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Help me ratio Hsai Bi-khim, "vice presidential" candidate of the DPP, comfort woman of the US State Department:
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鍾翔宇 Xiangyu (@notXiangyu) on X

@bikhim When CSIS was calling for sanctions on TSMC if TSMC did not speed up its Arizona fab, you said nothing. The the US passed the CHIPS act and began hollowing out TSMC, you were silent. Your naive supporters think you work hard for the interests of the people of Taiwan, but you've…

👍 17
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👍 11
Repost from Hassan Ali
Timcast soying out over the meaning of bourgeoisie: Though classical liberals like to distinguish themselves from today's leftist phenomenon, they are two expressions of the same thing, first emerging in response to Feudal authority. The significance of the individual was elevated over society as a whole. For classical liberalism, we see this in the unquestioning freedom of capital under the authority of a sovereign. For leftism today, we see this in the form of unquestioning freedom of degeneracy, despite cultural and social norms. Leftists find significance in the most oppressed individuals, the underclass lumpen such as prostitutes, drug addicts, and homeless, for example. Classical liberals, though claiming to see all as equal, also find significance in oppressed individuals, even if the "oppressed" in their view are monopolists stuck under the boot of the mighty Communist Party of China, for example. Because classical liberals and today's leftists share the same underlying worldview, their approach to language and semantics are also the same. For example, in this clip we see Tim correctly use the word "bourgeoisie" to refer to the ultra elite, those who directly control the means of production. Later, he switches the definition to mean something else, in this case a middle class or small business owners. He then goes on to accuse Haz of playing exactly this game. Tim becomes the leftist he accuses Haz of being. Liberals think leftists and Marxists are the same. In reality, liberals and leftists are the same.
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💯 10 1
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If you're on IG, give me a follow there - got stuff in the works you won't wanna miss!
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🔥 3
"Asian-America" doesn't exist. There are pockets of Chinese in America, Koreans in America, Vietnamese in America, etc. And of course their children face similar treatment from mainstream America due to phenotype, but why should that be what we identify with when we all have rich cultural backgrounds?
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鍾翔宇 Xiangyu on X

I haven't studied Jewish scripture, so I won't be commenting on the correctness of this, and I am simply using this to draw a comparison to diasporoid Asians in the west. I've heard the argument from some Orthodox Jewish voices that Zionists are people who view traditional Jewish…

👍 15
I haven't studied Jewish scripture, so I won't be commenting on the correctness of this, and I am simply using this to draw a comparison to diasporoid Asians in the west. I've heard the argument from some Orthodox Jewish voices that Zionists are people who view traditional Jewish culture as the cause of the discrimination they faced in their countries, so by creating a national identity, they can reinvent what it means to be Jewish, but be seen as equals among all nations in the world. This reminds me of the attempt by diasporoid Asians in America to institutionalize the "Asian-American" identity. Look at the loudest diasporoid voices: they're out of touch with their family's cultures, usually due to an active attempt at distancing themselves from them, and blame their parents for the different treatment they receive in America (you mean to tell me you're misunderstood and treated differently because you look different from the stereotypical American and had a different cultural upbringing from many around you!?) Their solution to this problem is to create a racial identity that celebrates "Asianness" on a superficial level, differentiating themselves from other types of Americans, in hopes of being treated like a white American while being acknowledged that they're special. This is why I've fundamentally disagreed with diasporoid "Pan-Asianism." This isn't to say that Asian people from different national and civilizational backgrounds shouldn't stand together in the face of anti-Asian discrimination, but the "Pan-Asianism" they propose puts race above culture and is, to me, a form of open society cosmopolitanism among people who look a certain way. The vast majority of Asian people in America are working class immigrants who stick to their own due to cultural and lingustic reasons. To a Chinese immigrant, a Laotian immigrant is just as foreign as a Somalian immigrant. Diasporoids who start "Asian-American" organizations fail to get much of a reach beyond their little circle jerks because there aren't the numbers, and because they fail to reach out to the majority of working class Asians in America, who simply do not view themselves as "Asian." You either embrace or reject your heritage, and that's your choice. Either way, on some level you'll be treated differently and "foreign" because you look different and had a different cultural upbringing, but that's normal. Even my dad, who grew up Chinese in Korea, faced something similar despite Chinese and Korean people looking much more similar than Asian people and the typical American. In fact, being Chinese in south Korea back then was much worse than growing up yellow in America today. Even though people like him could blend in if they weren't heard speaking Chinese, street fights broke out all of the time due to discrimination, because they could be recognized by their school uniforms on their way to and from school (the south Korean government back then did not grant citizenship to people like my dad, and he grew up going to a school for Chinese people, receiving a Chinese education, where Korean was taught in school like a foreign language class). This is just how things are when cultures collide, and it takes time to smooth out. And the example I give are two cultures with many overlaps, both of which are heavily influenced by Confucian ideology. And you know who began "Pan-Asianism" as a concept? The Japanese imperialists, who created the fake and 尺e七a尺ded idea of "The Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere" that really just meant "greater East Asian subjugation by Japanese imperialism." You want to fix problems faced by Asians in America? You have to work with other Americans to fix America in general. You want to help your community? You'd have to actually be a part of your community, instead of creating a fake one that's only given a shred of legitimacy because it's upheld by liberal institutions.
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👍 7💯 2
Repost from Ukraine Watch
🇵🇸⚔️🇮🇱 Military analysis of Hamas' Operation Al-Aqsa Flood: 1️⃣ It was prepared several years in advance. Ammunition depots were set up, assault teams were prepared and an operational game was played with MOSSAD. In order to divert attention, it was necessary to sacrifice individual fighters, and even to escalate in the form of several days of rocket fire on Israel, to give the enemy the impression that something similar would happen next time. 2️⃣ The Palestinian intelligence services clearly succeeded in strategic deception, as it is now clear that many Israeli agents were in fact double agents. The Palestinians were also clearly supported from the outside, providing data on the deployment of Israeli border groups, routines, personal details, etc. This third actor was most likely Iran. 3️⃣ The design of the operation conceptually copied the general offensive in Algeria in August 1955 and the Tet offensive in Vietnam in February 1969, and partly the war in Chad against Gaddafi's forces, or the classic Mongolian "encirclement". As soon as the defensive line in the form of a border was breached, numerous autonomous DRGs rushed into the Israeli rear to sow panic on the roads, destroy communications, capture and/or eliminate Israelis from a pre-arranged list, and divert the IDF's attention. In the second echelon came the assault units, which would mop up abandoned positions and take prisoners. 4️⃣ The gamble was that, given Israel's superiority, the fighting would shift to its territory, where it had become almost impossible to carry out pinpoint strikes for fear of hitting civilians. The seizure of Israeli vehicles only made this task more difficult. 5️⃣ The use of electronic warfare, cyber warfare and information warfare forces was active. All this led to an initial paralysis of the Southern Area Command and the IDF as a whole, which gave the attackers time to get far ahead. 6️⃣ The attackers did not aim to hold the cities or to engage in direct combat with the Israeli army - they had neither the strength nor the capability to do so. Probably the main objective was to deal Israel a heavy moral blow (achieved), to inflict heavy losses in men and equipment on the IDF (achieved), and to take hostages for negotiation and insurance against a ground operation (achieved). 7️⃣ The next fork in the road is either Israel decides to launch a major ground operation, lasting at least a month, or to enter into negotiations. This is likely to become clear soon. Source (Russian) @ukraine_watch
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👍 21🔥 8
Work on my album is going steady, and got some interesting projects coming up. In the meantime, watch my latest music video if you haven't already, and if you like it, give it a like and a comment! If you really like it, share it on social media. Thanks!
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鍾翔宇 Xiangyu - 金色貧民窟 Golden Slum (feat. 吳承瑾 Epiphany)

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吳承瑾頻道 Epiphany's Youtube Channel: @1pfani 〈金色貧民窟〉以意識說唱的方式點出現代人汲汲營營於利益、成就與事業,但在追求過程中人們漸漸偏離自己的初衷,偏離自己的信條與志向。因此,人們的生活失去重心,困於金色貧民窟之中,陷入利益追逐與內耗的惡性循環。然而,曲中吳承瑾的副歌點破了這一切,以捫心自問的方式省思自我的精神貧困,成為逆轉頹廢現況的反擊狼煙。做為承接,本首歌在最後一段提醒人們應該奪回自己的主權,成為自己生命的主宰,擺脫虛無主義與悲觀主義的呢喃低語。

🔥 11👍 6 Someone tell this whiny little maggot bitch that: 1. His actions went viral in China. Most people who saw the clip still don't know who he is. Be humble and do what's right because you believe in it, not because you want the world to suck your cock. 2. There is no title called the "President of Taiwan." Under the "ROC" framework, she is the "President of the Republic of China." The PRC, considering itself as the sucessor state of the ROC, a position upheld by the international community, does not recognize her as the "President" of a state that no longer legally exists, so therefore refers to this position as Taiwan Leader or Leader of the Taiwan Area. This clown wants the world to suck him off for being some sort of anti-separatist hero, but still manages to imply that Taiwan is a separate country.
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Caleb T. Maupin on X

I literally confronted the President of Taiwan… went viral in China… crickets over here… but I mildly call out Hinkle and there’s a social media earthquake. So sad. I guess I should stop trying to please the internet. It sucks.

🔥 13👍 9
Repost from Hassan Ali
The PSL announced a presidential ticket ( A few thoughts: - Cornell West is already running with basically the same radlib platform as them, so why not endorse and unite with him? The answer is that they are sectarian opportunists. In reality, there is no objective difference between PSL, CPUSA, FRSO, yet the leadership of each want to maintain their own personal standings. - They are choosing to run a campaign after isolating a diverse set of anti-establishment voices due to their sabotage of a ground-breaking anti-war coalition. - Why waste all of these resources on a presidential run when you are completely incapable of winning small local elections? The latter has to necessarily come first. However, even if they took that approach, their radlib platform will never appeal to any majority of people. - Their main political position, create a new economy, offers no explanation to how aside from "seize the top 100 corporations." A very winning message. - One of their other main political program points is around women and LGBT. First, I don't know why something concerning half of the population is lumped in with a special interest group. Either way, they seem to combine personal rights of LGBT with total access to abortion as a primary point in their program. In American politics, having that position front and center will lose you all support. - They didn't even bother Blue-checking the Twitter accounts of the presidential candidates because not paying Elon Musk is revolutionary. Don't forget to donate your hard earned money towards these winners.
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🥴 5🔥 3👍 1
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