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Tartiiba Hiikkaa Gugilii Afaan Oromoo

Afaan Oromoo Afaanota Gurguddoo Addunyaa 109 tti makamee tajaajila kennuu jalqabuuf Jechootni English Miliyoona 1 fi isaa ol Afaan Oromootti yoo hiikamaniidha. Kana milkeessuf Namni Jechaa fi Hima Afaan English gara Afaan oromootti hiikuu danda’u kamuu irratti hirmaachuu ni danda’a. kanaaf immoo dhaabbanni Google haala mijeessee jira. Afaan Oromoo tarree Afaanota gurguddatanii hiriirsun hojii namoota muraasaa miti, ykn kan […]

kaardi qarshi shantamaa(50) Guutaati Appilikeshinii kana fayyadamuun Albami Sirba Hacaaluu Hundeessa #Maal_Mallisaa jedhu bitachuun gahe keenya haa bahanu.
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​​Dhamsa:- Hanga Hayyamamutti Namoota Sirba Albama Haacaaluu Hundeessaa Gutuu isaa Soshal Midiyaa garagararratti gad dhiisan irratti qabsa'uun Gatii Albamni Itiyopiyaa keessatti gurguramee hin beekneen akka gurguramuuf namni hundi bitachuun akkasumaas Copyright isaa eeguun akka qooda keessan baatan asumaan isinitti dhamadha. Haacaaluu Hundeessa Jaalachuun CD isaa Orginal bituun dhageefachuudha. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ GALATOOMA!
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Joorji Abbu-Tirrii sirna aalaamaa- New Ethiopian Oromo Music 2021(Official Video)

Vision Entertainment is your number one stop for quality Music Videos and production. Vision entertainment is a fully integrated audio, video and art company with the vision of expanding the current music and art industry of Africa with the goal of becoming an all around entertainment leader Ethiopian Oromo Music 2021 (Official Video) Subscribe Below to be the first to watch Videos and get exclusive access! Subscribe:

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Galaanaa Gaaromsaa - Wal Agarra - New Ethiopian Oromo Music Video 2021 (Official Video )

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👉👉Odefannoo Namoota #Email fayyadamtan maraaf! Odeefannoon kuni tooftaale namooni ykn qaamoonni garagaraa yaalii hanna saayibarii #Email namoota irratti taasisuuf yeroo amma kana itti fayyadamaa jiran kan PHISHING jedhamuun bekamuu irratti xiyyeefatan kanaaf Of-Egganoof nu gargaaru danda'a waan ta'eef dubbisa... 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 Hackers use Colonial pipeline ransomware news for phishing attack | ZDNet
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Hackers use Colonial pipeline ransomware news for phishing attack

The emails ask employees to download a “ransomware update” that is actually malware.

#Waan_barbaaddurraa_ijakee_hinkaasiin! ~~~~ Fakkii sammuun qalamasaan kaasee of keessaa qabu agartuu yaadaan ilaaluun, shaakala guyyuu namoota kaayyooti. Namoonni kaayyoo, warreen galma isaaniif mudhii hidhatanii manaa bahan, yeroo hundumaa ijasaanii galmasaanii irraa hinkaasani. Isaan warreen addaati; warreen kaayyoof jiraatan malee, warreen laayyoo miti. Eeyyeen, isaan jara addaati! Maarree atis yaa nama kaayyoo, waan barbaadduurraa ijakee hinlibsatiin; waan ilaalaa jirtus argachuuf sirriitti dhama'i. Kan ati argachuuf dhamaa'aa jirtu sun, isuma ati argaa jirtu sanadha; waanuma dursitee itti abjoottee dhugaa gochuuf jirta; waanuma dura bocasaa sammuu keessaa qabdu, fakkeettiisaa ganamaa galgala addunyaa sammuukee keessatti argaa jirtu sana argachuuf jirta. Guddaa mil'atee xiqqoo, xiqqoo mil'attee guddaa argatta osoo hintaane, hammuma isa sammuukee keessatti argaa jirtuu sana argachuuf jirta. Isa argaa jirtu sana irraa maaliif ijakee kaastaree? Harka hinkenniin malee! Hin dagatiin! Hammi ati ijakee galmakeerra kaawwattu, hammantaa dandeettii fakkii kaasuu sammuukee irratti hundaa'a. Xiyyeeffannoo guddaan ati galmakeerra gootu faayidaa hedduus siif hiixata. Eeyyeen, aangoo waa uumuu sammuu dammaqsa, xiyyeeffannaa daraan dabala, nama dabalatee waantota fiixaan ba'insaaf nama gargaaranitti nama firoomsa, sammuunis si'aayaa akka ta'u godha. Sammuun si'aayemmoo, galmaan nama gaha. Galma geesse jechuunis, waan addunyaa sammuukee keessaa harkaan qabattee jirta. Kana caalaa waanti nama gammachiisu hinjiru. Gammachuu dhugaadha! Kanaafuu, dandeettii dirree sammuu keessatti waan barbaaddu mil'achuukee cimsadhu. Galma ofii mil'achuun waan fedhan sana harkaan akka qabatan nama gochuu keessatti gahee hintilmaamne qaba. Adeemsi galma ofii ittiin mul'atanis burjaajessaa miti, salphaadha. Kanaafuu, wanti gochuun sirra jiraatu ofitti dhiyeessitee galmakee mil'achaa yeroo hundumaa akka isa dhumatee harkakee jiruutti deddeebi'uudha. Fakkeenyaaf: Mana jireenyaaf hawwataa ta'e tokko ijaarrachuuf deemta haajennu. Manni kun isuma ati ammaan kana dirree sammuukee keessaa qabdudha waan ta'eef mil'achuu hindhiisiin. Hurrii yaadaa of jalaa bakka dhabamsiisiitii, achii as ofitti dhiyeessii mee manicha ilaali. Yommuu ilaaltu, karra manakee kanaa kaasee hanga biqiloota mooraasaa keessa dhabamanii jiran, akkaataa kamiin akka ijaaramee kaasee hanga hirama keessa isaatti sitti argama. Bakka meeshaan garagaraa taa'u, bakka ciisichaa, bakka taa'umsaafi keessummaan buufatu, manakee ijaarrachuuf jettu keessaa sitti nimul'ata. Bakka dhaqna itti dhiqatan, bakki mana fincaaniifi kanneen biroon sitti argamu. Kun hundi agartuu yaadakeetiin dirree sammuukee keessaa sitti mul'achuu kan danda'anidha. 👉Hurrii yaadaa of jalaa kaasi. Kan ijakee qabe of jalaa dhabamsiisi. Keenyan akka ati fagootti hinargine si godhu san of jalaa buqqisi. Gufuu kayyookeetti abidda qabsiisi. Kunneen summii siif kaayyookee gidduuti! Gufuu kana bakka dhabamsiifnaan, yeroo hundumaa ijjikee iddoo waan barbaaddurraa gara bira hinmul'atu. Gufuun gubate sun karaarraa sii ka'uu qofaaf sin fayyadu; yeroo gubatu anniisaa ifaa siif kenna; qaqqaammattees ittiin qorra dabdee galte ofirraa dhorkita. Eeyyeen, gufuu jireenyakee dhabamsiisi malee bira hindarbiin. 👉Ijjikee galmakeerra haata'u! Kun taanaanimmoo, yoo kuftellee iddoo kufte sanatti ijjikee miidhama kufinsakee osoo hintaane, iddoo deemuuf manaa baaterra jira. Yoo arrabsamte waa'ee arrabsoo miti kan sitti mul'atu; gammachuu isa argachuuf deemtu argachuuti. Beelli si hindhaabu; anniisaa isa argaa jirtuutu fuulduratti si oofa. Garuu waan harkaan qabachuuf hiixattee irraa ija kaafnaan, hallayyaafi gufuu hedduutu karaakeerra ija sitti babaasa, waan hedduutus si qabata. Qabees si hingadhiisu. Ati namni kaayyoo, nama laayyoo taatee hafta. Kanaaf furmaanni, xiyyeeffannaakee waan barbaaddurra gochuudha. Waan barbaaddurraa ijakee hin kaasin! ©Abdiisaa Ejjetaa U. Bantii, 2021 Adaree biyyoo, Orofrikaa @Orobook
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Listening Deeply The amount of suffering inside us and around us can be overwhelming. Usually we don’t like to be in touch with it because we believe it’s unpleasant. The marketplace provides us with everything imaginable to help us run away from ourselves. We consume all these products in order to ignore and cover up the suffering in us. Even if we’re not hungry, we eat. When we watch television, even if the program isn’t very good, we don’t have the courage to turn it off, because we know that when we turn it off we may have to go back to ourselves and get in touch with the suffering inside.  We consume not because we need to consume but because we’re afraid of encountering the suffering inside us. But there is a way of getting in touch with the suffering without being overwhelmed by it. We try to avoid suffering, but suffering is useful. We need suffering.  Going back to listen and understand our suffering brings about the birth of compassion and love. If we take the time to listen deeply to our own suffering, we will be able to understand it. Any suffering that has not been released and reconciled will continue. Until it has been understood and transformed, we carry with us not just our own suffering but also that of our parents and our ancestors. Getting in touch with the suffering that has been passed down to us helps us understand our own suffering.  Understanding suffering gives rise to compassion. Love is born, and right away we suffer less. If we understand the nature and the roots of our suffering, the path leading to the cessation of the suffering will appear in front of us. Knowing there is a way out, a path, brings us relief, and we no longer need to be afraid.
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👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 ⭐️The Suffering of Our Ancestors ⭐️ We know that the suffering inside us contains the suffering of our fathers, our mothers, and our ancestors. Our ancestors may not have had a chance to get in touch with the practice of mindfulness, which could help them transform their suffering. That is why they have transmitted their unresolved suffering to us. If we are able to understand that suffering and thereby transform it, we are healing our parents and our ancestors as well as ourselves. Our suffering reflects the suffering of the world.  Discrimination, exploitation, poverty, and fear cause a lot of suffering in those around us. Our suffering also reflects the suffering of others. We may be motivated by the desire to do something to help relieve the suffering in the world. How can we do that without understanding the nature of suffering? If we understand our own suffering, it will become much easier for us to understand the suffering of others and of the world. We may have the intention to do something or be someone that can help the world suffer less, but unless we can listen to and acknowledge our own suffering, we will not really be able to help. 
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