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Bellringer-People of the lie

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This came after I responded to a question asked by a reader. Adults being CHILDREN!
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GOD'S CHOSEN PEOPLE. GOD'S CHOSEN LAND The term "Israel" is used frequently and erroneously in your "so called" Holy Bible. Why do I say this? Because in your Bible, it refers to a specific race or "so called" race of people. They call themselves "Jews". This term was created by your adver­sary in the 1700's. There actually exist two very different groupings under this title. They are Hebrew Judeans and Khazar Zionists. Most Hebrew Judeans believe in and worship God. Most Khazar Zionists are satanic atheists as is often demonstrated by their amoral and evil actions and behaviors. This subject of the Khazars, Commander Hatonn has outlined most comprehensively in several of the PHOENIX JOURNALS, so I will not comment further, except to say this: God would never CHOOSE an entire race or human-developed religion above another. For EACH individual's soul-growth is judged based upon THE WORKS he or she accomplishes--balanced or unbalanced. The term "israel" spelled with the "i" in lowercase is the correct term meaning "God's chosen". It does not signify a place of tyranny and corruption taken BY FORCE from another group of people which is now called “Israel”, located in your Middle East. The REPUBLIC of the United States of America represents the true "israel" because of the document which was created to have a government run FOR THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE. NO other country on your globe was given the opportunity for divine freedom and the pursuit of happiness such as was outlined in your Constitution and Bill of Rights. Your country is a nation created UNDER GOD, with many cultures, races and religions experiencing and 'sharing these God-given opportunities to­gether. You were also given RESPONSIBILITY for maintaining the checks and balances of your sovereignty. It was NEVER designed to be TAKEN FOR GRANTED. Your forefathers knew the nature of their adversary who would enslave them. They WARNED "you, the people" endlessly about the threats which were and would be made to the freedoms and instructions for government operation and state sovereignty which they outlaid. HAVE YOU LISTENED? It is apparent that MOST of you have not even had an inkling of the evil tyranny perpetrated against you by your would-be enslavers. The question remains: WILL YOU LISTEN NOW AND TAKE THE NECESSARY ACTION IN BEHALF OF YOURSELVES AND YOUR COUNTRY?
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Hatonn: You SHOULD know by now, if you are a Christian who pays attention to HOW the Bible was assembled, that it was some 300 YEARS AFTER the passage of Jmmanuel (Jesus) that ANY NEW TESTAMENT was assembled. GERMAN scholars selected Gospels from the some 22 gospels known and available--of the Christ. The four selected were the most alike but bore the most errors in presentation. There was a most important reason for this reworking and rewriting of HISTORY. There HAD to be evidence which could be changed to fit the needs of the day in point in the writing of the Bibles. In the instance of the OLD TESTAMENT, this gave ample opportunity to retranslate, adjust and thus and so. Then, as King James had it REDONE to suit his own needs, it got even more corrupted and distorted--through intentional changes AND by simple error.
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All Bibles, BEFORE the corrupt King James re-wrote them, clearly told of the Khazar treachery upon humankind. For instance, in the “King James Version”, Zacharia 14:14 says: “… And Juda shall fight at Jerusalem”; in Bibles before the “reformers” changed it to suit King James, Zacharia 14:14 originally said: “… And Juda shall fight also against Jerusalem.” It only takes one word to completely change the meaning of something, chelas (students),
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WHO IS THE REAL GOD OF THE BIBLE? There are so many contradictions in the Bible; religious forgers/editors/defrauders couldn’t fix them all so the Bible would be more seamless and coherent. Hundreds of contradictions slipped through. I have a list of 143 and I will list the first eleven 1. God is satisfied with his works (Gen. 1:31). God is dissatisfied with his works (Gen. 6:6) 2. God dwells in chosen temples (2 Chron. 7:12, 16). God dwells not in temples (Acts 7:48). [H: “Temple” means “Body”.] 3. God dwells in light (1 Tim. 6:16). God dwells in darkness (1Kings 8:12/Ps 97:2). 4. God is seen and heard (Ex. 33:23/Ex. 33:11/Gen. 3:9, 10/Gen. 32:30/Is. 6:1/Ex. 24:9-11). God is invisible and cannot be heard (John 1:18/John 5:37/Ex. 33:20/1 Tim. 6:16). 5. God is tired and rests (Ex. 31:17). God is never tired and never rests (Is. 40:28). 6. God is everywhere present, sees and knows all things (Prov. 15:3/Ps 139:7-10/Job 34:21-22). God is not everywhere; neither sees nor knows all things (Gen. 3:8/Gen. 11:5/Gen. 18:20-21). 7. God knows the hearts of men (Acts 1:24/Ps 139:2-3). God tries men to find out what is in their heart (Deut. 13:3/Deut. 8:2/Gen. 22:12). 8. God is all powerful (Jer. 32:27/Matt. 19:26). God is not all powerful (Judg. 1:19). [H: God most certainly is Omnipotent (all powerful) Omnipresent (everywhere), and Omniscient (all knowing). Would YOU accept any lesser of your God?!] 9. God is unchangeable (James 1:17/Mal. 3:6/Ezek. 24:14/Num. 23:19). God is changeable (Gen 6:6/Jonah 3:10/1Sam. 2:30-31/2 Kings 20:1, 4-6/Ex. 33:1, 3, 14, 17). 10. God is just [H: Yes! God IS just, however, He is not “fair”! And when God plays golf—He will not yell “Four”!] and impartial (Ps 92:15/Gen. 18:25/Deut. 32:4/Rom. 2:11/Ezek. 18:25). God is unjust and partial (Gen. 9:25/Ex. 20:5/Rom. 9:11-13/Matt. 13:12). 11. God is the author of evil (Lam. 3:38/Jer. 18:11/Is. 45:7/Amos 3:6/Ezek. 20:25). God is not the author of evil (1 Cor. 14:33/Deut. 32:4/James 1:13). For thousands of years, the books of the Bible have been copied, altered, translated into other languages (thus losing some of the original meaning), edited, “reinterpreted”, and so forth. This was done in various places in the ancient world and the medieval world. The scribes in Memphis, Jerusalem, Greece, and so forth, and the “illuminated” monks did not connect much or at all with each other to compare texts. Followers of the Bible have been taught that the Bible is the “perfect word of God” and those persons behind it were “divinely inspired”. I’m a theologian and I’ve never found any “proof” of any “divine inspiration” behind the book, unless it is divine inspiration of a corrupt, ancient group of people uplifting an evil god. Why would someone do something like that? Follow the power, follow the wealth, and understand the original writers of the Bible, the Judahites. [H: The following is VERY IMPORTANT! You must come into the understanding that it was the scribes who controlled the world through their evil lies. God is The WORD, chelas, and if you can usurp the Word of God, then you can fool the masses, can’t you?! That is why you MUST compare EVERYTHING with the Laws of God, and the Laws of The Creation, when reading or listening to ANY SPEAKER. “Ye shall know them by their fruits”. If it bares poison fruit, it is a poison plant; if a man speaks the truth of God, he is of God; if he speaks and practices evil, then judge his actions accordingly.]
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Untampered Bible? 3/12/92 #1 HATONN I am asked if there are ANY untampered New Testaments? Yes, AND THEY CALLED HIS NAME IMMANUEL. Next in line of clarity would be THE JEFFERSON BIBLE. All other Bibles are written by [contain the writings of] Saul of Tarsus to control the people and focus them into the physical "controls". The "Christ" experienced as example. Ones wish to say that when the Christ said that "except through me shall ye enter into the Kingdom of God our Father" that he meant "I am THE WAY" and not come to show the way". Nay, except through practicing that which was given and shown unto you by the Teacher--is the WAY, therefore, except through that Christed path of living would you enter into and within the gates of the Father's house. The "native Americans" call it walking the red road. The Teacher is NEVER the way--doing that which a great Teacher brings unto you IS THE WAY. KNOWING without ACTION is nothing and is "judged" as negative action. In KNOWING the heart will act in that KNOWING or the person condemns self to "refusal" to act according to that knowledge. Source: THE PHOENIX LIBERATOR, March 17, Volume 18, Number 9, Page 32.
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Repost from The General
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BREAKING: Video resurfaces of President Trump saying he will investigate Big Pharma for the rise in autism and fertility, allergies, and child illness. @GeneralMCNews
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The Q Court Kills Regulatory Tyranny

Trump's Supreme Quort has, yet again, struck another mighty blow against the tree of tyranny! The do-evil bureaucrats who masquerade as do-gooder public servants have just been de-fanged.

For Those Who Do Not Believe Anything Unless They See It On The Legacy Mainstream Fake News Media: @WashTimes: House Votes In Favor Of Broadcasting Guantánamo Bay Proceedings Online @NYTimes: Pentagon Building New Secret Courtroom At Guantánamo Bay 💊
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NewsTreason RT (6.29.24 @ 7PM EST)

PU welcomes Dave and Mark from NT to discuss recent developments and provide commentary on the status of the Great Awakening. We cover the debate, SCOTUS decisions, Assange's "release," and analyze th

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