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WHY HAS THE PENIS BECOME SMALLER? Possible reasons include the following: 🔸 The man is getting older. With age, the length of the penis and the size of the testicles may change. The fact is that the accumulation of fat deposits in the arteries reduces blood flow to the penis. This can lead to the withering of muscle cells in the spongy tubes of erectile tissue. Namely, it is filled with blood, causing an erection. 🔸Scars from injuries once sustained (during sex or sports) lead to the formation of scar tissue in the elastic sheath surrounding the spongy erectile tissues of the penis. This can affect both the size of the penis and the erection. 🔸 The man gained weight. When gaining weight, sometimes the stomach becomes more voluminous and impressive, and a man may begin to feel that the penis has become smaller. It's about excess body fat. This is especially true for very obese men. If that's all it is, consider the man lucky. All treatment will consist in switching to a more balanced diet and sports. Yes, it's by no means easy, but it's still worth it. 🔸 The result of the operation. Almost 70% of men who have undergone surgery to remove cancerous tumors on the prostate gland (radical prostatectomy) have small changes in the length of the penis. Experts at the moment cannot explain why this is happening. Perhaps it's due to abnormal muscle contractions in the man's groin. After the above-mentioned operation, a man may also have some problems with an erection. It's already a matter of insufficient saturation of the erectile tissue with oxygen. There is a contraction of muscle cells in the spongy erectile tissue, and less elastic scar tissue forms around it. It is not necessary that after the operation there will be a decrease in the length of the penis, but this is still a common situation. On average, a man's penis is shortened by about a centimeter or two, but everything is individual. 🔸 Peyronie's disease. With this disease, the curvature of the penis becomes so strong that it makes sexual intercourse difficult, makes it painful or even impossible. Peyronie's disease can negatively affect both the length and thickness of the penis. Subsequent surgery to remove scar tissue can also reduce the size of the penis. 🔸 Medicines. Some medications can affect the length of the penis. These are, for example, Adderall, prescribed for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, some antidepressants, antipsychotics and drugs prescribed for prostate enlargement. This is evidenced by a 2012 study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine. So some of the men interviewed reported that after taking finasteride, their penis became shorter and less sensitive. And a study conducted two years later and published in the journal Urology demonstrated a very unpleasant side effect of dutasteride – men who were treated with this drug admitted that they had problems with erection. 🔸 Smoking. Chemicals that enter the body of a smoker can damage the blood vessels in the penis, interfering with normal blood circulation. As a result, problems with erection. A study conducted in 1998 by Boston Medical University examined the erect penises of 200 men. According to one report, the results of the study showed that smokers had shorter erect penises compared to men who did not smoke. Researchers believe that this is because smoking suppresses blood flow, negatively affects a man's erectile function and the length of his penis. A 2017 study published in the BJU Inernational edition was devoted to the same topic. It finally proved that smoking has a bad effect on a man's sexual functions. Sex Science 🤔
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A few taboos in and after sex The list of things you can't do in bed is much less than what you can and should do) But it is no less important. So, 🔸 Never simulate. If a man really loves you, then he will immediately understand it, at least on an intuitive level. Such actions will only lower his self-esteem. 🔸Never criticize him during sex. It may also affect his opinion of himself. If you don't like something, gently direct the man in the right direction, say directly that you don't need to do this or that, or offer to try in a different way (in a way that will be pleasant to you), but you shouldn't harshly tell the man that he is not a skilled enough lover and/or not can give you pleasure. Believe me, criticism at the moment of intimacy will only spoil everything. 🔸Never blackmail a man with sex and do not bargain. Perhaps you will be able to get something "in return", but this will not affect the relationship in the best way. Sex - sex, business - business) Do not transfer domestic relations to bed. 🔸 After making love, leave the man alone for 5 minutes. Lie down together in an embrace, be silent. In the end, just catch your breath) When everyone comes to their senses, you can already discuss what happened, admire or offer something new next time) 🔸 Do not immediately run to the shower. Again, wait 5-10 minutes. Otherwise, it will seem that you want to wash away the "traces" of intimacy as soon as possible. A man may regard this as something that was unpleasant for you, which, again, can negatively affect both the relationship and the quality of intimate life. Sex Science 🤔
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A few taboos in and after sex The list of things you can't do in bed is much less than what you can and should do) But it is no less important. So, 🔸 Never simulate. If a man really loves you, then he will immediately understand it, at least on an intuitive level. Such actions will only lower his self-esteem. 🔸Never criticize him during sex. It may also affect his opinion of himself. If you don't like something, gently direct the man in the right direction, say directly that you don't need to do this or that, or offer to try in a different way (in a way that will be pleasant to you), but you shouldn't harshly tell the man that he is not a skilled enough lover and/or not can give you pleasure. Believe me, criticism at the moment of intimacy will only spoil everything. 🔸Never blackmail a man with sex and do not bargain. Perhaps you will be able to get something "in return", but this will not affect the relationship in the best way. Sex - sex, business - business) Do not transfer domestic relations to bed. 🔸 After making love, leave the man alone for 5 minutes. Lie down together in an embrace, be silent. In the end, just catch your breath) When everyone comes to their senses, you can already discuss what happened, admire or offer something new next time) 🔸 Do not immediately run to the shower. Again, wait 5-10 minutes. Otherwise, it will seem that you want to wash away the "traces" of intimacy as soon as possible. A man may regard this as something that was unpleasant for you, which, again, can negatively affect both the relationship and the quality of intimate life. Sex Science 🤔
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Fetish on the verge of insanity There are quite rare, unusual types of fetish. Some of them are very harmless, some are pathologies and require the professional help of a doctor, psychologist, sexologist or psychiatrist. So: 🔸 Paraphilia (passion for sneezing) Excitement rolls over a person when someone next to him sneezes. Fetishists distinguish the types of this sound and try to make sneezing happen right on them. 🔸 Balloons The object of adoration of the so-called "luners" are ordinary balloons. They must be very strong and are made of special latex that can withstand the weight of a human body in a jump. 🔸 Fornifilia A strange practice, during which one of the people becomes like an interior item, and the owner uses it. For example, you can depict a table, a chair that the dominant uses for its intended purpose. 🔸 Plushefilia Sexual interest in plush toys, especially bears. 🔸 Formicophilia One of the forms of bestiality, in which a person experiences pleasure at the moment when small insects crawl over his body. The interaction of insects directly with human genitals is especially common. 🔸 Necrophilia Sexual attraction to corpses. It is often found among employees of morgues, cemeteries, funeral agencies. Sexual deviation occurs among both women and men. 🔸 Hierophilia A person experiences excitement while considering religious attributes, interacting with them. It is a serious pathology. 🔸 Gerontophilia Attraction arises to older people, to the elderly and pensioners. 🔸 Agalmatophilia It is characterized by an attraction to inanimate objects, for example, statues. 🔸 Maskalaniya Attraction to the partner's armpits, the desire to sniff, lick them. 🔸 Furi The fetish is characterized by the desire for sexual intercourse, in which people disguise themselves as animals. 🔸 Infantilism Dressing up in children's clothes, using children's accessories, for example, nipples, bottles, and so on. 🔸Frotteurism A person gets pleasure while rubbing his genitals against someone. This often happens on public transport. 🔸 Coulrophilia Unreasonable attraction to clowns, clown paraphernalia, makeup and clothes. 🔸 Symphorophilia Excitement comes at the moment of receiving information about someone's death, about a catastrophe, an accident, and so on. 🔸 Kleptolagnia A special kind of perversion, in which the highest point of pleasure can be achieved by stealing. Leads to the systematic implementation of thefts. 🔸 Knismolagnia Excitement comes as a result of tickling. 🔸 Nebulophilia Excitement at the sight of fog. It is most common for residents of the United Kingdom. 🔸 Vorarefilia The fetishist gets excited, fantasizing about how he eats another person's meat. 🔸 Macrophilia Attraction to people of large stature and physique, as well as voluminous objects. 🔸 Zoomiphophilia The desire to have sex with fictional creatures, dragons, unicorns and so on. 🔸 Mechanophilia Arousal occurs when interacting with mechanisms. For example, thoughts about airplanes, cars, bicycles, and so on. 🔸 Vorophilia The desire to be a creature or an animal. 🔸 Dendrophilia (xylophilia) Sexual attraction to plants, in particular to trees. Insertion of the penis into the holes in the tree in order to obtain satisfaction. Women enjoy rubbing their genitals against tree trunks. Sex Science 🤔
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HOW TO UNDERSTAND THAT A MAN IS GOOD IN BED? HE'S A REAL GENTLEMAN It's so nice when a man gives his hand, holds the door, helps put on his coat. An experienced man who has not yet reached the stage of a bed relationship knows how to bring a woman to a state of arousal. HE'S NOT JUST TALKING ABOUT HIMSELF. If a man is ready to listen to you, then he is ready to listen to you HE'S NOT IN A HURRY Sex is not a quick thing, especially on the part of a woman Sex Science 🤔
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HOW DO WOMEN CHOOSE MEN FOR SEX? 🔸 Appearance Scientists from the University of Pennsylvania claim that when women choose men for sex, they pay attention to external data, not to status and character. The long evolutionary path has fixed in our subconscious the stereotypes that are still in effect today. For example, a woman unconsciously evaluates a man as a father to her children. Therefore, he must be healthy. And nothing speaks so vividly about health as a blooming appearance. And the sexiest appearance is broad shoulders and narrow hips, which indicates a high level of testosterone, and, consequently, sexual activity. A scientist from Brunell University, after conducting a study, concluded that brunettes attract 37% of women, dark–haired – 29%, blondes - 16%, red–haired - 2%. Psychologists at the University of Pennsylvania found out that on a subconscious level, women read information about testosterone levels from the applicant's face. Moreover, the "sexy bells" are ringing from the chin and lips. Narrow lips and a developed, strong chin are a sign that everything is fine with testosterone here. 🔸 It's not just the appearance that attracts If a woman does not like his smell, then if he is a millionaire living in a pool with the most expensive toilet water, it will not make him more attractive. This is justified both from the point of view of individuality, and from the point of view of the presence of pheromones – volatile substances that can excite. Another study proving that more than 60% of women are attracted to a male voice. It should be low and calm. Such a voice is also called velvet. 🔸 Personal female motives Psychologists say that sometimes women enter into sexual relations only because they consider a partner to be a good person. Emotional intimacy is more important to her than physical. And sometimes sex comes after pity, which men use very successfully. Even among the motives there is the so-called "Electra complex". Usually this complex (unconscious attraction to the father) affects girls in early childhood. But if the family is not very prosperous, then the problems remain, although they are hidden. Then the woman prefers to give herself to men much older than herself. And in choosing a partner, first of all, he pays attention to age. 🔸 Social motives On a subconscious level, a woman needs a male who can provide her and the child with a piece of mammoth. Nowadays, the higher the social status, the bigger the piece. And a man should also be popular. This is also from the depths – the female always chooses the best male. And if he is coveted by many, he is the best. This, by the way, explains the cases when a guy is taken away from a friend. We need someone who someone else needs. According to the researchers, more than 50% of women are not averse to sleeping with a stranger. And more than 30% bring their fantasies to life. Here women are attracted by novelty and a keen sense of the forbidden. The most surprising thing is that about 40% of couples continue to develop relationships. English scientists conducted a survey that showed that women consider male wit to be very, very sexy. 🔸 And one more observation. Here the "selection" is already over. The woman followed the man. Will sex happen one hundred percent? It turns out, no! It all depends on how a man kisses. 66% of women refuse to go to bed after an unsuccessful kiss. And from the skillful, butterflies appear in the stomach, which are not butterflies, of course, but dopamine, adrenaline, vasopressin and oxytocin, which cause sexual pleasure. So the choice, of course, is important, but not final) Sex Science 🤔
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THE SEXUAL LIFE OF A MARRIED COUPLE. Almost all married couples have sexual problems. But they can be solved. Today we will talk about typical problems that everyone can handle. Most of them are related to the psyche and physiology.
 First year: "Addictive" 
The first year of living together is an adaptation. Partners get used to each other and learn. It all depends on the lovers. Men usually get married at the age of 22-28 years. At this time, they are at the peak of their sexuality. And at the same time, they already have experience. A man needs more sex than a wife. Before marriage, women usually do not have a stable sexual relationship, so she needs to get used to regular sex. You can come to quality sex gradually. Everything takes time. Newlyweds are usually very romantic. You can immediately see them in the crowd. They cuddle sweetly, kiss and hold hands.
 Three years of living together 
After a few years of living together, you conceived a child. A woman can refuse to have sex. Some pregnant women are not recommended to engage in coitus. In the first months, copulation can provoke a miscarriage. Do not give up and give up on sexual relations. You can caress each other and satisfy your partner with oral caresses. After giving birth, everything changes. Now the idol of the family is a baby. A woman gives all her strength to a child. The child can weaken sexual positions. A young mom pays attention only to the child. This period needs to be lived through. Less sex Already after the age of 30, a man's hypersexuality decreases. And sex is no longer in the foreground for him. The testosterone level decreases. Studies have shown that it is the reduction of this hormone that regulates marital fidelity. To bring new colors to the sex life, a couple needs joint trips. It is necessary to change the situation. Routine worsens sex. New sexual position At the age of 33-36 years, a man may have a new period of life. He is already respected at work. Young girls can stare at him. And the object of his sexual attraction will not be his wife at all. This is the whole reality of what is happening. The wife will most likely be aware of this. During this period, a new system of relations is being developed. Spouses do not feel passion, but respect, and not love, but love for a partner. After 40 years A man at this age is not always ready for sex. At the age of 40-45 years, male menopause occurs. But in women after menopause, on the contrary, libido increases and she is ready for sex adventures. Now a woman should be the initiator of sexual relations. All hope for the wife. All couples have a problem with sex. Problems exist to be solved. Do not be afraid to contact a sexologist. Communicate more with your partner. We wish you good luck! Sex Science 🤔
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Why is multiorgasm possible only in women? Multiorgasm is orgasms that roll one after another with a frequency of several seconds or minutes. Sexologists distinguish four phases of sexual reactions that a man and a woman go through during sex – this is sexual desire, arousal, plateau and orgasm. The difference is that a man after orgasm "falls" into a refractory period, during which he is unable to achieve another orgasm, and a woman returns to the plateau phase. During the refractory period, a man needs rest because of a certain hormonal release, he tends to sleep. For a woman, it's the opposite - after orgasm, the woman returns to the plateau phase, and you can continue sexual stimulation. For maximum satisfaction, it is worth building sex in such a way that a woman experiences an orgasm first, and then a man + a woman. How to achieve multiorgasm? 1️⃣ Achieve orgasm in any way convenient for you, for example: by acting on the clitoris. 2️⃣ After orgasm, direct stimulation of the clitoris should be stopped. 3️⃣ Before you have "rested" from orgasm, begin to contract intimate muscles, at this time let your partner affect other sensitive areas, first gently, and then gradually increasing the intensity. 🔸 To help men: if you decide to stimulate the vulva, it is better to affect it completely by covering the clitoris, lips and the vestibule of the mink with your palm, pressing and moving from side to side. 🔸 To help women: after orgasm, there is an outflow of blood and a decrease in arousal. To prevent this process, start moving your hips towards your partner's palm, or make circular movements. 4️⃣During the peak of arousal, return to clitoral stimulation or switch to the G-spot, continuing to contract the intimate muscles. Maybe not the first time, but pretty quickly you will experience multi-orgasm. And believe me, these feelings are worth a little practice. Sex Science 🤔
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6 stages of love American psychologists Ellyn Bader and Peter Pearson believe that any couple in their relationship goes through six consecutive stages. ☝️ Merge. These two are as one, there are practically no differences between them. Even in a restaurant, they constantly order the same dish. ☝️ Differentiation. It begins to test the relationship for strength, by emphasizing their own interests and tastes. This is a period of questions like "How can you like such nonsense?" ☝️ Research. You are increasingly checking whether you are comfortable apart: you do not spend your holidays together, meet with different friends and sometimes even cheat on your significant other. ☝️ Rapprochement. You already know exactly why you are together. The stage of developing a joint way of life begins, setting joint goals and overcoming obstacles to their achievement. ☝️ Cooperation. You and your partner are completely absorbed in the arrangement of family life, carefully and respectfully treat each other's interests, career and tastes. ☝️ Synergy. The two are a well–coordinated and friendly team. Often such partners have everything in common: children, friends, a joint business. If it's good for you two, then it's good for those who are next to you! Sex Science 🤔
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Signs of latent sexual desire. Our thoughts and feelings are given out by certain gestures and behaviors. And to understand that a representative of the opposite sex has a sexual interest in you, in general, is not difficult, if you are careful. Of course, women and men use different gestures to express their interest. Women's Sexual Signals: 🔸 Close contact. A woman seems to accidentally find herself very close to the man who attracts her – that is, at a distance not exceeding 40 cm. This means that she is waiting for a response. For example, for a man to hug her, or at least smile. 🔸 Demonstration of armpits, neck and legs. The woman takes a relaxed pose, so that her armpits become visible or bends down, as if sacrificing her neck. She behaves like this in the presence of a man who is interesting to her. If, at the same time, she often changes the position of her legs (throws one on top of the other, intertwines, shakes the shoe) – there is no doubt about her increased attention. 🔸 Play with hair and jewelry. A woman looks into her eyes and touches her hair – a hidden signal that she craves touch. The same thing happens if he plays with jewelry, for example, earrings or a chain. 🔸 Easy exhibitionism. An accidentally dropped strap or a suddenly short hem of a dress, revealing a piquant detail of underwear or stockings, is not at all a surprise for a woman if it happens exactly at the moment when a man is looking at her. 🔸 Furtive glances. Noticing the man's gaze, the woman immediately looks down or to the side. If it's not the first time, then she wants to get acquainted. Men's sexual signals: 🔸 Interest. During a conversation with a woman, a man begins to pull his tie and touch his hair, and the toe of his foot is turned in her direction – a sign that the lady is of keen interest. However, sexual intrigue may not happen at the same time – it is impossible to exclude the possibility that he is simply interested in her story. 🔸 Serious intentions. A man openly shows his palms during a conversation – you can be sure he is not pretending. 🔸 The desire to be close. The distance between the interlocutors from 1.5 to 3.5 meters is considered business, from 75 centimeters to 1.5 meters – friendly, and if it is less, then it is an intimate distance. If a man gradually approaches during a conversation, most likely, his interest is no longer platonic. 🔸 The desire to hug. When communicating, a man spreads his arms to the sides, or leans on the back of a chair, a stair railing… A sign that at this moment he wants to hug the one who is next to him. 🔸 Touches. A man casually touches a woman's arm or elbow. This means that he likes her very much. 🔸 The desire to please. The man begins to preen himself — straightens his hair, clothes, straightens his back, draws in his stomach. 🔸 Sexual desire. The accentuation of the genital area, when a man puts his thumbs behind his belt, or holds his hands on his hips, is the most obvious manifestation of sexual interest. 🔸 I would rather get rid of it! A man prefers to keep his distance, crosses his legs, hides his hands in his pockets and pulls his ear – a clear sign that he has no interest in a woman and wants only one thing: to end communication with her as soon as possible. Sex Science 🤔
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