayers of all those who do not know you and have prayed for you.” You want to know what was shown to me, brothers and sisters? I saw the great power of intercessory prayer! You want to know how to be in the presence of God daily? Don’t pray for your children; instead, pray for the children of all the persons in the world. Don’t pray for youselves; pray for all those who are suffering the same trials that you are suffering. I saw how millions and millions of flames were going up to heaven. I was shown what those little flames represented. They represented the prayers said by all the persons who were touched and moved by the news of my being struck by lightening. The news came out on the newspaper and on TV. Many, many people offered many different forms of prayer for me. The biggest gift that you can offer a human being is the Eucharist because the Eucharist is not an endeavor of man but rather of God! You want to know why I am here today before you? I am here today because there is a saint in my country. His flame was the biggest of all flames, the biggest, the biggest of all. When our Lord was showing all this to me, I was thinking to myself, “Who is this man who loves me so much?” The Lord showed me who he was. He was a very, very poor farmer. He lives at the foothill of St. Martha Mountain, in my country. The Lord showed me a little bit of his life. The Lord showed me everything that the farmer was going through. The Lord said to me, “Look. He doesn’t even have a piece of bread on his table for himself or for his family.” The Lord showed me how that farmer’s crop had been completely destroyed by fire. He had a few chickens left but the guerilla came and ate them. And on top of that, they were trying to recruit his older boy to serve in the guerilla. This poor farmer would come down to mass — the Lord made me pay attention to the farmer’s prayer. When he was in prayer, he would pray by saying, “Lord, thank you for my life. Lord, I love you. I praise you. Thank you for my children.” The only thing that came out this man’s mouth was praise and worship. The Lord showed me how at one point, this farmer had two bills in his pocket. He had a bill worth $10,000 pesos and a bill worth $5,000 pesos. That’s all he had. During the collection at mass, he put the $10,000 in the basket.
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When did I ever put paper money (a bill) in the collection basket? I would only put bills in the collection basket when I’d get a counterfeit one at the office. He gave $10,000 pesos in the offering. After mass, after receiving the Eucharist, he went to the store. And with the $5,000 pesos, he purchased a piece of bread and salt. The clerk at the store wrapped the piece of bread with a piece of newspaper from the previous day. The newspaper is called the Expectator. There was a picture of me on that piece of newspaper. When he got home and he was about to put that piece of bread away, he looks at my picture that was on that piece of newspaper. He was very, very, very touched by it. He could barely read. He began reading it with great effort, “O-d-o-n-t-o-l-o-g-i-s-t.” As he reads on, he cries, and cries, and cries, as though I were his daughter. At that moment, he tells out Lord, “Father, have mercy on my little sister. Lord, save her. Lord, if you save my little sister, I promise you that I’ll go to the sanctuary in Buga and I will make a special promise there. But save my sister, Lord.” Can you imagine that! This poor man had no money to eat, yet he made a promise to our Lord to go cross-country to fulfill this promise for me. He was simply asking God. He was not complaining or demanding anything of God. That moved God in a great manner. Thanks to him I am here today, brothers and sisters. The Lord pointed him out to me and tells me, “That is love of neighbor.” Right then and there, the Lord gave me my mission. He gives me my mission and he says to me, “All this that has transpired, you are not only going to repeat it a thousand times, but a thousand times a thousand. And woe to those who hear your testimony and do not change because they will be judged with greater severity, in the same manner that you are going to be judged with greater severity. Be it (priests), my anointed ones, or whoever because there is no greater deaf person than he/she who does not want to hear, nor is there greater blind person than he/she who does not want to see.” Brothers and sisters, this is not a threat. On the contrary, this is a God who is so in love with us. He’s letting you use this mirror, this very mirror, because he does not want you over there in that hole like I was. He wants you with him. But we must allow ourselves to be transformed by God. May the Lord keep you and let’s pray one for the other. God bless you. This little girls is the miracle that God gave me, with burned ovaries and all. Her name is Maria Jose. Say hello, daughter. God bless you.
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