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“the world has become full of the ideas of the Messiah, the ideas of the Torah and the ideas of the commandments, so that these have spread to faraway islands and to many dim hearted nations, and they now discuss these ideas and the commandments of the Torah.” —Mosheh ben Maimon (Maimonides), Hayad Hachazaka Notes: Moses Maimonides aka Ramban, a 12th-century scholar and philosopher, is considered a foundational figure in modern Jewish law and a leading authority on Jewish philosophy. In his legal work 'Hayad Hachazaka,' he acknowledges Christianity and Islam as necessary preparations for the Messiah, promoting the worship of one God, and moving gentiles away from their ancestral gods, priming them to accept Noahidism. Maimonides notes that Christians and Muslims, by accepting the Torah's authenticity validates Jewish fables and myths as genuine history. This belief in the Torah also affirms their prophetic powers and their unique relationship with the one God. Image: Isidor Kaufmann
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“I can categorically state beyond the shadow of a doubt that Julian Assange and Wikileaks is complete and utter it's a piece of theatre put out there. It is ‘QAnon and the white hats’ for Guardian readers and normies… I know Julian Assange is an actor is because if he was real he would have been vaporised years ago. He is the Emmanuel Goldstein of the current world to give you hope and believe that somehow out there are good guys on the inside…Wikileaks what did it achieve? Nothing, no prosecutions, no trials, no arrests. Julian Assange is a crisis actor; Wikileaks was a lie, the same lie they've been given us for 2,000 years since Constantine implemented the Edict of Milan. You’re still waiting for redeemers, you're still waiting for saviours; because they know that as long as you're waiting for the next Revelation you won't do anything yourself.” —Thomas Sheridan Image: Wikileaks Anon
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“I can categorically state beyond the shadow of a doubt that Julian Assange and Wikileaks is complete and utter it's a piece of theatre put out there. It is ‘QAnon and the white hats’ for Guardian readers and normies… I know Julian Assange is an actor is because if he was real he would have been vaporised years ago. He is the Emmanuel Goldstein of the current world to give you hope and believe that somehow out there are good guys on the inside…Wikileaks what did it achieve? Nothing, no prosecutions, no trials, no arrests. Julian Assange is a crisis actor Wikileaks was a lie the same lie they've been given us for 2,000 years since Constantine implemented the Edict of Milan you’re still waiting for redeemers you're still waiting for saviours because they know that as long as you're waiting for the next Revelation you won't do anything yourself.” —Thomas Sheridan Image: Wikileaks Anon
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The Outsider's Insight: Colin Wilson's Legacy Born today, June 26th, Colin Wilson (26 June 1931 - 5 December 2013) was an English existentialist philosopher and novelist. Over his prolific career, Wilson authored more than 100 books, both fiction and non-fiction, covering a vast array of subjects including philosophy, mysticism, and the paranormal. He also penned numerous biographies and memoirs. Wilson gained early fame with his 1956 book, "The Outsider," which delves into themes of alienation as explored by various philosophers and artists. Wilson had a deep understanding of Gnosticism, frequently writing for and giving interviews to "The Gnostic" journal, which focuses on Western esotericism and spirituality. His work often reflected Gnostic ideas, particularly in his acclaimed science fiction horror novel, "The Mind Parasites." The title itself alludes to the Archons of Gnostic lore. Here is an excerpt from "The Mind Parasites”: “Now I suspect that these mind vampires specialise in finding races who have almost reached this point of evolution, who are on the brink of achieving a new power, and then feeding on them until they have destroyed them. It is not their actual intention to destroy because once they have done this, they are forced to seek another host. Their intention is to feed for as long as possible on the tremendous energies generated by the evolutionary struggle. Their purpose, therefore, is to prevent man from discovering the worlds inside himself, to keep his attention directed outwards. I think there can be no possible doubt that the wars of the twentieth century are a deliberate contrivance of these vampires… I have another theory, which is so absurd that I hardly dare to mention it. This is that the mind vampires are, without intending it, the instruments of some higher force. They may, of course, succeed in destroying any race that becomes their host. But if, by any chance, the race should become aware of the danger, the result is bound to be the exact opposite of what is intended. One of the chief obstacles to human evolution is man's boredom and ignorance, his tendency to drift and allow tomorrow to take care of itself. In a certain sense, this is perhaps a greater danger to evolution - or at least, a hindrance - than the vampires themselves. Once a race becomes aware of these vampires, the battle is already half won. Once man has a purpose and a belief, he is almost invincible. The vampires might serve, therefore, to inoculate man against his own indifference and laziness. However, this is no more than a casual speculation…” ― Colin Wilson, Mind Parasites
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“Our word nature is cognate to our word natal. From Latin natus (something “born”), nature implies birth, growth, change, flux—above all, life. To look upon nature is to see something alive. To think of the natural (as opposed to the supernatural) as “dead” has it exactly backwards, as we shall see. Opponents of naturalism think that if reality is exhausted by the natural, this means atheism and modernity. But this makes no sense, because that is exactly how ancient peoples saw it. All nature is alive. There are spirits in every tree, every field, in the upper air, in the depths of the earth, behind the hearth, above the doorway, and everywhere else you look, without exception. Nature is full of gods. We have absolutely no reason to think that our ancient forebears had need of some other realm in which to banish divinity from the world.” ― Imperium Press, A Defence of Animism Image: Pan with a Flute by Italian School, 17th century
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"Ignorance is not bliss; it is the breeding ground for tyranny and oppression. Ignorance allows manipulation, control, and the violation of natural law principles to persist unchecked. It is through knowledge and understanding that we can liberate ourselves from the chains of ignorance and reclaim our personal sovereignty. Ignorance blinds us to the true nature of reality and prevents us from recognizing the mechanisms of oppression and the erosion of our freedoms. By seeking knowledge, questioning assumptions, and being open to new information, we can break free from the shackles of ignorance and actively participate in creating a more enlightened and free society.” ― Mark Passio Image: The Blind Leading the Blind by Pieter Bruegel the Elder
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“The cultivation of passionate love began in Europe as a reaction to Christianity (and in particular its doctrine of marriage) by people whose spirit, whether naturally or by inheritance, was still pagan,” ―Denis de Rougemont, Love in the Western World Notes: During the medieval period, the tradition of amor courtois emerged as a response to the domination of salvationist religion throughout Europe. This concept of romantic love defied ecclesiastical doctrines, positioning the knight as reliant on his lady to dignify his exploits. This movement effectively revived the ancient practices of Goddess worship and contributed more to the humanisation of Western society than any sermons from priests. The devotion to personal love, illustrated by legendary characters like Tristan and Isolde, offered a powerful alternative to the prevailing religious orthodoxy. Image: Tristan and Isolde (extract) by John William Waterhouse
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Are Noahide Laws compatible with Gnosticism or Paganism? Much has been speculated regarding the Noahide Laws, these laws are currently being promoted via various channels including the United Nations. These laws are said to bring about ‘world peace’ however the very understanding of ‘peace’ within this context means submission to the Noahide Laws. For more information see the following post on ‘the true meaning of peace’. The implementation of such seemingly universal laws for many Christians and Muslims would likely be welcomed as they appear to be in alignment with their faith however as many Gnostics and Pagans stand in opposition to all forms of universalism we can anticipate that such laws would be intolerable. The first of the seven laws from the Babylonian Talmud Sanhedrin 56a-b is to not worship idols. The worship of idols doesn’t only prohibit graven images, statues and shrines but also considers the worship of Gods other than the god of Israel to be considered ‘false gods’ and therefore ‘false idols’. Within the mystical tradition of Kabbalah elements considered to be ‘forbidden’ by the off-planet father god are said to derive from the ‘impure shells’ (kelipot ha-temei’ot) meaning that they are ‘intrinsically evil’. The Noahide Laws also impose a specific perceptual framework through which nature must be observed and understood. Both Pagans and Gnostics have an animistic view holding nature to be sacred with Gnostics seeing the earth itself as the body of the Wisdom goddess the Aeon Sophia. We can see that such laws are a direct affront to our perception of nature and our relationship to it. Neo-Paganism in the Public Square and Its Relevance to Judaism, Dr. Manfred Gerstenfeld, Volume 11:3-4 (Fall 1999) link “In today’s fragmented society a large number of religious and secular neo-pagan expressions have emerged and are gathering strength. An increased interest in nature is a central element in many of its manifestations. Expressions of this attitude are found among neo-pagan believers, neo-Nazis and some extreme environmentalist currents. The ancient revulsion with regard to paganism felt by adherents of Judaism links up with the need to take stock of these contemporary phenomena. The return of paganism forces Judaism to focus on Jewish law and tradition, which proclaim that God is central in the world. Nature is not sacred and its laws represent barbarity; the Noahide laws represent civil society. There are many reasons for Jewish observers to watch attentively which direction the powerful, renewed interest in nature will take, and what consequences this may have for world Jewry.” ____ In short, the Noahide Laws are completely incompatible with the Pagan or Gnostic worldview. We must therefore oppose them in order to preserve our pact or bond with the greater forces of the environment so that we can exercise sovereignty over our own minds and that practising Pagans and Gnostics alike can thrive alongside nature in a sane and harmonious manner.
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Gnostic Intel

The True Meaning of ‘Peace’ Maimonides AKA ‘the Rambam’ the most prolific and influential Jewish philosopher points out that the commandment for ‘righteous deceit’ from the off-planet father god Yahweh is clear within the Torah (the first 5 books of the Bible). “When you march up to attack a city, make its people an offer of peace. If they accept and open their gates, all the people in it shall be subject to forced labour and shall work for you.” -Deuteronomy 20:10-12 Chabad Lubavitch, the most influential and best-known Hasidic group give instruction on when it is permissible to lie. Telling the Truth...and When It Is Permissible to Be Less Than Honest From the article - “And we are told that a lie told to promote peace is not included at all in the prohibition of telling lies. It seems then that since the ultimate goal of this lie is a positive one, it is not prohibited.” Chabad indicates that a lie is permissible if it’s in the service of ‘peace’. The commonly known Hebrew greeting of ‘shalom’ means…

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“Faith in technology has absolutely nothing to do with reason or wisdom: it is religion — an insensible, uncritical, unquestionable religion. Technology is the foundation of the most anti-intellectual and religious culture Western civilisation, or indeed the world, has ever known.” ― Pentti Linkola, Can Life Prevail? Image: Transhuman by Debra Lott
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“There is no way to re-enchant our lives in a disenchanted culture except by becoming renegades from that culture and planting the seeds for a new one.” —Thomas Moore Image: Infinite Forests by Albert Bierstadt
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