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Maria Rigoli Public Channel

Law is nothing without Truth and Justice

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Kansas AG Kris Kobach accuses Pfizer of misleading vaccine marketing in lawsuit

Attorney General Kris Kobach files a civil lawsuit against Pfizer, alleging deceptive marketing of its COVID-19 vaccine and violating Kansas's Consumer Protection Act.

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AI Apocalypse: UN100/Agenda 2045 Exposed – FULL SERIES! - Zeee Media

JAN 2, 2024 Maria Zeee takes us through a world-first exposé on UN100, Agenda 2045 and what the globalists are referring to as “The Age of Global Enlightenment” – a known Luciferian term. Maria introduces the vision driven by the UN to lock the whole world into a transhumanist nightmare coined the “AI World Society,”

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GileadGate exposed

Rebekah Barnett's bombshell FOIA investigation uncovers a web of vested interests in the cover-up of an identified cancer risk related to specific COVID vaccines.

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Explosive hearings: Philippine government briefed on the declining birth rate and skyrocketing excess deaths related to COVID vaccines

The Philippine House of Representatives is now actively investigating the surge in excess deaths and the decline in births following the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccines. The Joint House Committees on Public Order and Safety on Human Rights are addressing a 43% rise in mortality rates from 2021-2023, compared to a 2% rise in previous […]

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Australian GP sues Pfizer and Moderna over unapproved GMOs in mRNA Covid vaccines

The human genome could be permanently altered

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BREAKING: Perth cop loses vaccine mandate challenge in Supreme Court decision

Unvaccinated West Australian police officers to face disciplinary action

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WHO’s Pandemic Treaty is dead and the amended IHR has been all but neutralised

Nothing in WHO’s Pandemic Treaty can rise from the ashes of the negotiations to be voted on this week. The treaty is done.  And of the amended International Health Regulations articles that we…

Sign the Petition: Australia urgently needs a public post office bank - a ‘people’s bank’ - Citizens Party On 29 November 2023 Treasurer Jim Chalmers introduced the Treasury Laws Amendment (Reserve Bank Reforms) Bill 2023, to implement the RBA Review recommendations, including removing democratic accountability over the Reserve Bank. Unless the Australian people stop them, the Treasurer and Shadow Treasurer look set to elevate unelected central bankers above the authority of the elected government—enshrining a bankers’ dictatorship with no democratic protections against ideological monetary policies that crush the people but enrich the banks. Don’t let the major parties do a back-room deal to wave this bill through! Help fight to protect the most important democratic protection in Australian law by calling and emailing immediately: Treasurer Jim Chalmers: Electorate Phone - (07) 3299 5910 Parliament House - (02) 6277 7340 Email: [email protected] Shadow Treasurer Angus Taylor: Electorate Phone - (02) 4658 7188 Parliament House - (02) 6277 4362 Email: [email protected] Federal Senators in your state Click here for a list of Senators' contacts details for your State Your local Member of Parliament Click here to find your local MP’s details: Tell them they have no right to repeal Section 11 of the RBA Act, which would give up the power of democratic accountability over the RBA and the banking system that political giants in history like John Curtin and Ben Chifley fought so hard to establish.
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The House of Representatives has 151 Members, each representing one geographic area of Australia. Members are elected for a 3 year term and when in parliament take part in debate on proposed laws and public policy, representing the views of the people in their electorate.

2 May 2024—MEDIA RELEASE—The power of Senate inquiries: Westpac announces 3-year moratorium on regional branch closures Westpac has sought to pre-empt the recommendations of the Senate inquiry into bank closures in regional Australia by announcing a moratorium on regional branch closures until 2027. The inquiry, initiated by Senator Gerard Rennick and chaired by Senator Matt Canavan, is the most comprehensive parliamentary examination of bank behaviour in decades, receiving over 500 submissions, lasting 16 months, and holding 13 hearings from one end of Australia to the other, including Launceston in the southeast and Tom Price in the northwest; its report is due on 16 May.
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The power of Senate inquiries: Westpac announces 3-year moratorium on regional branch closures

Westpac has sought to pre-empt the recommendations of the Senate inquiry into bank closures in regional Australia by announcing a moratorium on regional branch closures until 2027. The inquiry, initiated by Senator Gerard Rennick and chaired by Senator Matt Canavan, is the most comprehensive parliamentary examination of bank behaviour in decades, receiving over 500 submissions, lasting 16 months, and holding 13 hearings from one end of Australia to the other, including Launceston in the southeast and Tom Price in the northwest; its report is due on 16 May.

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