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معدل نمو المشتركين

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Repost from Yellow 🟡
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Cowboys & crooks. Full movie. Enjoy! 🌕
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427.27 MB
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Sneeu in die KALAHARI!!! 8 Julie 2024 Suid-Afrika... Oom Siener se tyd? Hy het mos gesê dan begin ons moeilikheid. Laat ons maar kyk wat gebeur... Intussen bibber die Kapenaars vreeslik. 🥶🥶🥶 Dankie Gert vir die deel vd video. Sluit gerus by die @dotyellow se backup kanaal aan. 🌕
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4.35 MB
👍 2 1
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‼️ FARM MURDER ‼️ Bejaarde egpaar op plaas vermoor VRYSTAAT. – ‘n Man (76) en sy vrou (73) is Saterdag vermoor op hulle plaas naby Glen deur die polisie ontdek nadat ‘n buurman hulle nie op hul selfone kon bereik nie. Sers. Mahlomola Kareli sê die bekommerde buurman het die polisie gebel. Die plaashuis se deure was oop. Die vloere was bebloed en die huis was geplunder. Die egpaar was egter nie in die huis nie. ‘n Mannejag is dadelik deur die nag geloods om die egpaar en die verdagtes op te spoor. Die man se liggaam is ongeveer 300 meter van die huis gevind en sy vrou se liggaam in die septiese tenk. Hulle het oop wonde aan hulle bolywe gehad en is op die toneel dood verklaar. Gereedskap en elektroniese items is uit die huis gesteel. Die oorlede egpaar se Toyota Land Cruiser is naby Brandfort gevind. Die Glen-polisie ondersoek sake van huisroof en moord. Enigiemand met inligting kan kol. Ben Bolsiek by 082 466 8530 bel. Miskien is dit ou nuus oor die datum.... MENSE MOET WEET ONS BLANKE BOERMENSE WORD STEEDS VERMOOR. HoofstroomMedia is net stil daaroor. 😡😡😡😡 🌕
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Bejaarde egpaar op plaas vermoor

'n Man (76) en sy vrou (73) is Saterdag vermoor op hulle plaas naby Glen deur die polisie ontdek nadat 'n bekommerde buurman hulle glo nie op hul selfone kon bereik nie.

🤬 5👍 2😢 1
Repost from Yellow 🟡
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Brrrrrr... 🥶🥶🥶 🌕 Suid-Afrikaners...kry ook so koud.
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6.94 KB
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Sneeu in die KAROO!!! 8 Julie 2024 Suid-Afrika... Oom Siener se tyd? Hy het mos gesê dan begin ons moeilikheid. Laat ons maar kyk wat gebeur... Intussen bibber die Kapenaars vreeslik. 🥶🥶🥶 Dankie Gert vir die deel vd video. Sluit gerus by die @dotyellow se backup kanaal aan. 🌕
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4.35 MB
👍 1
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Smart cities... voorgestel. Kyk hoe word daar elke oggend 'n vaccine/injection toegepas en gekontroleer. Mind control Geen vryheid van spraak of taalgebruik nie "Elders" beheer alles tot die hoeveelheid geboortes Babas/Ou mense word na "elsewhere" gestuur wat nie aan hulle standaarde voldoen nie. "Elsewhere"= dood dmv inspuiting. So word die getalle in Smart Cities beheer. Let op die kos wat hulle eet. Klaar voorberei en lyk soos gras. Nie vleis nie. Kyk hierdie volledige film om te verstaan. ... dit is vd bose. Kyk die hele fliek hier aanlyn 👇 Fliek 1.4 gig. Te groot om hier te laai. 🌕
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👍 1🔥 1
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Chinese HUMANOID ROBOT fabriek. Kyk...dit is CREEPY verby. I, robot... begin al meer na 'n werklikheid lyk. Mense gaan onnodig wees. Kyk die een met die 6 arms. Hoeveel kan dit uiteindelik meer as mense doen. CREEEPY!. Sluit aan by ons @dotyellow backup kanaal 👇 🌕
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3.26 MB
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🇿🇦🇺🇸 Waarom laat die Suid-Afrikaanse regering die V.S. om sy biowapenlaboratoriums van die Oekraïne na hul land te skuif? In 'n onlangse perskonferensie het luitenant-generaal Kirillov, hoof van ☢️kern-, biologiese en ☣️chemiese beskermingstroepe van die Russiese weermag 'n aantal Afrika-lande aangewys wat Amerikaanse biowapenlaboratoriums huisves, wat uit die Oekraïne verskuif is. 🇿🇦Suid-Afrika is op die lys en indien dit die geval is, moet hulle onmiddellik uit BRICS geskors word In verdere inligting wat deur Kirillov gedeel is, het hy onthul dat Metabiota, wat deur Biden besit word, en ander tussengangers-NRO's, as humanitêre operasies voordoen, wanneer hul ware werk is om ☣️bio- oorlogvoeringsagente vir die Amerikaanse regering te ontwikkel en te vervolmaak. Kirillov wys daarop dat die jongste fokus van die VSA-biowapen-"industrie" is op die ontwikkeling van patogene wat met behulp van trekvoëls versprei kan word Mens kan nie help om te dink aan die komende 📊VSA verkiesings en die toenemende kommer oor "voëlgriep" nie. @JamesPorrazzo
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@dotyellow backup

🔥 2👍 1
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"Psychological strategy (ie head smuggling strategy) report 👇 from CIA Project Flying UFO problems for mankind * Psycological warfare (psychological war ie instilling fear in people against unknown enemies) * Intelligence and operations * application of technology to people (General B Smith Director General vd CIA signed it at that time. (ALREADY HEARD OF PROJECT BLUE BEAM... holograms that people can feel and it looks fixed and real in 2024 like real tangible subjects are part of the plan) The steps after the Second World War to get the NWO's foundation in place were 1) Introducing the Jewish Holocaust 2) The Founding of the United Nations (Inernational League of Nations it was known at first) ☝️☝️☝️ he mentions the names of persons who put the deception in place and started propagating it as the truth. (The same strategy was used to present the White Boer in SA as murderers, oppressors and Nazi's to the world to get the world population outside SA to hate us.... all liars full of sick agendas) Speaker's words: 👉"Roswell Alien New Mexico invention to place the idea into the public's mind of a real alien existence". Covers well done. Billions were fooled with that story… The "craft" was taken by a hot air balloon and dropped. Full description of the act is in the video. False flag operation. But for decades fooled people...until now. For 50+ years the ET cult has been coddled, marketed and displayed through newspapers, television, mobile phones, news and films. Billions of world citizens have been convinced by them that UFOs exist. 2024 is the year of the disclosure of their ET Scam plan. Animals are maimed and dead, but what were actually government experiments of low level "radiation" radiation aftereffects. The ET HOAX PROGRAM was well marketed by Marxist Hollywood through MIND CONTROL. ie SMUGGLING WITH OUR HEADS THROUGH FILMS. NASA's Apollo flights are all hoaxes. He explains how. Watch the video for more details. Share vd ET agenda to make the outer space stories more credible. No person on this earth has ever traveled more than 300 miles above the earth's surface in the air at any time on any rocket. It's all lies. No man has ever been to the moon. Never. No person can pass through the Van Halen Radiation belt and live. It is right around the earth. The person would have to wear a 4 foot thick lead around him to get through it. It's heavy... impossible. This info is considered "molestation" of people's minds When anyone says something like this to you if you share it with their friends, spouses etc... you know they are dealing with Freemasonry and are they knowingly OR unknowingly part of this terrible plot against humanity...against me and you. They can be anyone... your shopkeeper, your neighbor, your son, your family, your best friend, your Whatsapp pal, your Facebook fake friend, your teacher, your pastor....anyone. This is the age of deception and BILLIONS of people have already been deceived. I took the trouble to translate this entire video. All you have to do is share it with your loved ones along with the link that leads to the video. And it is NOT MOLESTING from their minds. It is FREEING...The truth is FREEING, it does not molest! If you realize that you have also been deceived, spread it to others to wake them up too. We can stop them...if we are all awake. Thank you Uncle Klasie Senekal. You were right all along with your warnings. It's not about races, it's about our souls. Our freedom. If you have read this far...then you are the "RESISTANCE" . the "OPPOSITION". You are very welcome with us. We are already many. Video link 👇
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@dotyellow backup

👍 1
Repost from Yellow 🟡
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