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The Inkless Pen

The blog and musings of Fr. Zechariah Lynch - "I am an insignificant and destitute man who has no good works. This is who I am in reality.”

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An American lawyer for the UOC reminded of the real situation in Ukraine, where the SBU imprisons Orthodox priests and journalists on false charges. Robert Amsterdam, head of the international human rights firm Amsterdam & Partners LLP, responded to President Volodymyr Zelensky's thanks to Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew for "strengthening Orthodoxy in Ukraine" during the "Peace Summit" in Switzerland. The lawyer wrote on his X that this is the most insulting level of hypocrisy. "To utter such a statement at the same moment the SBU is jailing priests and journalists on false charges, seizing and demolishing churches, and terrorizing the faithful because of their beliefs - it is the most insulting level of hypocrisy," he emphasized. #freedomforUOC #religious_discrimination #truth_about_Ukraine Source of the info. Subscribe to Voice of Orthodox Ukraine, know truth about human rights and religious politics in Ukraine
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The Schism of False Unity

“’Which jurisdiction do you belong to?’ I answered to all: ‘To Christ’s jurisdiction!’” Fr. Gerasim of Spruce Island. We must be digging deep into the Rock of our Salv…

🔥 6
I continue to keep my eyes open for information regarding the Theotokos Prayer Rule and the prayer "O Theotokos and Virgin rejoice ..." This month I found another small bit of information and have updated my article on the topic with this information - St. Nikolai Velimirovich states in his major work, The Prologue, under the life of St. Cyril of Alexandria, “It is said that he composed the prayer ‘O Theotokos and Virgin rejoice” (the reading for June 9th). St. Cyril lived in the 5th century. This would indicate that the prayer at the center of the Theotokos Rule is actually quite “Eastern” in its origin and based firmly on Scriptural wording. It is possible that this prayer then made its way over to the West and this is reflected in the use of it, in some form, by St. Gregory. The later establishment of a prayer rule in the 8th century, with this prayer at the center, then appears very organic.
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Christian Prayer to the Virgin Mary and the Theotokos Rule

Prayer to Mary, the Mother of our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, is an ancient Christian practice. The earliest written record of a prayer to the Virgin Mary is dated around 250 AD. This prayer,…

💯 11
In case you missed it, a very important read - "The King of the Kings and Creator of everything, whom you have got the scepter and the power from, your life and breath and all that is good, has given you and everyone a commandment by saying “Love one another.” Not only do you disobey the commandment of love, but you also command your subjects to hate their brothers and murder them. Are you unaware that all human beings are brothers, creatures of the same Father? There is neither gentile nor Jew, Barbarian, Scythian, free man nor slave, Englishman, Frenchman, Russian, German, Italian, European, American, Asian, African, Australian, but we are all one, all brothers, we are all the same."
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How prophetic are the words of God’s holy ones. Below is a letter from the righteous and holy Elder Philotheos Zervakos, written in 1940. The letter is so pertinent to our times that it could…

🔥 8
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The Religious Phenomenon of LGBTQ-ism

  Every person has a worldview – principles, beliefs, and a school of thought – by which one encounters and experiences the surrounding world and its events, together with how one …

A very important read that addresses, from the solid foundation of Truth, certain ideas of ecumenism that are becoming very fashionable today.
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CHRISTIANITY OR THE CHURCH Heiromartyr Hilarion.pdf1.97 KB
👍 4
From the archives - "Thus, as Christians, we should resist temptations to seek an earthly kingdom as a supporter and deliverer of the Church. Undeniably, the Church has cooperated with earthly kingdoms when possible and there is a positive place for this. Yet, ultimately the Church’s abode on earth is not with a kingdom of this world (as positive as it is or may have been). Her abiding place is outside of the city (of this world), in the desert where she seeks earnestly the coming eternal Kingdom of her Lord Jesus Christ. As St. Paul testifies, “The Jerusalem above is free, which is Mother of us all” (Gal. 4:26)."
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The Desert: the End Time Dwelling for the Church

“These things I have spoken to you, in order that you should not be made to stumble. They shall put you out of the synagogues; yea, moreover there comes an hour that everyone who kills you should t…

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I share articles, such as the above, because it seems to me that even though the "masses" are constantly feed an "us vs. them" narrative (from whatever "side') in the long run the same underlying goals are being promoted - carbon tax, biometric tracking, medical control, and so forth - i.e. a technocratic method of government. It is offered in either a "unipolar" or "multipolar" flavor; either "liberal" or "conservative," and so forth. I'm looking for the neither box to check. I have no real interest in being "anti-Russian" or "pro-Russian" or "anti-America" or "pro-America." In the long run the "masses" need to be given "enemies" to blame and hate. It seems to me that there is no earthly savior coming, we must repent and put our hope completely in our Lord Jesus Christ and His eternal Kingdom, which is ultimately not of this world.
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💯 37👍 6🙏 5
Repost from Edward Slavsquat
Ultimately, the conference aims to help usher in an extremely sustainable world order based on carbon credits, biometric cattle tags, and expensive hookers. 👌🍾🥂
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Multipolar World Order converges on St. Petersburg to take PCR tests & chat about sustainable development


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In 2021 I was one of the only priests that publicly raised concerns about the "vaccine" agenda. Here is one of the few articles I wrote on the subject then.
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Theology got Vaxxed?

“You got unrighteous doctors dealing drugs that will never cure your ills … when you ganna wake up ….” Bob Dylan. “Christianity must remain eternally unchanging, in no way being dependent on or gui…

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