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MISES Institute

Austrian Economics Freedom Peace 🔗

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There’s No Good Reason for the Fed to Have an Inflation Target Power & Market - Jonathan Newman Alexander Salter argues that “there’s no good reason to raise the inflation target,” and while he makes some valid points, his analysis goes awry because it is based on the faulty quantity theory of money. He says that the proponents of a higher inflation target erroneously believe that it would “give the Fed more wiggle room to ease policy, should recessionary pressures emerge.” Salter says that the Fed can still stimulate nominal spending even when interest rates hit the zero lower bound, a boundary that the Fed is more likely to bump into with a lower inflation target.
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Biden’s Blarney on Bank Fees Mises Wire - Kevin Van Elswyk While President Biden’s inflationary economy continues to falter, the president proposes to outlaw bank overdraft fees, ostensibly to help lower-income Americans. Bank fees, however, are not the biggest threat consumers face; inflation and intervention are the real threats.
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Biden’s Blarney on Bank Fees

While President Biden’s inflationary economy continues to falter, the president proposes to outlaw bank overdraft fees, ostensibly to help lower-income Americans. Bank fees, however, are not the biggest threat consumers face; inflation and intervention are the real threats.

Banning Fossil Fuels Will Make Heat Waves More Dangerous, Not Less Mises Wire - Connor O'Keeffe Environmentalists insist on banning fossil fuels and refrigerant gasses in order to end heat waves. That means people will face future heat waves (which will always be with us) without air conditioning, bringing even more heat-related deaths.
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Banning Fossil Fuels Will Make Heat Waves More Dangerous, Not Less

Environmentalists insist on banning fossil fuels and refrigerant gasses in order to end heat waves. That means people will face future heat waves (which will always be with us) without air conditioning, bringing even more heat-related deaths.

Trump’s Faulty Tariff Scheme Power & Market - David Brady, Jr. Donald Trump recently addressed top CEOs with a proposal that he sells as helping to reduce income taxes. Trump came out in favor of possibly abolishing income taxation and replacing it with tariffs to finance the federal government. It is likely that the trade-off is simply rhetoric to sell everyone on his protectionist policy, but it is still worth picking apart a critical flaw in the idea regardless.
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Trump’s Faulty Tariff Scheme

Donald Trump recently came out recently to top CEOs with a proposal that he sells as helping to reduce income taxes. Trump came out in favor of possibly abolishing income taxation and replacing it with tariffs to finance the federal government. It is likely that the trade-off is simply rhetoric to sell everyone on his protectionist policy, but it is still worth picking apart a critical flaw in the idea regardless.

Stop Taxing Tips Power & Market - Ron Paul Donald Trump recently promised that, if he wins the November election, he will support eliminating taxes on tips as part of his proposal to renew and expand the 2017 tax cuts. This tax law change would be a long overdue boost for millions of Americans.
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The Draft: Slavery Re-Imposed Mises Wire - Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr. No one has actually been drafted yet, but calls for “national service” are in the air. This is an excellent time, then, to go over what is wrong with drafting people into the armed services.
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The Draft: Slavery Re-Imposed

No one has actually been drafted yet, but calls for “national service” are in the air. This is an excellent time, then, to go over what is wrong with drafting people into the armed services.

The 45-Year-Old Cold War with Iran Is a Failure. It’s Time for a New Approach Mises Wire - Jacob R. Swartz The US and Iran have been mortal enemies since 1979. It is clear that the belligerent approach to dealing with Iran has failed. We need to engage policies that promote peace, not warfare.
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The 45-Year-Old Cold War with Iran Is a Failure. It's Time for a New Approach

The US and Iran have been mortal enemies since 1979. It is clear that the belligerent approach to dealing with Iran has failed. We need to engage policies that promote peace, not warfare.

Phony Civil Rights Mises Wire - Wanjiru Njoya The expansion of "civil rights" places emphasis upon "positive rights" that apply to specific groups with political privilege. This is a far cry from the concept of rights that helped build a free society in the United States.
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Phony Civil Rights

The expansion of "civil rights" places emphasis upon "positive rights" that apply to specific groups with political privilege. This is a far cry from the concept of rights that helped build a free society in the United States.

Thomas DiLorenzo Discusses Federal Reserve, Inflation, and Austrian Economics Power & Market - Thomas J. DiLorenzo On June 21, 2024, host Mike Maharrey and Mises Institute President Tom DiLorenzo discussed the real beneficiaries of the inflation continually created by the Federal Reserve, how our monetary policy harms savers and the elderly, why gold and silver should be viewed not necessarily as an investment but more as insurance, and why everyone should own this financial insurance. 🎥 Watch on YouTube
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Thomas DiLorenzo Discusses Federal Reserve, Inflation, and Austrian Economics

In a recent episode of the Money Metals Podcast, Mike Maharrey interviewed Tom DiLorenzo.

Lysander Spooner’s Flawed War on Poverty Mises Wire - Jarod Werner Lysander Spooner was one of this country’s most important libertarians. His views on economics, while flawed, are free market in principle and have some insights Austrians can appreciate.
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Lysander Spooner’s Flawed War on Poverty

Lysander Spooner was one of this country’s most important libertarians. His views on economics, while flawed, are free market in principle and have some insights Austrians can appreciate.

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