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Lt. Mark A Taylor (Ret)

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👆 Another Prophetic word has come to pass. God said Obama would serve 3 terms. Here they are admitting to his 3rd term. This was Prophesied by God through me years ago, 10-13-15 and oh how I was attacked for speaking and writing it from God. All Glory goes to the Lord Jesus Christ Yashua.
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Cannot wait till the whole thing implodes!!! People had to see it!
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Repost from Gateway Pundit
WATCH: ‘I’ve Done Here What I Believe to be The Right Thing’ — Mike Johnson Speaks to Press After Leading House Vote to Send $95 BILLION to Fund Conflicts Oceans Away
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👆 At what point do the American people say enough is enough and take to the streets?
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NOW - Speaker Johnson on passing of foreign aid bill: "I've done what I believe to be the right thing." @disclosetv
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NEW - U.S. House passes $95 billion aid package for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan. No aid for the U.S. border, which held up the bill for months. @disclosetv
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Repost from Gateway Pundit
911 Call Sevices Mysteriously Go Down in Four States at Same Time, Hours Before ABC Reported DHS Is Concerned Emergency Services Are Target for Cyber Attack
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Repost from Gateway Pundit
Sen. Rand Paul Issues Stark Warning to Trump: ‘He Will Lose His Voters if He Continues to Support Speaker Johnson’
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Repost from PatriotAU️️️
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👀🚨 Rep Matt Gaetz - The U.S. State Department is engaging in a deliberate COVERUP on the conditions of U.S. Forces in Niger, leaving our troops in harm’s way.  My office has conducted an investigation into this coverup, and we have learned that our troops in Niger have been pleading for help. They’ve sent intelligence reports stating that they rarely get safe water. They can’t get diplomatic overflights to receive medicine, fresh troop rotations, or even basic supplies. They have no mission. And the local authorities are becoming increasingly hostile. The current government of Niger has called the U.S. presence in the country “illegal.” Why have you not heard these pleas? Because the U.S. Embassy in Niger has been BLOCKING the intelligence. This coverup exists to conceal the humiliating failures of the Biden Administration in Niger, throughout Africa, and around the world. I fear, as we speak, the conditions may be forming to create another Benghazi-style attack.
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If they are hiding financial records from the public what else are they hiding? When you look up a ministries Net Worth, your not getting the truth. They don't want you Knowing how much money they actually make and more important they don't want you Knowing HOW they spend that money. Rock Star Life styles for the False Profits and Pastors.
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Repost from BioClandestine
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Do you see what is happening? Iran shot missiles at Israel, and the US government want to use that as an excuse to justify sending $50 billion more to Ukraine. MAGA GOP just recently removed McCarthy as Speaker over funding for Ukraine. Looks like it’s time to do it again.
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Repost from Gateway Pundit
BREAKING: Senate KILLS Articles of Impeachment Against Open Borders Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, Breaking 227 Years of Congressional History
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Repost from DMPatriot 🇺🇸
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Tens of thousands of Japanese citizens have taken to the streets in huge rallies to protest threats to the nation’s sovereignty from globalist outside forces. Protesters are demonstrating to pressure the Japanese government to reject the World Health Organization’s (WHO) “Global Pandemic Treaty.”
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Repost from BioClandestine
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The Founding Fathers told us what to do in this situation. “Whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government”. -Declaration of Independence, 1776
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👆Now it makes sense as to why Telegram or a 3 letter agency is suppressing me on this platform. Today is April 17th 2024 and Telegram has removed another 100 followers from me. Screen shot my page and how many followers I have. Check back in a few weeks and see what that number is then for proof. You can also follow me here.
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JUST IN: Telegram founder Pavel Durov sat down with Tucker for his first on-camera interview since 2016. In this clip, Durov talks about the pressure tactics the US government has used against him, including sending FBI agents to his home. Watch the full interview at
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NOW - Denmark's historic 17th-century Børsen Stock Exchange building in Copenhagen is on fire. @disclosetv
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👆 This is another reason the Church is under Judgment! This disgusting behavior by the Stronger Men's Conference and organized by the James River Church is why the organized church has no power and authority! Pastor John lindell, (who obviously is no Pastor) should be REMOVED from the pulpit for defending this trash! He and others in that congregation showed their true heart and who their allegiance is to which is Satan himself! Mark Driscoll said this was not a rebuke when it should have been! Well no one has to issue a rebuke you, because The Lord God himself rebukes you! If you watch the second video you will see that the congregation/enemy is beginning to turn on itself, Judgment. At the very least Mark Driscoll did try to issue a loving correction. The days of a loving correction are over, people don't want to hear it. Now it will be straight on full on judgment! That congregation was nothing but nicolations! John lindell, that congregation, nor the organized Church have the Fear of the Lord! Repent! Is this the 501c3 and the Demonic Illuminati/Freemason influence on the churches at work? All by design?
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Repost from Gateway Pundit
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Repost from BioClandestine
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It didn’t take very long for the establishment to start demanding more money for Israel and Ukraine. Regardless of the situation, anywhere on the globe, the Swamp’s solution is ALWAYS more of our money. We are labor slaves for the global war machine. Nothing more.
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Denver To Defund Police, Fire Dept In Order To Fund Services And Housing For Illegal ‘Newcomers’ Denver intends to defund its police force and fire department in order to better support those illegally entering the U.S. through a program that provides a monthly debit card based on family size, free housing, “access to language instruction, career pathway explorations, industry-recognized credential training, and work-based learning opportunities.” 
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👆 This is a start, however what good is this when the Cheating/Hackable voting machines are still in place! Go back to paper ballots, do away with the machines! Why has this not been done? So now you're going to tell us for the 5th election in a row we have to outvote the cheating? Get Rid of the Voting Machines!
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Repost from Gateway Pundit
Speaker Johnson Unveils Voter Legislation During Press Conference with Donald Trump: Proof of U.S. Citizenship Required for Federal Elections — Will Remove Non-Citizens from Existing Voter Rolls
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Repost from Gateway Pundit
TYRANNY: House PASSES Bill to Renew FISA Warrantless Spy Program by 273-147 Vote – 126 Republicans Vote YES to Snoop on Americans Without Meaningful Limits
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I haven't done an interview in over a year but somehow I'm still getting attacked by people and Tech. I must really be a threat (TRUTH) to the FALSE PROFITS and PASTORS and their handlers (Prophetic Psyops) for them to be doing what THEY are doing. I'm only on Telegram and Truth Social. I've been censored or kicked off every other Social media platforms. I'm being attacked on Social Media, Censored on Telegram and Truth Social as well as both platforms are literally taking away followers from me. This is what happens when you stand for the one true God and speak his Truth. This is what happens when you don't join and sell your soul to the Dark side, and you truly stand for light! I will gladly stand for Yahweh and his light Yeshua! For all those that sold out, REPENT! For your time (Judgement ) is at hand!
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Kari Lake Opposes Arizona Supreme Court Abortion Ruling Arizona Senate candidate Kari Lake has shared her thoughts on The Grand Canyon State’s Supreme Court abortion ruling.
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Ok this is not a good sign for her!
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👆 RT: get ready for the blessings of God! Was this the lynch pin that God was waiting for to act in Arizona? Watch how God moves their now. Other states should take note! Also not a coincidence that after President Trump came out with his stance on abortion pushing it back to the States. That's what happens when you take the bull (Baal) by the horns and hold your ground. It emboldens others to do the same! No Fear! ...-
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👆 Arizona get ready for the blessings of God! Was this the lynch pin that God was waiting for to act on Arizonas behalf? Watch how God now works in Arizona!
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NEW - Arizona Supreme Court upholds 1864 abortion law banning nearly all abortions in the southwestern U.S. state. @disclosetv
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Repost from BioClandestine
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I’d like for everyone to take a mental note of who pushed a bunch of batshit crazy predictions about the eclipse. These clickbait merchants give the enemy ammunition to discredit legitimate citizen journalists when actual things happen. The MSM lump us all together in the same category, and then amplify the most ridiculous things, in an attempt to discredit the ones actually exposing criminality. They love nothing more than when some Right-wing influencers latch onto something stupid, because they can use it against all of us, and demonize us by association. Focus on the objective, and don’t get distracted by shiny objects. Exercise some discernment, and stop giving your attention to those who have proven to be untrustworthy.
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JUST IN - Magnitude 4.8 earthquake hits New Jersey, the biggest quake in the state since 1884. @disclosetv
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Repost from Gateway Pundit
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Repost from Gateway Pundit
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Repost from Gateway Pundit
WW3 WATCH: China Sends 30 Planes and 9 Vessels Over and Around Earthquake-Stricken Taiwan, in a Major Show of Force – Escalation Came Right After Biden and XI-Jinping Call
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Repost from Gateway Pundit
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