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Synthesizer and Studio

Sawtooth, sinewave, rectangle... Hardware, software... but mostly hardware!! Links, to YouTube, Facebook, etc..

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Meeting of Modular Online #8 This event, hosted by Tokyo Festival of Modular,is happening right now. #TokyoFestivalOfModular #MeetingOfModular #Online #Event #Streaming #Performances #Talk #Workshops #Artist
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Meeting of Modular online #8

12月1日(土) 20:00~ 『Meeting of Modular online #7 』 guest : centre(centrevillage) HATAKEN SARAAM Z_Hyper Modular live tips : Centre Z_Hyper式モジュラー講座:lowpass gateについて Modular Report by Clockface...

Meeting of Modular Online #8
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Meeting of Modular Online Meeting of Modular, by Tokyo Festival of Modular, will be online in a few minutes. It will be streamed on YouTube. Date: November, 13th, 2021 #TFoM #MeetingOfModular #OnlineEvent #Performances #Talk #Workshops
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Meeting of Modular Online
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Future Retro - Vectra (Beta Testing) In this video, Future Retro is sharing some sounds, of the upcoming Vectra. #FutureRetro #Vectra #Digital #Hybrid #VCA #VCF #DAHDSR #LFO #Arpeggiator #Sequencer #FM #PWM #MIDI #Sync #AM #PhaseSlice
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Future Retro Vectra beta testing

Just scratching the surface of what the new Vectra synthesizer is capable of while beta testing some features... thought you might enjoy a sneak peak. All sounds from the Future Retro Vectra, additional effects from the Eventide Eclipse.

°Mod - mix sources: Random 1/2, key 1/2, velocity, aftertouch, mod - wheel, stick x/y, LFO, envelope, filter - envelope °Mod - mix amount: 0 to 100 °Output - gain: 1.00x to 5.00 °Filter - types: 4p low - pass, 2p low - pass, 1p low - pass, 2p band - pass, 2p high - pass, 2p notch °Filter - frequency range: Approximately 20 Hz to 20 kHz °Resonance: 0 to 100 °Key - tracking: Off/On °Modulation 1 source: LFO °Modulation 1 control: Off, random 1/2, key 1/2, velocity, aftertouch, mod - wheel, stick x/y, LFO - 4, filter - envelope °Modulation 2 source: Envelope °Modulation 2 control: Off, random 1/2, key 1/2, velocity, aftertouch, mod - wheel, stick x/y, LFO - 4, envelope - 4 °Modulation 3: Random 1/2, key 1, Velocity, aftertouch, mod - wheel, stick x/y, dc +, mix - 1, mix - 2, mix - 3, mix - 4, LFO - 1, env - 1, amplifier - envelope °Individual modulation - amounts: - 99 to 100 °Additional envelope - type: Drone °Envelope - amplitude modulation - control: Off, random 1/2, key 1/2, velocity, aftertouch, mod - wheel, stick x/y, LFO - 4, envelope - 4 °Keys: 29 °Scales: 29 °Linear - transpose: -12 to +16 °Scale - transpose: -12 to +16 notes °Octave - reiterations: -3 to +3 °Tempo: 10 to 250 bpm °Swing: 50% to 75% °Sequencer - modes: Play, arpeggiate, fill, Edit, real - time, auto °Max. steps per sequence: 16 °Sequencer - parts: Pitch, velocity, rhythm (note - on/off, glide, sustain) °Time - signatures: 1- 4, 2 - 4, 3 - 4, 4 - 4, 6 - 4, 8 - 4 °Directions: Down, up/down, up, random, (plus 25 complex directions) °Loop - point: 1 to 16 steps Price: $1100. If pre - ordering, a deposit of $550 has to be payed. Expected shipping is spring 2020. #FutureRetro #Vectra #Digital #Hybrid #Waveforms #Vector #VCA #VCF #DAHDSR #LFO #Sync #PWM #RingMod #MultiModeFilter #MorphEnvelopes #Joysticks #PhasSlice #Arpeggiator #Sequencer #MIDI
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Future Retro :: Latest News

Manufacturer of Syntheizer, Sequencer, MIDI, and Pro Audio Musical Instruments.

Future Retro - Vectra The latest product, by Future Retro, is called Vectra. It's a hybrid machine, with digital sound - generation and an analog filter and VCA and VCF. The Vectra can be pre - ordered and will be produced when the given contingent is reached. The Vectra has four oscillator (500 waveforms, with noise), five LFO (500 waveforms), six filter models (analog), six envelopes (loop - and morphable, DADHSR), mixer - stage (four channel), VCA (can be used in drone mode), an arpeggiator and a sequencer (16 steps). It's possible to generate FM, PWM, AM, sync, phase - slice, oscillator - glide, beat - detuning, oscillator - fade and ring - modulation. The Vectra is providing four joysticks, eight encoder, a touch - keyboard (29 notes) and a small display. It's a paraphonic machine (eight modes) and has a storage for 999 programs. There are no patch - points, like CV / Gate or analog - sync. Of course, there is MIDI. The power supply is external. Specifications: °Frequency - range: <0.01 Hz to 16.73 kHz °Analog modeled waveforms: Sine, triangle, sawtooth, square, pulse width modulated °Pulse - width range: 1% to 99% °Pulse - width modulation sources: Random 1/2, key 1/2, velocity, aftertouch, mod - wheel, stick x/y, LFO, envelope °Digital waveforms: 500 °Number of digital waveforms per oscillator: 2 °Waveform modulation types: PWM, slide, fade °Waveform start: 0 to 255 samples °Waveform modulation sources: Random 1/2, key 1/2, velocity, aftertouch, mod-wheel, stick x/y, LFO, envelope °Waveform modulation amount: 0 to 100 °Octave range: -7 to +5 °Pitch tuning: semitones °Fine - tuning: 128 steps per semitone °Constant beat detuning: -/+5.00Hz °Paraphonic modes: 8 total °Sync: Off/On, 0-360 degrees °Glide - time per oscillator: 0ms to 14.7 seconds °Key - tracking: On/Off °Modulation 1 source: LFO °Modulation 1 control: Off, random 1/2, key 1/2, velocity, aftertouch, mod - wheel, Stick x/y, LFO, envelope °Modulation 2 source: envelope °Modulation 2 control: Off, randon 1/2, key 1/2, velocity, aftertouch, mod - wheel, °Stick x/y, LFO, envelope °Modulation 3: Random 1/2, key 1/2, velocity, aftertouch, mod - wheel, stick x/y, filter - LFO, filter - envelope, amplifier - envelope °Total modulation - range: 0.5 to 10 octaves °Individual modulation - amounts: -99 to 100 °Analog modeled waveforms: Sine, triangle, ramp, sawtooth, square, random °Digital waveforms: 500 °Waveform - start: 0 to 255 samples °Initial frequency - range: 0.001 to 1001Hz (greater with key - tracking and - modulations) °Fine - tuning: 128 steps per semitone °Key - tracking: On/Off °Sync: Off/On, 0 - 360 degrees °Frequency - modulation sources: Random 1/2, key 1/2, velocity, aftertouch, mod - wheel, stick x/y, LFO, envelope, filter - LFO °Total modulation -range: 1 to 10 octaves °Modulation - amount: - 99 to 100 °Initial envelope - stages: Delay, attack, hold, decay, sustain, release, repeat / loop °Modulated envelope - stages: Delay, attack, hold, decay, sustain, release, repeat / loop °Normal envelope - contour: 5 °One - shot envelope - contour: 4 °Looping: On/Off, with repeat - time °Envelope - times per stage: 0ms to 14.7 seconds °Sustain - level: 0 to 100% °Key - sync: on/off (retriggering) °Attack - reset: Off/On °Time- - modulation sources: Off, random 1, key 1/2, velocity, aftertouch, mod-wheel, stick x/y °Mixer - channels: 4 °Sources: Oscillator (1 - 4) °Oscillator (1 - 4) controlled by envelope (1 - 4) °Oscillator (1 - 4) controlled by LFO (1 - 4) °Ring - modulation of osc 1 & 2, osc 2 & 3, osc 3 & 4, sc 4 & 1 °White - noise °White - noise controlled by envelope (1 - 4) °Pink - noise °Pink - noise controlled by envelope (1 - 4) °Mixer - types: Manual, envelope, one - shot, key - synced, free - running, modulated °Auto - mix x:y location - stages: 4 °Auto - mix stage - times: 0ms to 14.7 seconds °Mod - mix x:y location - stages: 2 °Mod - mix control - sources: Off, random 1/2, key 1/2, velocity, aftertouch, mod - wheel, stick x/y, LFO, envelope
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Future Retro - Vectra
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Waldorf - M | Trailer Another teaser - video, of the M by Waldorf. #Waldorf #M #Wavetable #Digital #Multitimbral #Microwave #PPG #LFO #Envelopes #VCA #VCF #MIDI
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Waldorf M Wavetable Synthesizer Trailer

Here is the brandnew Waldorf M Wavetable Synthesizer with analog filters and stereo VCA and much more to explore... More information on:

Waldorf - M | Sound - Demo Waldorf's product - teaser, for the M. #Waldorf #M #Wavetable #Microwawe #Modes #Polyphonic #FourPole #IndividualOut #Arpeggiator #Envelope #LFO #MultiMode #MIDI #USB #SDCard #Import
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Waldorf M Sounddemo

Sound demo for our brandnew Waldorf M Wavetable Synthesizer - no external effects and processing was used. More information about M:

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