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A slash soft orange-blue art is being shown in the nearest music show venue, withall the prepation of Simplettoㅡit's how their audience call the musician, they are ready to hypnotize you in a second( •̀∀•́ )✧ ✶ Status: rest ✶ Contact: @SimplettoBot

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𝑬cstasy, 30th March!

[ To all BA mutuals or anyone who sees this could help spread the delightful message? Much thank you! ] As simple to put it straight up, @Ecstasybylia is finally opening its new fresh batch! With the time being set to be on the 30th of March at 3pm West Indonesian Time, we do sure be happy for the much anticipation and attention to the details that is called TnC. We will be opening 25 limited slots, so grab it fast!^^ Don’t forget to prepare your forms and set your alarms see you then! Much luvs, Camellia!♡

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[Dear all our mutuals BA or anyone who saw this special message, would you like to help us by forward this message to your channel, please? Thanks a lot!] ────────────────────────────────────⭑⭒ ꕤ˚・ 𝓡𝒊𝒔𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒆, telelings! Spreads our 𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒎𝒕𝒉, especially to our beloved 𝗹𝗶𝗹𝗺𝗲 💖 How's your day? better than yesterday, we hope. And tomorrow, we're pretty sure your day will be so much better! Why? because @lilmagics will officially 𝐎𝐏𝐄𝐍 𝐀𝐆𝐀𝐈𝐍 for the 2nd batch at 𝟐𝐏𝐌 WIB !! 🥳 Of course, @lilmagics comeback by brings a lot of new catalogue with their special magic spells!👏🏻 Don't miss it, okay?! Cause we served many 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐨𝐬 for this batch, including : ㅤㅤ ★. Free Icons 3 slide (1 slot) ㅤㅤ ★. Discount IDR 5.000 (5 slot) ㅤㅤ ★. Discount IDR 2.000 (unl slot) ㅤㅤ ↝ only for a week or maybe less. So, that's it! 😉 If you have any questions regarding our batch or designs, just send it to @lilmagicsbot. And don't forget to reads our TnC before. Thank you! <3

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• Barbie Joo's [ Open 13.00 ] •

[ Warmest greetings to all my BA mutuals, would you mind helping me spread this delightful news? Thank you for helping, here's a free ticket to the carnival 🎪🎟 ] Holiday is approaching, it is time for the annual 𝐁𝐀𝐑𝐁𝐈𝐄 𝐉𝐎𝐎 𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐕𝐀𝐋 ๑•ᴗ•๑ Prepare yourself because you wouldn't want to miss the greatness of our 𝙋𝙄𝙉𝙆 𝘾𝘼𝙍𝙉𝙄𝙑𝘼𝙇 (*>∇<)ノ @Barbiejoos 1st Mensive!!! We have promo for today until tommorow! Buy 1 icons get 1 free scenery icons! Let's take a look our Catalogue & Terms Condition please kindly read it first Come visit our pink palace, we promise to give you the best service and quality anyone could ever ask! ◝(⑅•ᴗ•⑅)◜..°♡

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[ To all BA mutuals or anyone who sees this could help spread the delightful message? Much thank you! ] As simple to put it straight up, @Ecstasybylia is finally opening its new fresh batch! With the time being set to be today at 4pm West Indonesian Time, we do sure be happy for the much anticipation and attention to the details that is called TnC. We will be opening 10 limited slots, so grab it fast!^^ Don’t forget to prepare your forms and set your alarms see you then! Much luvs, Camellia!♡

ATTENTIONS PLEASE ! jadi ada oknum penipu nokos @gracellacnsy @biancayqka yang ngasih nomor paymentnya antareksa yang terhubung ke wa rlnya alhasil jadi banyak yang pc antareksa karena ngira dia itu bianca :)) boleh sekalian bantu report @biancayqka ya biar ga makin banyak yang ketipu untuk semua temen temen ba boleh bantu sebar pesan ini ? biar gaada lagi ba lain yang kena kaya gini. next time aku saranin hapus nomor payment setelah cust tf untuk keamanan bersama karena rawan di salah gunakan dan untuk buyer di harap untuk lebih berhati hati saat memilih store untuk bukti penipuan bianca akan kami spill di komen
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[ Dear all my mutuals BA or anyone who saw this special message, would you like to help us by forward this message to your channel, pleasee? Thanks a lot! ] ──────────────────────────────────⭑⭒ ꕤ˚・ 𝓜assive salutations, telelings! 🦋 ada yang baru nihh di @lilmagics 🤩 you're curious about it, right? xoxo. well, here we will proudly tell you about it! <3 mulai hari ini @lilmagics juga membuka jasa tulis, joki tugas, dan joki game loohh 🥳 selain itu, adapula wording, profneeds, apk premium, dan nokos yang open seperti biasanya! yuukk buruan cek smua katalog dan pricelistnya disini 😇 buat payment, yang tersedia via QRIS dan E-Wallet (Dana, Go-Pay, dan Ovo) yaa! jadi jangan khawatir buat kalian pengguna E-wallet nonprem, tetep bisa belanja disini kok! 😉 tapi sebelum order harap baca Terms&Condition dulu, okeyy? ditunggu kehadirannya di @lilmagicsbot 🙌🏻

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Lemon Sherbets. — OPEN.

️️ ️️ < Yang share ini semoga rejekinya ga putus-putus pokoknya, diaminin viewers. > —————————————————— LEMON SHERBETS by Kaia is now OPEN! Start from 21 March 2021 until drop! What I provide : ✦ Cute Shaped Icons ✦ Dark Shaped Icons ✦ Twin and Sticky Icons ✦ Bright dan Dark GIFs ✦ Typography GIFs Membeli = sudah baca dan paham TnC, kalau belum paham tanyain aja dulu ya ke Kaia, ga gigit kok :) Cek katalog dan TnC disini! Send form kamu ke Kaia kalau sudah dirasa fix mau beli 💕 Maks pengerjaan 10*24 jam ya, Lemons 🍋 Ps. Yang punya kupon jangan lupa send ke Kaia lagi saat transaksi biar stampnya ditambah! ️️

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dor.! Hello my BA mutual or anyone who see this message. Please help me to forward this message to your chanel please? 👻 ㅤ Hi ! Having difficulty in beautifying your account? Fret not, @ArtbyIcal is finally here for the rescue. What do you need? ✦ Sophisticated GIFs? ✦ Well-designed layouts? ✦ High quality icons? Whatever that is, we got it all here. Everything starts from [10-27k]. Go visit our channel and check out the catalogues. Let us fulfill your needs, and may you be satisfied by our works. ㅤ

CW // CAT DISEASES boleh luangkan waktu sebentar untuk membaca ini? saya punya kucing, sekarang dia sedang sakit, beberapa hari ini coba dirawat sebisa mungkin tapi malah semakin parah, sekarang salah satu anaknya sudah tertular. beberapa orang menyarankan saya untuk membawa ke vet, tapi keadaan keuangan saya sedang tidak baik, ingin meminjam pun tidak ada yang mau memberi. Jadi, saya memutuskan untuk membuat chanel ini dalam rangka open donasi seikhlasnya untuk perawatan kucing saya dengan timbal balik saya akan memberikan katalog saya, dengan kata lain saya menjual icons dengan bayaran se ikhlasnya. Mohon bantuannya.
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Lonnebloem [21/03]

[To all of my BA mutuals and all kind people who read this message, would you help me to spread this little message? Thank you so much <3] The sun is shining bright, sunflowers are in bloom, and Lonnebloem will open tomorrow at 2 p.m for western Indonesia time (WIB). We will open with a different system from the previous system. We will open every day with limited slots each day. In one day we will open for 5 slots for wording, 3 slots for profile needs, 3 slots for manipulation editing, 3 slots for carrd, 1 slot for set up the channel, and 1 slot for a custom template. We will update the current status every day here. Also, you are allowed to be booked a slot for the next day's slot. Please kindly check the Terms and Condition and also read the Frequently Asked Question before you wanna order. Tap here for a little guide for you. If there is anything that we can help with, please contact our yardman @Lonnebloem2 sincerely, Lonnebloem

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