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Hungarian PM Viktor Orbán: "[Other Europeans] would give half their lives if they could have a country without migrants again." "We have zero migration. Only those we let in can come here." "Today, Hungary is the safest country in Europe... because prosperity in Hungary is not something that the state distributes, or that the state promises people. Prosperity here is something that requires work." Do you agree or disagree with Viktor Orbán? For more content like this, subscribe to @RealWideAwakeMedia And visit: Twitter | Rumble | Gettr | Truth Social
"This is probably the biggest con that we've ever had." Australian geologist, Prof. Ian Plimer: "There is no climate emergency... It has never been proven that human emissions of carbon dioxide drive global warming." "Only 3% of emissions are from humans, the rest is natural... So if you're to prove that humans, and their emissions of the the gas of life, change climate, then you also have to prove that the natural emissions—97% of all emissions—don't change climate. That has never been addressed." Source For more content like this, subscribe to @RealWideAwakeMedia And visit: Twitter | Rumble | Gettr | Truth Social
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Anthony Fauci's wife, Dr. Christine Grady, speaking in November 2020: "It takes normally five to ten years to develop a vaccine... In Covid, what we've seen is an acceleration of this process." "Shortcuts in vaccine development and testing might expedite the timeline... but also could result in compromising the quality, the acceptability and the ethics." Grady is a nurse-bioethicist who currently serves as the Chief of the Department of Bioethics at the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH). Source For more content like this, subscribe to @RealWideAwakeMedia And visit: Twitter | Rumble | Gettr | Truth Social
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Nigel Farage puts insufferable BBC propagandist in his place on the topic of Net Zero: "We can save over £30 billion a year just by getting rid of this ludicrous commitment and going for a longer-term plan of nuclear energy." "We've de-industrialised. Our steel works close, where do they go? India. The same steel gets produced in India, under lower environmental standards, and then shipped back to us. Globally, by closing those steel plants, the amount of CO2 put into the air has gone up. All we've done is to export the emissions." For more content like this, subscribe to @RealWideAwakeMedia And visit: Twitter | Rumble | Gettr | Truth Social
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ULEZ Blade Runner "retires" another of London's 'Ultra Low Emission Zone' (ULEZ) cameras, in broad daylight. Source For more content like this, subscribe to @RealWideAwakeMedia And visit: Twitter | Rumble | Gettr | Truth Social
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"I think the UK needs to wake up... and figure out why the farmers are protesting." Fourth generation British farmer gives a heart-wrenching account of how farmers are "disappearing all the time". "We had six farms... all growing fruit and veg, about 100 acres each." "And sadly, something that I was very proud of has come to an end... It's gone." "We're not the only ones. There's plenty of farmers disappearing all the time." For more content like this, subscribe to @RealWideAwakeMedia And visit: Twitter | Rumble | Gettr | Truth Social
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"This is an absolute con." Geologist, Prof. Ian Plimer, on Net Zero: "We have a grossly mismanaged electricity system, and that system is based on a fallacy. And the fallacy is that we are reducing carbon dioxide emissions by having solar power." "To build a solar power plant, you actually create more emissions than you would save. The same with a wind power plant, the same with batteries... If you want to drive an electric car, it's not an electric car, it's a coal car." "We are having a perversion of the language to be able to try to persuade people that they are doing something morally good by sending this nation bankrupt." Source For more content like this, subscribe to @RealWideAwakeMedia And visit: Twitter | Rumble | Gettr | Truth Social
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London: ULEZ Blade Runner in a Michael Myers mask cuts down yet another Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) camera. Source For more content like this, subscribe to @RealWideAwakeMedia And visit: Twitter | Rumble | Gettr | Truth Social
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"If you poke the Russian bear with a stick, don't be surprised when he reacts." Nigel Farage, addressing the EU Parliament in 2014: "This EU empire, ever seeking to expand, stated its territorial claim on the Ukraine some years ago. Just to make that worse... some NATO members said they too would like the Ukraine to join NATO." "As we speak, there are NATO soldiers engaged in military exercises in the Ukraine. Have we taken leave of our senses? Do we actually want to have a war with Putin? Because if we do, we're certainly going about it the right way." Source For more content like this, subscribe to @RealWideAwakeMedia And visit: Twitter | Rumble | Gettr | Truth Social
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Real environmental activists do stuff like this, not block roads and throw orange paint at things. For more content like this, subscribe to @RealWideAwakeMedia And visit: Twitter | Rumble | Gettr | Truth Social
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Nigel Farage: "We have allowed people to come in too fast, too quickly, in too big numbers, that it's been impossible to integrate those people in society... It is a major problem that we're going to have to deal with." "Whether we're churchgoers or not, everything about our country, everything about our culture, is based on Judeo-Christian values." "You're very welcome to come in from anywhere in the world, from any religion. If you share those values with us, we can live together happily and in peace, but our irresponsible politicians have led us down a road where this no longer works." Do you agree with Nigel Farage? For more content like this, subscribe to @RealWideAwakeMedia And visit: Twitter | Rumble | Gettr | Truth Social
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"They are vicious narcissists, and they're desperately seeking some kind of cause." Douglas Murray on Just Stop Oil's recent Stonehenge vandalism. "I don't believe these people are driven by anything other than narcissism, boredom, extremism, and a couple of other such things... They should all be thrown in prison for as long as they can be." Source For more content like this, subscribe to @RealWideAwakeMedia And visit: Twitter | Rumble | Gettr | Truth Social
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"They're using this to shut down the food supply." "This whole bird flu scare is a total fraud. When they say that they run PCR tests, and they found bird flu in cows, or chickens, or humans, or anything, it's a complete fraud. There is no diagnostic capability of PCR." "So what they do is they roll into some giant chicken farm... and they swab a couple of chickens, and they put it on the PCR machine, and they crank it up and they say: 'Oh, we found bird flu in this chicken farm'. And what do they say you gotta do? Kill four million chickens." "This is being used to shut down the food supply, drive up food inflation, increase food scarcity, and then to scare people into the next round of Covid." — Mike Adams, founder of Natural News. Source For more content like this, subscribe to @RealWideAwakeMedia And visit: Twitter | Rumble | Gettr | Truth Social
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"If we had a pandemic of anything, it was a pandemic of propaganda, a pandemic of lies and a pandemic of testing." Neil Oliver: "I'm not persuaded that there ever was anything novel called 'Covid'. Covid came and influenza vanished. All the people that were traditionally in their tens or hundreds of thousands every winter [that] would die of the flu? Nobody's dying of flu. What, this is now 'Covid'? That's kind of convenient." "What we ended up with was a pandemic of testing, with the misapplication of PCR tests that were never designed, according to their designer, to be used as diagnostic tools." "They simply took an opportunity to do something that they were planning to do anyway, which was to use a pandemic to seize control of people's freedom, and their money—the biggest transfer of wealth in history. Job done. All of that was achieved." Full interview For more content like this, subscribe to @RealWideAwakeMedia And visit: Twitter | Rumble | Gettr | Truth Social
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Zelensky's thugs kidnap a father in broad daylight, tearing him away from his wife and baby child so he can be fed into the Russian meat grinder, for "freedom" and "democracy". 🙄 For more content like this, subscribe to @RealWideAwakeMedia And visit: Twitter | Rumble | Gettr | Truth Social
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"This is an act of war against humanity." "They're shutting down the food supply worldwide. They are culling the livestock. They are buying up and shutting down the farmlands." "They are saying to reach our carbon goals, we're gonna destroy the ability to produce beef, chicken, eggs and fish." Source For more content like this, subscribe to @RealWideAwakeMedia And visit: Twitter | Rumble | Gettr | Truth Social
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15 minute cities are now being rolled out in Canada. The city of Edmonton is about to be divided into fifteen "districts", as part of the globalist push to roll out "15 minute cities" worldwide. "After three years of planning, city administration is presenting its vision to accommodate a population of two million people through 15 minutes cities." "The plan also calls for half of all future travel to be done by transit, and for residents to access all their daily needs within 15 minutes." Coming to the rest of the West soon! Source For more content like this, subscribe to @RealWideAwakeMedia And visit: Twitter | Rumble | Gettr | Truth Social
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American farmer issues urgent warning about the U.S. government's deliberate war on farmers. "This administration's agenda is to control the food and control the people." "They're trying to kill off the American farmer... trying to regulate our land, take our land, take our water rights." "It is time to wake up and start supporting your local farmers, and buy local." Source For more content like this, subscribe to @RealWideAwakeMedia And visit: Twitter | Rumble | Gettr | Truth Social
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Australia: Another 100,000 chickens are set to be culled on a farm in Sydney due to an alleged outbreak of "bird flu". More than a million Australian chickens have already been culled, leading to egg and poultry shortages. Is "bird flu" just a pretext to deliberately induce food shortages, as part of the globalist agenda to seize control of the global food supply? Source For more content like this, subscribe to @RealWideAwakeMedia And visit: Twitter | Rumble | Gettr | Truth Social
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Just Stop Oil climate activists spray-paint Taylor Swift's private jet orange, demanding "an emergency treaty to end fossil fuels by 2030". 🤡 Source For more content like this, subscribe to @RealWideAwakeMedia And visit: Twitter | Rumble | Gettr | Truth Social
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Forget cash and card payments. Apparently, paying with your eyes is the payment method of the future. 🙄 "With only a glance, dinner and drinks can be paid for in an instant. PayEye is hoping to turn cash and card into a payment of the past." "Their device scans your iris, which is five times more unique than a fingerprint... making the key to the soul, the key to your wallet." Will you be making payments with your eyes any time soon? Source For more content like this, subscribe to @RealWideAwakeMedia And visit: Twitter | Rumble | Gettr | Truth Social
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BlackRock CEO Larry Fink: "If we created a true global digital currency—I hate the word crypto... then you would not have money laundering anymore." "You would have everything understood, everything would be flowing through, everything would be identified." Source For more content like this, subscribe to @RealWideAwakeMedia And visit: Twitter | Rumble | Gettr | Truth Social
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Nigel Farage: "It's only right and proper that you only get benefits in this country once you've been here for five years, obeyed the law and paid your taxes." "If you go to work in Australia, you won't get benefits or dental care, you'll have to pay into the system for years and obey the law." "We're doing what a good sensible country should do, recognising that the first duty of the British government is to its own people, and not to anybody else." Do you agree with Nigel Farage? Source For more content like this, subscribe to @RealWideAwakeMedia And visit: Twitter | Rumble | Gettr | Truth Social
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Australian funeral director: Since the roll-out of the mRNA-based Covid "vaccines", there has been a massive increase in baby deaths. "A lot of babies dying in utero. There's a lot of deformities, there's a lot of miscarriages... There is a definite increase." "We used to do a baby funeral once a month. Now we're doing four a week." Source For more content like this, subscribe to @RealWideAwakeMedia And visit: Twitter | Rumble | Gettr | Truth Social
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Will you allow the World Economic Forum to implant digital IDs into your clothing, to "save the planet"? "Fashion is one of the world's most polluting industries. Textiles generate 10% of the world's CO2 emissions, more than shipping and aviation combined." "But digitally connected products open up new, greener ways of profiting... reducing the production of new garments." Source For more content like this, subscribe to @RealWideAwakeMedia And visit: Twitter | Rumble | Gettr | Truth Social
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Nigel Farage: "We have been following Net Zero policies... that are self-destructive." "Just look at what it's doing to industry... But somehow government thinks that's good because we reduce the amount of carbon dioxide that we emit." "But we don't. We just export the production of that CO2, as the goods are made somewhere else... and then we import the goods back into our country." "So we want to get rid of the subsidies that are paid to green energy companies by loading taxes on the electricity bills of everybody in this country." Source For more content like this, subscribe to @RealWideAwakeMedia And visit: Twitter | Rumble | Gettr | Truth Social
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Unelected EU head, Ursula von der Leyen: "Climate change is a fact, and this is the reason why I put the long-term perspective to have climate neutrality by 2050... Everyone agreed, so this is cast in law." "Now we are in a phase where we have to implement it... This is why we have dialogues with industry and with the farmers, to ask them: 'What is it [that] you need to reach climate neutrality?'" "The answers are very clear from the farmers. They say: 'We want climate neutrality because we live of nature. We know that we want to get there.'" Source For more content like this, subscribe to @RealWideAwakeMedia And visit: Twitter | Rumble | Gettr | Truth Social
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It appears that the UK's Blade Runner movement has now spread to Canada. Will it become a worldwide phenomenon? For more content like this, subscribe to @RealWideAwakeMedia And visit: Twitter | Rumble | Gettr | Truth Social
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"It's complete scam, and these are not refugees." Ryanair CEO Michael O'Leary exposes the illegal migration scam masquerading as a "refugee crisis". "The challenge for border control is they arrive here but they have no documentation... because they tear up or flush their documentation down the toilets. And all of them have documentation when they board their Ryanair flight at the other side." Source For more content like this, subscribe to @RealWideAwakeMedia And visit: Twitter | Rumble | Gettr | Truth Social
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WEF 'Young Global Leader', Ida Auken: "If you can get people to share a car, you can take out a lot of cars in the streets... If you can just use your neighbour's car because you have a smartphone and an app, and you don't even need to know the neighbour to get into his car... It's much easier and much more fun to share." Source For more content like this, subscribe to @RealWideAwakeMedia And visit: Twitter | Rumble | Gettr | Truth Social
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Nigel Farage: "I am just so sick to death of our youngsters being told that we are a uniquely bad country because we pursued slavery... It's still happening in many parts of the world today." "The British government spent more money stopping slavery than it ever earned from it." Source For more content like this, subscribe to @RealWideAwakeMedia And visit: Twitter | Rumble | Gettr | Truth Social
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"A lot of people that are young and healthy... are just dropping dead. They just drop dead." Australian funeral director: In the last two and a half years there has been a massive increase in sudden deaths, turbo cancers, heart disease and baby funerals. "This is something that you didn't hear five years ago, you didn't hear ten years ago... And suddenly it's all you're hearing." "Talking to cemetery staff... they'll just say things to you like: 'We used to do a baby funeral once a month. Now we're doing four a week'." Source For more content like this, subscribe to @RealWideAwakeMedia And visit: Twitter | Rumble | Gettr | Truth Social
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Jordan Peterson, in conversation with Greenpeace co-founder, Dr. Patrick Moore: For the last 500 million years, the planet was not only much warmer than it is now, but there was five to ten times more CO2 in the atmosphere than now. "Yet during that period, life flourished abundantly." "Also, the carbon dioxide and the temperature during that period are radically out of sync and not obviously causally related." Full interview For more content like this, subscribe to @RealWideAwakeMedia And visit: Twitter | Rumble | Gettr | Truth Social
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Australian MSM: "There are fears of an egg shortage in Melbourne... after a bird flu outbreak at a farm." "The farm has been placed in quarantine and 400,000 birds have been euthanised to prevent a wider outbreak." Make no mistake: "Bird flu" is just a pretext to cripple farmers, manufacture food shortages and roll out ever more experimental mRNA injections. Just like with "Covid", it has nothing to with an alleged virus. Source For more content like this, subscribe to @RealWideAwakeMedia And visit: Twitter | Rumble | Gettr | Truth Social
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I'm going to take a much needed break from posting on here for the next week or so. I will be back.
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Remember when Al Gore claimed to have created the internet? 🤡 "During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the internet." For more content like this, subscribe to @RealWideAwakeMedia And visit: Twitter | Rumble | Gettr | Truth Social
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John Kerry: People would "feel better" about what Russia is doing in Ukraine if Russia reduced its greenhouse gas emissions. 🤡 "If Russia has the ability to wage a war illegally... they ought to be able to find the effort to be responsible on the climate issue." "Russia is one of the largest emitters in the world. If Russia wanted to show good faith, they could go out and announce what their reductions are going to be, and make a greater effort to reduce emissions now." "Maybe that would open up the door for people to feel better about what Russia is choosing to do at this point in time." Source For more content like this, subscribe to @RealWideAwakeMedia And visit: Twitter | Rumble | Gettr | Truth Social
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German MEP Christine Anderson: With EU election results looming, EU technocrats are scared that right-wing parties are going to move into the EU parliament "in even stronger numbers than before". "They may not be able to pass all of this ideological nonsense that they've been working on in terms of mainstreaming this gender ideology [and] climate idiocy... So yeah, they're quite concerned." Source For more content like this, subscribe to @RealWideAwakeMedia And visit: Twitter | Rumble | Gettr | Truth Social
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Since 2015, Bill Gates has invested $2 billion in "innovative" climate technologies, attempting to "transform everything, from how we make cement and clothing, to how we power our lives". Among these "innovations" includes "direct air capture" technology, "which sucks in planet-warming carbon dioxide, and buries it underground". "Carbon offset credits" are then sold to individuals and companies, allowing them to "offset" their "carbon footprints". "[Bill Gates] personally pays carbon capture companies $9 million a year to offset his own pollution—a perk of being one of the richest people on the planet." It doesn't take a genius to work out where this is going. The wealthy and powerful will be able to "offset" their "carbon footprints", enabling them to continue living lives of luxury, while the impoverished masses are confined to "15 minute cities", subsisting on insects and lab-grown "meat". Source For more content like this, subscribe to @RealWideAwakeMedia And visit: Twitter | Rumble | Gettr | Truth Social
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Noah Yuval Harari: Scientists need help from the entertainment industry to construct "better narratives" about the "climate crisis", because humans are not "programmed to think about this particular type of danger". "No Stone Age tribe faced an apocalypse because the campfire has changed the climate... So I think scientists need a lot of help from artists in this realm. There are definitely not enough TV series, not enough blockbuster movies about the ecological crisis. We need a lot more of that." Source For more content like this, subscribe to @RealWideAwakeMedia And visit: Twitter | Rumble | Gettr | Truth Social
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Hungarian PM Viktor Orbán: "[Other Europeans] would give half their lives if they could have a country without migrants again." "We have zero migration. Only those we let in can come here." "Today, Hungary is the safest country in Europe... because prosperity in Hungary is not something that the state distributes, or that the state promises people. Prosperity here is something that requires work." Do you agree or disagree with Viktor Orbán? For more content like this, subscribe to @RealWideAwakeMedia And visit: Twitter | Rumble | Gettr | Truth Social
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OrbanMigration.mp418.96 MB
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"This is probably the biggest con that we've ever had." Australian geologist, Prof. Ian Plimer: "There is no climate emergency... It has never been proven that human emissions of carbon dioxide drive global warming." "Only 3% of emissions are from humans, the rest is natural... So if you're to prove that humans, and their emissions of the the gas of life, change climate, then you also have to prove that the natural emissions—97% of all emissions—don't change climate. That has never been addressed." Source For more content like this, subscribe to @RealWideAwakeMedia And visit: Twitter | Rumble | Gettr | Truth Social
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PlimerNoClimateEmergency.mp432.94 MB
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Anthony Fauci's wife, Dr. Christine Grady, speaking in November 2020: "It takes normally five to ten years to develop a vaccine... In Covid, what we've seen is an acceleration of this process." "Shortcuts in vaccine development and testing might expedite the timeline... but also could result in compromising the quality, the acceptability and the ethics." Grady is a nurse-bioethicist who currently serves as the Chief of the Department of Bioethics at the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH). Source For more content like this, subscribe to @RealWideAwakeMedia And visit: Twitter | Rumble | Gettr | Truth Social
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FaucisWifeVaccineTimeline.mp49.25 MB
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Nigel Farage puts insufferable BBC propagandist in his place on the topic of Net Zero: "We can save over £30 billion a year just by getting rid of this ludicrous commitment and going for a longer-term plan of nuclear energy." "We've de-industrialised. Our steel works close, where do they go? India. The same steel gets produced in India, under lower environmental standards, and then shipped back to us. Globally, by closing those steel plants, the amount of CO2 put into the air has gone up. All we've done is to export the emissions." For more content like this, subscribe to @RealWideAwakeMedia And visit: Twitter | Rumble | Gettr | Truth Social
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FarageBBCNetZero.mp443.82 MB
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ULEZ Blade Runner "retires" another of London's 'Ultra Low Emission Zone' (ULEZ) cameras, in broad daylight. Source For more content like this, subscribe to @RealWideAwakeMedia And visit: Twitter | Rumble | Gettr | Truth Social
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twittervid.com_Matthardy_BR_8f1637.mp46.13 MB
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"I think the UK needs to wake up... and figure out why the farmers are protesting." Fourth generation British farmer gives a heart-wrenching account of how farmers are "disappearing all the time". "We had six farms... all growing fruit and veg, about 100 acres each." "And sadly, something that I was very proud of has come to an end... It's gone." "We're not the only ones. There's plenty of farmers disappearing all the time." For more content like this, subscribe to @RealWideAwakeMedia And visit: Twitter | Rumble | Gettr | Truth Social
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twittervid.com_NoFarmsNoFoods_ba6a44.mp411.41 MB
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"This is an absolute con." Geologist, Prof. Ian Plimer, on Net Zero: "We have a grossly mismanaged electricity system, and that system is based on a fallacy. And the fallacy is that we are reducing carbon dioxide emissions by having solar power." "To build a solar power plant, you actually create more emissions than you would save. The same with a wind power plant, the same with batteries... If you want to drive an electric car, it's not an electric car, it's a coal car." "We are having a perversion of the language to be able to try to persuade people that they are doing something morally good by sending this nation bankrupt." Source For more content like this, subscribe to @RealWideAwakeMedia And visit: Twitter | Rumble | Gettr | Truth Social
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PlimerStopBreathing.mp444.61 MB
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London: ULEZ Blade Runner in a Michael Myers mask cuts down yet another Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) camera. Source For more content like this, subscribe to @RealWideAwakeMedia And visit: Twitter | Rumble | Gettr | Truth Social
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twittervid.com_Matthardy_BR_d64dfd.mp410.84 MB
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"If you poke the Russian bear with a stick, don't be surprised when he reacts." Nigel Farage, addressing the EU Parliament in 2014: "This EU empire, ever seeking to expand, stated its territorial claim on the Ukraine some years ago. Just to make that worse... some NATO members said they too would like the Ukraine to join NATO." "As we speak, there are NATO soldiers engaged in military exercises in the Ukraine. Have we taken leave of our senses? Do we actually want to have a war with Putin? Because if we do, we're certainly going about it the right way." Source For more content like this, subscribe to @RealWideAwakeMedia And visit: Twitter | Rumble | Gettr | Truth Social
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FarageUkraine2014.mp456.94 MB
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Real environmental activists do stuff like this, not block roads and throw orange paint at things. For more content like this, subscribe to @RealWideAwakeMedia And visit: Twitter | Rumble | Gettr | Truth Social
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twittervid.com_PicturesFoIder_a2a863.mp48.99 MB
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