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Arnav's Blogs

Welcome to Arnav's Blogs! I blog about Random things here, whether it be tech, personal life experiences or anything! Discussion - @arnavslounge

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Alright, yesterday's blog coming in Audio Format soon!
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I don't know who needs to hear this but... - You. Yes I'm talking with you, you're the best. You're an amazing person now matter how you look, how much your grades are, how many problems you have in your life, I'm proud of you cus you're fighting your way through it. Idk how many people appreciate you, but I do and I will. I'd like to tell something which happened with a friend of mine: - I won't reveal who he his, but many people exclude him cus he doesn't intrest them. Today, He has good technical knowledge, he's talented too. Back in the time, when his friends were trolling him, playing and wasting their time, he invested the same time in learning and improving a skill. He wasn't bored in the lockdown, he made something productive out of his skills, learnt other skills too and today, he's ahead of them. They always excluded them, never made him a part of them, but then he felt bad at first and ignored them for good, learnt skills and made other friends, which were worthy and never made him felt excluded. Today, he's proud of himself. Sure, he doesn't have the best grades but today he has something much more valuable and something which will last lifelong. I'm proud of the way he's got around things and I've been with him since a long time. Well, let's talk about you now, I know You have a goal and I know you'll achieve it, if not today, maybe tomorrow, if not tomorrow, some other day but I know you will. Don't ever feel you're doing something bad or wrong, change the way you think. If you feel alone, learn a skill like my friend and be ahead of them, the haters, if someone demotivates you or makes you feel bad, prove them wrong. You have the capability to make something large and some day you will. Go ahead, take that one step you've been waiting for and I know you'll succeed. Follow the law of manifestation and think about the best for yourself cus you deserve the best ❤️ ~ Arnav
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How did COVID-19 Affect Education? - A personal experience Introduction • We've been stuck in our house since last 2 years now. You know it, I know it, there's no person who wasn't affected by this pandemic but today, I wanna focus on how it affected education Sector and specifically Board students since I was one of the people who was giving their 12th Standard Boards Offline, and most of you know my boards ended recently (I'm a state board student) Studying • Due to the COVID Pandemic, most of the institutions and colleges were operating online and ours was no exception, but initially our admissions were quite late in the first place. General admissions for 11th Standard used to be completed in August and ours ended in December so most of our 11th Standard was skipped, we were only taught the lessons we needed for 12th, moreover due to online classes, no one could focus much on the studies due to several reasons; Internet slowdowns, Eyes Paining, Mental Health etc. • Also Many people didn't like the tutions and colleges they joined due to improper teaching, not taking enough efforts or practice and several other reasons. • But despite of that, we studied, all of us. Personally speaking, YouTube became my best friend, since it had so many channels, so many live streams, so many videos from which I could learn! Most of my friends, who started self studying, started referring to YouTube and we learnt a lot through Youtube. Boards! • Well, all of us were scared, as expected. Regardless of that, we went, found our seats and we seated. Me being the unlucky guy, was on the 4th bench, that too on the outer side. Also the situation was so bad that no one had prepared completely, people left several chapters as option cus there was no other choice. We were all quite pressurised under the expectations by everyone. • We expected, everyone of us that papers will be easy, but to the contrary they were quite hard, moreover cus no one prepared completely, we were all tensed after studying online and giving offline boards, fun fact, our batch was the only batch who gave 12th boards offline directly after 10th boards, we gave no offline exam in between since COVID actually took a surge when our prelims were happening. • To No surprize, everyone was protesting initially to cancel boards but no one listened to our demands, regardless, we decided to fight with the situation and no wonder, everyone copied, yes COPIED, even during boards. It was quite unfair to all the people who worked very hard throughout the boards, but yes, some had to deal with it. • Again, no COVID safety protocols were followed by our college too, as expected. (Lmao yeah), they didn't even care to take our temperatures. Only masks were mandatory, there wasn't even proper social distancing. To conclude, it was a very bad experience overall, there were several mismanagements, there were lot of things through which we had to go through in the process, I didn't mention all the things we went through but I wish and hope that none of our future generations go through the trouble and problems we had to go. That's it for this one, also wishing all the best to all the CBSE, ICSE and people from other boards! ~ Arnav
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The impact of Short Form Content! Introduction • Since the introduction of "Vine" happened in 2012, the world envisioned the rise of short form content among youth, then later came TikTok, which gave growth to short form content more and more and finally, we had the introduction of Instagram Reels and YouTube Shorts which lead the short form content industry to whole another level. Anyone could now start to create content, with the power of their phone now! How is short form content benefitial? • In around 15-30 seconds, people could now show their talent whether it be dance, performing a short music piece. People also started sharing tips, hacks etc. • People also used this short form content space to share a quick news/event that happened recently and then made longer videos/news for those who wanted to hear things in detail. • Since anyone could create content, world envisioned creative people too and all the creative people who couldn't afford the gear to make such content could showcase their talent to a bigger audience. • It doesn't take more than an hour to edit such a small video that's why even those who don't have time due to other things in life but wanted to create content could now do it! • Small artists, who struggled to promote their songs etc. could finally get their content promoted from short form content since it builds up viewership in a short amount of time! Mm, but how about the other side? • Before short form content got a rise, we were all used to watching long form content which added more value to our lives since that content had more detailed information and detailed synopsis of the subject. So considering we're getting more info about a topic, long form has a benefit • Watching short form content kills time! I'm sure we've all noticed this while scrolling reels and you never realise it's been an hour already! You never realise and you've already spent hours in the app! • We've all seen people trimming long form content into clips and re-uploading on short form content platforms to earn money which is wrong and harmful to the creator who spent hours creating long form content! • It also reduces your attention span since you're getting new and new piece of information every single minute, your brain gets confused and your attention span gets reduced, so much to the point where long form content no longer interests you, If you want a proof, just see how much people skip long posts xd, including this one. • Once a trend starts to rise, everyone just follows the trend blindly for "views" and reaching new audience and earning more money and that's where it starts getting cringe and you start hating the trend which you once loved and once laughed on, if you want an example, just see "Kacha Badam" Trend in India, it has been so overused and so much repeatative that people don't enjoy it anymore. • Often, short form content gets more views since the content is short, people can watch many many videos but that isn't the case with long form content! What can we, as viewers do at a grassroot level? • Engage yourself in longform content, since short form content will lead you to nowhere in most cases, I agree you can get valuable piece of info in short time but you forget it sooner or later since you didn't collect information in detail, try recalling the last life hack/tip which you saw in shortform content and I'm sure you can't recall it exactly since you got distracted by other content in there so much so that you forgot the information! • If you really want to stick to shortform, Follow and Promote Creators which just give valuable information on shortform content rather than posting same repeatative content which shortform creators do. • Avoid watching re-posted trimmed long form content in shorter form. Just watch the original video and help the creator who spent hours creating that piece of content.
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• Choose the longer path, cus you generally won't forget info once you read or view the thing in detail. • Spending hours listening to podcasts or streaming content which is actually useful, or listening to audiobooks will add more value to your life rather than spending hours on these platforms. • Spread the awareness of how shortform affects you and support your favorite creators! Have a great day! ~ Arnav
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A New Beginning - Blog Channel Introduction •I had the idea of writing down my thoughts or views somewhere, that's where the idea of blogging came to my mind. I'm too lazy to maintain a diary and I don't want to write anything completely revolving around my personal life or experiences but I'd like to share opinions on several topics coming down the line. About the content coming in this channel! •As for what's coming in the blog channel, I'd love to write something on Social Issues or what's happening in the Tech Community or Tech Related blogs. I'd also like to cover some random topics here and there based on your suggestions. I won't restrict myself when it comes to content, but I'll always be open to your feedback and suggestions. Why Telegram for blogs? Now some of you might be wondering that why Telegram is my choice for Blogging and here I'd like to state that - •Currently, I feel, Telegram gives me the flexibility to work on every device whether it be My Phone or PC. I can resume blogging from anywhere so I won't get that restriction whether I just need one device or something. •Instagram, Twitter and other platforms where I am aren't really made for blogging. Something like Twitter is just to state your opinion in a few words, Instagram is more of a Photo Sharing Service rather than a dedicated blogging, I didn't even really wanna do this on WhatsApp cus it doesn't have formatting as well as I don't think everyone is comfortable sharing their contact details, moreover it doesn't even have formatting and even I won't consider it as a blogging platform. Also I don't want to setup an entire website for that cus creating a website will take a lot of time as well as a lot of efforts. Also I already have a strong network on telegram which I'd like to improve further. What next? •I'll post weekly blogs maybe? Or twice a week?! Depends. I'm not really ready for daily blogging as of now but I'd love to do that one day! •I'll cover more and more topics and stuff as the days go! That's all from my side for now, have a great day! ~ Arnav
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