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هاي ملخص ورقي #lec5_lipid
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بوت زخرفة اسماء عربي + انكلش + رموز الي بي تخبل ، كلش حلو يفيدكم 🤍 @HYO_9_bot
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عدي حساب بايو مال اكادمية الطالب الي يحتاج يدرس علية يدزلي خاص @bom_17
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شباب اي طالب حال اسئلة فاينل البايو مال هاي السنه يدزلي ع خاص @bom_17 اكون ممنون اله
Показать все... اخوان القناه الجديدة الخاصة بالمرحلة الثانيه انظمو الها طبعا شي مُختلف عن الاولى ، وان شاء الله منقصر ابد ، مو بس للمستنصرية وانما للكل ، شاركها مع اصدقائك ،
Показать все... كروب حوار + نقاشات الي يحب طبعا، هاي الامور يتفضل ويانه يعني مثل عدك سوال غريب او اي شي بالك تكدر تطرحة وان شاء الله القائمين ع الكروب يجاوبون او الطلاب الي مهتمين بهل مواضيع يجاوبون ، وشكراً
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اسئلة x~ray
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1_X_ray is: A_from the electromagentic radiation of very short frequency and very high wave B_from the electromagentic radiation of very high frequency and very short wave C_carry very loe energies so rusult photons have very low pentration power D _all of above الحل :b 2_to produce x ray in xray tube that use: A_high voltage to apply in anode to accelerate electron B_anode is negative charged to attract electron to produce x ray C_lead shielding neccessary to contain scatterd electron and xray by abosrbing them D_all of above الحل :c 3_the intensity of xray beam produced when: A_the shield filled with oil and the oil converts heat from the insert to the tube shiled B_the electron strik the anode C_the enode cooling D_none of above الحل:b 4_intensity of xray beam depend on: A_mass number B_target material used with low melting point C_atomic number D_a and b الحل:c 5_bremsstrahlung is: A_dark radiation B_braking radiation C_countinouos xray D_b and c الحل: d 6_the amount of bremsstrahlung produce depund on: A_low atomic number B_kilovolt peak the faster electron C_high mass number D_non of above الحل:b 7_K beta xray is A_when electron fall from M shell to K shell B_when electron fall from L level to K level C_when electron fall from K shell to M shell D_none of above الحل:a 8_in xray: A_if no filtaration inherent or add the is enrich beam with higher energy photon B_if added filtaration the beam is assumed and energy will be stright line C_ if add filtaration is enrich beam with higher energy photon D_if no filtaration the beam is rupture الحل: c 9_attenuation of xray is: A_carbon better absorbers of xray than calcium B_heavy element better absorbers of xray than light element C_ the oxygen better absorbed xray than calcium D_all of above الحل:b 10_attenuation of xray beam is: A_can be represented nurmerically by half value layer B_its reduction due to the absorption and scattering C_it is exponential process and the beam intensity nerve reach zero D_all of above الحل :d 11_linear attenuation cofficient depened on: A_density of material B_mass number C_kilovolt peak the faster electron D _none of above الحل:a 12_mass attenuation coefficent is: A_area density B_used to remove the effect of density C_is unit g/cm^ D_all of above الحل:b 13_quantity is: A_equal to linear attenuation coefficent B_is uint cm^/g C _is erea density D_all of above الحل:c 14_one way xray lose energy in body when incident xray photon transfers all of energy to bound electron than escaps from atom occur in: A_photoelectric effect B_compton effect C_pair production D_all of above الحل:a 15_in photo effect : A_in low Z materals the photoelectron uses some of it energy to get away from the positive nucleues and spend the reminder ionzing surrounding B_in high Z mterail the photoelectron uses some of it energy to get away from the positive nucleues and spend the reminder ionzing surrounding C_in low Z metreial the relesed radation may be sufficient energetic to leave the body D_none of above الحل :a 16_Compton effect: A_is more apt to occur in the intense electric field near the nucleus than in outer level B_it more common element with high Z number than in low Z C_Xray photon can collide with lissely bound outer electron much like abilliard ball colludes D_all of above الحل:c 17_number of compton depend on: A_atomic number B_energy of xray C_number of electron per cubic centimeter D_all of above الحل:c 18_in bone C.E: A_more probable occur than the P.E effect at energy >30 Kev B_less probable occur than the P.E effect at energy >30 Kev C_more probable than P.E effect at energy >100Kev D_less probable than P.E effect at energy >100Kev الحل: c 19_when very energetic photon enters the intense electric feild of nucleus it may converted in to electron and postrion at occur in: A_pair production B_compton effect C_photoelectric effect D_radiation effect الحل:a 20_used more useful interaction to diagnostic radology is: A_pair production B_compton effect C_photoelectric effect D_radiation effect الحل:c
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21_based on fact that tissue will absorb photon from xray beam in relation to the electron density of tissue is: A_xray imaging B_film density C_photoelectric effect D_radiation effect الحل:a 22_basic principle of xray imaging is: A_xray produce in xray tube B_the energy modifed C_xray attenuted diffrintly D_all of above الحل:d 23_single sided camera film: A_emulsion layer of light sensitive crystal coated onto both side B_use in plain film imaging C_xray photon used directly to expose film D_one emulsion layer only الحل:d 24_non screen film: A_used in dental xray B_used in mammography C_used in plain film imaging D_none of above الحل:a 25_amulsion: A_is made from bone B_mst sensitive to light energy therfore intensifying screen used C_dosent participte in the image forming process D_none of above الحل:b 26_is the light sensitve materal in emulsion is: A_ silver halode B_pure AgBr C_gelatin D_plastic الحل:a 27_the film is immersed in fixer solution and that unexposed and unreduced silver halide is removed to render the image stable accour in: A_exposure to radiation B_fixing C_washing D_drying الحل:b 28_development of film is: A_ silver bromide crystal form emulsion B_latent image is imvisible and converted to visible image C_final stape D_washed in running water الحل:b 29_when light density is zero : A_this allow 50% of light to pass B_ther will be absorption C_this allow 100%of light to pass and no abaorpation D_ a and b الحل:c 30_film density determin by: A_atomic number B_mass number C_quantity of xary D_none of above الحل: c 31_penumbra is: A_usually put in light box B_ it exposed to the light of box C_blurred edg of shadow D_none of above الحل:c 32_the penumbra can reduced by: A_using big focal spot B_decreaseing the distance from the xray tube to film C_the patient is placed as close yo the film as possible D _all of above الحل:c 33_to increse penumbra by: A_using small focal spot B_decreaseing the distance from the xray tube to film C_the patient is placed as close yo the film as possible D _all of above الحل:b 34_grid : A_used to increase the scatterd radiation at the film B_used to increse penumbra C_used to reduce the scatterd radiation at the film D_none of above الحل:c 35_this thechnique is made to make further use of photoelectric effect raidoligist : A_contrasting B_radiopaque media C_radiation effect D _none of above الحل:a 36__barium usd to: A_sprayd in to lungs to make airway visibal B_given oral to see part of the upper GI C_injrcted into blood stream D_all of above الحل:b
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