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SAUDI ARABIA Just Did WHAT? | reallygraceful A big development in dollar dominance...or dollar decline? Is it true? Is it fake? Let's discuss.
3 84556Loading...
The US - Saudi Petro Dollar Agreement Has Official ENDED | Kim Iversen
17 553251Loading...
Lemmings | Dr. William Luther Pierce | NorseWolf It's misguided to harbor resentment towards the masses; they are precisely the product of the conditioning and manipulation they've been subjected to by the powers that be. ✳️ Video On Rumble ► HERE:
11 303125Loading...
Rabbi Reichorn's Prophetic Proclamations. - 1859, France Wars are the Jew's harvest, for with them we wipe out the Christians and get control of their gold. We have already killed 100 million of them, and the end is not yet. - 1880, in Le Contemporain We shall drive the Christians into war by exploiting their national vanity and stupidity. They will then massacre each other, thus giving room for our own people.
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Biden Wants U.S. Troops To Fight For Saudi Arabia In Exchange for Israel Normalization Deal | Kim Iversen
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How To Subvert A Nation | Pedro Varela Geiss No hay triunfo sin persecución, sin lucha, y sin mártires.
10 698140Loading...
🆘 Just a Dude 😎 Is Now On X 🆘 Check it out and give me a follow by clicking the link below! 💬 💬 💬 💬 💬 💬
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David Goldberg's Last Words - Classified Files Unearth Lethal Project Pogo & Project Zyphr In the world of conspiracy theories, the late David Goldberg's final words echo ominously. His alleged possession of classified documents revealed chilling plans for large-scale extermination through Project Pogo and Project Zyphr. Goldberg, a man known for his uncanny predictions, was found dead in his New York apartment shortly after foreseeing Iran War false flags on June 8th, 2019. His death, shrouded in mystery, has sparked widespread speculation. Many believe he was silenced due to the sensitive information he held. The audio file, discovered in his safe after his death, is said to contain details from the classified documents. This information, if true, could shed light on the sinister machinations of global power players and the deadly projects they are purportedly undertaking. Project Pogo and Project Zyphr, according to these documents, are part of a larger scheme to exterminate millions of people worldwide. The specifics of these projects remain unclear, but their mere existence is enough to send chills down the spine. As we delve further into this tangled web of conspiracy, one thing is certain: David Goldberg's final words leave us with more questions than answers. ✳️ Video On Rumble ► HERE:
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I Am The Chosen One | Trump Does Donald Trump embrace the ‘King of Israel’ title?
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Super Trump | Jerusalem Boy’s Choir Super Trump, He is the Prince of Jerusalem, Super Trump, He also touches the sky, Halleluya from the city of Zion
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Donald Trump Presented With A 'Torah Crown' By The Israel Heritage Foundation. The group feels Trump has earned his place in history for his steadfast support for Israel, his administration’s efforts to move the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, and for recognizing Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights. “This is our expression of gratitude,” If we don’t win, Israel is in big trouble. I mean it. The mission statement of the Israel Heritage Foundation is to “await King David’s descendent, our Mashiach, to rule over the land again and bring peace unto all nations."
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Zionist Organization Of America Award Donald Trump With Its Highest Honor ZOA called the former president ‘the best friend Israel ever had in the White House’ and will honor him with its most significant honor the Theodor Herzl Medallion
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Trump Proves He's The King Of Israel | USA TODAY Every American President in modern times has been staunchly pro-Israel, President Donald Trump perhaps more than most.
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Trump Is The Greatest President For Jews And Israel In The History Of The World The Jewish people in Israel love him like he’s the King of Israel.
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Antisemitism & The Internet: Coded Hate Speech In Online Memetics | Feminist Internet WARNING - This video contains content some viewers might find triggering. ✳️ Video On Rumble ► HERE:
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Jewish Filmmaker & Actor Woody Allen, Accused By His Ex-Girlfriend, Mia Farrow, Of Sexually Abusing Their Adopted Daughter, Dylan, When She Was 7 Years Old. Mommy, you didn't help me … Daddy shouldn't have done that … He shouldn't have hurt me like that.
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Is Quentin Tarantino Jewish? No, But His Wife Daniella Pick Is. The famed American film director met Pick when he was in Jerusalem promoting his movie “Inglorious Basterds”
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Quentin Tarantino Defends Jewish Director Roman Polanski’s Rape Of A 13-Year-Old Girl In an interview with Howard Stern, Quentin Tarantino defended Roman Polanski's rape of a 13-year-old stating that the victim "was down with it."
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Meet Jewish Director And Convicted Child Rapist, Roman Polanski. In 1977, Roman Polanski fed a 13-year-old girl champagne and quaaludes. Then he raped and sodomized her. “Everyone wants to fuck young girls,” says Roman Polanski
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80% To 85% Of The First Soviet Government Were Jews | Vladimir Putin
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There's 6 S3xes-Genders In The Talmud
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Here Is A List Of What Jews Take Pride In • Jews led the fight for gay rights. • Jews lead the fight for racial justice. • During the civil rights movement, Jews were disproportionately involved in the protests. • Jews led the fight for women's rights. #JewishAndProud
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Trump BIZARRELY Laments Israel No Longer OWNS Congress Israel literally owned Congress … Ten years ago, 15 years ago. And it was so powerful … They had such power. Israel had such power and RIGHTFULLY over Congress, and now it doesn't.
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Jewish Actor Seth Rogen Express His Disdain For White People It's always a good sign when there's no White people 100%, It's a major step in the right direction.
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The Eight Genders In The Talmud Judaism has recognized nonbinary persons for millennia. Thought nonbinary gender was a modern concept? Think again. The ancient Jewish understanding of gender was far more nuanced than many assume. The Talmud, a huge and authoritative compendium of Jewish legal traditions, contains in fact no less than eight gender designations including: 1. Zachar, male. 2. Nekevah, female. 3. Androgynos, having both male and female characteristics. 4. Tumtum, lacking sexual characteristics. 5. Aylonit hamah, identified female at birth but later naturally developing male characteristics. 6. Aylonit adam, identified female at birth but later developing male characteristics through human intervention. 7. Saris hamah, identified male at birth but later naturally developing female characteristics. 8. Saris adam, identified male at birth and later developing female characteristics through human intervention.
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🆘 Just a Dude 😎 Is Now On X 🆘 Check it out and give me a follow by clicking the link below! 💬 💬 💬 💬 💬 💬
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Jews Have A Long History Of Looking At Gender Very Differently Than Many Of Our Christian Neighbors Do | Rabbi Daniel Bogard 2000 years ago we have texts about there being 6, 7, 8 different genders. We have traditions that suggest that Abraham and Sarah were intersex, that the very first human beings were created not as Adam and Eve, but as Adam and Eve, as one combined intersex being
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One-Third Of Israelis Are Bisexual New research suggests there are 10 times as many bisexuals in Israel as gays and lesbians.
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It Was A Pioneering Trans Library — Until The National Socialists Burned It Gay Jewish doctor, sexologist, and activist Magnus Hirschfeld, founder of the Inst. for Sexual Research, who performed the first male-to-female surgeries watched his life's work vanish in the 1933 book burnings. Hirschfeld’s belief that if Germans could be persuaded that homosexuality was a biological trait, they would relinquish their prejudices.
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Magnus Hirschfeld: The Godfather Of Gender Confusion & Architect Of Modern Degeneracy | A. Kwon Lee In "Magnus Hirschfeld: The Godfather of Gender Confusion and Architect of Modern Degeneracy," Arthur Kwon Lee investigates the life of the gay Jewish doctor Magnus Hirschfeld, who pioneered the term 'transgender' and advocated for homosexuality. Hirschfeld's Institute for Sexual Science, founded in 1919, promoted pornography and homosexuality in Germany while conducting sex change operations. In 1921, Hirschfeld collaborated with rabbis to create the World League of Sexual Reform, aiming to indoctrinate German youth through a curriculum that sought to exploit boys as prostitutes. However, in 1933, the National Socialists seized power, leading to the destruction of Hirschfeld's Institute and the end of his influence. This exposé sheds light on the historical manipulation and its potential to resurface in the future. ✳️ Video On Rumble ► HERE:
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The Origins Of The Modern Transgender Ideology & Homosexual Movement Before Kinsey or Masters and Johnson, there was one German who is credited with inventing the whole notion of sexology or sexual science. And this was a very funny character called Papa, or the Einstein of sex in Berlin. It was Magnus Hirschfeld. Hirschfeld was a queer Jewish social democrat and a great liberal who really defined the liberal spirit of Berlin. ✳️ Watch The Full Documentary - Legendary Sin Cities - Berlin: Metropolis Of Vice ► HERE:
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U.S. Navy Builds Ship To Honor Pedophile Jewish LGBT Icon Harvey Milk Milk’s friend and biographer admitted that “Harvey always had a penchant for young waifs with substance abuse problems.” He was reportedly a statutory rapist who targeted the most vulnerable of children with his predations. One of his alleged victims was a 16-year-old runaway Jack Galen McKinley from Maryland. Whereas McKinley, a disturbed runaway boy, desperately sought a “father figure” to provide empathy, compassion, wisdom and direction, he instead found Harvey Milk: a promiscuous sexual predator who found, in McKinley, an opportunity to satisfy a perverse lust for underage flesh. Years later McKinley committed suicide.
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Meet Charles Silverstein The Gay Jewish ‘Psychologist’ Who Helped Delist Homosexuality As A Mental Disorder His testimony before the American Psychiatric Association in 1973 was crucial to the reclassification of homosexuality, which until that point had been considered a mental disorder and “sexual deviation,” and is considered one of the greatest achievements in the gay rights movement following the Stonewall riots.
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Homosexuality Is Part of Jewish Tradition Historian Yaron Ben-Naeh has shown in his research that despite the explicit biblical prohibition, in Jewish communities in the Ottoman Empire same-sex relations were rather common. Moreover, until the modern era, grown men who had a need for the favors of youths did not have a negative image in Jewish society.
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Baby Contracts Herpetic Encephalitis From Rabbi Who Sucked Blood From Penis During Circumcision Laboratory tests found that the infant likely contracted the Type 1 herpes virus during his brit, directly from the mohel, who performed the ceremony using the controversial Orthodox method of blood cleaning known as "Metzitzah B'Peh," or oral suction.
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Who Brought The Slaves To America? | Walter White Jr.
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Jews And Slave Trade
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There Was A Higher Per Capita Ownership Of Slaves In The US By Jews Than By white Gentiles | Prof. Of African History Tony Martin We now know from the 1830 census of the U.S. that 75% of Jewish households own slaves as opposed to just 30% for the White population as a whole.
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More White Slaves Were Sold In America In The 17th Century Than Black Slaves Did you know White slaves were sold in the 17th century more than Blacks in America, with a staggering death rate between 37% to 50%!? Modern-day historians call the White slaves 'indentured servants', and they never refer to them as slaves. These White slaves had to work 14 hours a day with no wages, in the worst working conditions, equivalent to the same harsh hard labor that existed in the Gulag. ✳️ Video On Rumble ► HERE:
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More White Slaves Were Sold In America In The 17th Century Than Black Slaves Did you know White slaves were sold in the 17th century more than Blacks in America, with a staggering death rate between 37% to 50%!? Modern-day historians call the White slaves 'indentured servants', and they never refer to them as slaves. These White slaves had to work 14 hours a day with no wages, in the worst working conditions, equivalent to the same harsh hard labor that existed in the Gulag. ✳️ Video On Rumble ► HERE:
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SAUDI ARABIA Just Did WHAT? | reallygraceful A big development in dollar dominance...or dollar decline? Is it true? Is it fake? Let's discuss.
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SAUDI ARABIA Just Did WHAT_... (1).mp446.97 MB
💊 12🤔 8 7👍 5🤯 1
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The US - Saudi Petro Dollar Agreement Has Official ENDED (1).mp447.04 MB
60💊 24👍 20🤔 9😢 3🦄 3🔥 2🤯 1
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Lemmings | Dr. William Luther Pierce | NorseWolf It's misguided to harbor resentment towards the masses; they are precisely the product of the conditioning and manipulation they've been subjected to by the powers that be. ✳️ Video On Rumble ► HERE:
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Lemmings_Dr. William Luther Pierce_NorseWolf.mp446.66 MB
👍 45🔥 10💊 8 6💯 4😈 2😎 2👎 1🖕 1
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Rabbi Reichorn's Prophetic Proclamations. - 1859, France
Wars are the Jew's harvest, for with them we wipe out the Christians and get control of their gold. We have already killed 100 million of them, and the end is not yet.
- 1880, in Le Contemporain
We shall drive the Christians into war by exploiting their national vanity and stupidity. They will then massacre each other, thus giving room for our own people.
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🤬 63😈 16💊 10👍 7 7🤯 4🔥 3😱 2🤮 2🥰 1
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Biden_Wants_U_S_Troops_To_Fight_For_Saudi_Arabia_In_Exchange_for.mp429.95 MB
🤬 62🤡 23🖕 15👎 5🤯 5💊 4👍 3 3🥰 1💩 1
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How To Subvert A Nation | Pedro Varela Geiss
No hay triunfo sin persecución, sin lucha, y sin mártires.
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How To Subvert A Nation_Pedro Varela Geiss finall.mp44.10 MB
🔥 26💯 9💊 3👍 2 2 2👏 2🗿 1
Repost from Just a Dude 😎
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🆘 Just a Dude 😎 Is Now On X 🆘 Check it out and give me a follow by clicking the link below! 💬 💬 💬 💬 💬 💬
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👍 28 8🎉 5
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David Goldberg's Last Words - Classified Files Unearth Lethal Project Pogo & Project Zyphr In the world of conspiracy theories, the late David Goldberg's final words echo ominously. His alleged possession of classified documents revealed chilling plans for large-scale extermination through Project Pogo and Project Zyphr. Goldberg, a man known for his uncanny predictions, was found dead in his New York apartment shortly after foreseeing Iran War false flags on June 8th, 2019. His death, shrouded in mystery, has sparked widespread speculation. Many believe he was silenced due to the sensitive information he held. The audio file, discovered in his safe after his death, is said to contain details from the classified documents. This information, if true, could shed light on the sinister machinations of global power players and the deadly projects they are purportedly undertaking. Project Pogo and Project Zyphr, according to these documents, are part of a larger scheme to exterminate millions of people worldwide. The specifics of these projects remain unclear, but their mere existence is enough to send chills down the spine. As we delve further into this tangled web of conspiracy, one thing is certain: David Goldberg's final words leave us with more questions than answers. ✳️ Video On Rumble ► HERE:
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David_Goldbergs_Last_Words_Classified_Files_Unearth_Lethal_Project.mp447.52 MB
💊 19 11🔥 9👍 7😎 4🤡 2💯 2
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I Am The Chosen One | Trump Does Donald Trump embrace the ‘King of Israel’ title?
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I Am The Chosen One _Trump.mp43.44 MB
💯 36🤣 18🤡 15💊 9💩 8 5🤷 5👎 3😈 3👍 2😁 2
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Super Trump | Jerusalem Boy’s Choir
Super Trump, He is the Prince of Jerusalem, Super Trump, He also touches the sky, Halleluya from the city of Zion
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Super Trump _ Jerusalem Boy’s Choir full.mp446.80 MB
🤣 28👎 11💊 9 5🤡 5💯 5👍 4💩 3😈 3🥰 2