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✅List of phrasal verbs : BACK ☘️Back off Meaning: Become less aggressive, particularly when one had appeared committed to act Example: You need to back off, or the situation could turn ugly. ☘️Back off Meaning: Lower the setting of Example: Could you back off the volume a bit? It’s really loud. ☘️Back onto Meaning: Reverse a vehicle onto something Example: The car backed onto my toe. ☘️Back onto Meaning: Overlook something from the rear Example: My house backs onto the canal. ☘️Back out Meaning: Reverse a vehicle from a confined space Example: He backed out of the garage. ☘️Back out Meaning: Withdraw from something one has agreed to do Example: She backed out of organizing the fund-raising. ☘️Back out Meaning: Undo a change Example: I had to back out the changes made to the computer when it became apparent that they had stopped it working properly. ☘️Back up Meaning: Move backwards, especially for a vehicle to do so Example: That beeping sound indicates that the truck is backing up. ☘️Back up Meaning: Move a vehicle backward Example: Back up the car a little, you’re blocking the driveway. ☘️Back up Meaning: Undo one’s actions Example: I couldn’t see how to finish the project, so I backed up and tried it another way. ☘️Back up Meaning: Reconsider one’s thoughts Example: This isn’t working. Let’s back up and think about it. ☘️Back up Meaning: Copy (data) as a security measure Example: Back up your documents folder before applying the update. ☘️Back up Meaning: Provide support or the promise of support Example: You should be careful. This guy is backed up by the local gang. ☘️Back up Meaning: Halt the flow or movement of something Example: When I flushed the toilet, the plumbing backed up and burst.
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*If you want to improve your English speaking skills, it is important to learn and use some common English sentences that can help you communicate effectively in different situations. Here are some examples of important sentences that you can use in daily life:* - *Introducing yourself: "Hello, my name is [name]." or "I'm [name], nice to meet you."* - *Greeting someone: "Good morning/afternoon/evening." or "Hey, how are you?"* - *Saying goodbye: "Bye, see you later." or "Have a nice day."* - *Asking for help: "Can you help me, please?" or "Could you please do me a favor?"* - *Apologizing: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." or "Please forgive me, I made a mistake."* - *Thanking someone: "Thank you very much." or "I really appreciate your help."* - *Making small talk: "How was your weekend?" or "What are your hobbies?"* - *Agreeing or disagreeing: "I agree with you." or "I don't think so."* - **Inviting someone: "Would you like to join me for lunch?" or "Do you want to go to the movies with me?"* - *Accepting or declining an invitation: "Sure, I'd love to." or "No, thank you, I'm busy."* - *Making a request: "Can I have a glass of water, please?" or "Could you please turn down the music?"* - *Giving permission: "Yes, of course." or "Sure, go ahead."** - *Refusing permission: "No, I'm afraid not." or "Sorry, you can't do that."* - *Making an appointment: "Can we meet tomorrow at 10 a.m.?" or "Is Friday afternoon good for you?"* - *Asking for information: "What time is it?" or "Where is the nearest bus stop?"* - *Giving information: "It's 3 o'clock." or "The bus stop is on the next street* ." - *Asking for clarification: "What do you mean?" or "Could you say that again, please?"* - *Giving clarification: "I mean..." or "Let me explain..."* - *Asking for an opinion: "What do you think of this book?" or "How do you feel about this issue?"* - *Giving an opinion: "I think it's a great book." or "I feel strongly about this issue."* - *Expressing likes and dislikes: "I like this song." or "I don't like this food."* - *Making a suggestion: "Why don't we go to the park?" or "How about ordering pizza?"* - *Offering something: "Do you want some coffee?" or "Can I get you anything?"* - *Accepting or declining an offer: "Yes, please." or "No, thank you."* - *Complimenting someone: "You look great today." or "You did a good job."* - *Responding to a compliment: "Thank you, that's very kind of you."* *Share Post*
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Happiness idioms: 1. On cloud nine - very happy and excited (बहुत खुश होना) He was on cloud nine when his sister came to visit him. 2. Have a whale of a time - to enjoy yourself very much; to have a fun time (खुश होना, आनंद लेना) We were having a whale of time, dancing and drinking. 3. Make someone's day - to make someone feel very happy (किसी को खुश करना) Her smile made my day 4. Walk on air - to feel extremely happy (अत्यधिक खुश होना) After he won the race, he was walking on air 5. Tickled pink - very amused or pleased about something (किसी चीज़ के बारे में अत्यधिक खुश होना) I was tickled pink to see her picture 6. In seventh heaven - extremely happy (बहुत खुश होना) She was in seventh heaven when they praised her cooking. 7. Over the moon - very happy (बहुत खुश होना) He is over the moon about/with his new car. 8. On top of the world - extremely happy or proud of something (बहुत खुश होना, गर्वित महसूस करना) When I heard the news I was on top of the world. Share @English_course_speaking
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📚 Top 35 IDIOM AND PHRASES 1. A big draw Meaning - To get attraction/attention/success Hindi Meaning- ध्यान खींचना, या सफलता पाना 2. A black sheep Meaning - An unlucky person, Bad characters Hindi Meaning- अषुभ व्यक्ति 3. A bolt from the blue Meaning - An unexpected piece of news or event Hindi Meaning- आकस्मिक घटना 4. A close shave Meaning - Something achieved (or escape) by a narrow margin Hindi Meaning- किसी चीज को बहुत कम रूप से प्राप्त करना 5. A closed book Meaning - The subject or person that you Hindi Meaning- अपरिचित बिषय या इंसान 6. A far cry Meaning - Notably different Hindi Meaning- काफी अलग 7. A hard nut to crack Meaning - A difficult problem Hindi Meaning- गंभीर समस्या 8. A laughingstock Meaning - A person or thing that is regarded as very foolish or ridiculous strange person Hindi Meaning- मजाक का पात्र 9. A live wire Meaning - Energetic Hindi Meaning- उर्जावान 10. A man of God Meaning - A male priest Hindi Meaning- पुजारी 11. A man of straw Meaning - A man with no voice or will of his own/ (a man of no substance Hindi Meaning- मामूली या अभावग्रस्त आदमी 12. A match made in heaven Meaning - A happy and harmonious marriage or partnership Hindi Meaning- खुषी देने वाली षादी या साथी 13. A penelope’s web Meaning - An endless job Hindi Meaning- कभी खत्म न होने वाली नौकरी 14. A shot in the arm Meaning - To encourage Hindi Meaning- प्रौत्साहित करना 15. A shot in the dark Meaning - A guess; without knowing what the result will be Hindi Meaning- अँधेरे में तीर चलाना 16. A sore point with Meaning - A subject that makes you feel angry or upset Hindi Meaning- कोई पीड़ादायक बिषय 17. A thorn in the flesh Meaning - A constant source of annoyance Hindi Meaning- काम में हमेषा होने वाली बाधा 18. A white elephant Meaning - An expensive but useless possession Hindi Meaning- महॅगा लेकिन बेकार 19. A wild goose chase Meaning - To try to impossible Hindi Meaning- व्यर्थ का प्रयत्न 20. Achilles’ heels Meaning - A small but fatal weakness Hindi Meaning- कमजोर पक्ष, दुखती रग 21. Add fuel to fire Meaning - To make a matter worse Hindi Meaning- आग में घी डालना 22. Against all odds Meaning - Despite many difficulties Hindi Meaning- कई समस्याओं के बावजूद 23. All at sea Meaning - Completely confused Hindi Meaning- पूर्णरूपेण भ्रमित 24. All eye for an eye Meaning - Tit for tat Hindi Meaning- जैसे को तैसा 25. All eyes Meaning - Watching very closely Hindi Meaning- बहुत बारीक नजर रखना 26. All in all Meaning - Most important Hindi Meaning- सबसे महत्वपूर्ण 27. An acid test Meaning - A critical test Hindi Meaning- गंभीर परीक्षण 28. An arm chair job Meaning - Good income job with high comfort Hindi Meaning- आसान एवं अच्छी आय वाली नौकरी 29. An axe to grind Meaning - Something done for selfish reasons Hindi Meaning- स्वार्थ से भरा उद्देष्य 30. An iron will Meaning - Strong will power Hindi Meaning- दृढ़ इच्छा षक्ति 31. An old flame Meaning - A person, one had a romantic relationship with, in the past. Hindi Meaning- पुराना प्यार 32. An old head on young shoulders Meaning - A child or young person who thinks and talks like an older and experienced person Hindi Meaning- अपनी उम्र से ज्यादा समझदार होना 33. An olive branch Meaning - Peace request/peace treaty Hindi Meaning- शांति निवेदन 34. An open book Meaning - To have no secret Hindi Meaning- खुली किताब 35. Apple of discord Meaning - Matter of dispute Hindi Meaning- झगड़े का कारण Share - @English_course_speaking
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Monsoon related words: 1. Drizzling - बूंदा-बांदी वर्षा 2. Pouring - मूसलधार वर्षा 3. Raining incessantly - लगातार बारिश होना 4. Deluge - बाढ़ आना 5. Downpour - मूसलधार वर्षा 6. Hail - ओले पड़ना 7. Mist - धुंध 8. Rainfall - वर्षा 9. Precipitation - बरसात का पानी 10. Humidity - नमी 11. Flood - बाढ़ आना 12. Sunny - धूप 13. Freeze - अत्यधिक ठण्ड होना 14. Storm - आंधी 15. Rainbow - इंद्रधनुष 16. Thunder - बिजली 17. Warm - गर्म 18. Windy - तूफ़ानी 19. Sleet - ओले के साथ वर्षा
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✅ Daily The Hindu Vocabulary | 01.06.2023 1. ACCOUNTABILITY (NOUN): (जवाबदेही): responsibility Synonyms: liability, answerability Antonyms: unaccountability Example Sentence:Lack of accountability damaged public respect for business and political leaders. 2. CONTEMPLATIVE (ADJECTIVE): (विचारशील): thoughtful Synonyms: pensive, reflective Antonyms: active Example Sentence:She regarded me with a contemplative eye. 3. BLISTERING (ADJECTIVE): (बर्बर): savage Synonyms: vicious, fierce Antonyms: mild Example Sentence:There was a blistering attack on the government's transport policy. 4.ASSERTIVE (ADJECTIVE): (आत्म विश्वासी): confident Synonyms: forceful, self-confident Antonyms: retiring Example Sentence:The job of a salesman calls for assertive behaviour. 5. ADUMBRATE (VERB): (पूर्वाभास देना): foreshadow Synonyms: outline, darken Antonym: illuminate, light up Example Sentence:The setting sun adumbrates the bridge to create a scenic view. 6. ASSAULT (VERB): (हमला करना): hit Synonyms: strike, smack Antonyms: defend Example Sentence:He pleaded guilty to assaulting a police officer. 7. HALT (VERB): (ठहरना): stop Synonyms: come to rest, pull up Antonyms: start Example Sentence:The pressure is growing to halt the bloodshed. 8. INSTITUTE (VERB): (आरंभ करना): install Synonyms: instate, induct Antonyms: dismiss Example Sentence:His sons were instituted to the priesthood. 9. MISLEAD (VERB): (बहकाना): deceive Synonyms: delude, lie to Antonyms: be honest Example Sentence:The government misled the public about the road's environmental impact. 10. IDENTICAL (ADJECTIVE): (समान): one and the same Synonyms: aforementioned, aforesaid Antonyms: different Example Sentence:She stole from the identical station at which she had been arrested before.
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A period of five years.Anonymous voting
  • Moue
  • Kimono
  • Lustrum
  • Yukata
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A person who draws and serves alcoholic drinks at a bar.Anonymous voting
  • Contraband
  • Tapster
  • Gerrymander
  • Tyranny
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A man who is rough or clumsy and unintelligent.Anonymous voting
  • Nether
  • Oaf
  • Pannier
  • Patter
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lacking in spirit or courage; dejected.Anonymous voting
  • Droopy
  • Regnant
  • Irascible
  • Thewless
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