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سنصلي في القدس|🌍

وتبقىٰ القُدسُ بُوصلةُ المَسير 💛𓂆. ️

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طفلة أصيبت بصدمة بعد بقائها مع جثث اخواتها مدة خمسة أيام...💔
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😢 2💔 2
Karim, 7 years old, from the Gaza Strip, like many children, writes his name on his hand so that he can be recognised if he was bombed by the Israeli occupation. Karim cried when he remembered his sister in Gaza city. He is now displaced with his family in Rafah.
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The only survivor bids farewell to his family who were killed by Israeli air strikes in Gaza.
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Journalist Mohammad Al Aloul shares the profound losses he has endured over the past six months, including the death of his family and friends in Gaza. Mohammad speaks about the unrelenting pain of witnessing others with their families while coping with his own profound grief.
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The Israeli occupation forces detain 3 children near the Jalazoun refugee camp north of Ramallah. قوات الاحتلال تعتقل 3 أطفال قرب مخيم الجلزون شمال رام الله
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"لا تحلموا بعالم سعيد ما دامت إسرائيل موجودة." هكذا كانت نظرة الشهيد باسل الأعرج الشاملة للصراع العربي الصهيوني..
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👍 3
"A 10 year old boy.. both of his feet were mangled. They were just hanging by a small amount of tissue... he didn't have any painkillers because of a lack of medication. NHS surgeon Dr Junaid Sultan has just come back from working in Gaza for 2 weeks.
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💔 4
- لا زالوا كما هُم في شهرِ أكتوبر، لم يتغيّر شيء من بداية الحرب، نفوسنا التي اعتادت هي الّتي تغيّرت! لا وفّقنا اللّٰه إن نسيناهُم!
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💯 5
A child got shocked when he recognized his father who was killed by an Israeli air strike in Rafah. صدمة طفل بعد تعرفه على جثمان والده الذي استشهد في غارة إسرائيلية على مدينة رفح.
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بيان مهم للقوات المسلحة اليمنية في تمام الساعة 10:30م بتوقيت العاصمة صنعاء، بعد قليل
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المتحدث للقوات المسلحة يحيى سريع

متحدث الرسمي للقوات المسلحة اليمنيه العميد يحيى سريع قاسم سريع