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Repost from N/a The Demon star that may some argue that it is in Persus or the Pleiades constellations, I am seeking into this. However if in Pleiades Uranus and Mars are going to be conjuncting will be conjunct Capit Algol (Arabic for Ghoul) on July 15th and 16th. Once again there is an 84 cycle of war of this exact conjunct. WWII, the Civil War, and I can guarantee it goes back into more wars as the research I did with when Uranus enters Tarus. This was the missing link, it rules beheading, violence, complete mayhem. The wars did not end until Uranus leaves Tarus. This corelates the Podcast that Poppy's Field Project did about Uranus and Jupiter conjucting in Taurus. We are at a place, where America is going to be destroyed and be rebuilt. By whom? China? England? Russia? Israel? Take your pick since most of these entities have their hands in our pockets. Why are we still sitting on our asses is beyond me. The evil sorcerers in the world have emasculated men in the United States with estrogenic foods, marijauna, alcohol (Agol/Akul demon), prescription and street drugs and it has all been done by magic used by some extreme evil. Oh yes, magic is happening all around this. The thing is, religion shamed and demonized magic so humanity would blindly be enslaved. Meanwhile, it is our right to be in ritual and religions knew this and demonized it whilst using magic to take over the entire planet with the New World Order. So humans must make a choice or it is to late? I did my best to warn my friends, lovers, companions back in 2018. No one fucking listened. I had break ups of almost everyone I knew. Because their minds were too gone with Baal shit programming. We either learn the magic that is available to us, or literally stay slaves and die in the war that is coming. Follow Poppy's Field Project and seek out the books and knowledge that is being shared. Ask if you don't know, Nova has many books to recommend for you to start the journey of becoming the magician you should be. Here is the podcast proving that war is upon us and this July conjunction is very real.
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Algol the Demon Star of Perseus

What’s the scariest star in the sky? If you were one of the early stargazers, you might have chosen Algol in the constellation Perseus. That is probably why early astronomers nicknamed Algol the Demon Star. Shivers!

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How long? - I have read anything from 3 to 6 months per “intervention” accepted is the rough time period to clean out the body. It is my personal belief that the body, once assisted and on the right path will speed up the process. I would take it as long as one had any symptoms. Some people can say that their pains and such manifest in the last few years are because of old age – I do dismiss this defense. Our bodies are expertly made, we have been told with reinforcement that we need outside interventions that often come with a price tag. If you clean your body up, it will take care of itself. It can be worthwhile to look into intermittent fasting, or into the more intense 4-5 day water fast. You see, when your body becomes starved it will begin to consume itself through a process called ‘Autophagy”. In this, the body consumes damaged, weak, broken, etc.. it consumes the junk cells in your body and turns them into fuel to keep going. This practice has been known to help with cancers (which I feel are a fungus/parasite mixture in some cases) and I would say you’d only need to do this maybe twice a year. I am happy to answer any questions on the above. These are recommendations on how to detox the body, and let the body get back in control of itself. There are many concerned people in this world with what has gone on, that they went to great lengths to study and solve the problems presented to us. I have seen the success stories of countless people who have tried to heal the harm done. I wish any on the journey back to health good luck, and my prayers that their story takes a turn and they can be restored to their original health – and resume the path in life that they are on. Regards, Vi
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Vigilance: Hello there, Writing today to provide some guidance on how to help the body heal given the state of our world, our food, our air and water these days. The human body is an amazing machine, but it can get overwhelmed based on inputs from our decisions. These are the three main offenders in my mind; • Parasites • Metals • Fungus/Mold Parasites in humans is a common thing, there are main category ones that can be tested for and then those which will evade standard tests. In general, I recommend eating foods that have anti parasite qualities. Not entirely, moderation is key to nearly everything in life. Some examples here would be; • Raw Pumpkin Seeds • Cayanne Pepper • Garlic • Figs • Ginger • Cinnamon • Cloves • Turmeric • Pomegranate I would recommend adding these foods to what you consume, as far as I know there is no ability to overdose on any of the above. I regularly have most of the above on a weekly basis – growing about half of what is there in my own gardens. Metals are unfortunately in many processed foods, and some water sources. These cause a laundry list of issues in humans, and over time can lead to serious conditions developing. Foods that help your body detox metals are; • Cilantro • Lemon Juice • Garlic • Beets • Artichokes • Turmeric • Ginger *Pine Needle Tea can be very effective here and is good with other aspects of detox. Fungus/Mold this is a newer research field for me, having read papers recently that link many neurological issues and immune system issues to the presence of mold. Foods that help here; • Garlic • Onion • Ginger • Olive Oil • Pumpkin Seeds • Cayanne Pepper • Cinnamon • Turmeric As you can see there is several overlap in the above foods mentioned, and they are not the entire list of things we can consume to help our body clean itself up. One can also turn to supplements, which can help bring the body back from injury into a place where diet can be enough to sustain and empower the body. At present research speaks to the following intake to assist with healing the body, this is referred to the “Spike Protocol” in groups that research and work on solving the problems brought about by recent medical interventions that were given to the population as “safe and effective” – unfortunately a bold-faced lie of epic proportions. The “Spike Protocol” is as so; • Nattokinase – 2000 fibrin units (100 milligrams) orally twice a day without food. • Bromelain – 500 milligrams orally once a day without food • Curcumin – 500 milligrams orally twice a day (nano, liposomal or with piperine additive suggested) (anti inflammatory) Free range Chicken eggs are an excellent blocker of the Spike Protein that is doing damage to people. One can see the present narrative aimed against chickens and come to some considerations on why our world is operating as it is at this time. The above supplements are easy to find, with Amazon having some high quality Canadian made organic options at a reasonable price. In addition to this I recommend NAC (N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine) 500 milligrams once a day, this is one I take every other day as a boost. Another thing to consider in with the above is anything that is an anti-inflammatory is a good bet. Inflammation is not spoken about enough in how negatively it effects our bodies. It puts stress on organs and the circulatory system, diverting energy to these places that may be needed to heal other parts of the body. It also goes without saying, Sunlight is important. I recommend standing barefoot on grass, your bare back to the sun for 5-10 minutes each day. This is a process called Grounding. You can go further here and reduce plastics in your clothing, aiming at 100% cotton or wool where possible. There is a lot more theory in this and I will leave that for another time.
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BANNED VIDEO: Targeted Individuals program exposed by Whistleblower Bryan Kofron HD

Highlights soon at:

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" This Arcturian Message is Sounding The Alarm! " Pay Attention to This

In this video, an important Arcturian message is shared, sounding the alarm for all to pay attention. If you're interested in the Arcturian race, be sure to watch this enlightening message. ✨ Explore Everything on DNA AWAKENING below: 👉 ✨ Get Your Free Limited Fifth-Dimensional Edition E-Book Now : 👉 Click this Link:

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Repost from N/a
NEW ARTICLE: QUERCETIN and CANCER - New research of the past 4 years - 5 papers reviewed Quercetin is a powerful flavonoid found in a variety of plants, fruits and vegetables. It has anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer effects. Most people take Quercetin for allergies and Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, but the anti-cancer effects are very important.
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Chosen Ones: 7 Signs You Have Defeated The Witches, Demons and Energy Vampiers

Chosen Ones: 7 Signs You Have Defeated The Witches, Demons and Energy Vampiers The whole mythology of vampires has inspired countless fictional stories around the world. Some are certainly terrifying, with the idea of beings sucking human blood in order to survive. Others, not so much. However, bringing some of this into the real world, did you know that energy vampires exist? And worse: they may be much closer than you think. At work, at home or even among the many people around you. It's essential to pay attention to the signs. Just as fictional vampires suck people's blood to obtain vital energy, we can think of real-life vampires as those “toxic people” around you. One way or another, intentionally or not, they drain your energy as well. Remember to hit the like button, subscribe, and enable notifications! Thanks for tuning in!

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Repost from We Are The Tech
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