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Repost from The Light Paper
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🕵🏻‍♂️ Private Search Engines as alternatives to DuckDuckGo 🦆 Full article for more info 👇 Searx Open source, private and uncensored Needs some setting up before searching safely (do not use public instances) (gives info about the project and list of instances) MetaGer Open source and private search engine based in Germany Contains Ads (i.e. from Bing), Ad free is available with membership Mojeek Uses its own crawlers and its private – Based in UK Swisscows Private search engine based in Switzerland Qwant Private search engine based in France Brave Search Private search engine based in US Join the Telegram channel for more info👇 Ohm-Privacy Solutions
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Repost from Trump Office
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Did he really just say that?! 👀 BIDEN: "I bet everybody knows somebody...that in an intimate relationship, what happened was the guy takes a revealing picture of his naked friend, or whatever, in a compromising position and then blackmails.” Sauce 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 Join the Trump Office Telegram channel
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COPIED MESSAGE: from Natascha Janssen in the Netherlands: "As many of you may know, my mother was born in the former Soviet Union, in Ukraine, where my extensive family is a mix of Russians and Ukrainians. Because of this, I feel called to share my vision on the developments in Ukraine. With my Russian/Ukrainian roots, I love both nations very much, centuries-old brotherly nations merging with each other. When you asked my Ukrainian-born mother if she felt more Russian than Ukrainian, she replied, 'That's a weird question I have no answer to. There is a difference in our language, our music and dance but our hearts are one.' This is how I was raised and spent 40 years -- the most beautiful holidays of my life -- in love and togetherness, experienced in Russia and Ukraine, in the former Soviet Union. It's good that everyone in the Netherlands is now speaking out against waging a war. No one supports war. But why was everyone silent when that war started 8 years ago? Why didn't everyone swear at the slaughter of thousands of citizens in Eastern Ukraine? Why didn't everyone swear at Ukraine for not following the Minsk agreements? Where was everyone who looked away when 52 people were burnt alive in Odessa? Where was everyone who thought it was fine that a 2014 elected government was overthrown and a major European country was taken over by bunch of neo-nazis? Where was everyone when the Ukrainian regime took away from Russian Ukrainians their basic human rights? Speaking Russian was banned, the right to pensions disappeared for Russian Italians, and children who spoke Russian and had Russian names and were no longer welcome at school. Where was everyone when torch rallies were organized by neo nazis spouting slogans like "Russians on the gas"? And finally, where was everyone who was silent when large parts of this beautiful country, once Europe's grain barn, were sold to banks and investors for an apple and an egg, e.g. exploitation for genetic manipulations of Monsanto and Europe's latest mega bio industry? My niece in Ukraine saw such a factory farm built in front of her house. The incessant screaming of those animals packed so close together, and then those big deafening silences... Take note: In Ukraine there was only one small-scale breed of beef before the country came into the possession of western block. Ukraine has been transformed into a vassal of the West for 8 years. A colony. And all this at the expense of man, animal, nature and environment.. So why only now is the compassion of the people channeled into rage against the war? The Ukrainian population has been living in war for 8 years. Hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians have already fled to Russia, including my relatives, like my niece and her family. Of course I know that most people have no idea about this side of the story because our news service gives a very one-sided picture of the situation. I'm now providing that information from the other side. Do what you will, but silence is no longer an option for me. I can only hope that peace will come soon for ALL Ukrainians, Russian and Ukrainian speakers".
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💢 Lavrov addresses the staged event at the maternity hospital >❗️▪️ I will dwell separately on the informational provocation of Kiev regime about alleged “strike” by Russian aircraft on Mariupol hospital No. 3 yesterday. > First of all, I note that the Russian Defence Ministry yesterday established cease-fire for safe evacuation of civilians in the city. > Russian aviation had no missions of hitting targets on the ground in the Mariupol area. > The analysis of the statements of representatives of Kiev nationalist regime and photos from the hospital, leaves no doubt. > The "air strike” that took place is a completely staged provocation to maintain the anti-Russian stir among the Western audience. > We have repeatedly stated earlier that the medical institutions of Mariupol, including Hospital No. 3, stopped their full-time work at the end of February. All staff and patients dispersed by the nationalists. > The hospital building, due to its favorable tactical location close to the city center, was re-equipped into a stronghold of the Azov National Battalion. This is reported by residents of the city, who moved both to the areas controlled by Kiev and controlled by the Donetsk People's Republic. > Photos of the hospital grounds contain evidence of two separate staged explosions near the hospital. An underground explosion and another of minor power, aimed at the hospital building. > The nature of the external and internal damage to the building can mislead non-professional audience of Europe and the United States. For whom this was made. > But not experts. Comparing to the staged explosion of the Ukrainian Nazis, even less power high-explosive aviation bomb would destroy the outer walls of the building. > I emphasize that all these and other war crimes in Mariupol are committed by nationalist locked in the city. We have repeatedly warned that as the ring shrinks, the number of Nazi provocations will increase. There is no way for them to escape. > These are the Nazis of the Azov battalion who had been eliminating the civilian population in Donetsk and Lugansk republics for eight years. > In recent days, attacks by Ukrainian nationalists and mercenaries who arrived in Ukraine from the United States, Great Britain and Europe on Russian medics and special medical vehicles have become more frequent. > ▪️ The Nazis deliberately ambush ambulances with a red cross symbol. Snipers fire from long distances at medics evacuating wounded Russian servicemen in combat areas. Even at medics providing assistance to local residents in settlements. > All this once again confirms the Nazi essence of the Kiev regime, which calls for the killing of any Russians without exception, in violation of international humanitarian law. @NewResistance
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Many switched to Duck Duck Go to replace Google due to search engine censorship and privacy issues, however it's now clear that the company does not intend to remain neutral in the information war. Time to transition to the Brave browser and search engine (especially for controversial topics). @StormCloudsGathering Discussion: @OpenSourceTheNews
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Repost from Tommy Robinson News
It’s ok it’s only NATO arming and training a neo Nazi battalion in the Ukraine. Nothing else to see here.
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Ivermectin: The Truth vs Goliath | A letter to Dr Andrew Hill | Dr Tess Lawrie

In October 2020 Dr Andrew Hill was tasked to report to the World Health Organisation on the dozens of new studies from around the world suggesting that Ivermect

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🇺🇸 🤡: Putin napadł Rosję 😳 😅
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