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Archiving Irish Diversity Stuff (AIDS)

Irish Nationalist History & Politics Channel, with a side dish of shitposting. Use of the channel has changed since August 2020 but name stays cause its funny. No, I am not on Twitter at all. I repost stuff from Twitter.

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One thing is for certain this local election cycle: DUBLIN SAVED IRELAND’S HONOUR
Breaking Patrick Quinlan (NP) has been elected to Fingal Co Council.
Nearly 6,000 refugees ‘stuck’ in international protection due to inability to find housing, ESRI finds Admitting not only that Irish people are competing with foreigners for housing, but that foreigners are being given priority.
These people are the reason some candidates lost by 60 votes btw
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‘They need to understand what artificial mixing of species from all over the world does to native ecosystems’ Big agree, let’s close the borders
The Left, who are complaining that the Far Right are taking away votes from the Left and Sinn Féin to Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil’s benefit, are now celebrating celebrating Fine Gaelers and Fianna Fáilers immigrant councillors getting elected to own the Fash
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Seeing this being posted. Hugh if true, Quinlan may have just tied with a PBP candidate for the fifth and final seat in Blanchardstown-Mulhuddart. Fine Gael wanted a recount, so we won't know until tomorrow but chances of this being overturned by recount are very unlikely. PBP's efforts to recount Steenson's lead in North Inner City only managed to take one vote away from his 60-vote lead. This is again, why the above posts on voting, are important. Literally 1 more fucking vote and Quinlan would've been above PBP and more secure lol. Great win if this goes through, so say some prayers and we'll see at prob 10-11 am tomorrow morning.
"But the first duty of men who desire to foster Nationality, is to teach the People not only the elevating influence but the intrinsic advantage of the principle and the thing....every man in the country who has not an interest in the existing system ought to be shown, as clearly as an abstract truth can be demonstrated, that National feelings, National habits, and National government, are indispensable to individual prosperity." Charles Gavan Duffy, 'The Nation', Oct 15th 1842
It seems Sinn Féin did a poor local campaign and relied/were too confident on the public anti-FFG sentiment so didn’t put the on the ground effort and so just focused on social media advertising. They thought just running more candidates without doing the work would get them the victory. Thus, Nationalist and Independents candidates who were on the ground were able to swoop in and get those votes. Those who won or came close to winning did this.
As you can see, the FF/FG have the highest rates of meeting their voting base. Thus, the reason they still maintain large share. As well, these cllrs generally are doing the local shit like fixing potholes or whatever and are on the phone to people who want those minor issues solved. Sinn Féin seems to have fucked this up, their half of FF/FG, probably got too confident and thus played poor canvassing game.
We still have to wait for all counts to finish, but some key takeaways atm - Vote splitting has hurt, as stated in post back in March (see reply) - More cooperation is needed to avoid this, egos need to be put aside and people need to draw straws or something to figure out who's running where to avoid this. - Vote share totals are not that bad, many areas the nationalist vote is 5-20% which is good, just vote splitting is an issue in them - For example, the total nationalist vote in Dublin for Euros (excluding Boylan/Aontú) is 22,775 (6.0%). Including them and Aontú it's nearly 17%, which is FF/FG numbers. A lot of vote splitting though, as most would know given the size of the ballot. - Rural vote is still poor, still dominated by FF/FG & local Gombeens, head bangingly annoying - Seriously fuck any spastic still voting FFG - A lot of experience in how the system works etc has hopefully be earned by everyone, as well as electioneering etc. - Margins some candidates lost by were very thin, which is annoying but good sign. - Voter apathy is the biggest killer imo, there's a chunk of that 50% that didn't vote who probably would vote for nationalist but just didn't for whatever reason, that needs to be worked out. - On the above, and I'll post graph below, showing a big correlation to success is the number of times the voter has actually seen the candidate. More on the ground work is needed, and for the National Party in particular you can see the results Redmond and Quinlan achieved via their on the ground work, even if Redmond just about missed out and Quinlan is on the edge as I type, results for him tomorrow. It's also how Steenson won. - At minimum there have been independents and what not that were at least in some manor against Plantations that have gotten in, it's something. Boylan has a shot of getting in as MEP as I type, shaky ground and he's not 100% on everything, but still would be small victory to get someone in there. Even if not, whatever, rest of Europe is shifting right anyway. Overall, we won't be able to vote ourselves out of this mess, but we need to be ensuring there is a large mandate and pressure for change, so there needs to be showing regardless of how much you believe in Democracy etc. This won't be done by 'checking out of the system' as this isn't the Alaskan wilderness, there is nowhere to hide, this is Ireland, either you step into reality or be the reason your county council is full of Pajeets giving houses and activist funding to 1 billion Indians wanting entry.
Around 20 migrants have been elected via establishment parties using them as tokens and also getting extra funding because of DEI purposes. How did they get the votes? Well, most only need around 1500 votes to get in. And as we've seen, posted in Late Stage Ireland all week, these migrants will be dragging their communities to go out and get them in the polls. They have Facebook groups and WhatsApp chats encouraging their community to action, with the establishment party machines backing them for easy votes. You know what happens now that they are on the council? Nepotism and favourable treatment for housing and funding for all types of events and activities. How do you think ' X for All' gets their money? So you can act all smart that you 'don't participate with the system' but guess who is? Migrants, and they are going to use it against you, your family and your grandchildren
A cartoon depicting Daniel O’Connell leading an angry mob towards London We are literally going to have to go back to the O'Connell Repeal era of holding people's hands and walking them to the poll booths if that's what it takes
The very fact we have such thin margins of 50-80 votes to win just shows the people sitting on their arses not voting because they think they're to smart to do so are fucking retarded. Our enemies are bussing foreigners down to vote in whilst you have the voter apathy of 'system is broken anyway' etc etc - or whatever lazy excuse they can use to not just walk down 5 mins to the polling put and place numbers beside a photo. Coyle lost by 76 votes Steenson won with 59 votes ahead Quinlan is coming in tight for last spot to take but if he had 100 votes he'd be more secure Same story everywhere. This isn't thousands, its a few dozen. 50% of people who could turn out, didn't. Even 2.5% of those remaining came to vote Nationalist we'd have more success. Ah well, this is the first Nationalist locals, so next time any fucker doing the 'i dont believe in democracy voting etc' needs to just shut up and do something.
Kevin Coyle narrowly misses the final seat at the last count for Artane-Whitehall with 76 votes in the difference. But he can be very proud of a remarkable result for a first-time candidate, beating the Greens, People Before Profit, Labour and three Sinn Féin candidates. 👉🏻 join Late Stage Ireland
Good to see this prick seething
As explained before (see reply), the biggest victory is just getting the foot in the door. That’s the main thing, that and a decent 5-10% vote share among candidates per area, which in a lot of areas seems to be the case, in some areas it’s 20% or more. Even if many miss out on being elected, getting a few Cllrs and a 5-10% in multiple constituencies is a massive step up. It took Sinn Féin decades during the Troubles, when they were under heavy censorship as well, decades to achieve that. This is the very first local and somewhat the first European election where immigration has become a concern in Ireland, so it’s great to see that we’re edging closer. If the Nationalist parties and movements keep this up, coordination among parties/candidates improves, and as things worsen which they will, then by end of decade we could be in for a lot of success given what we’re seeing now.
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"We are going to do things that have never been before."
King Henry VIII’s suit of armor with an exaggerated cod piece. There's a Gaelic poem on this during the Penal Period about Anglicanism: Ná trácht ar an mhinistéir gallda, Ná ar a chreideamh gan beann, gan bhrí, Mar níl mar bhuan-chloch dá theampuill, Ach magairlí Aonraoí Rí "Don't speak of the alien minister, nor his church without meaning or faith, For the foundation stone of his temple, is the bollocks of Henry the Eight"
The Quinnster is probably the most unlikeable guy in this country
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Sinn Féin have spoken.
We believe and declare that freedom—the right to ‘life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness’—is inherent in every creature made in the image and likeness of God, & that, however individuals, by crime or violation of the laws passed for the maintenance and well-being of society, may forfeit any portion of those rights, the enslavement of a homogeneous people, either by foreign power or domestic tyranny, cannot, under any circumstances, be justified The God of nature, in placing between the English and Irish nations not only the distinctions marked by differences of national character, but, also, natural barriers, which,—in spite of special legislation, designed to obliterate the nationality of Ireland, have kept them separate & distinct as peoples,—has written on imperishable record the claims of our country to independent national existence, and made earth and sea the witnesses to the inviolability of our charter of freedom Declaration of Principles of the Fenian Brotherhood, CLEVELAND, Ohio, Sept 7, 1867
No Blackpilling.
Ukrainians in Galway are being advised to vote for two Nigerians and a Labour candidate to best serve their interests. "Under no circumstances vote for radicals - Irish Freedom Party, Independent Ireland, The Irish People and all others who have the slogans "Ireland for the Irish". #ForeignInterference 🔗 👉🏻 join Late Stage Ireland
They would rather build schools for asylum seekers than have a single Irish language school. Demented.
Literally bussing them to the polls. The South Dublin County Partnership is funded by multiple government departments, the local council, and the EU, along with Google and Amazon. #ForeignInterference 🔗 👉🏻 join Late Stage Ireland
Or them
Literally bussing them to the polls. The South Dublin County Partnership is funded by multiple government departments, the local council, and the EU, along with Google and Amazon. #ForeignInterference 🔗 👉🏻 join Late Stage Ireland
Can’t trust em
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Reminds me of Assassins Creed 2 in the DLC when they put in a random Irish monk. Played the Ezio Collection recently and was bewildered when this happened.
Odoric of Pordenone (c. 1280–14 January 1331), was a Franciscan friar and missionary explorer from Friuli in northeast Italy. He journeyed through India, Sumatra, Java, and China along with his companion, Franciscan friar Jacobo de Ibernia - ‘James of Ireland’ This image here is of Odoric of Pordenone and James of Ireland in Sumatra, taken from a 15th century edition of Marco Polo's 'Book of the Marvels of the World' (Livre des merveilles) Luke Wadding was said to be a fan of Odoric’s travels. Thus, Brother James may have have the first Irish person to enter China
“I believe Ireland will come out greater and grander but she must not forget she is Catholic she must keep her Faith. I find no fault with the soldiers or Police I forgive them from the bottom of my heart, pray for all the souls who fell in this fight Irish & English” Last letter Michael Mallin of the Irish Citizen’s Army sent to his wife Agnes, Kilmainham Goal, 7 May 1916
This is here btw
‘There is not a place where wretched migrants from Ireland didn’t go’ British Libtard on why Ireland needs to accept infinite immigrants
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One thing is for certain this local election cycle: DUBLIN SAVED IRELAND’S HONOUR
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👏 35👍 1
Repost from The Burkean
Breaking Patrick Quinlan (NP) has been elected to Fingal Co Council.
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🔥 30👍 16👏 1
Nearly 6,000 refugees ‘stuck’ in international protection due to inability to find housing, ESRI finds Admitting not only that Irish people are competing with foreigners for housing, but that foreigners are being given priority.
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Nearly 6,000 refugees ‘stuck’ in international protection due to inability to find housing, ESRI finds

Almost 6,000 refugees are stuck in international protection accommodation because they face “significant challenges” in trying to access housing in Ireland...

🤮 11
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These people are the reason some candidates lost by 60 votes btw
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👍 20🥱 4💯 1
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😁 10
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💩 22🌚 4👎 1🤬 1
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🤡 39
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‘They need to understand what artificial mixing of species from all over the world does to native ecosystems’ Big agree, let’s close the borders
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👏 17👍 2
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The Left, who are complaining that the Far Right are taking away votes from the Left and Sinn Féin to Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil’s benefit, are now celebrating celebrating Fine Gaelers and Fianna Fáilers immigrant councillors getting elected to own the Fash
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🖕 23🤮 5😁 1💩 1💯 1
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Seeing this being posted. Hugh if true, Quinlan may have just tied with a PBP candidate for the fifth and final seat in Blanchardstown-Mulhuddart. Fine Gael wanted a recount, so we won't know until tomorrow but chances of this being overturned by recount are very unlikely. PBP's efforts to recount Steenson's lead in North Inner City only managed to take one vote away from his 60-vote lead. This is again, why the above posts on voting, are important. Literally 1 more fucking vote and Quinlan would've been above PBP and more secure lol. Great win if this goes through, so say some prayers and we'll see at prob 10-11 am tomorrow morning.
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👍 25🤮 3👏 1🙏 1