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REV2022-03 HIAE-03 GLOBAL FEAR 1 OFtheSIGNS OF CHRIST'S RETURN DoYouKnowTheOtherBirthPangsJesusGave?

Here is another session at the prophetic conference we just finished at Word of Life in Hudson, Florida. Using God's Word to explain what the Bible prophecy says about these fearful days our world is going through. These trends are speeding up—the last seconds of the countdown clock of Christ's return are clicking down. Each day, the prophetic picture Christ painted grows clearer. The apostles and prophets captured Each of these signs between 2,000 and 3,500 years ago. Now, they are happening in our lifetime! But, in all of history--ONLY our generation has seen EVERY ONE of these events starting to unfold. All of the yet-to-be-completed prophecies fit within these seven major events. The signs of Christ's Second Coming are probably the most exciting of all. There are dozens of them. Jesus described many of them in incredible detail. But here is what I want you to see: Jesus said these signs would not suddenly appear. He said they would rather become a trend that amplified and strengthened until it became overwhelming, like “birth pangs.” Matthew 24:8 (ESV) All these are but the beginning of the birth pains. Let me give you just a handful of the precise, clear, specific predictions that Christ's Words in this Book give us. You may be startled. Every one of the signs Christ gave is present in your world today. You are the first generation in all of history to experience these trends, these signs—all at once! What are some of them? We will actually in the days ahead look at these in detail, but here they are in summary. (HIAE-03; 220321) Join the LAND OF THE BOOK channel to get access to weekly video releases over the next year totaling 50+ EXCLUSIVE VIDEOS that feature weekly in-depth Bible Study lessons with John & Bonnie. Plus all the assigned HOLY LAND STUDY RESOURCES, and John's two most loved books--David's Spiritual Secret & Living Hope for the End of Days at:

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The deeper thirst By Ewald Schmidt 'Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.' Matthew 5:6, NIV The world outside of God’s kingdom is a dark place. So much anger, hatred and violence run rampant in many communities. Additionally, most of the darkness comes from human desires and urges. Every one of us may recall times in our lives when we stepped outside the bounds of the will of God, where we got hurt. Outside the will of God we are outside of his protection. Yet, how will we know what is right or wrong? God has given us his Word, the Bible, to teach us his ways. The Holy Spirit teaches us what the truth is and strengthens us in order to obey God and overcome temptation. And the Lord has created us with a conscience to help us to know instinctively what the right thing is to do as well. When we are confronted by the darkness of this world, then the Word, the Spirit, and our conscience cry out, “It does not have to be this way! There is a better alternative!” The children of God have a yearning for a world where the love of Christ conquers all. When we hunger and thirst for righteousness, we wholeheartedly seek a world that is right with God. God is love, the Apostle John teaches us in 1 John 4:8. We were created in the image of God. We were created to love God, and each other. The night before he was crucified, Jesus commanded his church: “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” (John 13:34) Love honours God. Love builds up my fellow man. Love has the power to heal this world. In the broadest sense nearly two billion people in the world identify as Christians. What would this world be like if every one of the two billion really heeded this message of Christ, and loved one another as Christ has loved us? How different could this world be if we placed other people’s needs before our own, the way that Jesus had shown us? Jesus tells of a world where people hunger and thirst for the righteousness of God; a world where love conquers the hatred and violence among us. Such a world seems impossible today considering the madness of our time. But just imagine – what if it were possible? This is the world that God desires: a world filled with his love. It has to start somewhere. Why not with us? Our hunger and thirst for righteousness leads us to pray, “Let your kingdom come, let your will be done …” When we pray this part of the Lord’s Prayer, we also give our fealty. Let it start with me. When this desire for a new world is as strong as our physical hunger and thirst, then we will pray, we will change our own behaviour towards others, and we will be part of God’s solution to the problems of this world. We will be satisfied. Prayer: Lord, you have changed my life with your love. You have forgiven me so much, and you have given me a new chance in life. You keep on giving me grace, even when I fail so many times. Give me a hunger and a thirst for your righteousness in my life. Help me to treat other people properly in your eyes as well. Help me to be a part of the solution to the problems of this world, make me an instrument of your grace. Amen
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Die dieper dors Deur Ewald Schmidt “Geseënd is dié wat honger en dors na wat reg is, want hulle sal versadig word.” Matteus 5:6, 1983-vertaling Die wêreld waarin ons lewe, is vandag 'n donker plek. Daar is tans soveel haat, en geweld in baie gemeenskappe. Die meeste moeilikheid in hierdie wêreld kom deur die drifte en drange van mense. In elkeen van ons se eie lewens kan ons die kere onthou wat ons buite God se wil beweeg het en seergekry het. Dit wat verkeerd is, maak ons seer. Hoe weet ons wat verkeerd is? Die Bybel leer ons hoe om te lewe. Die Heilige Gees herinner ons wat die waarheid is, gee ons krag om versoekings te oorwin en krag om te volhard op die regte pad. Die Here het ook vir ons 'n gewete gegee wat 'n instinktiewe aanvoeling vir reg of verkeerd gee. Wanneer ons met die duisternis van hierdie wêreld te doen kry, dan sê die Woord, die Heilige Gees en ons gewete vir ons: dit hoef nie so te wees nie! Daar is 'n beter alternatief! Kinders van die Here smag na 'n wêreld waarin die liefde van die Here oorwin. Wanneer ons honger en dors na wat reg is, dan smag ons met ons hele hart na 'n wêreld wat in harmonie met God se wil is. God is liefde, sê 1 Johannes 4:7. Ons is oorspronklik gemaak na sy beeld. Ons is gemaak om lief te hê. Dit is ook Jesus se groot opdrag in Johannes 13:34 – Hy beveel ons om mekaar so lief te hê soos wat Hy ons het. Liefde eer die Here. Liefde bou my naaste op, en maak hulle lewe beter. Liefde maak my eie lewe mooi. Liefde kan die wêreld verander! Baie breedweg gestel identifiseer amper twee miljard mense as Christene op die wêreld se sensusvorms. Hoe sou dit lyk as al twee miljard gelowiges 'n honger en dors gehad het na dit wat reg is? Hoe anders sou die wêreld nie wees wanneer ons ons naaste se belange bo ons eie stel, en mekaar dien soos wat Jesus die voorbeeld gestel het nie? Watter verskil kan daar nie wees wanneer mense vergewe, en die haat en woede laat staan nie? 'n Ander wêreld is moontlik as wat ons nou ken. Maar dit vra van God se kinders om te begin honger en dors daarna. Dit vra van ons om te begin bid: “Laat u koninkryk kom en u wil geskied.” Dit vra van ons om self in beweging te kom, en self te doen wat reg is – om met liefde teenoor almal te lewe. Jesus se belofte is dat ons versadig sal word. As ons die wil van God soek, as ons daarvoor bid en daaraan werk, dan sal ons daar uitkom. Die wêreld verander dalk stadig. Ons eie lewens kan met die hulp van die Here baie vinnig verander. Die nuwe wêreld van God moet êrens begin. Waarom nie in die manier waarop ek dink en optree teenoor ander nie? Gebed: Here Jesus, U het gekom om hierdie stukkende wêreld weer heel te maak. In die proses gebruik U ook vir ons, u dissipels, om 'n verskil te maak. Here, ons honger en dors na 'n beter wêreld, waarin liefde oorwin. Help my om vandag met liefde op te tree en ander te dien. Help my om vandag die verskil in my gemeenskap te wees. Amen
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People with meek hearts will conquer the world By Ewald Schmidt 'Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.' Matthew 5:5, NIV This is the world of the strong man. The way of the world is to take what is desired by might. The one with the most weapons wins the war. The one who shouts the loudest is heard. The way of intimidation and fear promotes the success of the cause. History has proven this to be true. When Jesus spoke these words, the known world was ruled by the Roman Empire. They used military might to take over the world, and used fear and intimidation to oppress the nations under their rule. They had cruel public executions, like crucifixion, to instil obedience and compliancy. And, this is precisely why the kingdom of God is different. The crowds gathered around Jesus would have been so shocked to hear this beatitude when he taught it. They had been expecting a strong leader, a Messiah, that would set their land free from the oppressors. They longed for this since the days of exile in Babylon. Moreover, they had hoped that Jesus would be that strong man who would gather an army and overcome the Romans. But that is not why Jesus had come. He had come in the guise of a servant, a washer of feet (John 13). Jesus teaches that we are blessed when we are meek of heart. We do not possess meekness by our own doing, the natural person is born with a hardness of heart. We are set in our own ways, seeking our own success and glory. We need the touch of the Holy Spirit, taking out the heart of stone, giving us a new heart of flesh (Ezekiel 36:26). In the Bible, we encounter a few individuals described as possessing a meek heart. The best example is probably Moses. Numbers 12:3 states that he had the meekest heart on earth. With meekness, we are pliable in God’s hands – he can mould us. A meek heart is caring, a heart that has compassion for our fellow man. With a meek heart, we become available in the service of God, to be a blessing to others. Meekness should not be confused with cowardice or timidity. It does not mean being weak; tossed around by life’s circumstances. Meekness bears witness to strength under the control of the Holy Spirit. Meek persons bravely defend what is right. It is a healthy understanding of one’s identity in Christ. We follow in his footsteps. He who introduced himself thus: “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” (Matthew 11:29) With meekness – a humility of heart – we live a life of gratitude and contentment. In that sense, we have already inherited the new earth. We are aware of the presence of God, his care and his guidance on our journey of life. We have everything we need to serve him and live life to the full. Prayer: Lord, thank you for removing my heart of stone. Thank you for taking my urge to have might and glory away. Thank you for a new heart of flesh, one that is meek belonging to you. May my heart always be soft and malleable in your hands. Always give me a caring heart for my fellow man. Amen
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Mense met sagte harte oorwin die wêreld Deur Ewald Schmidt “Geseënd is die sagmoediges, want hulle sal die nuwe aarde ontvang.” Matteus 5:5, 1983-vertaling. Tans is die manier van hierdie wêreld om deur mag dit te vat wat jy graag wil hê. Die een met die meeste wapens wen. Die een wat die hardste skree, word gehoor. Die een wat die meeste intimideer, en vrees kan inboesem, se saak seëvier. Dit was deur die geskiedenis nog altyd so. Wêreldryke is met militêre mag opgebou, en dan deur vrees en intimidasie in stand gehou. Wanneer Jesus hierdie woorde met die wêreld deel, is die magtige Romeinse Ryk in beheer van die streek. Hulle het enige opstande wreed onderdruk, en mense is in die openbaar gekruisig om die bevolking verlam van vrees te hou. Dit was destyds, en is vandag, die wêreld van die sterk man. Dit is waar God se koninkryk so anders is. Hierdie boodskap sou so skokkend wees vir die skare mense wat daar om Jesus gesit en luister het na die boodskap van die nuwe koninkryk van God. Hulle het 'n verwagting gehad dat 'n Messias sou kom, 'n sterk leier wat die volk bymekaar sou maak, en dan met mag die Romeine oorwin en uit die land uit jaag. Die Here bou egter nie sy koninkryk met mag nie. Jesus sê dat ons juis geseënd is wanneer ons sagmoedig van hart is. Sagmoedigheid kom nie sommer net vanself nie. Ons het van nature harde harte, wat op onsself en ons eie begeertes gerig is. Die Heilige Gees kom verander ons – Hy haal die hart van klip uit en gee vir ons 'n nuwe hart (Esegiël 36:24). In die Bybel sien ons 'n hele paar manne wat as sagmoedig beskrywe word, Moses word as die mees sagmoedige mens op aarde beskryf (Numeri 12:3). Met sagmoedigheid is ons harte plooibaar in die Here se hande. Ons kry 'n omgeehart, wat sag met ons naaste werk. Ons is beskikbaar dat die Here ons kan gebruik om ons naaste te seën. Sagmoedigheid beteken nie dat ons lafhartig word en vir alle gevaar weghardloop nie. Dit beteken nie om swak te wees en in die lewe rondgeskop te word nie. Inteendeel, sagmoedigheid getuig van iemand wat innerlik sterk is deur die Gees. Sagmoedige mense is dapper in hulle verdediging van dit wat reg is. Sagmoedigheid is 'n gesonde verstaan van my identiteit in Christus, en dit raak my manier van optree teenoor my naaste. Ons is volgelinge van ons Here Jesus, Hy wat Homself bekend gestel het as sagmoedig en nederig van hart (Matteus 11:29). Ons volg in sy voetspore, Hy is ons Rolmodel. Iemand wat sagmoedig is, is nederig. Hy of sy is dankbaar en tevrede. In daardie sin het ons reeds die nuwe aarde ontvang. Ons is bewus van die Here se teenwoordigheid, sy versorging, en sy leiding op ons lewenspad. Ons het alles wat ons nodig het om Hom te dien, en voluit te lewe! Gebed: Here, dankie dat U my hart van klip verwyder het, en my help om my soeke na eer en mag te oorwin. Dankie vir die nuwe hart wat U in my geplaas het. Mag my hart altyd sag en plooibaar in u hande wees, dat ek 'n omgeehart vir my naaste sal hê. Amen
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