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أبُـــو ذَرّ — إخوان من طاع الله

Interested in ‘Aqidah, world events, and geopolitics. Backup: @TAWHED21

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معدل نمو المشتركين

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It is foolish to ascribe other than tawhid as a cause for victory. We have seen many adopt the view set of "causes and benefits", in order to justify engaging in actions of disbelief. Allying with rafidha, jahmiyyah, secularist groups, the ikhwan will never bring about any benefit. You've forsaken tawhid, in order to establish the shar'iah! What a counter-productive hing to do. Understand that our goal isn't just winning in worldly affairs, rather it's to attain entry to Jannah. This means that we cannot treat our affairs like any other secular affair, we need to fulfill the rights & conditions of tawhid — and not compromise on a single one.
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💯 14👍 1
Repost from N/a
Understanding Kufr bit-taghut. We begin in the name of Allah, and upon Him we rely. This channel is an explanation of the fundamental part of Islamic 'Aqidah (creed or doctrine), commonly referred to as "al-Kufr bit-taghut wal-imanu billah", the disbelief in taghut and the belief in Allah. It compromises the two pillars of "La ilaha ila Allah", the statement which the entire religion is built upon. Thus, every Muslim, whether male or female, young or old, needs to understand this, and understand it well. We ask Allah, the Mighty and Majestic, to make this easy to understand and beneficial for the Muslims. These posts are based upon a well known booklet, translated and released by some brothers. Channel Directory: 1 — Why were we created? 2 — How can I purify myself from all Shirk? 3 — The only way to fulfill La ilaha ila Allah. 4 — Definition of the word "taghut" 5 — The 3 categories of tawaghit. 6 — The 5 heads of the taghut - five Posts. 7 — Common tawaghit in the modern world. 8 — How can I actualize my kufr in the taghut?
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Kufr bit-Taghut

1. The Reason for our existence #Kufr_In_Tawaghit1 #AlKufrBitTaghut [1/12] Allah (تعالى) created us to worship Him alone, as He said: وَمَا خَلَقْتُ ٱلْجِنَّ وَٱلْإِنسَ إِلَّا لِيَعْبُدُونِ "I did not create jinn and humans except to worship Me." This is the reason humanity exists. All of the things around you, the people you meet, the development of different langauges and cultures, and so on and so forth — all of this has a purpose to fulfill, and that is to worship Allah alone. To worship He Who created us, He who will cause us to die, and He Who will Judge us on the Day of resurrection. So, whoever does not worship Allah has not fulfilled his purpose, and he has transgressed the limits that Allah set for him. The one who associates partners with Allah, has indeed committed an obscene atrocity. And with this, my brother in tawhid, you should come to realize the importance of worshiping Allah. All of the Prophets called towards the worship of Allah, every war waged by the Messenger was fought for this…

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The Believers will be tested. A lot of atheists think that "believing in God" should make us exempt from the tests of life & death. They say that God would protect religious people from all harm, failure, or anything negative — because their belief in God should protect them from such things. And so they say, "why do religious people suffer?", and this still isn't a very compelling argument. Rather, if someone uses this line of logic, they're likely arguing from a place of insincerity. And on the contrary, I'd say that It makes more sense for those who believe to be tested. Why? Because they've made a claim. They've testified to Allah, that they believe in Him with tawhid, and that they believe that His Messenger Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم is the final Messenger. Will they follow through with it? Will they hold on to that belief when it's tried and tested? Will they compromise on their beliefs as soon as things get a little difficult? Do they only show it outwardly, in front of the people — and hide their inward disbelief? Tests like doubts, wars, disasters, deaths, and the like — these are a means to purify the ranks, and separate the Muslimeen from the munafiqeen. Like I mentioned before, Allah تبارك وتعالى says: "Do the people think that they will be left to say, "We believe" and they will not be tried?" You can claim to be whatever, but what matters is the actions (whether it be in the heart, on the tongue, or upon the limbs). So, if someone claims to believe in Allah, yet they completely abandon the prayer, this person's actions don't back up his claim to belief. He testified that nothing is worthy of worship except Allah, which necessitates belief in Allah — yet this man's head doesn't touch the ground except for twice a year. Has this man followed through with his testimony? No, he hasn't. Rather, he failed the test, and gave into his heedlessness and laziness. Likewise, the one who is tested with desires, love of this world, and other than that from the disobedience of Allah عز وجل — this is a test as well. If you succeed, you are rewarded with a great reward, and if you fail, you are punishment with a severe punishment. And who is tested more than those who believe? Read through the Speech of Allah غير مخلوق, and you find that the Prophets were tested greatly. Read through the Seerah, and you will find that our Prophet Muhammad صلوات ربه وسلامه عليه and his companions were tested. Read through history, and you will find that every righteous imam was tested in one way or another. Even till today, those who believe are still being tested. The bigger the claim, the harder the test. And what bigger claim to be tested on, then the claim of tawhid?
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"Why would God give cancer to a child? Why does war happen? Why do we suffer?" These pseudo-intellectual atheists are essentially saying: "If God exists, then why do bad things happen?" This train of thought is wrong, and honestly a bit childish. It sounds like something an edgy reddit user might spit out. Let's look at some points which refute this belief: (I) - This life is a test. Allah تعالى says in Surah Mulk: "[He] who created death and life to test you [as to] which of you is best in deed - and He is the Exalted in Might, the Forgiving." This life is a test of belief, and action based on that belief. If you claim to believe, then know that your claim will be tried and tested in various ways, just as Allah تعالى says in Surah al-'Ankabut: "Do the people think that they will be left to say, "We believe" and they will not be tried?" We will be tested with pain, death, misery, loneliness, our own desires, and more. Whoever passes the test will go to Paradise, and whoever falls victim to disbelief will go to Hell. Whoever believes in tawhid, actualizes their belief, and then dies upon it - despite all the tests, trials, and tribulations - then they've passed the test of life. The point here is to understand, that life is supposed to contain pain, suffering, etc. to test mankind. (II) - Without darkness, there is no light. If you've never felt distressed, then how can you know happiness and joy? If evil doesn't exist, then how can goodness exist? If darkness never existed, then we would have never come to understand the concept of light. So know that all of these feelings of joy, happiness, and love would loose their importance if their counterpart ceased to exist. And know that the feeling of pleasure is infinite in Paradise. (III) - Allah knows, and we don't know. Allah says in Surah al-Baqarah: "Perhaps you dislike something which is good for you and like something which is bad for you. Allah knows and you do not know." A lesson that I've learned time and time again, is that suffering is incredibly beneficial for you, and for humanity as a whole. Its the only way we improve and learn. So, Allah تبارك وتعالى knows what'll benefit you in the long run, and therefore something you hate might be exactly what you need for success. So.. In conclusion to all of this, I've realized that Philosophy is just useless talk. And it leads to atheism, nihilism, and emptiness in your soul. Just go to take a look at the number of suicides in the countries where these philosophies became popular. Its all bleakness and despair. Philosophy doesn't answer life's questions, rather it only makes you more and more uncertain as you delve into it. Nothing will ever compare to the Qur'an & Sunnah, so we thank Allah for guidance.
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Man I don't know how some of you have the ability to use twitter without wanting to commit genocide May Allah give us patience and ease our frustrations
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Pure Zandaqa with 3.7 million views and 28k likes. I ask Allah to put an end to her life. Filthy Kafirah, enemy of Allah, His Messenger, and those who believed. May Allah punish her severely in this life and the next, and allow the news of her death to calm the hearts of the muslimeen. We are truly living in the end times. May Allah protect us all.
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Knowledge before action. Without knowledge, you can't act. For example, if you don't know the conditions and pillars of the prayer — then you can't pray. Likewise, if you don't know tawhid, then you cannot call others towards tawhid. If you aren't aware of what fasting is, then you can't fast. This is very easy to understand; you need to have the knowledge of something before acting. You act upon what you learn, not learn after you've acted. This is why Imam al-Bukhari رحمه الله titled a chapter: "العلم قبل القول والعمل": "knowledge comes before action", and then he رحمه الله تعالى cited the Ayah where Allah تعالى says:- "Know that there is no god worthy of worship except for Allah, then seek forgiveness for your sin." Meaning: before you seek forgiveness, you must know that there isn't any other god worthy of worship except Allah (i.e. having knowledge), and then (after you've attained that knowledge) you can ask for forgiveness (i.e. act upon that knowledge). — The reason why I bring this up, is that you see many people acting without knowledge. And unfortunately, this goes twofold in our circles. Many of us set our profile picture as a mujahid or a scholar, type with accented letters (ā, ī, ū), and discuss Islamic sciences. The problem is that half of these people have no clue about they're talking about, and this shows both ignorance and insincerity. They will declare tabdi' and takfir for no reason at all, and in other situations they refrain from making takfir and tabdi' when they are necessary & obligatory. All of it is based off of emotions, desires, and shubuhat. Not upon knowledge, not upon the methodology of the salaf, not upon sincerity to Allah عز وجل. This has lead to a huge problem in the modern world: many of the people who focus on seeking knowledge run away from Jihad, almost forgetting that it exists—whilst those who want jihad tend to not care about knowledge. And this is a catastrophe on this ummah, may Allah rectify our affair. We need a combination of both, people who are knowledgeable with regards to the Islamic sciences and who are willing to sacrifice for the sake of Allah. (not an encouragement for unjust violence) And by that, we will in sha Allah, be successful. Listening to anashid, watching videos, and wasting time in group chats will not solve anything. It will not benefit you. In fact, and I can personally attest to this, wasting time and laughing in group chats will make you heedless of Allah. So, busy yourself with seeking knowledge, worshiping Allah تبارك وتعالى, and training yourself. Don't waste time.
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Collection of good news channels: It's important to stay updated, although you shouldn't spend too much time looking at news. Remember that you have a goal, and that you cannot just purposely & heedlessly browse social media. You need to know the situation of the world around us, because an opportunity might present itself. You never know when something extremely important  will happen. Remember to: • Support the Muslimeen with your Du'as, asking Allah for them to be saved, cured, and granted success. • Make du'a against the disbelievers, asking Allah for them to fail in their plots and plans. • Be aware of the current situation. This has many benefits, which are obvious to anyone with common sense. • Also remember that not everything can be explained or "fixed" by worldly, geopolitical reasons. It is Allah who wrote for it to happen, it is He who caused it, and therefore we must focus on pleasing Him rather than looking for secular remedies to these issues. And Allah certainly knows best.
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أبو ذر invites you to add the folder “News”, which includes 13 chats.

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اللهم صلى وسلم على نبينا محمد
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Firstly, Alhamdulillah for destroying a group from the people of shirk. We ask Allah (سبحانه وتعالى) take more of the mushrikin out of this world, and give them what they truly deserve. There is no obscenity, no crime, no wrongdoing worse than ascribing partners to Allah (عز وجل). Thus, they are deserving of these kind of events, and we see them as punishment from Allah. Secondly, Alhamdulillah for guidance. Remember, that you were once lost, and it is Allah who guided you. Thank Allah that you aren't in this position, thank Allah for guiding you out of the darkness of ignorance and keeping you away from the filth of kufr. Alhamdulillah. How horrible it must be for the one who dies whilst living the life of a polytheist. To Allah we belong and to Him we return, La ilaha ila Allah. May Allah keep us upon his religion, and guide us to the correct methodology of the salaf. آمين Remember to say: • اللهم يا مقلب القلوب ثبت قلبي على دينك And remember to invoke Him with his perfect Names and Attributes, asking for steadfastness and guidance. For protection against shirk and misguidance.
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20👍 1
یک طرح متفاوت انتخاب کنید

طرح فعلی شما تنها برای 5 کانال تجزیه و تحلیل را مجاز می کند. برای بیشتر، لطفا یک طرح دیگر انتخاب کنید.