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Science of SEX

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Sweet stimulation😏 A very simple type of stimulation in which the partner rubs his penis between the girl's thighs. At this time the girl can stimulate his penis in different ways: squeeze it with her legs, control the pressure on the penis, move in different directions, etc.
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🤯A macaque raped a tourist in Cambodia A tourist from Britain flew to Cambodia and became a victim of a monkey: taking advantage of the open window and the fact that the tourist was fast asleep, a long-tailed macaque penetrated into the bedroom, pulled down the man's pants and began to $uck him… read more
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A good sexual position🙈 Extremely comfortable and intimate position. It features a large area of contact with the skin and excellent access for biting the neck of the girl. ‼️ In addition, having sex in this position you are able to move more. The man can gently nibble the girl's ear or kiss her neck. I recommend putting some pillows under her ass to explore different angles and even try outercourt for great clitoral stimulation
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Foreplay is not two minutes of rough massage of the genitals. Foreplay is 10-15 minutes of gentle kissing and light touching. A woman's body needs time to prepare: to direct the flow of blood to the pelvic muscles and genitals, to release lubrication, and to tune in to receive an orgasm.
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NEW KILLER INSECT 😰 If you ever see this insect - do not try to kill it with your bare hands or even touch it. Upon contact, humans are infected with a virus that...
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Role-playing rules🎭 1. Never change clothes in front of each other. Only outside the "playground. 2. Entry doesn't start the moment you start the game, but a couple of hours in advance: send your partner a message and develop a correspondence depending on which scenario you have chosen. 3. The game should definitely have an exit, an ending - some kind of sexual action.
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Girl's manual🔥🔥 Seductive movements 1. Grasp the penis at the very tip and pull the thin skin of the foreskin slowly toward the root. 2. Then squeeze lightly, resting the palm of your other hand on the entire glans, and make gradual circular motions, reminiscent of rubbing. My friend's channel 👇
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An unexpected pleasure😋 1. The middle and index finger works with the clitoris in a circular motion, the thumb should be gently slipped into the anus. 2. Then with the fingers you need to close in a ring. Strong pressure is not allowed, light pressure from the inside and outside is enough. After using this technique, girls discover for the first time the joys of anal caresses and even agree to penetration from behind.
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When it comes to pleasure, penis girth is more important than length😏 Many men like to compare the length of their penises, but the only people who really care about that number are… other men. The vagina mainly is covered in stretch mechanoreceptors, which means that girth (or width) is a more important aspect of the penis for women, on average.
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I'M SHOCKED AT WHAT SHE'S DOING! I just found the channel, who 7 years ago put disabled people on their feet, cured cancer and relieved people of all kinds of sores! In her blog "Barbara O'Neil ☘️" her shares all the secrets of healing that have been passed down from generation to generation! It's just amazing: ► Homemade broth that kills 97.88% of cancer cells! ( ► Your joints and cartilage will be like new with this drink! ( ► 5-day technique that will restore vision even at 80 years old ( ► Cleansing the liver and losing weight ( ► An ordinary lemon peel can cure more than 23 DISEASES! ( ❗️ Be sure to go and read, no one will tell you this
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Seated Rear-Entry 🧨How you do it: “The best car position is with him seated in the passenger seat and with her on top, facing away from him for some rear-entry access.” “This position is all the better with her legs inside of his, keeping the position compact and controlled.” 🧨Why it’s awesome: “The woman controls penetration and rhythm. There is heightened G-spot stimulation with rear entry, and she or he has access to the clitoris,” My friend's channel 👇
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3 percent of people have no sexual fantasies at all. Think you're a freak for thinking about freaky stuff? Nope! Even though most people don't talk about it, fully 97 percent of us have sexual fantasies. The vast majority say they fantasize somewhere between several times per week and several times per day. Really, the surprising part is that there are some people who report zero sexual fantasies.
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Bodyguard Sex Position⁉️ The man's hands are free to roam and explore her body, and if height allows, both partner's necks are readily available for some lovin'. 👉Small height differences can be resolved with some bending at the knees, but larger differences may require heels, or even a stepping stool to get aligned. If you do require some assistance for height, consider taking advantage of some furniture to help keep balance.
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Signs when a girl wants to🤤 • She breathes often and deeply. These sighs occur subconsciously. A man should watch her and her gestures carefully. • She plays with her hair. The very moment when she often fixes her hair and twists it on her finger is the most direct hint • Talking about intimate things. A girl can give away something interesting and open up to you in a completely different way at the most unexpected moment, so you should not miss the chance.
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Twisted Guard Sex Position💋 In the Twisted variation of the Guard, the woman's pelvis is turned to an almost upright position, with both of her legs on one side of the man's body. 🔥🔥A little more difficult to balance with the uneven weight distribution, it may take some experimentation with different leg placement to make it work for you. We also recommend to try some pillows between the woman's rear and the man's thigh to help make the twisted pelvis a little easier to hold.
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Wet panties💦 Before kissing a girl, hold an ice cube in your mouth, move it over your lips until it melts, then kiss passionately and hotly. after such a contrast kiss her panties will be so wet that she herself will want to take them off as quickly as possible to sit on your cock.
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🔥HOT SPANKING Spanking (spanking) is one of the elements of BDSM, which must necessarily be included in intimacy only by mutual consent of the partners. Warming up in such a delicate affair is necessary, the buttocks should be kneaded to a pink color - this will indicate that the muscles have become softer and are now ready to endure an increased load.
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Sex during your period🩸 ➕ Pros. • During your period, your desire for sex increases threefold; • The vagina becomes more sensitive and narrows because of the flow of blood; • Sex reduces pain, which is very helpful for menstrual pain. ➖Minus. • Unpleasant sores "stick" to a woman more easily, so use condoms; • Restrictions on poses: it is better for the woman not to be on top so as not to increase bleeding.
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Get enough sleep before sex🥱 If you have an irregular schedule and a lot of stress at work, having sex at night can be problematic. Try to get at least a couple of hours of sleep first, and then make love. Changing your sex schedule also helps. Just love each other in the morning after sleep and before work.
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Make spicy pauses⏸ Ask your partner to come out of you somewhere in the middle of intercourse and slide your penis between your labia. He won't mind such a break and he can stimulate your clitoris too. If you feel that he is quite close to orgasm, pause after every 5-10 thrusts for a deep and passionate kiss - this will moderate his ardor a little.
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Countertop💦 this position can utilize just about any flat surface that is the right height for your penetrating partner. Take turns controlling the depth of penetration (the receiving partner can adjust their legs at their partners shoulders as well) and you’ll both be seeing stars.🧨
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Sex by touch🤌 - Designate an area in the room and remove anything unnecessary so you don't trip or hurt yourself. - Put on a blindfold to sharpen your tactile senses, put on headphones and play the same track. During this kind of sex, there is a complete rapprochement with your partner: you cannot see or hear, but only feel.
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Sex by touch🤌 - Designate an area in the room and remove anything unnecessary so you don't trip or hurt yourself. - Put on a blindfold to sharpen your tactile senses, put on headphones and play the same track. During this kind of sex, there is a complete rapprochement with your partner: you cannot see or hear, but only feel.
Black Men flows the grandmother onto the pool… FULL VIDEO -
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How to do sex in Waterfall position? She keeps her head down at the edge of the bed keeping her hands locked on the ground and he focusses on thrusting down there. Steps to perform: Step 1: She hangs her upper body down the edge of the bed. Step 2: He adjusts himself there to get into the position. Step 3: Now the wild action begins as he starts pushing himself into her. My friend's channel 👇
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Sexual games to diversify intimate life🔥 💣Love messages One partner draws something on the other partner's body. Your tool is your finger or tongue. The task of the other partner is to guess what is written by feeling. 💣Looking for honey Blindfold your partner. Take off your clothes, pick up some honey and apply a drop to any part of your body. Your partner should test you with their lips and tongue until they find the sweetness. 💣Yes, no, maybe Your loved one lists erotic desires that they would like to try with you in bed. If you say 'yes', your partner fulfils what he or she has voiced. If "no", he asks further. If "maybe", he tries to convince you.
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Explore the wildest videos here 👀🔞 From accidents 🩸 and crime 💰 fighting 🤺 to more craziness 👇TAP BELOW 👇
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Unusual Place for Sex A tip for REAL porn-lovers!!! To compensate for size, a girl should always be turned on, and to do this periodically... FUCK IN UNUSUAL LOCATIONS... ..♦️ ..🔥 EXAMPLE - on the roof of a building, in the evening at sunset, it’s HUGE (!!!) adrenaline and drive, men! As soon as she realizes she expects such 🍆.🍆.🍆. .................EXTREME, her panties will get wet before you even penetrate her, she’ll get flows, and it’ll gonna be the hottest sex in a while, trust me!!!
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SEX Toys If God didn’t give you enough size, then you can buy some toys, bro!!! ..🔥 Anyway, a butt plug is an ORGASMIC WEAPON. If a girl puts this thing in her anal hole, the high will be stronger... TWO OR THREE TIMES AS MUCH!!! In the crotch is full of nerve endings, the plug will “fire them up” and will heighten the sensation... ..🌶.. Do you know when porn actresses REALLY cum on camera and not fake it? When there’s a toy in their ass. So Google it and BUY it! It’s an advanced toy. I’ll show the toy the other day for beginners.
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Write down your fantasies💋 This exercise can help you explore possible activities you think might be a turn-on for you or your partner. 🙈Try thinking of an experience or a movie that aroused you and then share your memory with your partner. This is especially helpful for people with low desire.
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⚠️ The earnings of the author of the sensational channel were exposed! His figures reach about $1,000 per day! ✅ He is proven by time - personally verify the hundreds of satisfied reviews 💯 The essence of the project is simple, repeat the author's instruction of actions on the site, withdraw money to your card and share after that a percentage of net profit. Subscription gives you the opportunity to get $25 to start Here is the link 👉 ⏳Free entry is open for exactly 24 hours! 👇
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The six-second kiss "Give each other a six-second kiss hello and a six-second kiss goodbye whenever you're coming and going. The simple practice of being more "present" when kissing your partner and kissing them for longer can boost feelings of connectedness. "You can achieve a lot in six seconds, and it doesn't have to be tonsil hockey. It could just be a lingering, lip-biting kiss. It could be grabbing the other person's bottom. It could be gently nibbling all the way up to their ear and back again."
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Streamer catches a 57 year old man trying to meet a 15 year old boy for S*X🔞 Just posted the full video :
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Tucked Butterfly Sex Position: Deep Impact In the Tucked variation of Butterfly, the woman raises her legs and tucks them towards her chest. 💋 This not only tilts her pelvis for significantly better g-spot targeting, it also makes her back door much more accessible for penetration. As always when kneeling on the floor, we recommend having pillows for the man to kneel on, and if your seat is too low, some pillows under her rear can help you find the most pleasurable heights... My friend's channel 👇
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Pros of lubricants you didn't know🔞 • Healing. Lubricants with panthenol in their composition can help. It has anti-inflammatory and regenerating effects. • Stimulation. Such lubricants are also called liquid vibrators - they stimulate the flow of blood to the genitals, making them even more sensitive. • Longer sex. A great option for men. A lubricant with a prolongation effect will solve the problem if your partner discharges faster than you'd like.
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He thought he was coming to meet an underage girl… meets two Mastiffs instead Just posted the full video 🔞👀
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Rodeo Sex Position🍑 it's a classic that most people enjoy. It's very easy to get into; the man just lies on his back, and the woman kneels over top of him facing away. Offering great mobility, depth, and comfort, it is also much more resistant to slipping out from too much lateral movement - though over extending could be quite painful for men, so women be careful! I recommend that women experiment with placing their hands on the man's legs in front, or go 'no hands' to find what's most pleasurable!💦💦 My friend's channel 👇
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How to do sex in Butterfly position? The position allows the couples to hold each other strongly and the precious moment is loaded with kisses and strokes. Steps to perform: Step 1: The woman lies on her shoulder with the rest of the body in a vertical position. Step 2: The male partner holds her thighs to keep her body close to his body Step 3: He insert the penis from the back side. Step 4: She rests her legs on both of his shoulder.
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Don’t rush foreplay🤭 While everyone loves a good quickie, it’s important that not ALL of your sex is short and to the point. Afterall, foreplay can be one of the most fun parts of sex. 🧨🧨Extending foreplay helps build up the anticipation of actually having sex, and can make the sex more enjoyable overall. Foreplay is fun regardless of if you are “giving” or “receiving” pleasure. It’s a way to increase the intimacy of your sex, by encorperating touching and kissing and all the other good stuff. Foreplay can also make sex more playful. Sex doesn’t have to be pure passion all the time, incorporating teasing and things of the sort in your foreplay can also lead to great sex. ❤️‍🔥Get creative with it, drawwwww it out for as long as you can stand, and then think of the sex as the cherry on top. My friend's channel 👇
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How to do sex in Buckin’ Bronco position? When she rides in this pose, both the partners enjoy it to the fullest till the real orgasm is reached. Wow! Steps to perform: Step 1: He sits on the surface stretching his both legs forward. Step 2: She now comes closer and sits on his crotch resting her palms on his inner thighs for support. Step 3: Now, it’s time to sweat it out with wilder movements.
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Sweet stimulation😏 A very simple type of stimulation in which the partner rubs his penis between the girl's thighs. At this time the girl can stimulate his penis in different ways: squeeze it with her legs, control the pressure on the penis, move in different directions, etc.
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👍 12🔥 3
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🤯A macaque raped a tourist in Cambodia A tourist from Britain flew to Cambodia and became a victim of a monkey: taking advantage of the open window and the fact that the tourist was fast asleep, a long-tailed macaque penetrated into the bedroom, pulled down the man's pants and began to $uck him… read more
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👍 6🤨 2🔥 1
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A good sexual position🙈 Extremely comfortable and intimate position. It features a large area of contact with the skin and excellent access for biting the neck of the girl. ‼️ In addition, having sex in this position you are able to move more. The man can gently nibble the girl's ear or kiss her neck. I recommend putting some pillows under her ass to explore different angles and even try outercourt for great clitoral stimulation
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👍 15❤‍🔥 4
Video unavailable
Foreplay is not two minutes of rough massage of the genitals. Foreplay is 10-15 minutes of gentle kissing and light touching. A woman's body needs time to prepare: to direct the flow of blood to the pelvic muscles and genitals, to release lubrication, and to tune in to receive an orgasm.
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👍 33💯 9
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NEW KILLER INSECT 😰 If you ever see this insect - do not try to kill it with your bare hands or even touch it. Upon contact, humans are infected with a virus that...
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👍 6
Read completely
Photo unavailable
Role-playing rules🎭 1. Never change clothes in front of each other. Only outside the "playground. 2. Entry doesn't start the moment you start the game, but a couple of hours in advance: send your partner a message and develop a correspondence depending on which scenario you have chosen. 3. The game should definitely have an exit, an ending - some kind of sexual action.
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🔥 24👍 9
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Girl's manual🔥🔥 Seductive movements 1. Grasp the penis at the very tip and pull the thin skin of the foreskin slowly toward the root. 2. Then squeeze lightly, resting the palm of your other hand on the entire glans, and make gradual circular motions, reminiscent of rubbing. My friend's channel 👇
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👍 33🔥 9❤‍🔥 1
Photo unavailable
An unexpected pleasure😋 1. The middle and index finger works with the clitoris in a circular motion, the thumb should be gently slipped into the anus. 2. Then with the fingers you need to close in a ring. Strong pressure is not allowed, light pressure from the inside and outside is enough. After using this technique, girls discover for the first time the joys of anal caresses and even agree to penetration from behind.
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👍 38❤‍🔥 4🔥 4
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When it comes to pleasure, penis girth is more important than length😏 Many men like to compare the length of their penises, but the only people who really care about that number are… other men. The vagina mainly is covered in stretch mechanoreceptors, which means that girth (or width) is a more important aspect of the penis for women, on average.
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👌 47👍 13
Video unavailable
I'M SHOCKED AT WHAT SHE'S DOING! I just found the channel, who 7 years ago put disabled people on their feet, cured cancer and relieved people of all kinds of sores! In her blog "Barbara O'Neil ☘️" her shares all the secrets of healing that have been passed down from generation to generation! It's just amazing: ► Homemade broth that kills 97.88% of cancer cells! ( ► Your joints and cartilage will be like new with this drink! ( ► 5-day technique that will restore vision even at 80 years old ( ► Cleansing the liver and losing weight ( ► An ordinary lemon peel can cure more than 23 DISEASES! ( ❗️ Be sure to go and read, no one will tell you this
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👍 14