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International Black Bridge

Aiming to explain for people all over the World where and what is the anti-Putin Resistance in Russia. If you want to add a translation to any language write us: [email protected] Part of "Black Bridge" Support:

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Black Bridge is a non-commercial secret organization, independent from secret services and governments. At this time, we support revolutionaries across the whole country in their rightful ideas, while continuing to recruit volunteers for out military wing. Our main goal is to ensure safety and support for those Russian citizens, who chose to fight Putin's regime for real, rather than to just talk, to commit partisan warfare actions at the home front, or to fight at the frontier on Ukraine's side. The so-called "Civilized World" and "outraged Ukrainians" tend to ask us, "Where are your results after one and a half year of war?" Well, here's the answer. Right now, the only thing visible is this: This is not even a top of the iceberg, it's a snowflake on that top. Almost all the other work remains off-screen. Why is it so? 1. Our goal is to create and develop a revolutionary underground network, not to generate content for entertainment purposes. 2. We have got neither the desire, nor the resources to promote ourselves in the media, while the so-called "good Russians" with a large audience ignore us and refuse to promote our cause even on the paid basis. Therefore, our audience grows "organically", naturally, through "word-of-mouth advertising" and thanks to those who found us on their own. 3. We cannot establish a "revolutionary center" somewhere in the forest and recruit fighters from nearby villages, because we are not in Latin America of the 1950s. These things are obsolete and cannot be applied to our modern reality. 4. No one's got our back. The emigrated "good Russian opposition activists" raise donations to live comfortably out-seas, instead of helping organize a home front base for the Resistance. Moreover, a lot of them were literally grown and fed by Putin's regime, and now they portray themselves as opposition. Some "good Russians" openly condemn violent struggle against Putin's regime, try and dissuade everyone from waging it, and call for doing nothing and waiting. There are also individuals who accuse us of neglecting activists' safety. 5. It is victims who's usually loved more, and those who help the victims. And sometimes those helpers love themselves for helping the victims. Thus, the people who chose not to run away or freeze in awe, but fight, to help not the victims, but fighters, make the aforementioned ladies and gentlemen feel uncomfortable. 6. As a matter of fact, we are forced to wage the war at two fronts at once: we develop violent resistance against Putin's regime, while fending off accusations coming from the "Civilized World" and "outraged Ukrainians", who, for the sake of good impression and out of false patriotism, want to "cancel everything Russian", including us. In such circumstances the right question does not sound like, "Where are the results?" The right question is, "How do you manage to accomplish anything at all under such conditions?" The "classic" partisans act as a part of regular armed forces, as raiders operating deep behind the frontier, getting information from the military intelligence, factory-made ammo and explosives. They have got a place where they can return to, take rest and receive some medical assistance. We, on the contrary, are in vacuum. And this is true not only for Black Bridge, but for the Russian Resistance on the whole, as well. That's why every donation and every word expressing gratitude are like a beam of light in the total darkness.
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​​Who are Roman Nasryev and Aleksey Nuriev? On 10 April, the Central District Military Court at Yekaterinburg sentenced Roman Nasryev and Aleksey Nuriev, who live in Bakal in the southern Urals, each to 19 years imprisonment. They will serve four years in prison and the remaining 15 years in a strict regime penal colony. Roman and Aleksey received this harsh punishment for firebombing an administrative building that houses a military registration office. On 11 October 2022 Roman and Aleksey tried to firebomb the military registration office, since there is no fully-fledged military commissariat in Bakal. The act was symbolic, carried out in response to military mobilisation, and to indicate their opposition to the invasion of Ukraine. As a result of the firebombing, no-one was injured and there was minimal impact on the building. A female security guard was able to put out the fire with a blanket and five litres of water. A window, and some linoleum, were damaged. Roman and Aleksey were arrested a few hours later. At first, they were charged with deliberate destruction of property by means of arson (Article 167 of the Russian Federal Criminal Code). But after the Federal Security Service (FSB) intervened, the much more serious charge of “committing a terrorist act” (Article 205) was brought. Some time later, Nasryev and Nuriev were also accused of “undergoing training in order to carry out terrorist activities” (Article 205.3). The evidence of this “training” was a video, found on their phones, which showed them making Molotov cocktails and throwing them on deserted waste ground. In court, Nasryev did not deny involvement in the firebombing, but rejected the accusation of “terrorism”, and pointed out that he had not undergone any “training in order to carry out terrorist activities”. He drew the court’s attention to the fact that anyone can throw a bottle with flammable liquid in it: no specialist knowledge is required. Nuriev, too, refused to admit to being guilty of “terrorism”. On 14 July, the human rights defence initiative, “Support Political Prisoners”, organised by Memorial under internationally-agreed criteria, recognised Roman Nasryev and Aleksey Nuriev as political prisoners. Before his arrest, Aleksey worked for the Ministry of Emergency Situations, as a section chief in the fire and rescue service. Roman worked as a driver for an outsourced security firm. Both friends played in the rock band Room 32. Aleksey wrote poetry; Roman’s great enjoyment was music and, as a hobby, he learned to play a large number of different instruments. Both of them played sports. Roman enjoyed fixing old cars, and fishing. Lawyers for Roman and Aleksey have lodged an appeal against their conviction, but the case has so far not been sent on to the court of appeal, and no date has been set for it to be reviewed. Until the sentence enters into legal force, Nasryev and Nuriev will be detained at the PFRSI (a premises, functioning as a pre-trial detention centre) IK-2 in Yekaterinburg. You can write letters to them there. We urge you to support Roman and Aleksey! In prison it is very important to know that you are not alone, and to have contact with the world outside. 💌 Address for letters: Russia, 620019 Yekaterinburg, ulitsa Malyshev 2b, IK-2, PFRSI, Nasryev Roman Raifovich (d.o.b. 1995) Nuriev Aleksei Talgatovich (d.o.b. 1985) How to write a letter to a prisoner if you are not in Russia? Soladarity zone supports Poman Nasryev. #english Roman is on the left in the photo.
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👍 2
Now, safety aspect. In short words, you're not safe here. << First part Traveling by plane is unsafe, for you never know how well that plane you are flying is maintained (maybe not maintained at all, our airlines have already begun to cannibalize idle aircraft for spare parts). Besides, the recent events brought up a brand new risk that your aircraft might be simply brought down by an erroneously launched SAM missile (this is not a joke, see the recent news reports about the situation in the air space around Moscow). Hanging around too much can also be unsafe, because who knows where and when you run into a war veteran with PTSD, totally unpredictable and possibly carrying something lethal with them. This is already a serious problem, which is aggravated by the issue that a significant part of these veterans is represented by ex-convicts that returned home from the battlefront and were granted amnesty for their participation in the war. Finally, just being a male within the age from 18 to 60 is unsafe, too, because the System can decide at any random moment that it wants you for its army. Of course, you still have got some options to avoid this fascinating obligation, but it, firstly, it depends on multiple different aspects, and, secondly, it does not add up anything to your safety at all. As we said in the beginning, this topic is too large to be described within a single article, so let's try and sum things up. In Russia you are alone, you are unsafe, you can be deprived of your money, profession, freedom and life at any given moment, and nobody around gives a damn about that. Your scarce options are: a) disable your thinking abilities, secure a deal with your conscience and pretend nothing special happens around you; b) emigrate to another country; c) commit a suicide; d) begin to do something that makes some sense. And this is where you come out of your small, cozy zone of comfort and start thinking for real.
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🔥 3👍 1 1
If someone who has never been to Russia asks how it feels to live there in 2023, a complete, thoughtful answer can take hours and pages of text. The Telegram format is unlikely suitable for such volumes, so we are going to try and give you a brief summary from within. First of all, it's necessary to underline that if you are a staunch (or not so staunch) supporter of the Russian President, your life just goes on as it did before. The same is true if you don't support the "Father of the Nation" at all, but somehow you manage to disable your brains and carry on pretending that nothing extraordinary happens. Indeed, you still have food products in your local store, your job, your car, your home, your iPhone, several loans you have to pay out, the same primitive (more or less) entertainment activities and so forth. You even still have got the opportunity to fry your belly under the hot sunlight of Turkey, Egypt or Thailand. What else can you dream of? But when neither of that is the case for you, when you cannot force yourself to stop thinking, when pretending that everything's just fine does not work - well, that's where you start facing problems. And the first and most important one is loneliness. You are totally alone. There is no way you can speak out on your views and opinions in public, as it dramatically increases your chances to meet the law enforcement system. You cannot talk about it with your colleagues at work, for you never know which one of them is going to squeal on you. In most cases, it is not helpful to talk to your friends either, because they generally tend to avoid such conversations. Finally, you often get no moral support even from your family. Your parents are "patriots", and that immediately puts a thick wall between you and them, when any attempt to argue leads to quarrels and almost hysterical reactions. Your conversations with them become hollow and abstract, and it only makes your depression deeper. You may consider yourself lucky, if you have at least someone (spouse, brother, sister) with whom you can share what bothers you. Unfortunately, in a lot of cases, even that is not an option. Next, legal aspect. You find yourself in a situation when the list of your rights keeps shrinking, while your obligations grow. Remember that cliche from Hollywood movies, "You have the right to remain silent... anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law"? Well, remaining silent is about the only right you still have got in Russia, and the question is for how long. Anything you say, write or post may be used against you, and that is not a figure of speech. This, naturally, involves the certainty aspect. Certainty is a luxurious privilege you are not entitled to. You cannot be sure about how many people out there are like you. They are alone, just like you, and will never display their true attitude, just like you. You cannot be sure whether you violate the law with your actions or words, as new laws are printed faster than banknotes. Speaking of the banknotes, by the way, there is no certainty about them either. You never know how much value the money will lose tomorrow, and there is no telling when it can literally turn to toilet paper. This is not to mention that the System can deprive you of your money in a single click by just freezing your bank accounts. Second part >>
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🔥 3👍 1 1💯 1
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Generally, we cannot show you anything of what the donations we receive are used for. But sometimes it’s possible to show just a little bit. This is a seed box. You know, one of those to be slung at your balcony, fence or window for planting flowers? Right. The thing is, this one is to be filled with something a little different than soil, and is intended for planting something else, not flowers. It’s displayed upside down on the photo, and some distortion effects are added so as to spoil the Big Brother’s attempts to find anything like a piece of evidence here. Of course, we are not going to tell you «when», «what» and «where». So stay in tune for the upcoming hashed announcements. To support the people who are busy preparing interesting things, you can make a cryptocurrency contribution following this guideline:
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👌 3
Repost from Svodka Material
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Какая прелесть) 10 из 10) Но виноват всё равно по умолчанию обычный Ваня)))) Сирена Компания мужа премьера Эстонии причастна к разгону митингов в России и Беларуси #соседи_лицемеры Эстонские журналисты обнаружили, что эстонская компания Stark Logistics, которая связана с мужем Кайи Каллас, поставляла в Россию компоненты для аэрозольных баллончиков, которые использовались для изготовления слезоточивого газа. Компания «Тюменские аэрозоли» продавала баллончики с газом МВД России и Беларуси — с их помощью полиция разгоняла протестные митинги. Эстонские СМИ считают, что у Metaprint и Stark Logistics один и тот же крупный собственник, а премьерка Кая Каллас заявляет, что ни о чем не догадывалась. Один из рекламных слоганов тюменского завода в Беларуси за 2018 год звучит, как «Правоохранители России и Беларуси оценили наш слезоточивый газ!» Напомним, недавно выяснилось, что муж Кайи Каллас владеет долей компании Stark Logistics, которая занимается перевозками для компании Metaprint — она работает в том числе в России. #Эстония Зато какая от неё русофобия была, ммм) Кая Каллас известна громким заявлением о том, что возможность ездить в Европу для россиян — не право, а «привилегия», а также советом украинским беженцам ехать не в ее страну, а в Финляндию И украинофобия, ммм)
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​​The Ukrainian Sergei Okrushko is being tortured in Russia He is charged with sabotage at an oil processing plant The Ukrainian Sergei Okrushko was arrested on 28 July while trying to leave Russia for Kazakhstan. The FSB suspected him of sabotage on an oil processing plant in Samara, where Sergei worked, and an explosion had occurred there on that day. The very next day a court sent Okrushko to a pre-trial detention centre. During the court hearing on pre-trial detention measures, Sergei Okrushko said that he holds an anti-war position and had committed the act for political reasons. The Kuybyshev oil processing plant where the blast occurred is the largest enterprise in the Samara district, processing around 7 million tonnes of oil per year. The plant specialises in the production of fuel for all kinds of means of transport, from automotive to maritime. According to the investigation, the explosion cost more than 30 million roubles (€ 285 000). There were no casualties. On 1 August the lawyer Zakhar Lebedev, working with "Solidarity Zone", visited Sergei Okrushko in the pre-trial detention centre and received consent to provide him with legal representation. However, on 3 August Sergei rejected his defence lawyer, while the latter drew attention to new serious bruises on the body of the suspect. According to the lawyer Lebedev: "I asked Sergei to specify aloud in the presence of the investigator and the state-appointed lawyer, whether he indeed gives his consent for me to defend him, as indicated in the document that he had written himself in the pre-trial detention centre. In a voice that was almost trembling, Sergei quietly said that he wanted to use the lawyer he had previously [i.e., as appointed by the investigator], so as not to drag out the process". The lawyer Lebedev asked for a written confirmation of his dismissal, and Okrushko wrote that he was withdrawing his earlier consent for legal representation. "At the moment when Sergei sat writing this, I noticed that his left arm, across most of his shoulder and forearm, was purple: it was clear that these were serious bruises that had not been there on 1 August, when I visited him in the pre-trial detention centre. When I asked where he had got these bruises from, Sergei replied without thinking, 'In detention'. When I followed up by asking why he had not had them when I visited him in pre-trial detention, Sergei answered uncertainly that they had only just appeared." On 7 August the lawyer Zakhar Lebedev tried to visit Sergei Okrushko in the pre-trial detention centre in Samara. However, the lawyer was refused entry to visit the accused. At first the staff referenced instructions from the investigator, and then they claimed that Orkushko was not in the pre-trial detention centre. We are convinced that between 1 August and the following day, Sergei Okrushko was tortured in the pre-trial detention centre or in another place in order to make him turn down an independent lawyer. On 7 August, the lawyer was refused entry so that he could not document traces of torture. Alas, at this stage of proceedings, those responsible for these crimes have succeeded in their aim. However, we will be redoubling our efforts to provide Okrushko with proper legal defence and support. We ask independent media outlets and human rights organisations to spread information about the case of Sergei Okrushko and the torture it is likely he is now undergoing. Publicity may help protect the prisoner. ✉️ Also you can help Sergei by writing: 443022, Samara, Sadovyi proezd, d. 22, SIZO-1, Okrushko Sergei Aleksandrovich, DOB 1981 ❓ If you have questions, email us to: [email protected] #english
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Solidarity zone often announces fundraisers to pay for lawyers' fees during the appeals process. Why is it important to appeal a sentence? Read these cards to find out. And support our fundraisers! In Russian #english
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Repost from DOXA
Yesterday, Yevgeny Prigozhin, the leader of the ‘Wagner PMC’ group, announced that the mercenaries had been targeted by the Russian military. In response, the group set up a base in Rostov-on-Don and commenced the ‘march of justice’ towards Moscow. Essentially, the Wagner fighters orchestrated a military coup. However, in less than 24 hours Prigozhin has seemingly changed his plans. We have compiled the significant events of this day in English.
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TOP 10 Partisan Actions for APRIL 2023 1. Elimination ( of the accomplice of the genocide and propagandist Tatarsky, (possibly) by the forces of the NRA. The propagandist brings to the masses not only information, but also emotions. If you intimidate propagandists, then their audience is automatically intimidated. 2. Unknown Bandera liquidated ( the chief of the occupation police in Melitopol Punished terrorist and traitor - reduces the support of the occupier 3. The Russian Volunteer Corps walked for the second time ( to the Bryansk region During the "walk" at least 2 terrorists were eliminated, and it was also confirmed that the borders of the Russian Federation are open to liberators 4. Ingush resistance fighters carried out ( a series of attacks on terrorist posts in occupied Ingushetia and Ichkeria By showing that the terrorist is weak and no longer able to maintain a monopoly on violence 5. Atesh was blown up ( checkpoint of the occupiers The checkpoint was blown up not far from the site of the counteroffensive in the Kherson region. The operations took place at the same time, which suggests their coordination. It is important to remember that every partisan organization will sooner or later be close to the front and will be coordinated with the liberation forces. 6. RESISTANCE OF THE MACHINES ( began with the arrival of a kamikaze drone to the military registration and enlistment office ( Drone guerrillas are the future of the revolution. Elusive, stealthy, smart and excellent terrorist hunters. Looking forward to new promotions 7. Arson ( of a car near the FSB training center For many members of this terrorist organization, this is just an opportunity job. Such actions allow them to be reminded that they are terrorists who will have to bear responsibility for their crimes. 8. Supporters of the LSR carried out ( more than 8 arson of the CCS 9. Law Forces carried out ( /107) one sabotage on the railway 10. ERA carried out sabotage ( on the railway in the occupied Crimea Remember, guerrillas are only limited by finances. Each donation to the crypto wallet of the partisans gradually turns into a "good" terrorist/occupier. #English translation by A Concerned Citizen
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