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THE STORM ( post 1) 11.3 ARREST WARS (are coming closer and it's no longer a conspiracy that Trump is going to arrest the deep state operators and bring down the operations and real puppet masters of the world Swap) >From the director of the FBI. > McCabe to U.S. military deep state general> Milley to leading MSM host >Maddow and hundreds more of Elites in the Senate, U.S. government and High Profile ELITES,.....>>>>ALL confirm Trump is coming after them<<<< > >TREASON TREASON TREASON TREASON TREASON TREASONOUS Ops>>> 🔥 ALL CONNECTED TO A DEEP STATE MILITARY COUP. The deep state Democrats, RINOS and ELITES are no longer laughing at Q nor THE STORM arrest wars COMING [ NCSWIC] __ BEHIND THE SCENES>]: MULTIPLE MILITARY OPERATIONS SET BY TRUMP. EZRA. PATEL WHITE HATS MILITARY>DEVOLUTION PLAN IS EVOLVING INTO OPEN OPERATIONS _One of the known operations is now hitting the 2024 circa in social media ,books, TV and huge discussions inside the DNC and DC ring. THE MILITARY OPERATION WITH PENTAGON DOD . WHITE HATS IN 3 LETTER AGENCIES are going after Hilary Clinton and connection to money laundering/ BRIBES/ BLACKMAIL and a military COUP SETTING UP TRUMP >>Patrick Byrne publicly Gives some of the full information on the behind the scenes military/ DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE./WHITE HATS IN 3 LETTER AGENCIES GOING AFTER HILARY CLINTON AND THE STING OPERATIONS [[ NOW BEHIND THE SCENES TRUMP ( Military) IS ALREADY PLANNING THE ARREST AND PROSECUTION OF HILLARY CLINTON> OBAMA> BUSH> CIA> ROCKEFELLERS*.> The Carnegie Endowment+++ to Gates to Fauci + more+]] The powerful combination of The Storm is connected to the deep state ,dark deep operations and unconstitutional operations in the United States connected to underground bases and the real facilitators who control Washington DC and deep state actors and operations. _ TRUMP. THE MILITARY ALLIANCE IS GOING AFTER MAJIC > ( The secret Majority Intelligence Communitee) that is runned by the Rockefellers+ Rothchilds +13 Elite families who control most of the world intelligence and banks and government corruption systems. [ DS] MAJIC is connected to DARPA and the siphoning of hundreds of trillions of Dollars annually from world governments to maintain under ground bases that house the most advanced technology in the world, connected to infinit energy. Tesla energy*.z.> Zero point Energy ( This important hidden technology is connected to a Golden future that WILL change everything, and create Wealth across the world to every country and people, including advanced health regeneration technology, ending cancer, heart problems and much much much more) ___. THE WORLD STORM OPERATIONS _it's was vital and important that Russia broke apart the under ground biolabs in Ukraine. And broke apart the CIA runned military regime of West Ukraine and the dismantling of the world money laundering operations that went to Ukraine ( Blackrock*..> vanguard> NATO. UN. OBAMA. CIA.MI6 MOSSAD. world bank fake philanthropy operations were all funneling money to Ukraine for over 50 years) _ _It was important for Trump to step back in 2021_2024 as deep state dismantling operations in Ukraine took place. ( If Trump would have fully initiated the dismantle of the CIA Ukraine operations The deep state European powers, Elites. Propaganda television would have crucified TRUMP.... Even in the U S. People would have been confused and the mockingbird CIA tv msm would have annihilated him!!!!!) >>>>It was vital to world military operations that Putin move forward and bring down the nazi / GLOBALIST regimen in Ukraine and stop the deep state elite operations ( A powerful PLAN is formulating in real time unfolding to bring down NATO. THE UN GLOBALIST AGENDA ..... This is ALL connected to the COMING WORLD NUCLEAR STANDOFF >>>>> ALREADY HAPPENING (SILENTLY)<<<<<
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_ THE END GAME MILITARY OCCUPATION 11.3 _The END GAME is Military world Courts. _World courts > Tribunals (who funded Ukraine war. Soldier and Coup of 2014 ) >Tribunals (who funded biolabs in Ukraine) >General code >Nürnberg Code ( TRIBUNAL) these arrest and investigation start directly from the top and trickle down unlike U.S. RICO investigations > Nürnberg Code( tribunals) who funded the virus? >>> CIA+ deep state EU actors+ intelligence> MAJIC >
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THE STORM ( post 2) _THE WORLD ALLIANCE STORM OPERATIONS,< .>As Putin brings down Ukraine deep state Enterprise CIA/MAJIC operations, money laundering operation biolabs and securing nuclear weapons NATO/CIA has stored in Ukraine// _at the same time in the U.S. TRIUMP has EXPOSED the corrupt Judicial system and exposing a military COUP that is connected to ex Presidents/current president Biden ( the same presidents who fund and funnel money to Ukraine) . The military operations through Ezra . Cheyenne and White Hats in 3 letter agencies that have initiated operations against Hillary Clinton through Patrick Byrne ( Danger Close operations) And several covert operations connected to general Flynn and other important operations connected to United States Cyber Command operation s Admiral Rogers and USSF Cheyenne mountain operations are all combining together into the unveiling of the EXPOSURE OF A CAPTURED UNITED STATES OPERATIONS BY FOREIGN ADVERSARIES AND DOMESTIC ENEMIES ( MAJIC. CIA. DEEP STATE 3 LETTER AGENCIES) - D_ _THE VITALITY OF RUSSIAN HELPING TO BRING DOWN DEEP STATE UKRAINE OPERATIONS , CIA money laundering ops+ _MUHAMMAD BIN SALAM ( great friend of Trump) ending the CIA. DEEP STATE FIAT U.S DOLLAR CONTROLLING WORLD GOVERNMENTS (just recent Saudi dropped the U S dollar) _White Hats in Israel bringing down the fakr Zion Israeli regimen ( a massive revolt and revolution will Begin and military occupation arresting the deep state Israeli forces and Leaders is slated<]]] _European revolution begins as over 70% of Europe rejects the GLOBALIST cia placed Leaders in the current elections. ( A massive exposure of the PLANDEMIC. VACCINE DEATHS AND EXPOSURE OF THE VIRUS is going to hit EUROPE and mass anger and revolut will hit the Streets as the financial systems COLLAPSE WILL HIT FULL FORCES WITH BLACKOUTS , CYBER ATTACK AND FALSE FLAG EVENTS.. BUT EVERYTHING WILL BE EXPOSED) _Trump vital to Operations EXPOSING the CIA and five eyes agencies and Military COUP. ☝️ These WORLD STORM OPERATIONS ARE ALL HAPPENING IN UNISON . ___ I told you years ago these EVENTS would all happen leading to a ( fake PLANned) NUCLEAR STANDOFF _NOW RUSSIA IS AT THE UNITED STATES SHORES AND BORDER REGIONS WITH NUCLEAR SHIPS AND SUBMARINES ......... this EVENT is vital as DC. CIA. DOD WILL MAKE HUGE MASSIVE MISTAKES THAT WILL LEAD TO EXPOSURE> DEEP STATE OPERATIONS<< this event is meant to shake American and the sleeping sheep to awaken and see their leaders are corrupt and the corrupt lying system. Fake news ( this EVENT is happening so the sleeping sheep will wake up and the this EVENT will lead to military intervention and 2025 EXPOSURE OF NATO. CIA. PROVOCATION OF INITIATING RUSSIA INTO WAR.. THE TRIBUNALS AND WORLD COURTS COMING ARE ALREADY IN THE MIST WORLD INDICTMENTS AND EARLY PROCEDURES) _This RUSSIA WAR NUCLEAR EVENT is going to lead to an over haul of the U.S. military procedures ( cleaning the deep state military commands) by Trump When Trump comes back ( placed!!)into office he WILL REUNITE THE WORLD ( How do you think i knew all these events would unfold years ago and have been guiding you all along dear Patriots) Do fear the EVENTS ____ IT HAD TO BE THIS WAY_Q MILITARY IS THE ONLY WAY YOU ARE WATCHING A 🎥 You have more than you know _ Please consider a strong donation to us. We are Patriots from Arizona and helping across the world warning people of the world events and fake pandemic since 2014 ... As we get closer to Nuclear events and to danger where governments and agencies want to shut us down we kindly ask for your help in donations dear friends. Patriots and world freedom fights.. Thank you . Below is two places to choose from for helping us.
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Pay Annette Kuster using PayPal.Me

Go to PayPal.Me/annergy1 and enter the amount. It's safer and more secure. Don't have a PayPal account? No problem.

Repost from Benny Johnson
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This is how California greeted Trump The ENERGY is INSANE 🇺🇸🔥
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IMG_5565.MP49.05 MB
Repost from BioClandestine
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I don’t give a damn about gun charges. This is just a slap on the wrist to make it look like the DOJ were looking into Hunter’s criminality. Just like Hillary with Comey’s speedy “investigation” of her private email server before the 2016 election, they are hoping this will appease the public so they can move past it. Meanwhile, Hunter is heavily involved in the Ukrainian bio network, and is being alleged of crimes against humanity by the Russian and Chinese government. Pictured is a slide from Russian MoD’s formal allegations to the UN, regarding US bioweapon development in Ukraine. Hunter, via Rosemont Seneca, secured the funding for these nefarious US labs in Ukraine that were doing research on bat coronaviruses as early as 2014. The gun charges mean nothing if the true crimes go unpunished.
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Bidenin jälkeen Israel on seuraava. Yhdysvaltojen poliittisen järjestelmän rikollinen hallinta Israelin toimesta on nyt paljastumassa laajalti. Viimeisimmässä artikkelissa edustaja Thomas Massie selittää, että jokaisella republikaanien kongressin jäsenellä on "AIPAC:n lapsenvahti", joka auttaa heiluttamaan äänestystä Israelin hyväksi.
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Rep. Thomas Massie Tells Tucker Carlson Every GOP Member of Congress Has an 'AIPAC Babysitter'

Kentucky Rep Thomas Massie (R) revealed to Tucker Carlson in an interview released Friday that every GOP congressman has an 'AIPAC babysitter' who guides them on how to vot

Merkkinä siitä, kuinka äärimmäistä ja pahaa tämä tuki on, on se, että "Israelilla on oikeus yrittää kohdistaa hyökkäyksensä näihin siviileihin", sanoo Yhdysvaltain ulkoministeriön tiedottaja Matthew Miller Yhdysvaltain Gazaa koskevasta politiikasta.
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Nyt jopa yritysmediat, kuten CBS News, ovat ottaneet kohteekseen väärennetyn Biden Show'n raportoimalla muun muassa seuraavaa: "Yksittäinen nimetön 64 000 000 dollarin lahjoitus, joka auttoi Joe Bidenia tulemaan valituksi vuonna 2020".
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