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⚡️ Investor: market analysis, insiders 🔥 Building an IT business for Web3 💻 Contact: @gusevself 💬 Crypto chat — @GusevSvyatoslav

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We All Live in a Resource Deficit Investments aren't just money for execution; they are a resource for collaborative work. It seems that the more money you have, the fewer problems you face. But that's not true. No matter how much money you have, it always seems like there's not enough. Even billionaires experience shortages, only in their case, the sums are much larger than ours 🤣 Imagine that for a savvy entrepreneur, money is always in short supply. No matter how much you earn, there are never "extra" funds. This isn't just due to increased expenses, but also a constant drive for growth, development, and investment in new ideas. Success and prosperity are about managing the resources you have, regardless of their amount.
We’re Expanding: Our Team is Growing, and Not Just by One 🙈 Starting this day, I’ll be summarizing the main events with our brand-new digest "Weekly Highlights." Get ready for a concise review of everything that shook the stock and cryptocurrency markets over the past week. Intriguing, right? 📅 Additionally, we’re keeping our standard Monday format with the "Main Events for the Next 7 Days" overview, so you’re always a step ahead in the world of stocks and cryptocurrencies. 🎩 For those who crave pure information without unnecessary ads and want to feel like an insider absorbing the news in Russian, welcome to my Russian-language channel.
How One Simple Action Can Change Your Whole Life ⚡️ I was talking to an entrepreneur who wants to create a project. He said promoting it isn't difficult, but traditional methods won't work. He needs something new. Hmm.. Why? Most people love to complicate things. The paradox is that complicating things is much easier than simplifying them -). Complicating doesn't require much intelligence: you have a task, you know what to do to solve it and get results. But then you start inventing new approaches and perspectives, wasting twice as much time, and the results are even worse 😭 In business, as in any endeavor, you need to find a combination that brings profit. And... just repeat it over and over 🤷🏻‍♂️. Then you multiply it and do the same thing. Elements can change — you adjust to the situation. And you get profit. ⚡️ Remember: you can and should repeat what works.
How to Eliminate Instability in Life I had a meeting with partners last night and brought up the topic of multitasking. I received some interesting insights 🧠 Multitasking can negatively affect a person if they are unstable. This can lead to burnout or if the areas of work are unstable themselves. ⚡️ In the first case, having a strong family, solid relationships, and reliable support can help. In the second, systematic analysis can reduce the level of risks. Multitasking is a great concept, but it has its complexities. If you address these "objections," you can just reap the benefits. I've been in situations with many complications and others with none. The difference is like night and day 💯 Start small. Think: what could hinder your path to development?
Multitasking This morning I was having breakfast and watching an interview with a billionaire. I noticed a common trait among wealthy people — they are multitaskers 🎹 Multitasking isn’t about spreading your concentration thin; it’s about proper time management and conserving energy. ➡️ If you want to be successful, you need to be a professional in many areas. Yes, you will eventually delegate tasks to employees, but you must understand everything you're involved in. Constantly learn and develop yourself. Add systematic knowledge and keep a clear head. These simple principles will significantly accelerate your growth.
What Skill is More Important than the Ability to Achieve Success I recently spoke with a founder who became a dollar millionaire a couple of years ago. His project took off, and in six months, his capital multiplied by 13 times. Unfortunately, it all started to decline just as quickly, and he couldn't regain his former position 🫡 In the end, he has no money, no relevance, and no new ideas. I used to listen to him, but now I’ve stopped. Why? ⚡️ It's important to pay attention to those who have achieved success, then faced difficulties, possibly even the risk of bankruptcy, and rose again. These stories clearly show that long-term success requires not only the ability to reach the top but also the skill to stay there. The same goes for bloggers who hit it big and stay in the spotlight. Instant success can be achieved by thousands, but it's much harder to remain relevant and in demand in the long run ☝️ 🔥 The lesson here is that for long-term success, you need to be able to adapt to changing conditions, learn from mistakes, and continuously develop. The ability to withstand the test of time is what makes a person truly successful. Those who have risen after falls often possess unique knowledge and experience that make them wise and respected leaders. Their stories serve as inspiration and a reminder that success is not only about reaching the peak but also about the ability to stay there.
How the Right Intention Influences Growth and Development ❓ Do you know what sets great entrepreneurs, founders, and the guys from TON Foundation apart from mediocre developers? I realized this at conferences. It's their intention. In the professional sphere, results often take center stage. But what distinguishes true professionals is their ability to value and recognize the significance of intention — the intention with which we approach our work. Interacting with people who prioritize intentions can open new horizons for professional and personal growth. These individuals value not just the fact that you've achieved something, but the effort and drive you put in. You pushed forward, even if something stopped you. ✅ They understand that sometimes circumstances beyond your control can hinder the completion of tasks on time or in full. But if they see you're doing everything possible, giving it your all, that speaks volumes more than your end result. What if you just got lucky? Or if it was easy for you and you completed the project effortlessly during breaks from idleness? Such outcomes are valued less, even if the result is there 🧠 Engaging with people who have the right intention creates an environment where the process is valued, where you grow and develop as a professional. It fosters trust, as colleagues and partners see that you're giving your best effort, even when facing difficulties. 🔥 This approach emphasizes that professionalism isn't just about completing tasks, but also about the ability to approach them with the right intention.
Don't Dwell on Past Achievements 🚀 Life is a continuous journey forward, a process of development where each new day presents an opportunity for achievements. In this context, tomorrow should be more productive and enriching than yesterday. I often think about people who prefer to live in the past, ignoring the opportunities the future brings. 🔥 A life focused on development requires the understanding that success doesn't come from merely repeating past actions but from constantly striving for improvement. This means setting higher goals and achieving them. Learning from mistakes and seeking new ways to grow. High productivity and mental stability aren't achieved by chance. They are the result of a conscious approach to life, where tasks are completed at the right time. By living in the present and planning for the future, we can effectively use our time and resources to achieve more. ⚡️ This doesn't mean the past is irrelevant. On the contrary, experience can serve as a valuable foundation. But the key is to view the past as a stepping stone for moving forward, not as a place to stay permanently.
Should You Listen to Advice from Former Businessmen? ⚡️ It's crucial to consider the value of the advice we receive, especially when it comes to business. When encountering advice from former entrepreneurs or other authoritative figures, it's important to weigh its relevance. Advice from those who held high positions may seem significant, but the question is how relevant it is today. The world doesn't stand still, and what worked yesterday might be ineffective today. Understanding the current business landscape and technologies is key to success. 💰 Power, influence, and understanding from those who are currently in the game are undoubtedly valuable. They are immersed in modern realities, facing current problems, and finding contemporary solutions. This provides a current perspective that can be critically important for entrepreneurs. Of course, this doesn't mean completely ignoring past experiences, but the focus should be on the applicability of the advice in today's context. In business, as in life, it's important to find a balance between the wisdom of the past and the innovative approach of the present.
The Biggest Deception of Our Thinking ⚡️ Everyone wants a better life: the latest smartphone, a downtown apartment, a cooler car. As you jump through a heap of desires, they escalate to wanting a yacht, a helicopter, and so on. 🔥 But why do so many people want something like a Ferrari? Because it’s unattainable for them. As frustrating as it is to admit, most people will have to save their entire lives for something extremely expensive, if they ever manage it at all. When I started my first business, I thought that if I made a million a month, life would be great. I hit a million a month. Then I made even more. I can buy many things I once wanted, but the desire has diminished. The thing is, big money is a big trap. When you have a lot of money, you become more relaxed about a premium lifestyle. And even if you buy it, it may not bring the expected joy. You start treating it as something ordinary. ✅ That’s why the key is to have a goal that inspires you, a plan that energizes you, and faith that you can achieve even more. You need to be better than you were yesterday. And that’s where the thrill never fades -)
Can You Get Rich with Just One Talent? ⚡️ Yes, you can. But no matter how talented you are, without discipline and hard work, you won’t get far. Many people think laziness isn't a barrier to wealth, and for a while, it might seem true. However, lazy people typically can’t sustain success over the long term. Success achieved without effort is rarely sustainable. 🔥 To stay at the top, it’s important to constantly keep yourself in shape. This means continually developing your skills, regardless of the heights you’ve already reached. Even from the top, the fall can be very painful. You must learn to balance work and rest, without losing sight of your goals and tasks. In today’s world, staying in one place means falling behind. You must remember that learning and developing is a constant process. Ignoring this rule can backfire. ✅ You must always be ready for new challenges and opportunities to maintain what you’ve achieved and continue moving forward.
How to Go from Wanting Your Ex Back to Being the One She Wants to Return To ✅ The most important thing is to have a goal. And it shouldn’t be about chasing someone or putting them first. Your business, your work, your projects — these define your goals. You need to be passionate about them. Have interests and a vibrant lifestyle, not just binge-watching series every day. Be out and about more often, improve your communication skills. Such people are captivating and far more interesting than mediocre guys. ⚡️ If you only see new girls once every 2-3 weeks, of course, you’ll think she was “the one.” Every new person is a new experience and new emotions. Make these connections and enjoy those emotions. Why drown in memories and self-reflection? Does it move you forward? No. 🔥 A breakup is a full stop, not an ellipsis. No matter how good it was before, if you decided to part ways, it means the reason for breaking up outweighed all the good moments. There's no need to go back to the past. There's nothing new there.
⚡️ If a man has everything going well — he's successful, has a lot of social Interaction with friends and girls, has goals and steadily achieves them — he won't go back to his ex. A priori. Remember: if there was a breakup, there was a reason. Don’t forget or downplay it. ❕ Often, the guys who try to return to old relationships are those who struggle to build new ones. Their lives aren’t changing, and they can’t easily meet new people. They think, “Maybe it wasn’t that bad?” Of course, with an ex, you’re already familiar, you don’t have to try to impress, or spend time getting to know someone new. For them, it feels like a safe option. They forget the old grievances, accept what didn’t work, and try to convince themselves it will be better this time. ❓ But once they’re back together, they worry about whether she dated someone else during the breakup. If she did, how many were there? How serious were these “meetings”? These are terrible thoughts. Don't do this. So, how should you proceed? In a way that earns you respect and makes her want to win you back. I'll explain below.
Should You Go Back? I've Considered All Mistakes 🔥 I know a guy who has gotten back together with his girlfriend three times. She drives him crazy, they fight, break up, and after a while, he texts or calls her, asks to meet, and they end up together again. For a while, at least. I've never understood why people go back to their exes, and the thought in the title is what’s on the minds of everyone who later regrets it. It’s like taking a step back in your goals. At best, you’re just standing still, not progressing. ⚡️ I decided to delve into this issue because it’s relevant to most men, no matter how much we pound our chests and shout that we're not like that -). There are many like this, but it can be fixed. I'll soon explain how.
Solving the Problem of Bad Relationships Once and For All ✅ Set clear priorities and confidently pursue your goals. This requires immense effort and patience, but the result is worth it, as you already know. If your girl isn't boosting you but instead drains your energy and resources, she's not the best choice. She should believe in you, support you, and love you, not mess with your head and create unnecessary drama. ❕ Yes, work is required in relationships, but the relationship itself should be easy, not hold you back but lift you up. It should bring positive emotions. But often, men put the girl at the center and jump through hoops to please her. They're afraid she will leave them, don’t want to lose a convenient option, or maybe they truly love her and tolerate all the antics, which is more complicated. If she only drains your energy with no return, it’s best to end such a relationship. It might be tough, but in the end, it will be for the better. If it’s not the right time for a family or something serious — if you feel drawn to others, or don’t want to be limited — the solution is the same. Build your business, develop yourself, and enjoy life. When the time comes, and you’ve achieved your goals, then you can start a family. This option is easier. ⚡️ So never put a girl in the first place. For a man, his work, potential, and success come first. A girl is a companion who gives energy and receives ten times more in return. This tandem works, proven by experience.
Why Relationships Don’t Work Out ⚡️ There are two main reasons why relationships fail: 1. You Chose the Wrong Girl. She’s used to thinking only about herself and believes everyone owes her, especially you. 2. It’s Not the Right Time for Something Serious. If you want to be in the top league, you have to choose — self-realization and growth or building a family. You can't chase two rabbits, as they say. 📉 If you try to change the girl from the first scenario, you'll just waste your nerves, time, and money and achieve nothing. There are countless cases where guys lost themselves and their businesses when "she" came into their lives. If it's the second scenario, it’s a ticking time bomb. You haven’t had your fill of experiences yet, but you’re trying to convince yourself otherwise. Usually, this doesn’t end well. There is a way out, but it requires willpower and wisdom to some extent. I’ll explain below 🔥
You Have Money, You Have a Girl, But No Happiness. Why? ⚡️ Men rarely know how to build relationships with women. This can be true even if you're successful, charismatic, and well-liked. As a result, you start a relationship with a girl, but it ends up disappointing you and draining your energy. This leads to issues with self-realization and overall comfort. 😳 Think about it: fights, tantrums, ultimatums, meltdowns, control, jealousy — sound familiar? Probably every second guy has experienced this. Why does this happen and how can you deal with it? There could be two reasons. Let me explain what’s going on.
How to Become a TOP-G: MVP in Life 📈 Remember those times playing games like Warcraft when you didn't know which skills to level up for a character, so you Googled it and found ready-made solutions? I'm about to give you the same thing, but for real life. Learn to Build Relationships. To ensure smooth communication, have favorable employees, and earn respect from partners. Read at least a couple of books on the subject. I recommend Cialdini, Carnegie, and Greene — they are the basics. Lead an Active Life. Besides earning money, you need to know how to enjoy your downtime. Travel, even if it's just to places within your budget. Attend cultural events more often. Go to the theater, exhibitions, and movies. Include sports in your schedule; it's non-negotiable. Create Comfort. Your surroundings should be cozy. This means cleanliness, order, and beauty. Don't rush; stay relaxed. Dress stylishly and be neat. Keep your home tidy; it's your fortress. Learn to Court. No matter your age, start meeting new women. Begin talking to them and learn how to court them. Be sincere but don't be too direct. Rejections are normal; they help you improve. 🔥 Just following these steps will boost you so quickly, you'll be surprised at how you used to live. Add a decent income to the mix, and you get an explosive cocktail of testosterone, style, and charm.
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«It's not enough to act like a king; you need to be one» I've seen so many guys with money who don't even earn a gram of respect from women. The women just use them for their own purposes, and the guys are thrilled about it. They think they're important and respected. Hilarious 🤣 ⚡️ I remember sitting with a friend in a bar, and this guy was messaging her, begging for 18+ photos and willing to pay for them. He was ready to humiliate himself over it. The dominant role was with the girl, and she simply found some similar naked pictures online and sent them to him (without faces). She earned someone's monthly salary from a few random photos. This guy holds a high position and makes a lot of money, but he has zero respect among women. And there are many like him. 🔥 The problem is that besides money, these guys have no other way to attract anyone. They are uninteresting, unattractive, and lack a rich lifestyle or hobbies. You can be a guy with an average salary and still be ten times more popular not only among women but overall. And in such a case, increasing your income won't be far behind.
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Money Doesn't Solve Everything ⚡️ I've noticed that even if a man has a lot of money, it doesn't mean he's successful. He might be earning six figures, but still feel like a nobody. Then he wonders, "How come I'm rich, but no one cares about me?" Young guys often think money will solve all their problems. Partly true, but you need to know how to use it right. If you earn well but don't feel influential, that's a problem. Hit 🔥 if you want to become an alpha, and let's figure it out together.
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🎁 Розыгрыш ☺️ 222 USDT ($221.92) 5,000 победителей разделят ☺️ 222 USDT, каждый получит по ☺️ 0.0444 USDT ($0.04). Подпишитесь на каналы и нажмите кнопку «Принять участие», чтобы стать участником розыгрыша: 1. Святослав Гусев 2. Дропы от Святослава 💸 3. SVIATOSLAV GUSEV 26 июня 2024 в 14:00 (UTC) 🦋 Crypto Bot выберет победителей случайным образом.
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Ethereum tries to break through $4000 ⚡️ Ethereum (ETH) breaks to the top again - the price has reached $3943. And other altcoins are rising behind it. Now the market is boiling, and this is an excellent opportunity to make money, but as I already said, be careful with a possible correction. 🔥 Crypto is gaining momentum, and many are already making a profit. The main thing is not to miss the moment. Carefully follow trends, analyze the market and make informed decisions.
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The Future of Ethereum Spot ETFs: What's Next? ⚪️ The SEC has begun working with Ethereum ETF issuers on Form S-1. A Form 19b-4 and S-1 registration statement must be approved to begin trading on Ether-based ETFs. Fidelity has already filed an updated S-1 filing and the registration process has begun. ⚡️ New edits may be coming soon. According to VanEck's Form 19b-4, the SEC is expected to make a decision as early as today, possibly later tonight. But even after 19b-4 approval, it may take some time before S-1s are approved and trading begins. A couple of thoughts: • Note that despite the approval of the forms, ETF issuers must receive S-1 registration statements in order to begin trading. There has been no registration yet. • Lawyers say the SEC's approval of Ethereum spot ETFs means that ETH and other altcoins are not securities, which opens up excellent prospects for their growth. Perhaps this year we will see new ETFs. Who knows, maybe SOL or TON will be next?
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The Most Active Venture Capital Crypto Investors in 2024 In 2024, venture capital crypto investments are gaining popularity. OKX Ventures (52 rounds, 7 leading investments) and Animoca Brands (44 rounds, 8 leading investments) are the leaders in the number of investment rounds and leading investments. 🍾 The year 2024 demonstrates significant activity of venture investors in the crypto space, which confirms the growing interest in cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies. Knowledge of the most active venture funds helps crypto startups in planning and attracting investments.
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Why TON is a must-have in the crypto industry 🟩 Tether (USDt to TON) In less than a month, the number of USDt issued on TON exceeded 200 million, and has now already reached 330 million. The launch of USDt on TON became the most successful in the history of Tether, setting a record for the speed of adoption of a stablecoin. 🚀 Funds (Pantera Capital) The American venture fund Pantera Capital made a record investment in TON . The size of the investment was not disclosed, but Pantera Capital previously invested more than $250 million in Solana. As you can see, Solana is no stranger to being in second place. 💎 Web Apps (Notcoin ) Despite skepticism regarding the ability of any blockchain to withstand a Notcoin mint with its 35 million audience, on May 16, a Notcoin mint took place on the TON blockchain with a simultaneous listing on exchanges. In the first 30 hours alone, the number of Notcoin holders increased by a million , and the number of transactions reached 8 million. There was also other activity on the blockchain, with an increased number of DEX exchanges, on-chain exchanges of Notcoin NFT vouchers for tokens, and more. On this day, the start of the new Open League season was not even postponed -) TON is a sign of quality. Blockchain copes with the load and meets the expectations of millions of users.
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New listing on Bybit: DRIFT Coin ⚡️ Bybit pleases with a new listing of the DRIFT coin on the spot. Every newbie has a chance to get a decent amount of DRIFT. Here's how to do it: — Register on Bybit using the link: — Take part in the drawing. Search “DRIFT” on Bybit for prize pool details 🔥 Don't miss the chance to earn money -) After receiving DRIFT, you can sell them or keep them for further growth. Everyone who takes part will win.
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Someone just turned 13 SOL ($2,275) to $2.26M in just 8 hours by buying a memecoin. A gain of 993X! I achieved something similar thanks to Notcoin -_- 💎
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💎 Mining NOT on OKX: more profitable than on Binance I also participate in TON staking on the OKX exchange to receive NOT coins, and the results here are even juicier than on Binance. But there are fewer allocated coins per share, so it may end faster. We don’t yawn, we make it in time. Another interesting thing is that with a high probability Blum and a blue DEX token will appear on the MEXC exchange (but this information is now something of a rumor). I started by staking 1800 TON. Now I get 26 $NOT every minute. It's a small thing, but nice. We continue to farm Notcoin to the maximum. We are waiting for May 16th and collecting the cream 💸
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Mining NOT on Binance today ⚡️ There is very little left until the start of staking BNB and FDUSD on the Binance exchange, which will allow you to earn Notcoin (NOT) coins. Staking begins today at midnight UTC and will last until the end of May 15th. 📝 Here's what you need to do to participate: — Fund your account on the Binance exchange — Buy BNB or FDUSD — Stake your BNB or FDUSD You can withdraw your invested funds back at any time. While your funds are staked, you will receive NOT coins. This is a great opportunity to prepare for the Notcoin listing, which is scheduled for May 16th at 12:00 UTC.
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The difference between traditional business and Web3 💎 With the rise of TON, I have seen many new projects being built, but some of them are making mistakes in their business models. As someone who has been involved in entrepreneurship and cryptocurrencies for a long time, I notice that many people do not fully understand the difference between traditional businesses and Web3. In the retail space, investors typically enter startups as angel investors. However, in Web 3, the decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) community plays a similar role. While it is not certain whether it is possible to fully implement a DAO, there could be hybrid models that combine technology with active community engagement. Creating a Web 3 venture academy could help bridge the gap between technical and social understanding of cryptocurrencies and blockchain. This could lead to more successful projects and a better understanding of the future of business in this space.
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🧐 Workaholism and money Any business requires sacrifices. I recently worked 18 hours a day. I even drank water only 1 time. Are there many people here who know how to say "stop" to themselves in time? My background: From school to becoming an entrepreneur, perseverance played a key role. I spent the whole summer studying before going to university when my peers were on vacation. This brought me top results and an understanding: success requires hard work and the desire to do more than others. I set aside one day a week for rest, and devoted the rest of the days to studying. Participation in mathematical Olympiads not only strengthened knowledge, but also developed the ability to work under pressure, which later became an important skill in business. In general, money and success are the best motivators —) But such processing is probably too much. How do you deal with workaholism? Or is everything OK and you don't have to worry?
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🎁 Розыгрыш ☺️ 777 USDT ($776.58) 777 победителей разделят ☺️ 777 USDT, каждый получит по ☺️ 1 USDT ($0.99). Подпишитесь на каналы и нажмите кнопку «Принять участие», чтобы стать участником розыгрыша: 1. Святослав Гусев 2. SVIATOSLAV GUSEV 3. Sites.Reviews - Web3 рейтинг 8 июня 2024 в 18:00 (UTC) 🦋 Crypto Bot выберет победителей случайным образом.
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We All Live in a Resource Deficit Investments aren't just money for execution; they are a resource for collaborative work. It seems that the more money you have, the fewer problems you face. But that's not true. No matter how much money you have, it always seems like there's not enough. Even billionaires experience shortages, only in their case, the sums are much larger than ours 🤣
Imagine that for a savvy entrepreneur, money is always in short supply. No matter how much you earn, there are never "extra" funds. This isn't just due to increased expenses, but also a constant drive for growth, development, and investment in new ideas.
Success and prosperity are about managing the resources you have, regardless of their amount.
نمایش همه...
👍 42 16🔥 12 1
We’re Expanding: Our Team is Growing, and Not Just by One 🙈 Starting this day, I’ll be summarizing the main events with our brand-new digest "Weekly Highlights." Get ready for a concise review of everything that shook the stock and cryptocurrency markets over the past week. Intriguing, right? 📅 Additionally, we’re keeping our standard Monday format with the "Main Events for the Next 7 Days" overview, so you’re always a step ahead in the world of stocks and cryptocurrencies. 🎩 For those who crave pure information without unnecessary ads and want to feel like an insider absorbing the news in Russian, welcome to my Russian-language channel.
نمایش همه...
👍 98 16🔥 13 1
How One Simple Action Can Change Your Whole Life ⚡️ I was talking to an entrepreneur who wants to create a project. He said promoting it isn't difficult, but traditional methods won't work. He needs something new. Hmm.. Why? Most people love to complicate things. The paradox is that complicating things is much easier than simplifying them -).
Complicating doesn't require much intelligence: you have a task, you know what to do to solve it and get results. But then you start inventing new approaches and perspectives, wasting twice as much time, and the results are even worse 😭
In business, as in any endeavor, you need to find a combination that brings profit. And... just repeat it over and over 🤷🏻‍♂️. Then you multiply it and do the same thing. Elements can change — you adjust to the situation. And you get profit. ⚡️ Remember: you can and should repeat what works.
نمایش همه...
👍 71 8🔥 7
How to Eliminate Instability in Life I had a meeting with partners last night and brought up the topic of multitasking. I received some interesting insights 🧠 Multitasking can negatively affect a person if they are unstable. This can lead to burnout or if the areas of work are unstable themselves. ⚡️ In the first case, having a strong family, solid relationships, and reliable support can help. In the second, systematic analysis can reduce the level of risks. Multitasking is a great concept, but it has its complexities. If you address these "objections," you can just reap the benefits. I've been in situations with many complications and others with none. The difference is like night and day 💯 Start small. Think: what could hinder your path to development?
نمایش همه...
👍 41🐳 1
Multitasking This morning I was having breakfast and watching an interview with a billionaire. I noticed a common trait among wealthy people — they are multitaskers 🎹 Multitasking isn’t about spreading your concentration thin; it’s about proper time management and conserving energy. ➡️ If you want to be successful, you need to be a professional in many areas. Yes, you will eventually delegate tasks to employees, but you must understand everything you're involved in. Constantly learn and develop yourself. Add systematic knowledge and keep a clear head. These simple principles will significantly accelerate your growth.
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👍 68 11🔥 10
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What Skill is More Important than the Ability to Achieve Success I recently spoke with a founder who became a dollar millionaire a couple of years ago. His project took off, and in six months, his capital multiplied by 13 times. Unfortunately, it all started to decline just as quickly, and he couldn't regain his former position 🫡 In the end, he has no money, no relevance, and no new ideas. I used to listen to him, but now I’ve stopped. Why? ⚡️ It's important to pay attention to those who have achieved success, then faced difficulties, possibly even the risk of bankruptcy, and rose again. These stories clearly show that long-term success requires not only the ability to reach the top but also the skill to stay there. The same goes for bloggers who hit it big and stay in the spotlight. Instant success can be achieved by thousands, but it's much harder to remain relevant and in demand in the long run ☝️ 🔥 The lesson here is that for long-term success, you need to be able to adapt to changing conditions, learn from mistakes, and continuously develop. The ability to withstand the test of time is what makes a person truly successful. Those who have risen after falls often possess unique knowledge and experience that make them wise and respected leaders. Their stories serve as inspiration and a reminder that success is not only about reaching the peak but also about the ability to stay there.
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👍 44❤‍🔥 2 1 1
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How the Right Intention Influences Growth and Development ❓ Do you know what sets great entrepreneurs, founders, and the guys from TON Foundation apart from mediocre developers? I realized this at conferences. It's their intention. In the professional sphere, results often take center stage. But what distinguishes true professionals is their ability to value and recognize the significance of intention — the intention with which we approach our work. Interacting with people who prioritize intentions can open new horizons for professional and personal growth. These individuals value not just the fact that you've achieved something, but the effort and drive you put in. You pushed forward, even if something stopped you. ✅ They understand that sometimes circumstances beyond your control can hinder the completion of tasks on time or in full. But if they see you're doing everything possible, giving it your all, that speaks volumes more than your end result. What if you just got lucky? Or if it was easy for you and you completed the project effortlessly during breaks from idleness? Such outcomes are valued less, even if the result is there 🧠 Engaging with people who have the right intention creates an environment where the process is valued, where you grow and develop as a professional. It fosters trust, as colleagues and partners see that you're giving your best effort, even when facing difficulties. 🔥 This approach emphasizes that professionalism isn't just about completing tasks, but also about the ability to approach them with the right intention.
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👍 70🔥 24 11
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Don't Dwell on Past Achievements 🚀 Life is a continuous journey forward, a process of development where each new day presents an opportunity for achievements. In this context, tomorrow should be more productive and enriching than yesterday. I often think about people who prefer to live in the past, ignoring the opportunities the future brings. 🔥 A life focused on development requires the understanding that success doesn't come from merely repeating past actions but from constantly striving for improvement. This means setting higher goals and achieving them. Learning from mistakes and seeking new ways to grow. High productivity and mental stability aren't achieved by chance. They are the result of a conscious approach to life, where tasks are completed at the right time. By living in the present and planning for the future, we can effectively use our time and resources to achieve more. ⚡️ This doesn't mean the past is irrelevant. On the contrary, experience can serve as a valuable foundation. But the key is to view the past as a stepping stone for moving forward, not as a place to stay permanently.
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👍 63🔥 18 15🐳 1
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Should You Listen to Advice from Former Businessmen? ⚡️ It's crucial to consider the value of the advice we receive, especially when it comes to business. When encountering advice from former entrepreneurs or other authoritative figures, it's important to weigh its relevance. Advice from those who held high positions may seem significant, but the question is how relevant it is today. The world doesn't stand still, and what worked yesterday might be ineffective today. Understanding the current business landscape and technologies is key to success. 💰 Power, influence, and understanding from those who are currently in the game are undoubtedly valuable. They are immersed in modern realities, facing current problems, and finding contemporary solutions. This provides a current perspective that can be critically important for entrepreneurs. Of course, this doesn't mean completely ignoring past experiences, but the focus should be on the applicability of the advice in today's context. In business, as in life, it's important to find a balance between the wisdom of the past and the innovative approach of the present.
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👍 57 16🔥 11
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The Biggest Deception of Our Thinking ⚡️ Everyone wants a better life: the latest smartphone, a downtown apartment, a cooler car. As you jump through a heap of desires, they escalate to wanting a yacht, a helicopter, and so on. 🔥 But why do so many people want something like a Ferrari? Because it’s unattainable for them. As frustrating as it is to admit, most people will have to save their entire lives for something extremely expensive, if they ever manage it at all. When I started my first business, I thought that if I made a million a month, life would be great. I hit a million a month. Then I made even more. I can buy many things I once wanted, but the desire has diminished. The thing is, big money is a big trap. When you have a lot of money, you become more relaxed about a premium lifestyle. And even if you buy it, it may not bring the expected joy. You start treating it as something ordinary. ✅ That’s why the key is to have a goal that inspires you, a plan that energizes you, and faith that you can achieve even more. You need to be better than you were yesterday. And that’s where the thrill never fades -)
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👍 58 9🔥 8🐳 2