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🔴 NASA Astronauts Stranded in Space Amid Boeing Spacecraft Flop
BREAKING- For the third time in three weeks, the courts have rejected bogus and overtly political “legal” arguments peddled by Attorney General Mayes. Senate: 3 Mayes: 0 Just moments ago, a Maricopa County Superior Court judge correctly rejected claims made by AG Mayes that the FY 2025 budget was "illegal" and affirmed that the opioid settlement monies could be transferred, as provided in the budget passed by the Legislature and signed by the Governor. “This was a frivolous case brought by the Attorney General. Facts matter. Laws matter. And our taxpayers are best served when our elected officials uphold the rule of law. Once again, I’m grateful we have checks and balances in place to ensure this principle is followed.”
Attempted Coup In #Bolivia Reported To Be Underway. Read This Alert:🡻 Follow Alerts On Telegram:
In case you can't tell, the debate and struggle over the ownership of firearms is a hill I'm willing to die on. Molon Labe mutha**s.
From 2013-2017, I was part of a group who shut the and countered the gun control campaigns on social media by Michael Bloomberg and his proxies. They primarily used Facebook to harass retailers into changing their policies about open and concealed carry. This triggered a grassroots effort to stop them dead in their tracks and proved to me that we the people have the power to shut these people down. Well, it looks like they're back at it again. Some of the players are different but their goal is still the same. I believe they're getting ready to make a move because they need to start implementing strick gun control policies before they can roll out the next part of their plan. We need to push back. If I could do it on my own, I would. Political action is a participation sport. "United We Stand, Divided We Fall" means we all have to get involved. What does that mean exactly? It means making a phone call or a two or sending emails to your representatives. That's first. Second, we have to push back in the arenas of speech, debate and ideas. If others see your comments pushing back, it has a psychological effect that counteracts their psyops and propaganda. The more we push collectively, the more effective we are in breaking their spell on others. These two things helped us defeat their last push to ban AR15s. It's helped us to win over and over to the point that a group of random people spread across the fruited plains defeated a well organized and well funded organization. We can do it again. Will you join me? The left is using the office of Surgeon General to push out propaganda to convince people to ban firearms. The surgeon general is deliberately trying to pull at the heart strings of people, to manipulate them emotionally so that they will say "yeah, let's ban guns." This needs to stop. The platform they have selected to wage this campaign is on X, aka Twitter. If you have an X account, please follow the link below and comment on the post. If you don't have an X account, I'm asking you to consider starting one to join this fight. I'm asking you to join me in the virtual trenches of free speech to fight against this tyranny. I have a job, a family whole bunch going on in life too, but I'm going to fight like hell now so I don't have to do it later and risk bleeding out in real life. Will you join me and millions of others in the fight for your freedom?
I was learning about sodium batteries while listening to the Health Ranger yesterday at work. It was new information to me and as someone who owns LiFePo4 batteries for several applications (no, they are not in a Tesla because I don't own one), I am interested in this technology especially for safety and efficiency. I would love to spend only a few thousand dollars in batteries to move completely off grid. That way, I can eliminate my electric bill, cut out the power company and not worry about my energy usage being monitored. Doesn't that make sense? Why not live free from the electrical grid if possible? I'm already partially off grid all the time but moving completely off grid would be a great step to living independently where you couldn't be cancelled or controlled or leveraged using your power at home. Sodium batteries might be the path and I remain hopeful that it will be. I'll have my eye on this as the technology gets developed into something that consumers can use at home.
Check out this new technology.
The Surgeon General's statement about firearms signals to Mr what's on the minds of the Deep State. They have to disarm us if they want to execute their plan. Don't be fooled by any of it. This is a push towards disarmament, to which I say, si vis pacem para bellum. That means, "if you want peace prepare for war." I'm not handing over any firearms. This is literally what kicked off the kinetic phase of the Revolutionary War. The shots fired at Lexington and Concord were shot because Redcoats were coming to take the firearms people had stashed in their barns. This is our time to use our words and push back. Declare your Birthright! You are free! Do not yield to the evil seeking to take control of you and your families. Put these evil actors in their places with the fear of God in their eyes!
If you're interested and able, Night Vision is a tool worth having. It takes a little getting used to but once you make the adjustment, it is something that will give you a capability that most others will not have. I always say hope for the best but plan for the worst. That's why I am a prepper and why I train. I put my body through abuse and my mind through stresses to discover and test my limits. However, there are tools like night vision that supplement your abilities. Tools and tech such as NV, firearms, body armor extend your capabilities. Monitor this website for deals and sales. It's a legitimate website and they will vet you to make sure you're legit yourself. The owner is a veteran of the military and he wants to help anyone on our side. So check out US Night Vision and get some Nog's so you too can own the night.
Pence is evil.
Mike Pence shares his thoughts on Julian Assange. 🙄 "Julian Assange endangered the lives of our troops in a time of war and should have been prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. The Biden administration’s plea deal with Assange is a miscarriage of justice and dishonors the service and sacrifice of the men and women of our Armed Forces and their families. There should be no plea deals to avoid prison for anyone that endangers the security of our military or the national security of the United States. Ever."
We're getting pounded with monsoon storms here in Arizona. The power is still on and we're all safe here. I hope everyone else is doing well too. Thunder is shaking the roof...
Coming up within the hour. Some left coast residents and those living in the southwest should be able to see this.
This isn't related to prepping or any of the usual topics I write about, BUT, everyone has to eat and I figured I'd mention this. Whenever I need a recipe to follow, I grab the Joy Of Cooking cookbook from my bookshelf. It has never failed me. Every time, and I mean EVERY time I use a recipe from that book I get compliments. Tonight, I pulled the fried chucked recipe, substituting gluten free flour for all purpose flour and it was great. I don't always offer cooking advice, but I highly recommend having this book. I'm positive that many recipes can be adapted to situations involving prepping.
I see some new people in the channel. Thank you for joining. Thanks to all who are still here. I just wanted to write a quick post to introduce myself once again. First, I am a real person, not some AI program or some artificial entity designed to act human. I was made in the USA several decades ago, after which they broke the mold. I'm a Federalist, a proponent and lover of personal liberty and freedom, a Christian, a prepper, amateur radio operator, a musician, a geologist, multilingual, and firearms enthusiast, to name a few. Two years ago I started writing on about Freedom and Liberty because I wanted to find a way to transmit my ideas to the world. I have many passions but none can be chased without the freedom do so. I have written articles about Spirituality, some of which include personal testimony, prepping and free speech. When I publish, I share them here and on my other social media profiles. I don't limit my interests, do my best to maintain an open mind and I will share anything from any topic if I find it interesting, educational and funny. I believe one of the best things we can do for ourselves and each other is to find ways to laugh. So with that, you have my humblest gratitude for your support. The future is ours so let's defeat the forces of evil and build something nobody has ever built before.
I am thankful to wake up another day, under my own roof, in my own bed and to have the opportunity to go out into the world to be a positive force. The Lord is my only Shepard, my source for everything and to Him I give my humblest gratitude.
I can get behind this. I've said for 25 years, even as a college student that the Department of Ed is full of commies. BREAKING: Trump vows to shut down Department of Education in second term
Senate Republicans try to thwart Democrat's push to require women to register for the draft.
Everyone always says, "Buy Gold and Silver." They never talk about the different types. I discuss the types in my latest article.
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When you see reports of record heat in Phoenix, please remember that the official temperatures are taken from a thermometer that is at Desert Sky International Airport. I'm sure that the heat retained by the tarmac doesn't influence the readings.
I'm seeing more people wearing masks again, even with the 110°F + heat. All I can do is shake my head.
Had a very long day at work today so that's why I haven't been posting today. I'm in the process of writing on an article and will be releasing it as soon as possible. I'm also getting caught up on all the news for today and will likely be more active this weekend.
Russia is making moves to strength alliances and build new ones. Ducks are lining up for the east.
They took down the article. I don't know why but it was about the decoupling of Saudi Oil and the US Dollar. The Saudis can now sell oil in any currency and they are also new members to BRICS.
My purpose on Earth is to serve God. What is yours?
Listening now to Dr. David Martin talk on InfoWars. He's talking about the Covid Scamdemic and more.
Many of you in the channel who either know me in real life or who have been here awhile, know that I am a true believer in the principles upon which this Republic was founded. You know that I don't sugar coat things. I don't care if I lose followers or subscribers for telling the truth. Truth doesn't care how it is interpreted. It just is. Dishonest people hide the truth or lie about it. Those who do that are being used by an evil spiritual force. That evil is defeated through Divine Love. As God's children, we can channel this love and destroy evil. Love is our greatest weapon. Here's the truth: we're under attack. War is being waged against us. We, the children of God, are being leveraged by Satan in a War against God. We need to recognize that we are in a war. There are spiritual components and Earthly components to the war. The higher order spiritual components can be won through knowledge about our True Nature as Divinely created beings and through prayer. The Earthly component can be won by coming together and using that knowledge to love one another and to trust one another. By working together we can oust the puppets of evil from the seats of power and we can remove the evil force directing them. I take this seriously because I want a future for all of my progeny and future descendants. Evil seeks a nonhuman intelligence for the future.  We can stop that from happening, right now. We have to actively work to these ends. Day in and day out until we have won. It is tiring. It is work. It takes patience and stamina. It requires constant focus. It requires constant attention. It takes time. It takes money. It takes continued, relentless effort. The Americans who fought and bled during the Revolutionary War are inspiring to me because they never gave up, despite losing battle after battle. The war dragged on and on for 8 years. It's a good thing that God is capable of supplying everything we need to win this. God is the source of everything we need and God will supply it. All we have to do is ask for it and use it. Ask. If you don't get it right away, ask again. Keep asking until you get it. Don't stop. Pray for all the evil to be removed from our lives. That's the spiritual component. The earthly component is similar. Pray and ask for discernment. Ask God for the knowledge and Truth you need to navigate the future. Let Him guide your decisions. If the path forward isn't clear but He's telling you to go that way, have the faith of a mustard seed to go forward down that path. He will provide you everything you need for the journey. It might be that you end up as a poll watcher. It might be that you end up as a precinct committeeman. It might be that you stock up on food and water. You won't know how important the role is you are to play until the right moment and every role in this war is important. My only ask of you is to join me in this war and to fight beside me. I know that together we can win. #UnitedWeStand #DividedWeFall #WWG1WGA
Attacking the world's religions has rendered populations without morals, ethics, or the ability to decipher right from wrong.
Love is our greatest strength. It conquers all evil of every kind. Love is the ultimate and it originates in Divine Mind. Love others and be loved.
Thomas Jefferson said, “When once a Republic is corrupted, there is no possibility of remedying any of the growing evils  but by removing the corruption and restoring its lost principles; every other correction is either useless or a new evil.” Let’s pray for leaders who are willing to remove the corruption instead of drawing in any new evils.
Media files
More battery Powered cars means less taxes on fuel. Welcome the new tax. It's always about power and control.
If you're not registered to vote, now is the time. Consider this your reminder.
So I sowed more carrots this evening because a lot of the seed I put into this planter didn't germinate. Sometimes this happens when the seeds are old or if they aren't stored correctly. Something I learned long ago is that seeds should not be stored in the refrigerator. If you run into this problem, where you've planted seeds but they don't sprout, don't give up. The answer is to sow more and keep watering until you have a breakthrough.
One of the greatest thinkers of the Age of Enlightenment, Cesare Beccaria, wrote a treatise entitled, "On Crimes and Punishment." In this writing, Beccaria argues why the use of weapons for self-defense is important to the preservation of one's life. It's definitely worth reading. On Crimes and Punishments
Repost from RTM News
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NASA Astronauts Stranded in Space Amid Boeing Spacecraft Flop

That's gotta be terrifying.

🙏 2
BREAKING- For the third time in three weeks, the courts have rejected bogus and overtly political “legal” arguments peddled by Attorney General Mayes. Senate: 3 Mayes: 0 Just moments ago, a Maricopa County Superior Court judge correctly rejected claims made by AG Mayes that the FY 2025 budget was "illegal" and affirmed that the opioid settlement monies could be transferred, as provided in the budget passed by the Legislature and signed by the Governor. “This was a frivolous case brought by the Attorney General. Facts matter. Laws matter. And our taxpayers are best served when our elected officials uphold the rule of law. Once again, I’m grateful we have checks and balances in place to ensure this principle is followed.”
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AZSenateRepublicans (@AZSenateGOP) on X

🚨BREAKING- For the third time in three weeks, the courts have rejected bogus and overtly political “legal” arguments peddled by Attorney General Mayes. Senate: 3 Mayes: 0 Just moments ago, a Maricopa County Superior Court judge correctly rejected claims made by AG Mayes that

👍 2
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Attempted Coup In #Bolivia Reported To Be Underway. Read This Alert:🡻 Follow Alerts On Telegram:
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In case you can't tell, the debate and struggle over the ownership of firearms is a hill I'm willing to die on. Molon Labe mutha**s.
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From 2013-2017, I was part of a group who shut the and countered the gun control campaigns on social media by Michael Bloomberg and his proxies. They primarily used Facebook to harass retailers into changing their policies about open and concealed carry. This triggered a grassroots effort to stop them dead in their tracks and proved to me that we the people have the power to shut these people down. Well, it looks like they're back at it again. Some of the players are different but their goal is still the same. I believe they're getting ready to make a move because they need to start implementing strick gun control policies before they can roll out the next part of their plan. We need to push back. If I could do it on my own, I would. Political action is a participation sport. "United We Stand, Divided We Fall" means we all have to get involved. What does that mean exactly? It means making a phone call or a two or sending emails to your representatives. That's first. Second, we have to push back in the arenas of speech, debate and ideas. If others see your comments pushing back, it has a psychological effect that counteracts their psyops and propaganda. The more we push collectively, the more effective we are in breaking their spell on others. These two things helped us defeat their last push to ban AR15s. It's helped us to win over and over to the point that a group of random people spread across the fruited plains defeated a well organized and well funded organization. We can do it again. Will you join me? The left is using the office of Surgeon General to push out propaganda to convince people to ban firearms. The surgeon general is deliberately trying to pull at the heart strings of people, to manipulate them emotionally so that they will say "yeah, let's ban guns." This needs to stop. The platform they have selected to wage this campaign is on X, aka Twitter. If you have an X account, please follow the link below and comment on the post. If you don't have an X account, I'm asking you to consider starting one to join this fight. I'm asking you to join me in the virtual trenches of free speech to fight against this tyranny. I have a job, a family whole bunch going on in life too, but I'm going to fight like hell now so I don't have to do it later and risk bleeding out in real life. Will you join me and millions of others in the fight for your freedom?
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👍 2
I was learning about sodium batteries while listening to the Health Ranger yesterday at work. It was new information to me and as someone who owns LiFePo4 batteries for several applications (no, they are not in a Tesla because I don't own one), I am interested in this technology especially for safety and efficiency. I would love to spend only a few thousand dollars in batteries to move completely off grid. That way, I can eliminate my electric bill, cut out the power company and not worry about my energy usage being monitored. Doesn't that make sense? Why not live free from the electrical grid if possible? I'm already partially off grid all the time but moving completely off grid would be a great step to living independently where you couldn't be cancelled or controlled or leveraged using your power at home. Sodium batteries might be the path and I remain hopeful that it will be. I'll have my eye on this as the technology gets developed into something that consumers can use at home.
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👍 1
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Lithium-free sodium batteries exit the lab and enter US production

Two years ago, sodium-ion battery pioneer Natron Energy was busy preparing its specially formulated sodium batteries for mass production. The company slipped a little past its 2023 kickoff plans, but it didn't fall too far behind as far as mass battery production goes. It officially commenced production of its rapid-charging, long-life lithium-free sodium batteries this week, bringing to market an intriguing new alternative in the energy storage game.

The Surgeon General's statement about firearms signals to Mr what's on the minds of the Deep State. They have to disarm us if they want to execute their plan. Don't be fooled by any of it. This is a push towards disarmament, to which I say, si vis pacem para bellum. That means, "if you want peace prepare for war." I'm not handing over any firearms. This is literally what kicked off the kinetic phase of the Revolutionary War. The shots fired at Lexington and Concord were shot because Redcoats were coming to take the firearms people had stashed in their barns. This is our time to use our words and push back. Declare your Birthright! You are free! Do not yield to the evil seeking to take control of you and your families. Put these evil actors in their places with the fear of God in their eyes!
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If you're interested and able, Night Vision is a tool worth having. It takes a little getting used to but once you make the adjustment, it is something that will give you a capability that most others will not have. I always say hope for the best but plan for the worst. That's why I am a prepper and why I train. I put my body through abuse and my mind through stresses to discover and test my limits. However, there are tools like night vision that supplement your abilities. Tools and tech such as NV, firearms, body armor extend your capabilities. Monitor this website for deals and sales. It's a legitimate website and they will vet you to make sure you're legit yourself. The owner is a veteran of the military and he wants to help anyone on our side. So check out US Night Vision and get some Nog's so you too can own the night.
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Vision Optics & Systems | Helmets & Acc | US Night Vision

We sell night vision products, thermal imaging, infrared devices, vinyl products for anything and everything you can think of, drone products and accessories, and more.

👍 5
Pence is evil.
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