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Is it very bad that a teacher mispronounces words? Here's what I think. That's one of the things you'll probably come across if you're learning from a non-native teacher of English or any other language. Some teachers make more pronunciation mistakes, some make less. I'm sure I still make some. And indeed that's not very good, because teachers need to teach learners the right pronunciation so that learners could understand other speakers when they listen and so that other could speakers understand them. However, does that mean one should not learn with a non-native speaker? Here's a few things to think about: 1) Mistakes are not equal. For example, do you think people will still understand someone who pronounces 'onion' with an /ɒ/ (*incorrect) not an /ʌ/ (*correct)? I think they will. However, if you pronounce 'quay' as /kweɪ/ (*incorrect) not as /ki:/ (*correct) people indeed might not misunderstand. 2) There are lots of resources that a learner can use to check the pronunciation of words. The textbook is the first one, of course. Then there's the dictionary, as well as and The learner must be autonomous enough to check the pronunciation by themselves. 3) While non-native speakers might make pronunciation mistakes, they are often better at explaining grammar and... pronunciation! They might be better at explaining how to pronounce the English TH sounds or how to use 'there is/ there are'. They are often better just because they are not natives: they have learned it all themselves. 4) There is a lot of variability in the language competence both among native and non-native speakers. If I were to give advice, I would say that until proficiency, it's best for a learner to study with both a native and a non-native teacher. Just to have the best of the two worlds. Additionally, the learner must be autonomous and be responsible for double-checking everything. Do you agree?
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Hi guys! I sometimes forget to mention an important thing: everything that concerns connected speech is not a one-size-fits-all thing. How much you will blend or omit the sounds, depends on how formal/informal the situation is, how fast your speech is, and your individual speaking habits. So whatever I say about connected speech, remember this: - connected speech is definitely very important in order to be able to understand fluent speakers better; - you can learn to speak more fleuntly pronunciation-wise, but you don't have to; - how much of the connected speech features you'll use depends on many factors and it's all up to you.
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Hey guys! I was posting some stories about eco-friendly living on Instagram and I realised that 'carbon footprint' is quite an interesting phrase pronunciation-wise.
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Не знаю, смотрите ли вы Шихман (А поговорить?), но если да, то уже видели, наверное. Какие мысли?
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Кстати, тут в Германии, регулярно слышу, как родители говорят на русском, а дети им отвечают на немецком. Что-то похоже, что это наш случай будет в итоге 😂
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Вот кстати канал Насти, которая растит своего билингва и много про это рассказывает. Также у нее есть Youtube
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