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Haala Kamiin Dubbisaa jirta? MALA QO'ANNAA (STUDY STRATEGIES) 1. Sagantaa qo'annaa dhaabbataa ykn murtaawaa ta'e gochaalee adda addaa walmakuun baafachuu. fkn: yeroo qo'annaa, bashannana, ispoortii fi kkf. 2. Guyyaa barumsa eegalte irraa kaasii qo'adhu. 3. Kitaaba kan kee boqonnaa hundaa fi fuula hunda qabxii ijoo irratti xiyyeeffadhuu dubbisi. 4. Yaadannoo gabaabduu yeroo qormaataa dubbiftu qopheessi. 5. Wayta qu'attu sammuu keetiif boqonnaa gahaa kenni. . 6. Bakkaa fi yeroo mijaawaa qu'annaa qabaadhu. fkn:Mana kitaabaatti dubbisuu iddoo warning hin jirre... 7. Meeshaalee qu'annaaf si gargaaran hunda walitti qabadhu. fkn: kitaabilee, galmee jechootaa (dictionary) kkf. 8. Daree barnootaa keessatti barsiisaa kee sirritti dhageeffadhu. 9. Wanta dubbistu waan qabatamaa naannoo kee jiru waliin walitti fiduun sammuu keessaa akka hin banneef  yaalii godhi akkasumas waan beektu waliin walqabsiisi. 10. Guyyaa tokko keessatti koorsilee hedduu hin qu'atin. HUB:Mala qu'annaa SQ3R(Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review) tti fayyadami. Kunis: S-Survey (irra butuu): guduunfaa(summary), yaada ijoo, matadureewwan dubbisuu Q-Question : of gaafachuu, walgaafachuu, gilgaala hojjechuu R-Read: wayta si'aayina qabdu dubbisi, qajeelfamoota(principles), yaad-hiddamoota(theories), gabateewwan, giraafiiwwan, fakkiiwwan) dubbisi R-Recite:qomaan dubbisuu(qubeewwan, tartiiba guyyootaa ta'iinsotaa, bara, walaloowwan, keeyata, seerota, foormuloota kkf)dubbisi R-Review: keessa deebii(mata dureewwan ijoo) Hub: Dogoggora barattootaa gurguddoowwan kan jedhaman kan akka _boru qu'adha jechuun yeroo laachuu, osoo hin hubatin qomaan dubbisuu, daree barnootaa hafuu kkf fa'a. . "Nan qu'adha x2 garuu qabxiin naa hin dhufu " kan jedhan barattoota hedduudha. Qu'achuun qofti bu'aa hin qabu garuu malleen qu'annaa saayinsaawaa beekuun murteessaadha! **. Unleash Your Super Potential!!
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👍 5
Some common problems that teenagers may face : 1. Peer pressure: Teenagers often feel pressure to conform to their peers' expectations and behaviors, which can lead to negative influences and risky behaviors. 2. Academic stress: The pressure to excel academically, meet high expectations, and balance schoolwork with extracurricular activities can be overwhelming for many teenagers. 3. Body image issues: Teenagers may struggle with body image concerns and feel pressure to meet societal standards of beauty and attractiveness, leading to low self-esteem and potentially harmful behaviors. 4. Mental health issues: Adolescence is a time of significant emotional and psychological development, and many teenagers may experience mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, or eating disorders. 5. Substance abuse: Experimentation with drugs, alcohol, or other substances is a common problem among teenagers, often driven by peer influence or a desire to escape from stress or emotional difficulties. 6. Bullying: Many teenagers experience bullying, either as victims or perpetrators, which can have serious negative effects on their mental health and well-being. 7. Technology addiction: Excessive use of technology, including social media, video games, and smartphones, can lead to addiction and negatively impact teenagers' social skills, sleep patterns, and overall well-being. 8. Relationship issues: Teenagers may struggle with navigating romantic relationships, friendships, and family dynamics, leading to conflicts and emotional challenges. 9. Identity and self-discovery: Adolescence is a time of self-discovery and identity formation, and many teenagers may struggle with finding their place in the world and developing a strong sense of self. 10. Pressure to succeed: Teenagers often feel pressure from parents, teachers, and society to achieve success in various areas of their lives, which can contribute to stress and feelings of inadequacy. 🤔 Which problem are you  facing now , COMMENT BELOW 👇 **.Kaayyoon keenya Barattoota keenya gahoomsuun qabxii olaanaa galmeessisuudha! ***. Unleash Your Super Potential!!
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🕹🕹የኢንትራንስ ጥያቄዎች🕹🕹 #Indefinite pronouns ላይ የወጡ ጥያቄዎች ሞክሯቸውና መልስ ቸክ አድርጉ። 1. I found _who could do the calculation. May be the question was tough. A. no one B. someone C. anyone D. everyone 2. The burglar is one the run, but ___ in this country could he hide, I believe. A. anywhere B. somewhere C. nowhere  D. everywhere 3.___can stop them from taking the city. The opposing force has gone in disarray. A. Anything B. Everything C. Nothing D. Something 4. I fell that_ loves me from the group, so I have to join another one. A. everyone  B. someone C. anyone D. no one 5. It’s sad but _ seems to care about the prisoners. please make sure they have lunch.  A. nobody B. everybody C. anybody D. somebody 6. I have searched all over and ___ could it be found. Someone must have thrown it out. A. nowhere B. everywhere C. anywhere  D. somewhere  7. It is disheartening that the whole class is away to Lalibela. It means __ is coming for my birthday party  A. anybody B. everybody C. nobody D. somebody 8.Do you find __ difficult to meet new people? A. them B. it is C. they are D. it 9.__in the country can you find people free of such bias. Better take it as a norm and live with it. A. Nowhere B. Anywhere C. Somewhere D. Every where 10. I know I was___ in the field, but not exactly where. A. nowhere B. anywhere C. everywhere D. somewhere 11. I understand ___ of us is responsible. We were out of town when it happened. A. all B. both C. either D. neither Answer ✅ 1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.A 6.A 7.C 8.D 9.A 10.D 11.D #የኢንትራንስ ጥያቄዎች ናቸው ። conditional sentence ላይ የተመረጡ 1. If anyone had called, I__  them she had not been at home. A. will tell C. will have told B. would tell D. would have told 2. If he killed the man, as the rumour goes, I don’t think he__  here. A. would be C. will have been B. had been D. would have been 3.If I saw anyone cheating on this exam, I certainly__  report the case to the invigilator. A. will B. would C. could D. shall 4. If I ___ time, I will do some shopping. A. had B. have C. will have D. am having 5. If all __well, she should be here before it gets dark. A. go B. want C. goes D. had gone ✅Answer ✅ 1.D 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.A #subject verb agreement ላይ የሚወጡ ጥያቄዎች በዚህ መልኩ ነው። 1Everyone of you____ expected to contribute to the new enterprise. A. is B. are C. has D. have 2. Neither your relatives nor you _ allowed to leave at the moment. Things should clear up. A. is B. are C. be D. have 3. It has come to my attention that none of them ___ died in the accident. A. has B. have C. is D. are 4.Not all the seats in the exam hall__ taken yet. A. has B. are C. were D. have ✅Answer ✅ 1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D #Active and passive voice entrance questions 1. She _ really interested in boys of her own age. A. was ever C. is never being B. was never been D. has never been 2. By the way, do you know how much time___ to finish the exam? A. given B. has given C. we are given D. are we given 3.You __ to do your homework before you went out. A. are supposing C. supposed B. were supposed D. were supposing 4. Caffeine_ to cause withdrawal symptoms such as headache and irritability. A. is known B. has known C. knows D. know 5.It was agreed that the football match ____ A. be postponed B. postopones C. postponed D. was postponed 6. My house _ into last night for the second time A. broke B. broken C. was broken D. has been broken 7. A room for you at the Hilton Hotel___. A. has reserved C. reserves B. has been reserving D. has been reserved ✅Answer✅ 1.D 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.D 6.C 7.D ለዛሬ እዚሁ ላይ እናቁም አውቃለሁ ያደክማል ግን በርቱ። ያልፋል። ተጨማሪ ግልፅ የሚያደርግ ማብራሪያ ከፈለጋችሁ ደግሞ extreme English or advanced worldwide አንብቡ
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👍 1
Old Biology G-10 Shortnotes.pdf8.53 KB
History G-10 note and review Questions.pdf1.90 MB
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👍 1
HOW TO USE " MAKE " (" MAKE " እንዴት መጠቀም አለብን) A,Housework - Make the bed - Make room B,Commuications - Make a noise - Make a comment - Make a joke - Make a point - Make arrangements - Make a speech - Make a suggestion - Make a complaint - Make a confession - Make a prediction - Make an excuse - Make a promise - Make a fuss - Make an observation - Make a mistake - Make a call - Make a reservation - Make a rude gesture - Make a statement - Make a bookig - Make a bundle - Make a cake - Make a choice - Make a comment - Make a complaint - Make a compromise - Make a deal - Make a decision C, Food, Drink and Meals - Make a cake - Make breakfast - Make dinner - Make a cup of tea - Make a sandwich - Make a salad - Make a tea - Make a snack D, Relationships/Reaction - Make your eyes water - Make you happy - Make you sleep - Make you smile - Make friends - Make Love - Make up - Make fun of someone - Make a pass at - Make a break with sb/sth (UK) - Make a fool of yourself E, Plan/Decision - Make a contract - Make progress - Make a choice - Make a plan - Make a decision - Make an attempt/ effort - Make up your mind - Make a discovery - Make a list - Make sure - Make a difference - Make an exception - Make an offer - Make a note (of) - Make a prediction - Make ameds - Make an appearance - Make an appointment - Make an attempt - Make an enquiry - Make an excuse - Make arrangements F, Product Material - Made of gold/silver - Made from oranges/lemons - Made in Japan/China - Made by me G, MAKE - Make money -Make a profit - Make a fortune H, Others - Make believe - Make sense - Make changes - Make sure - Make trouble - Make up your mind - Make war - Make one's bow (UK) - Make an objection - Make an allusion - Make a threat - Make a difference - Make a fire - Make a habit - Make a living - Make a mess - Make a move - Make a dress
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HOW TO USE " DO " (" Do " እንዴት መጠቀም አለብን) A,Taking Care of Your Body - Do exercise - Do gymnastics - Do your makeup - Do your hair - Do your nails - Do karate - Do judo - Do taekwodo - Do kung-fu - Do boxing - Do athletics - Do acrobatics - Do aerobics - Do body building ballet - Do a puzzle - Do a crossword - Do tai-chi - Do yoga archery B, Do Non-Specific Activities - Do a favor - Do badly - Do harm - Do damage - Do your best - Do a good job - Do well - Do nothing - Do anything - Do something - Do everything - Do better - Do the right thing - Do something right - Do something wrong - Do the maximum/ minimum C, Housework - Do the housework - Do Laudry - Do your chores -Do the washing up (UK) - Do the shopping - Do the cleaning - Do the cooking - Do the dishes - Do the ironing D, Work/Study - Do work - Do your besy - Do your duty - Do your job - Do homework - Do an assignment - Do a report - Do a test (UK) - Do a project - Do a course (UK) - Do a deal - Do some reading - Do some writing - Do some studying - Do the math - Do research - Do paperwork - Do a test - Do an exam - Do business - Do damage
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طرح فعلی شما تنها برای 5 کانال تجزیه و تحلیل را مجاز می کند. برای بیشتر، لطفا یک طرح دیگر انتخاب کنید.