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Simpleffective Psy

Psychologist John. Author's channel Collaboration: @vasbas

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Get rid of these habits so that your life is less stressful. Part 2 Part 1 3. Try to do everything at once "What matters to me now?" - answer this question and organize your time so that it is always enough for priority tasks. Separate the urgent from the important when it comes to workflow. Do not forget: chasing two hares at once, you run the risk of not catching a single one. 4. Strive for perfectionism in everything Eternal striving for perfection and excessive demands on yourself will not add to your happiness. If you can do well, do it. You can do better - go ahead! But the scrupulous improvement of trifles can lead to a nervous breakdown. Know how to stop and feel the moment “I did a great job and am completely satisfied with the result.”
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Rumination or fixation on the bad We often mistake this agonizing state for productive introspection, but in reality, it only prevents us from seeing ourselves objectively and does nothing to help us solve our problems. Rumination can affect any area of ​​life, but most often painful reflections haunt us when we feel that we do not meet the requirements in the area that we consider to be the most important for ourselves. When we dwell on the bad, we lose sight of the good in our lives. Rejecting the good, we deny its possibility, and our self-esteem becomes low. Some research suggests that rumination also leads to cognitive decline and sleep disturbances. Oddly enough, by endlessly plunging into yourself and thinking about your shortcomings, you do not advance at all in the matter of self-knowledge. When you focus only on flaws, you lose sight of the big picture.
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Get rid of these habits so that your life is less stressful. Part 1 Often we complicate our lives and make stress an integral part of them. However, you can change everything: remember what and how not to do, and say goodbye to stress. 1. Set abstract goals When the goal is formulated vaguely, without specifics and time limits, achieving it will hardly be possible. You seem to be doing something, but there is no result, only stress. “I want a lot of money” is an example of unsuccessful goal setting. If you break the global goal into several small ones and prioritize it, the chances of success will immediately increase. 2. Strive for unrealistic goals Objectives must first of all be realistic and achievable. Well, you will not master a foreign language perfectly in a week. Remember this. By pushing yourself into a rigid framework, you fail and worry. Be indulgent to yourself, and set difficult, but doable tasks.
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How to quickly calm down. Science Based Methods Previous methods Distance yourself from yourself Try to look at the situation from the outside, as if it's not happening to you. Imagine that the problems are not yours, but someone else's. The reception is elementary but surprisingly effective: psychologists record a sharp decrease in the level of anxiety and stress and even recommend a similar approach in the fight against prolonged depression. The old joke “If these are your problems, you can solve them. If you cannot solve them, these are not your problems” takes on a modern, scientific sound. Remember it and smile. This, by the way, is also a good way to reduce stress.
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How to overcome social anxiety disorder Start here Tip 3: Learn to control your breathing Many changes happen in your body when you become anxious. One of the first changes is that you begin to breathe quickly. Overbreathing (hyperventilation) throws off the balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in your body—leading to more physical symptoms of anxiety, such as dizziness, a feeling of suffocation, increased heart rate, and muscle tension. Learning to slow your breathing down can help bring your physical symptoms of anxiety back under control. Practicing the following breathing exercise will help you stay calm: Sit comfortably with your back straight and your shoulders relaxed. Put one hand on your chest and the other on your stomach. Inhale slowly and deeply through your nose for 4 seconds. The hand on your stomach should rise, while the hand on your chest should move very little. Hold the breath for 2 seconds. Exhale slowly through your mouth for 6 seconds, pushing out at much air as you can. The hand on your stomach should move in as you exhale, but your other hand should move very little. Continue to breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Focus on keeping a slow and steady breathing pattern of 4-in, 2-hold, and 6-out.
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Psychoses If you experience a psychotic episode, you enter a state where you are unable to distinguish between your inner conceptions, fantasies and the actual reality around you. You may suffer from either a transient or “reactive” psychotic episode, or experience recurring psychotic episodes as symptoms of a psychiatric diagnosis such as schizophrenia. Most people who suffer from a psychotic episode recover over time, partially or entirely, but treatment reduces the risk of new psychotic episodes. Changed self-image and reality perception during psychosis The person may experience a delusion about themselves. It is common for a psychotic person to perceive themselves as changed. For example, a person who is psychotic may believe that they are a historical person who represents evil or other characteristics. One person experiencing psychosis may become angry and want to confront others, another feels like a saviour and wants to embrace everyone nearby, while a third turns inward and becomes withdrawn. It seems absurd or unpleasant to others. Conflicts with others during psychosis The perception that others do not understand what is being discussed, share your concerns or see the things that you think are obvious in your surroundings can be very frustrating if you are experiencing psychosis. Therefore, psychosis often involves conflict with the people around you. What is the cause of psychosis? It is not entirely clear why a person develops psychosis, but there may be an individual vulnerability involving heredity, upbringing or particularly traumatic experiences. There is also a connection between drugs such as hashish and marijuana and psychoses. Vulnerability to psychosis increases if you have severe insomnia, anxiety, hypomania or depression. If you have recurrent and prolonged psychotic episodes, you have an illness for which you need treatment. What sort of help can I receive for psychosis? You need to have a psychiatric examination before you can receive the correct treatment. Depending on your difficulties, you may need several treatments such as medication, therapy and other psychosocial support. To receive well-coordinated care, it is helpful to receive a care plan. Most people recover from a psychotic episode You may need support and help from those around you in order to recover. You need to understand what happened to you and what you can do to avoid entering that state again. You may need medication for a long time, you need to learn to recognise early signs of psychosis and you need to know how to contact the healthcare services in order to avoid a new psychotic episode.
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How to quickly calm down. Science Based Methods Another scientifically proven way to calm down is to do something with maximum concentration. Do the washing up. Wash the floor. Lay out the papers. Clean up your desktop on your computer or smartphone. The main thing is to try to concentrate on this lesson. A study conducted in 2015 at the University of Florida proved that focused activity is a very effective way to quickly reduce stress. This happens because by fully concentrating on some activity, we are distracted from negative experiences. The brain "switches" and reduces the production of stress hormones. This simple but effective method can be used whenever anxiety come over you. Never sink into anxiety and stress. Always try to keep yourself busy or distracted. And do it with maximum concentration
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How to overcome social anxiety disorder Start here Tip 2: Focus on others, not yourself When we're in a social situation that makes us nervous, many of us tend to get caught up in our anxious thoughts and feelings. You may be convinced that everyone is looking at you and judging you. Your focus is on your bodily sensations, hoping that by paying extra close attention you can better control them. But this excessive self-focus just makes you more aware of how nervous you're feeling, triggering even more anxiety! It also prevents you from fully concentrating on the conversations around you or the performance you're giving. Switching from an internal to an external focus can go a long way toward reducing social anxiety. This is easier said than done, but you can't pay attention to two things at once. The more you concentrate on what's happening around you, the less you'll be affected by anxiety. Focus your attention on other people, but not on what they're thinking of you! Instead, do your best to engage them and make a genuine connection. Remember that anxiety isn't as visible as you think. And even if someone notices that you're nervous, that doesn't mean they'll think badly of you. Chances are other people are feeling just as nervous as you—or have done in the past. Really listen to what is being said not to your own negative thoughts. Focus on the present moment, rather than worrying about what you're going to say or beating yourself up for a flub that's already passed. Release the pressure to be perfect. Instead, focus on being genuine and attentive—qualities that other people will appreciate.
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One of the main reasons for using marijuana According to American researchers, depression encourages a person to use marijuana. Scientists believe that such psychological dependence can become a problem. According to its authors, the "insidiousness" of marijuana lies in the psychological dependence on it. Being in a depressed state, it is difficult for a person to refuse to use this psychotropic drug. Each of the participants in the experiment received a special sensor, and when he gave a signal, they had to tell about their health. In addition, young people had to make reports on the use of marijuana. The total number of analyzed reports was 3.6 thousand. In the vast majority of cases, marijuana use was preceded by a bad mood. Other factors, such as the availability of a psychotropic drug or the presence of a group of friends, did not have such a significant effect. Thus, scientists once again proved that marijuana can be addictive. The study itself has already been called “unique” since all data were collected in real time. The fact is that most of these studies involve reconstruction from surveys. I recommend as little as possible resort to the use of various substances to lift the mood. It doesn't matter if it's alcohol, marijuana, or cocaine. As harmless as these substances may seem, they are drugs anyway. I advise you to use simple and safe methods of raising your mood. Walk, see the sights, eat delicious food, play sports, and chat with friends. Drugs give only the illusion of joy.
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How to quickly calm down. Science Based Methods Another scientifically proven way to calm down quickly is to smell a pleasant scent. Smell something nice Although aromatherapy as a whole looks rather dubious from a scientific point of view, the effect of some essential oils on stress levels has been proven unambiguously and repeatedly. Aromas of lavender, rosemary and ylang-ylang lower blood pressure and heart rate, reducing anxiety and arousal. Carry a small vial with you of the oils listed that smell most pleasant to you, and shake 1-2 drops on your wrist during stressful times. A couple of breaths and it will be much easier to calm down. Try not to apply too much fragrance oil, as too strong a fragrance can cause unpleasant emotions, including irritation. I apologize for the long absence, I was on a trip and I did not have the opportunity to post. But I'm glad to be back!
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