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The Secretary of State said the White House “is working day and night” to resume all arms shipments, according to the PM Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has claimed to have pressured the United States over arms supplies that his country needs in its war with the Palestinian militant group Hamas.The US paused delivery of weapons to Israel in early May amid calls for it to scale back its assault on the densely-populated city of Rafah in southern Gaza. The shipment reportedly included 3,500 bombs for fighter jets. The Jewish state’s offensive on Rafah has left thousands of Palestinians dead and injured, according to the local Hamas-run authorities.In a video posted on X (formerly Twitter) on Tuesday, Netanyahu said in English that US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has assured him the White House “is working day and night to remove these bottlenecks,” referring to arms supplies.The statement confirms the latest media reports that during a meeting with Blinken last week in Jerusalem, Netanyahu had demanded the removal of barriers to the flow of munitions. Give us the tools and we'll finish the job.— Benjamin Netanyahu - בנימין נתניהו (@netanyahu) June 18, 2024 “When Secretary Blinken was recently here in Israel, we had a candid conversation. I said I deeply appreciated the support the US has given Israel from the beginning of the war,” Netanyahu stated. “But I also said something else, I said it’s inconceivable that in the past few months, the administration has been withholding weapons and ammunitions to Israel.” The Israeli leader stressed that an increased flow of US weapons would help bring the end to the struggle with Hamas. “During World War II, [Winston] Churchill told the United States, ‘Give us the tools, we’ll do the job.’ And I say, give us the tools and we’ll finish the job a lot faster.”Netanyahu has reportedly told Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and other high-ranking officials to make sure that arms transfers are fully resumed during upcoming meetings with American counterparts in Washington this week. Read more Buildings destroyed by Israeli bombing raids in the Nuseirat camp, central Gaza, June 8, 2024. Israel and Hamas disagree on US-backed ceasefire – media reports US President Joe Biden has repeatedly warned Israel he would halt arms shipments over the situation in Rafah, but despite those warnings his administration had reportedly kept weapons and ammunition flowing. According to a Wall Street Journal report, the US proceeded with a transfer of $1 billion worth of ammunition and vehicles for Israel in May, the same month it stopped the delivery of bombs.On Monday, the Washington Post reported that the White House had successfully pressured Democrats in Congress to support a major arms sale to Israel that includes 50 F-15 fighter jets worth more than $18 billion.Israel declared war on Hamas after militants killed around 1,200 people and took more than 200 hostage in a surprise attack on October 7. More than 37,000 Palestinians have been killed in the months of fighting that have followed, according to the latest figures from Gaza’s health ministry. via RT - Daily news
White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan has visited New Delhi for talks following the inauguration of a new government US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan and his Indian counterpart, Ajit Doval, have agreed to prevent the leakage of sensitive technologies to <em>"countries of concern,"</em> according to a joint statement released on Monday.  Sullivan’s visit to India is the first by a member of the Biden administration since Narendra Modi took charge for a <a href="">third consecutive term.The discussions formed part of the US-India initiative on Critical and Emerging Technology (iCET), established in 2023. The joint statement covers a wide range of topics, from joint investment in research, to space and proposed defense deals. It also made mention of <em>"vital importance of adapting our technology protection toolkits" </em>and<em>  </em>preventing<em> "the leakage of sensitive and dual-use technologies to countries of concern</em><em>," </em>which comes against the backdrop of India’s robust ties with Russia. New Delhi’s relations with Moscow have come under increasing scrutiny from Washington and other western partners of India since the start of the Ukraine conflict. On Sunday, India disassociated itself from a communique issued at the conclusion of a Switzerland-hosted ‘peace summit’ on Ukraine, to which Moscow was not invited. Read more <a href="">India’s former ambassador to Russia, Pavan Kapoor (C) at the ‘Summit on Peace in Ukraine’ at the Burgenstock Resort, Switzerland, June 15, 2024. <a href="">New Delhi explains refusal to sign Zelensky ‘peace conference’ declaration Meanwhile, New Delhi and Washington also stated they were <em>“committed to take concrete action”</em> to address long-standing barriers in bilateral strategic trade, technology, and industrial cooperation, including in the commercial and civil space sector. The joint factsheet notes that the two countries are working towards beginning advanced training for Indian astronauts at the NASA Johnson Space Center. According to Indian media, NASA will train two Indian astronauts, one of whom will fly to the International Space Station (ISS) later this year. India Space Research Organization chairman S. Somanath had said before that there would likely be four astronauts sent for training. Four astronauts from India selected for the country’s first manned space mission, called Gaganyaan, were previously trained at Russia’s Gagarin Research & Test Cosmonaut Training Center. This followed a 2019 agreement between New Delhi and Moscow on the selection, support, medical examination and space training of Indian astronauts.  Read more <a href="">Astronauts selected for India’s first manned mission to space, Gaganyaan: Air Force pilots Prasanth Balakrishnan Nair, Ajit Krishnan, Angad Pratap, and Shubhanshu Shukla. <a href="">Gagarin to Gaganyaan: India’s Russian-trained astronauts are gearing up to lift off for the giant’s first manned space mission Sullivan also discussed potential defense deals with Indian officials. They include acquiring <a href="">US-made MQ-9B drones, the co-production of land warfare systems, and manufacturing General Electric GE-414 engines in India. The projects were discussed last year during Modi’s state visit to the US, but their status remains uncertain.The top White House advisor’s visit took place despite tensions over accusations of <em>“targeted killings”</em> against the Indian government. Last year, US prosecutors alleged an Indian agent’s involvement in a murder plot against a New York-based lawyer and Sikh activist, Gurpatwant Singh Pannun, a prominent leader of…
Warsaw has checked emergency water and power supply  Warsaw has run an exercise to test the reliability of emergency water and power supplies in the city’s shelters, the mayor of the Polish capital has said.Fresh from the LGBTQ parade over the weekend, Rafal Trzaskowski ordered a snap drill of the city’s emergency services on Monday, “just in case.”“As part of the Warsaw Safety program, we are checking critical infrastructure; yesterday all city services held training exercises at the water supply plant so that we are ready,” Trzaskowski told reporters on Tuesday. “We are preparing water supplies, preparing warehouses in order to store additional equipment, such as generators. We must be prepared for any kind of situation.”Trzaskowski also shared photos from the exercise on X (formerly Twitter), reassuring Warsawians that “it’s just a drill,” but that the city takes their safety very seriously.Water and power utilities, the police, the firefighters and the military all worked together to test “action scenarios in potential crisis situations,” according to the mayor.Warsaw has a population of around 1.8 million and the ability to accommodate three million people in the subway system, underground parking garages and other designated shelter spaces. However, it will take “some more work” to get all of them up to standard, the mayor said. Read more FILE PHOTO: Ministry of Foreign Affairs at 23 Szucha Avenue in Warsaw, Poland. US and Poland set up info wars center The emergency drills in Warsaw came less than two days after Polish President Andrzej Duda called for “decolonizing” Russia by breaking it up into many smaller countries. His comments came during the so-called peace conference on Ukraine in Switzerland. Duda has also proposed that Poland should host US nuclear weapons, drawing criticism from Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk, as well as Moscow.Last week, the US and Poland announced the establishment of the Ukraine Communications Group (UCG), an information warfare outfit designed to “amplify Ukrainian voices,” and counter alleged “deceptive narratives” from Russia. The UCG will be hosted by the Polish Foreign Ministry.Warsaw has been an outspoken supporter of Kiev both under the previous government of Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki and since he was replaced by Tusk last December. Poland has served as the logistics hub for almost all deliveries of NATO weapons, equipment, and ammunition to Ukraine since the conflict with Russia escalated in February 2022. via RT - Daily news
The Russian president will meet with Kim Jong-un to discuss “most sensitive issues,” according to the Kremlin Russian President Vladimir Putin has begun a two-day state visit to North Korea, where he will meet with the country’s leadership for talks on economic, security, and international issues.North Korean leader Kim Jong-un personally greeted Putin at the Pyongyang airport, for the Russian president's first visit since 2000.The trip, which kicked off on Tuesday, will involve a “very busy agenda,” according to Putin’s foreign policy aide, Yuri Ushakov, who noted that the two sides intend to sign several agreements. The Russian president has already authorized the signing of a landmark Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Agreement with North Korea.Ushakov also said Putin and Kim were expected to hold lengthy face-to-face talks to discuss “the most important, the most sensitive issues.” The visit will be largely focused on the international agenda. Read more FILE PHOTO Putin reveals goals of North Korea trip “The approaches of the two countries to current foreign policy problems are very close or completely coincide,” Ushakov said, noting that Moscow and Pyongyang advocate the formation of a multipolar world on the principles of equality, respect for sovereignty, and non-interference in internal affairs. He also said Moscow highly appreciates the fact that North Korea “understands the true reasons and the essence of the Ukraine crisis.”Putin’s visit to North Korea, his first since 2000, follows Kim Jong-un’s trip to Russia’s Far East in September. At the time, Kim spent nearly a week in the neighboring country, touring the Vostochny Cosmodrome, meeting with top officials, and inspecting advanced Russian weaponry. Following the visit, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said relations between Russia and North Korea had reached a “strategic level.” via RT - Daily news
<strong>Ghana’s Family Values bill seeks to balance a reliance on foreign aid with tradition, religion, and the anticolonial narrative</strong> Ghana, a west African country with deeply ingrained cultural and religious values, is grappling with issues surrounding the criminalization of LGBTQ lifestyles. In February 2024, the country's parliament <a href="">passed</a> The Promotion of Proper Sexual Rights and Family Values bill, which seeks to promote traditional Ghanaian family values. The bill imposes penalties, including imprisonment for up to five years, for the promotion of LGBTQ activities.Although the bill received unanimous support from both caucuses of the parliament, it still requires the assent of the president to become law. However, its progression has been halted by a lawsuit, citing concerns of discrimination against a section of the population, which has <a href="">prevented</a> the president from reviewing it until the supreme court determines its legality.The hearing, adjourned in May 2024 due to allegations that the petitioners had used inflammatory language, resumed this month. The fate of the bill is now in limbo as the Supreme court of Ghana is expected to give its final verdict later this year. The pending verdict is particularly significant as it will determine whether the bill can be promulgated into law. This will also help determine Ghana’s ability to uphold its sovereignty amid pressure from western countries and institutions.Ghana’s situation reflects the complex dilemma of African countries in deciding on the position of LGBTQ in their institutional framework. It is illegal in 32 countries including Nigeria, Mauritania, Sudan and Somalia where death penalty can be <a href="">imposed</a> on people engaging in gay sex. In Uganda, the office of the president has referred to homosexuals as <em>“sick people”</em> who need help. This sentiment has been echoed by the former president of Zambia, Edgar Lungu, who <a href="">questioned</a> why humans should be compelled to engage in activities even animals do not do. South Africa remains the only African country to have legalized homosexuality while others such as Rwanda have rejected discussions on the issue.Legal landscape: colonial or not?In Ghana, although there’s no specific law criminalizing LGBTQ activities, attempts to regulate them are based on a perception either of a western-imposed value system that contradicts Ghanaian norms, or from a human rights perspective. <a href="">Media</a> FILE PHOTO. LGBT+ campaigners from the African Equality Foundation attend a protest opposite Westminster Abbey coordinated by the Peter Tatchell Foundation to coincide with leaders of thirty Commonwealth countries arriving for a Commonwealth 75th anniversary service on 11th March 2024 in London, UK. ©  Mark Kerrison/In Pictures via Getty Images Ghana has sought to apply section 104 of its 1960 criminal code on issues of LGBTQ. The law <a href="">criminalizes</a> <em>“unnatural carnal knowledge of a person or animal.”</em> For instance, in 2021 a group of LGBTQ activists were arrested by the police for what was described as unlawful assembly meant to promote LGBTQ activities, but were later acquitted after a backlash from the international community. Section 104 of the criminal code has since been criticized as ‘misrepresentation of the law’ and a colonial remnant that does not reflect today’s realities, given its failure to define what exactly constitutes unnatural carnal knowledge.In Botswana…
Beijing and Manila have traded blame over an incident that left at least one Philippine sailor severely injured A Chinese Coast Guard vessel and a Philippine navy boat collided in the South China Sea on Monday, an incident of which the two sides provided differing accounts.The collision occurred when the Philippine naval vessel attempted a resupply run to the BRP Sierra Madre, an old tank landing vessel grounded on the Second Thomas Shoal, a small submerged reef near the Spratly Islands. The ship, originally built for the US Navy during WWII, was deliberately run aground in the area in 1999 and has served as an outpost for the Philippine military ever since.“A Philippine Navy personnel sustained severe injury after the CCG’s [China Coast Guard’s] intentional high-speed ramming during the rotation and resupply mission to the BRP Sierra Madre (LS57) on June 17,” according to a statement by the country’s military. The Chinese Coast Guard, however, claimed that the Philippine vessel had “dangerously approached and deliberately collided” with its ship while attempting to resupply the “illegally grounded warship.” Following the collision, the Chinese vessel took “control measures” to check the supply boat and expel it from the area.“The handling [of the incident] was reasonable, legal, professional and standard,” the Coast Guard stated.  Read more Joe Biden (C) heads to a trilateral meeting with Fumio Kishida (R) and Ferdinand Marcos Jr. (L) at the White House in Washington DC, April 11, 2024 Beijing slams US and allies for ‘attacking China’ Washington backed the Philippine account of the collision. The Department of State called Beijing out over what it called “escalatory and irresponsible actions.” The Chinese vessel prevented “the Philippines from lawfully delivering humanitarian supplies to service members stationed at the BRP Sierra Madre,” it said. The Chinese vessels’ “dangerous and deliberate use of water cannons, ramming, blocking maneuvers, and towing damaged Philippine vessels, endangered the lives of Philippine service members, is reckless, and threatens regional peace and stability,” the State Department added.A similar incident involving Chinese and Philippine vessels occurred in the area in March. The Philippines has ramped up its activities around the BRP Sierra Madre since late last year, seeking to refurbish the old vessel and improve the living conditions of military personnel stationed at the outpost. The South China Sea is the subject of numerous overlapping claims by countries in the region. Apart from China and the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Brunei, as well as the self-governing Chinese island of Taiwan, claim parts of it. The waterway sees significant volumes of commercial traffic and serves as the key conduit for the foreign trade of South Asian nations. Tensions in the region have been further aggravated by the activities of the US and its allies, which routinely send in so-called “freedom of navigation” missions through the area claimed by Beijing as its exclusive economic zone. via RT - Daily news
The ICAO proceedings have been a farce of Western making, Moscow has said Moscow is not interested in participating in a “performance” before a Western-dominated panel of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) about the 2014 crash of a Malaysian passenger jet in Donbass, the Russian Foreign Ministry has said.Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 was flying from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur when it was shot down in Ukrainian airspace. Kiev immediately blamed Donetsk People’s Republic forces and Russia for the incident. In March 2022, the Netherlands and Australia opened an investigation against Russia at the ICAO Council. “The ICAO Council is not the right place to look for the truth. It makes no sense for us to remain a part of the ‘performance’ started in it,” the Russian Foreign Ministry said on Monday.Russia had initially agreed to take part in the proceedings “because we believed that the ICAO platform could be used for professional dialogue about the plane crash,” the ministry said. However, the council first claimed judiciary powers it did not have, then tried to admit as evidence the two investigations into the MH17 disaster that explicitly excluded Russia – by the Dutch Security Council (NSB) and the Joint Investigation Team (JIT) – while welcoming Ukraine and other adversely interested parties, according to Moscow. Read more A picture taken on July 17, 2014 shows wreckages of the malaysian airliner carrying 295 people from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur after it crashed, near the town of Shaktarsk, in rebel-held east Ukraine. MH17 probe suspended Russia has proposed “a full, thorough and independent international investigation into the crash of flight MH17, as required by UN Security Council Resolution 2166 and the ICAO Dispute Resolution Rules,” but the council refused, the foreign ministry said.“Ruled by the countries of the collective West and their satellites, the ICAO Council also refused to take into account the decision of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) of January 31, 2024,” which rejected Ukraine’s claims against Russia in the MH17 case, the ministry noted.The council consists of 36 members, who vote according to instructions from their governments. Australia and 12 others had already publicly blamed Russia for MH17 before any investigation began, the ministry said. When Russia asked them to abstain from voting in the matter, they refused.This pattern of behavior “runs counter to the minimum requirements for the objectivity of the proceedings,” the Russian Foreign Ministry said. “Under such circumstances, it is impossible to talk about an unbiased establishment of facts, much less a fair decision.” The “extensive and convincing evidence,” both factual and legal, that Russia was not involved in the MH17 incident has been made available to 193 ICAO members, the ministry noted.  via RT - Daily news
The former US president is still forbidden to talk about his New York criminal trial Former US President Donald Trump remains banned from speaking about his criminal case in Manhattan, even after the jury’s verdict, the New York Court of Appeals said on Tuesday.Judge Juan Merchan imposed the gag order on Trump during his trial on 34 counts of “falsifying business records,” which District Attorney Alvin Bragg alleged had somehow violated campaign finance laws and improperly influenced the 2016 election. The jury found the former president guilty on all counts at the end of MayDETAILS TO FOLLOW via RT - Daily news
Kiev risks making its situation “worse,” if it turns down peace talks, Dmitry Medvedev said Ukraine is making a huge mistake by refusing to consider Russia’s offer to open peace talks because its negotiating position will only deteriorate as time goes by, former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev has said.Last week, Russian President Vladimir Putin signaled that Moscow would immediately open peace talks with Kiev if it withdrew its troops from Russia’s Donbass, as well as Kherson and Zaporozhye Regions.Any such deal would also include Ukraine committing to neutral status, as well as its “demilitarization” and “denazification.” Western sanctions against Moscow would also have to be lifted, the Russian leader insisted.Vladimir Zelensky has rejected the overture as an ultimatum, with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg suggesting that the proposal had not been made in “good faith.” Kiev has consistently demanded that Russia withdraw its troops to the Ukrainian borders of 1991 as a condition for starting talks.Speaking to reporters on Tuesday, Medvedev, who is currently the deputy chairman of Russia’s Security Council, said Ukraine was “taking the discussion back to square one” by rejecting peace initiatives. Read more FILE PHOTO: A Ukrainian soldier launches a military drone. Hackers expose Ukrainian ‘drone pilots’ “They shouldn’t have done that. It will get worse,” the former president warned.However, Medvedev said Kiev still had time to accept the offer, but this window of opportunity will not last. If Ukraine does not agree to Putin’s terms, this will result in a scenario in which Russia’s “offensive actions will continue, and it is difficult to say where the border of the cordon sanitaire that our president spoke about will end,” he remarked, adding that the zone’s boundaries would not be drawn in favor of Kiev.The Russian president first spoke about the possibility of establishing a ‘cordon sanitaire’ in Kiev-controlled territories to protect Russian border regions from constant artillery strikes this spring. To achieve this goal, Moscow’s forces launched a major offensive in Ukraine’s border Kharkov Region in early May, capturing about a dozen settlements.  Against this backdrop, several Western nations, including the US, authorized Ukrainian long-range strikes deep inside Russian territory, with the supposed goal of enabling Kiev to target military deployment areas and installations. The move was condemned by Moscow as escalatory, with Putin noting that the West had essentially signed off on Kiev’s attacks on Russian civilians. via RT - Daily news
Rheinmetall says it is working on new weapons systems for Kiev based on a Leopard tank chassis German arms manufacturer Rheinmetall could soon supply Ukraine with new mobile air defense systems capable of shooting down Russian drones and missiles, according to the company’s head of Land Systems, Bjorn Bernhard.In an interview with the German tabloid Bild released on Sunday, Bernhard signaled that the systems, which the German media dubbed ‘Frankenstein tanks,’ are already in the works.According to the report, the tanks would be a heavily armored version of Rheinmetall’s advanced Skyranger anti-aircraft system grafted onto the hulls of Cold War-era Leopard 1 tanks. They will reportedly be capable of dealing with short-range targets such as drones and artillery fire.“There are still a lot of Leopard 1 battle tanks on whose chassis we could put the Skyranger turret with the 35 mm machine gun,” Bernhard said in the interview, which took place at a secret Rheinmetall tank repair factory in Western Ukraine that was reportedly launched in early June.The company will present a similar vehicle, albeit placed on a Leopard 2 chassis, at the ongoing Eurosatory 2024 defense industry exhibition in Paris, according to a press-release. Read more UELZEN, GERMANY - FEBRUARY 12: Employees work at a production line at a new munitions factory of German defence contractor Rheinmetall. Western weapons makers on hiring spree – FT “Highly mobile, modular and scalable ground-based air defense systems are becoming increasingly important as NATO forces refocus on national and alliance defense,” Rheinmetall said in a press release.It is unclear when Ukraine may get the new hybrid tanks. According to the UK’s The Telegraph, Kiev’s army has already received roughly a hundred traditionally configured Leopard 1 tanks from Germany. However, the Ukrainian authorities have been pressuring NATO countries in recent weeks to supply more critical weaponry and have been complaining that the shortage of Western air defense systems leaves its troops and infrastructure exposed to Russian attacks.German Chancellor Olaf Scholz announced earlier this month that Berlin would transfer its third US-made Patriot air defense system and other additional weapons to Kiev within the next several weeks. Addressing the Ukraine Recovery Conference in Berlin, Scholz said that Germany has already either delivered or earmarked €28 billion ($30 billion) worth of weapons for Ukraine and will continue to support Kiev’s war effort. READ MORE: Italy could arm Kiev with long-range weaponry – media Russia has repeatedly criticized the Western military aid to Kiev, warning that it will only drag out the conflict without changing its outcome. via RT - Daily news
Videos showing the US president freezing up on stage and wandering off are all “manipulated,” according to press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre has claimed that recent videos showing US President Joe Biden looking confused at public events have been manipulated, describing them as “cheap fakes.” Jean-Pierre’s comments come after several videos of Biden have gone viral on social media in recent weeks. In one clip, the president could be seen having trouble sitting down during a D-Day memorial event in France. A number of commenters suggested that the US leader was “completely lost” or having “some kind of episode.” Another video showed Biden standing together with G7 leaders in Italy watching a skydiving demonstration. At one point, the US president turned away and wandered off from the group, before Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni took him by the hand to guide him back to the other members. In another clip from an LA fundraising event with former President Barack Obama and late-night host Jimmy Kimmel, Biden appeared to freeze up as he was waving goodbye to the crowd. Obama could then be seen taking Biden by the hand and patting him on the back while leading him off stage. A clip from a White House Juneteenth concert also appeared to show the 81-year-old president awkwardly frozen as everyone around him danced to the music.  🇺🇸Karine Jean-Pierre addresses the recent videos showing Biden in less than optimal condition. "They are 'Cheap Fakes Videos' they are done in bad faith... The right-wing critics of the president have a credibility problem. Because the fact-checkers have repeatedly caught…— Attentive Media (@AttentiveCEE) June 18, 2024 Speaking to reporters during a White House Press event on Monday, Jean-Pierre stated that “we are seeing these deepfakes, these manipulated videos, and it is again, done in bad faith.” The press secretary claimed that reports on these incidents are “attacks” on Biden that demonstrate the “desperation” of Republicans who refuse to acknowledge the president’s achievements.  Read more US President Joe Biden speaks at the 80th anniversary of 'D-Day' landings in Normandy, in Colleville-sur-Mer, France, June 6, 2024. ‘Awkward’ Biden struggles at D-Day ceremony (VIDEO) Asked to comment specifically on the incidents with Meloni and Obama, who appeared to give Biden “stage directions,” Jean-Pierre insisted that these were “cheap fakes” and that “this did not happen, in the sense of what people were saying they were seeing or what was being falsely reported.”  She also dismissed claims that Biden had frozen during the Juneteenth concert, suggesting the president simply didn’t want to dance. “Excuse me, I did not know that not dancing was a mental health issue. That is a weird thing to flag,” Jean-Pierre said. According to multiple recent polls, Biden’s mental health has been a longstanding concern among American voters, many of whom believe he is mentally and physically unfit for office. A recent Wall Street Journal report also claimed that aside from his frequent public mental gaffes, Biden has shown “signs of slipping” in closed-door meetings with US lawmakers. via RT - Daily news
<strong>The French president could be on the verge of regime-changing himself, with his establishment party’s support below that of the opposition</strong> The latest French national polls show a final face off between the anti-establishment right and left, and the total decimation of President Emmanuel Macron’s Renaissance party. Looks like he may have fooled himself into thinking that dumping all over the political chessboard was a big-brained three-dimensional move. In the wake of the anti-establishment National Rally party winning the European elections by a landslide, with more than double the score of Macron’s party, the usual suspects started chewing up the scenery with riots and unrest. All the National Rally needs to do is film it to create a campaign ad for themselves heading into the French national elections that Macron called in a double-or-nothing bet with the French people. Because Macron did that. And it’s the National Rally that has long campaigned on the promise of putting an end to it. It finally looks like enough French voters aren’t scared into denying Le Pen’s party the opportunity. The far-right label just doesn’t act as the kind of knee-jerk deterrent that it once did. And why should it? <em>“France is on the brink of all-out civil conflict,”</em> <a href="">headlined</a> Britain’s Telegraph. That has happened under Macron, not Le Pen, as he rammed through his establishment agenda piece by piece with his designated prime minister invoking Article 49.3 of the French Constitution to ram through legislation without a vote at least 23 times, totally overriding the democratic process – the second most since the Fifth Republic began in 1958. Its use to move the goalposts on retirees and make them work longer when France is a global taxation champion that robs them of hard earned cash their entire working lives, under the pretext of getting it back when they retire, would explain why the majority of retirees who voted massively for Macron no longer tell pollsters that they will. His support has dropped to just 28%, according to the latest Ifop <a href="">poll</a>.  <strong>Read more</strong> <a href="">French President Emmanuel Macron delivers a speech on Europe at the Sorbonne University in Paris, on April 25, 2024</a> <a href="">‘Our Europe could die,’ Macron says. Who’s the killer?</a> According to Le Monde, Macron <a href="">said</a> of his snap election call: <em>“I’ve been preparing this for weeks, and I’m thrilled. I threw my unpinned grenade at their legs. Now we’ll see how they manage.”</em> Looks like they’re managing just fine, actually. Macron’s party? Not so much. Next time, try putting a little more oomph behind that grenade toss, so it doesn’t just risk rolling back and blowing up in your face. The latest Ifop poll predicts the establishment’s total elimination after the first round of voting on June 30 with a mere 19% of the vote, and the two top parties heading to the second round on July 7 being the right and left anti-establishment at 35% and 26% respectively. And if lawlessness and violence keeps plaguing the streets between now and then, voters will fully understand that it was Macron who lit the match and the left that figured dumping fuel on the fire by trying to present the defeat of their right wing opponents as the solution to calming the unrest was somehow a winning strategy. Odds are that they’ll feel blackmailed and only be more motivated to vote accordingly. Ask German Chancellor Olaf Scholz how all the protests against the anti-establishment so-called <em>“far-right”</em> AfD worked out for him. They came in second, making gains in the EU vote, and his…
The bloc can compete in a strategic way, according to Margrethe Vestager The EU may be no economic match for the US and China but it can try to challenge them strategically, the bloc’s competition chief has suggested.Margrethe Vestager told CNBC on Tuesday that the EU had become “much better” at defending itself against unfair trade practices, and that it will continue looking for ways to compete equitably with its economic partners. “The point is to realize we can never outspend China or the US,” Vestager said, pointing out: “We can spend strategically.” She cited a €100-billion fund for ten “cutting edge technologies” – including in hydrogen, electric batteries, microelectronics, cloud and health – among the EU’s “strategic” investments that she said have “common European interest.”  “That, I think, is a strategic way of using taxpayers’ money, crowding in private capital, in order to get what the market will not otherwise deliver,” Vestager argued.The EU’s competition chief said the bloc was not “copying” its trade partners by implementing such measures.The remark comes as the US has been investing heavily in technology, clean energy, manufacturing and infrastructure via its $430 billion 2022 Inflation Reduction Act. China, meanwhile, has continued pouring money into its tech and green industries. Read more FILE PHOTO: US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen. US pressing EU to clamp down on Chinese exports Asked whether such investment levels would enable Europe to compete in the growing tech arms race, Vestager said: “Let’s not get distracted by what they are doing in the US and China. Let’s stick to our guns and make sure that it actually works.” Last week, the EU announced new hefty tariffs of up to 38% on Chinese electric vehicle makers, to which Beijing responded by launching an anti-dumping investigation aimed at certain pork products from the bloc. Beijing previously warned that it would target the EU’s aviation and agriculture sectors in response to the duties.Brussels’ move followed the US having quadrupled tariffs on Chinese EVs to over 100% earlier this month, affecting $18 billion in imported Chinese goods.Beijing has warned that such measures violate the principles of fair competition and harm the stability of global trade. Chinese officials have repeatedly denounced US trade and tech policies as “economic bullying.” via RT - Daily news
Alfa Bank has applied to the Chinese authorities to open offices in Beijing and Shanghai, according to the outlet Russia’s largest private lender, Alfa Bank, is set to open offices in China as part of a major expansion plan, Bloomberg reported on Tuesday.The lender, which seeks to become the first private Russian bank to open fully-fledged branches in China, has applied to the Chinese authorities to open offices in two key cities – Beijing and Shanghai – the outlet said, citing the bank.The announcement comes after Alfa Bank expanded its client support services for Chinese businesses. The lender said it’s already providing services to thousands of companies working with Russia and has launched a Chinese-language website and support for Chinese-speaking clients.Alfa Bank’s board of directors first revealed plans to open offices in Beijing and Shanghai last September, saying it views expansion in the Asian powerhouse as “strategically important.” In April, the bank announced it will launch the new branches by the end of 2025, saying the move would facilitate yuan transactions for both Chinese and Russian businesses. Read more RT First Russian bank receives Chinese credit rating Last year, Alfa Bank emerged as the top lender in Chinese yuan in Russia, accounting for a third of all yuan loans in the Russian market.The move also reflects growing economic ties between Russia and China after the two countries declared a ‘no limits’ friendship. The process has accelerated in the face of soaring tensions between Moscow and the West over the Ukraine conflict and multiple waves of economic sanctions against Russia.Earlier this year, Alfa Bank became the first major Russian bank to receive an international rating in China after Lianhe Credit Rating assigned it with an AA- rating with a stable outlook.The agency attributed its decision to a number of factors such as Alfa Bank’s systemic importance, efficient corporate management, high asset quality, and strong lending capacity. via RT - Daily news
<strong>The Tesla CEO’s suggestion that devices used for casting ballots can be “hacked” has come under scrutiny in world’s largest democracy </strong> Tesla CEO Elon Musk has triggered backlash in India over his take on electronic voting machines (EVMs). The country of 1.4 billion people recently wrapped up its general election, in which 640 million Indians voted, primarily using EVMs. Musk claimed on Saturday that electronic voting machines should be <em>“eliminated.”</em><em>“The risk of being hacked by humans or AI, while small, is still too high,”</em> he<a href=""> posted on X (formerly Twitter). He was responding to a post by US presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr, who had pointed to an Associated Press report suggesting that Puerto Rico’s primary elections had experienced voting irregularities related to electronic voting machines. However, Musk’s post reignited an old debate in India.<em>“This is a huge sweeping generalization statement that implies no one can build secure digital hardware,”</em> <a href="">said Rajeev Chandrasekhar, who served as minister of state at India’s Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology in the last Modi-led government. Chandrasekhar, who is a prominent member of India’s ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), suggested that devices used in the US may be connected to the internet and would therefore be vulnerable. However, EVMs used in India are <em>“custom-designed to do a simple job.”</em> These devices are <em>“isolated”</em> from any network and <em>“factory programmed controllers that cannot be reprogrammed,”</em> claimed the former minister.  'Elon Musk has not talked about EVMs in India and Congress is raising issue after defeat ' says BJP leader Rajeev Chandrasekhar <a href="">@AnchorAnandN speaks to <a href="">@RajeevRC_X <a href="">#BJP <a href="">#Congress <a href="">— News18 (@CNNnews18) <a href="">June 17, 2024 Prominent Indian author and retired government officer Sanjay Dixit also joined in the debate, offering $1 million to Musk to prove that the country’s voting machines could be hacked. <em>“If you hack it successfully, give you a million dollars, if you fail, you pay,”</em> Dixit wrote on X. Hello <a href="">@elonmusk - take up a million dollar challenge from us to hack an Indian EVM. If you hack it successfully, I give you a million dollars, if you fail you pay. Ok? <a href="">— Koi Sanjay Dixit ಸಂಜಯ್ ದೀಕ್ಷಿತ್ संजय दीक्षित (@Sanjay_Dixit) <a href="">June 17, 2024 Indian EVMs, which replaced paper ballots in 2004, have triggered intense debate on many occasions, particularly during general elections, when they were blamed for unfavorable results by losing parties.  <strong>Read more</strong> <a href="">Polling officers during a training on Electronic Voting Machine (EVMs) and Voter Verified Paper Audit Trail (VVPAT) ahead of Lok Sabha election on April 18, 2024 in Patna, India. <a href="">India’s top court defends use of voting machines Rahul Gandhi, the leader of the Indian National Congress, the country’s largest opposition party, backed Musk’s statement, claiming that EVMs in India are a <em>“black box”</em> that nobody is allowed to scrutinize. India’s Election Commission must either ensure complete transparency in relation to the machines and processes…
The move is reportedly part of a policy review following setbacks for Paris in several former colonies France intends to reduce the number of its forces stationed in West and Central Africa to around 600 troops, in compliance with President Emmanuel Macron’s policy of limiting the country’s military presence on the continent, AFP reported on Monday, citing sources. According to the outlet, citing two government officials and a military source, all of whom requested anonymity, Paris will maintain only about 100 troops in the Central African state of Gabon – down from the 350 currently there – and around 300 personnel in Chad – down from 1,000. In Cote d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast) and Senegal, where there are contingents of 600 and 350 forces, respectively, Paris reportedly plans to downsize to around 100 troops in each of the West African nations. President Macron announced a “noticeable reduction” in France’s military presence in Africa early last year, amid a wave of anti-French sentiment in several former colonies, particularly in the Sahel region, where its soldiers had been deployed to combat Islamist militants. France had over 5,000 troops in the Sahel region as part of Operation Barkhane, a decade-long counter-insurgency mission that ended in late 2022 when Paris withdrew its army from Mali due to a breakdown in relations following Bamako’s May 2021 coup. Protests against the European country have grown in recent years, sparked by alleged military shortcomings and accusations of interference in the internal affairs of former colonies. In December 2022, Paris withdrew troops from the Central African Republic (CAR), citing an alleged closer relationship between the African country and Russia. Several other former French colonies on the continent, including Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger, have canceled military partnerships with Paris and turned to Moscow for assistance in combating terrorism. The Sahel has been plagued by Islamic extremism since 2011, following a NATO intervention on behalf of insurgents in Libya. Read more RT Lavrov’s African tour: What Western media won’t tell you Last August, a group of French lawmakers wrote to Macron, expressing their dissatisfaction with France’s African policy failures, which they claim have resulted in deteriorating relations with former colonies. The legislators asked the president to review his government’s strategies on the “friendly continent” in order to correct misunderstandings about Paris’ role and presence. Jean-Marie Bockel, the French special envoy to Africa, who Macron has tasked with negotiating the new modalities of the French military presence with African partners, told the Senate last month that Paris wanted to “reduce its visible presence” on the continent. It will, however, “maintain logistical, human, and material access to these countries while reinforcing our action in response to their aspirations,” Bockel has said. According to two sources who spoke with AFP, the French army plans to establish a Paris-based command dedicated to Africa this summer. via RT - Daily news
Some 95% of respondents said government assistance should be reduced, complaining about a “lack of gratitude” among migrants The vast majority of Poles want government benefits for Ukrainian refugees slashed, a recent survey has shown, according to local media. The number of Polish people who believe Warsaw should not provide any additional aid to Kiev has also risen in recent months, the study indicates.   According to data from the EU statistics agency Eurostat, as of March 2024, Poland has hosted 960,000 Ukrainian refugees. Under the Temporary Protection Bill passed in April 2022, these people receive housing, food, healthcare, access to education, and a full package of social assistance at the state’s expense. They are also entitled to a one-time payment of 300 zloty ($75), as well as regular benefits totaling 800 zloty ($200) per child. Poland also pays Ukrainian parents 1,000 zloty ($250) upon the birth of a child. On Tuesday, the Rzeczpospolita newspaper cited the findings of a study titled “Social perception of refugees from Ukraine, migrants and actions taken by the Polish and Ukrainian state,” which was conducted by Dr Robert Staniszewski from the University of Warsaw and the University of Economics and Humanities in Warsaw. The survey revealed that as many as 95% of respondents believe government assistance to Ukrainian refugees should be reduced, with free education for Ukrainian children remaining one of the few aspects viewed predominantly positively by Poles. However, most respondents insisted that young refugees should be taught the Polish curriculum, and not the one specifically adapted for Ukrainians.   Read more RT Germany planning to curb influx of Ukrainian refugees – Welt Asked about the reasons for their negative attitudes toward Ukrainian refugees, respondents cited Ukrainians’ supposed entitlement and a “lack of gratitude for help,” as well as the “Eastern mentality [and] Soviet culture,” which manifests itself in the lack of concern for the common good. Poles complained that Ukrainian refugees appear to believe that “they deserve everything,” and that “everything is due for free,” while demanding “to have the same rights as Poles.” Only 17% of respondents said they had no issue with Ukrainian refugees settling in Poland permanently, while 61% said they wanted them to go back to their country once hostilities there are over.  The same study showed that the number of Poles strongly in favor of providing aid to Kiev has declined from 62% in January 2023 to 31% at present.  Some 72% of respondents told the pollster that Poland should put its own national interests first despite the difficulties experienced by its neighbor.  Similar trends were evident in another survey from January cited by Rzeczpospolita earlier this year. The media outlet, citing police data, also reported at the time that the influx of Ukrainian refugees had resulted in a spike in crime. via RT - Daily news
Finland’s Constitutional Law Committee has proposed legislation that would turn away asylum seekers coming across its eastern frontier Finland’s Constitutional Law Committee has approved a draft emergency law that would block asylum seekers from entering the country across the border with Russia, Finnish media outlets reported on Tuesday.Finland, which joined NATO last year, closed its eastern land border in November after more than 1,300 asylum seekers – primarily from Africa and the Middle East – reportedly crossed over from Russian territory during a four-month period.In response to the jump in arrivals, the ruling coalition proposed a draft law that would allow border guards to turn back migrants trying to enter from Russia without processing their asylum applications. Critics of the bill argued that such a measure would be in breach of the country’s international human rights commitments.On Tuesday, the Constitutional Law Committee ruled that the legislation can be enacted as an “exceptional law,” according to the newspaper Helsingin Sanomat. Read more Seized bicycles at the Nuijamaa border check-point in Lappeenranta, Finland on November 15, 2023 Finland auctions off asylum seekers’ bicycles The committee admitted that although the draft document conflicts with Finland’s binding human rights obligations, it is necessary due to “serious danger” to “the rule of law and national security” of the country, the newspaper wrote. The draft law was approved by a vote of 15-2, according to the outlet.The committee’s decision was “based on classified information that cannot be shared publicly,” one of its members told the Helsingin Sanomat.The bill would allow the border authorities to turn back asylum seekers from Russia with or without force, although it would not apply to children or disabled people.The two committee members who voted against the draft law, Fatim Diarra of the Green Party and Anna Kontula of the Left Alliance, both Finnish MPs, argued that enacting such a law would contradict international agreements.To take effect, the bill has to pass with a five-sixths majority in the parliament and be signed off on by the president. via RT - Daily news
The Storm Shadow cruise missiles being considered for delivery are potentially capable of striking deep inside Russia Italy is mulling transferring long-range Storm Shadow cruise missiles to Kiev, the news outlet Il Fatto Quotidiano reported on Tuesday, citing sources within the Defense Ministry.Storm Shadows, or SCALP as the French version of the same weapon is called, have a range of up to 560km and are potentially capable of hitting targets within Russia far beyond the front line.According to the report, the missiles will be included in the country’s ninth arms package for Ukraine, which Italy’s Defense Minister Guido Crosetto will present to the parliamentary Committee for the Security of the Republic for approval by the end of the month. The package will also reportedly include the SAMP/T surface-based air defense system, as well as artillery and Stinger surface-to-air missiles. The package is expected to be finalized ahead of the upcoming NATO summit in Washington, which kicks off on July 9.The transfer of long-range weapons to Kiev would indicate a hawkish turn in Rome’s stance toward the Ukraine conflict. While Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni has long been a staunch supporter of Kiev, her government previously balked at allowing Ukraine to use its weapons for strikes deep inside Russia. Last month, both Crosetto and Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani ruled out the use of Italian-supplied weapons on Russian territory, saying that it was prohibited under the country’s constitution. Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini warned earlier this month that Rome would completely stop providing Ukraine with weaponry unless it received assurances that its arms are not used for strikes within Russia. Read more Italian Deputy PM Matteo Salvini at the polling station to vote for the 2024 EU Parliament election in Milan, Italy on June 8, 2024. Macron could cause WWIII – Italy’s Salvini The UK and France have already provided dozens of Storm Shadows to Ukraine, some of which have been used to strike targets deeper in Russia, Yuri Sak, an adviser to Ukraine’s minister of strategic industries, revealed last month.The list of Italian weapons supplied to Ukraine has been classified. However, in late May, British Defense Secretary Grant Shapps told The Times that Rome had been supplying Kiev with Storm Shadows alongside London and Paris, particularly for use against Crimea.The Ukrainian leadership has been pressuring NATO countries in recent weeks to supply more critical weapons and allow them to be used against targets in Russia. Several NATO states, such as the UK, Poland and Latvia, have said they have no objections to Ukrainian strikes within Russia. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and US President Joe Biden have also said Ukraine was allowed to target Russian positions, albeit those close to the front.Meanwhile, President Vladimir Putin said earlier this month that Moscow would consider arming the adversaries of Western nations that give Ukraine the means to carry out strikes on Russian soil. via RT - Daily news
A new law aims to prepare Ukrainian citizens for “national resistance,” according to an explanatory note attached to the bill Ukraine’s Vladimir Zelensky has signed a new law that introduces mandatory combined arms training for high school students and those attending higher education institutions in the country, according to a publication on the Verkhovnaya Rada’s website.The bill was initially introduced in March. In May, Rada MP Yaroslav Zheleznyak reported that the Ukrainian parliament had adopted it. On Monday, a notice appeared under the website of the bill that it had been returned with Zelensky’s signature.Under the new legislation, the training will be conducted as part of a new course developed in conjunction with the Defense Ministry, aimed at preparing citizens for “national resistance,” according to the explanatory note attached to the bill.“The law is aimed at improving the system of combined arms training, which is carried out by studying the subject ‘Defense of Ukraine,’” the note reads.Previously, the Rada published information outlining six modules featured in the new curriculum, which includes terrain orientation, shooting training, drone control skills, and various forms and methods of information warfare. Read more FILE PHOTO. Prisoners drafted into Ukrainian military ‘will run like Forrest Gump’ – official to WaPo The introduction of initial combat training for school and university students comes as the Ukrainian military struggles to replenish its ranks after suffering heavy casualties in the conflict with Russia, prompting Kiev to ramp up its mobilization efforts.In April, Zelensky signed a law lowering the conscription age in Ukraine from 27 to 25, expanded the powers of enlistment officers, and introduced severe penalties for draft dodgers. He has also been urging citizens who have fled the country to avoid the draft to come back home.In May, Zelensky approved legislation that provides a way for the military to draft certain prisoners, offering them parole if they enlist. According to the Washington Post, nearly 3,000 criminals, including those jailed for drugs, theft, armed assault, and murder, have already joined the army since the law was signed. Ukrainian Justice Minister Denis Maliuska told the outlet he expects at least 4,000 convicts to be drafted in the first round of recruitment. via RT - Daily news
Early legislative elections also cast uncertainty over extra EU defense spending, the outlet has said EU governments are concerned that early elections in France could undermine military aid for Ukraine, including plans to send instructors to train its forces, Bloomberg reported on Monday citing sources familiar with discussions. The bloc’s members fear that a snap vote called by French President Emmanuel Macron following his party’s defeat in the European Parliament elections will weaken his role as one of Kiev’s main backers, the outlet said. The plan to send military instructors to Ukraine could also be at risk, the article noted. Concerns are also mounting over additional EU defense spending through collective financing — an idea that Macron has strongly advocated.The National Rally (NR), associated with Marine Le Pen and currently led by Jordan Bardella, won 31% of the vote – more than double the share of the president’s Renaissance party, at 14.6%.If the NR wins a majority in the French legislative election – to be held in two rounds on June 30 and July 7 – President Macron will have to spend the remainder of his presidency, until 2027, with a political opponent as prime minister, and will effectively lose control over domestic policy.Macron has been a leading proponent of deeper NATO involvement in the Ukraine conflict, calling for a coalition of countries to send military trainers to Ukraine. He has also said that the bloc’s members should not rule out deploying ground troops at some point. Read more French President Emmanuel Macron at the Ukraine conference on Saturday in Switzerland. Kiev must not capitulate – Macron However, a National Rally prime minister “would have totally antagonistic positions from Emmanuel Macron on European issues, Russia, Ukraine, European defense but also climate change,” a political scientist at Sciences Po university, Gilles Ivaldi, told Bloomberg. “Given France’s role in Europe, it would be a weakening of Europe.”The French president, an ardent advocate of aiding and arming Ukraine in the conflict with Russia, has been accused by former long-time NR leader Le Pen of “playing politics with war” and “hijacking” the hostilities to promote his electoral agenda.Macron’s pledge to send fighter jets to Kiev will also remain in limbo, according to Bloomberg. The French leader announced that Paris would supply Mirage 2000 fighter jets and train Ukrainian pilots on them just two days before he dissolved parliament.People familiar with the matter told the outlet that uncertainty is also looming over Macron’s promise to send €3 billion ($3.2 billion) in aid to Ukraine, and that the funding will depend on the election results.Moscow has long condemned the West for providing military aid to Kiev, and warned against sending foreign military personnel to Ukraine, which it has said would be considered legitimate targets for attack. via RT - Daily news
The company hid evidence linking its shots to heart inflammation conditions, Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach has claimed The US state of Kansas has initiated legal action against Pfizer over “misleading claims” that the pharmaceutical giant allegedly made regarding its Covid-19 vaccine’s effectiveness and the risks associated with it.Several manufacturers began developing Covid-19 vaccines in the months after the World Health Organization (WHO) officially declared a pandemic in March 2020. Governments across the world subsequently began mandating inoculation. According to federal data, more than 366 million doses of Pfizer’s original coronavirus vaccine were administered in the US alone.On Monday, Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach filed a lawsuit claiming that Pfizer had deliberately hidden evidence linking the vaccine to myocarditis and pregnancy complications.“Pfizer made multiple misleading statements to deceive the public about its vaccine at a time when Americans needed the truth,” Kobach said in a statement.In June 2021, the US Food and Drug Administration issued a warning with respect to Pfizer and Moderna’s Covid-19 vaccines about the elevated risk of myocarditis and pericarditis, both rare heart inflammation conditions. Read more FILE PHOTO. AstraZeneca withdraws Covid vaccine worldwide According to the attorney general’s complaint, the US pharmaceutical company had also mendaciously claimed that its shots were effective while being aware that the protection the vaccine provided against the virus grew weaker over time and was not enough to fend off certain Covid-19 strains.Kobach also argued that Pfizer misleadingly asserted that its vaccine prevented coronavirus transmission, even though the company later acknowledged that it had never actually studied this aspect.Moreover, Kobach accused the pharmaceutical company of cooperating with social media to “censor speech critical” of Covid-19 vaccines. The lawsuit charged that Pfizer’s alleged misleading statements constituted a violation of the Kansas Consumer Protection Act. The state is now seeking unspecified monetary damages.The Hill quoted a company representative as saying that the lawsuit has “no merit” and insisting that the “representations made by Pfizer about its COVID-19 vaccine have been accurate and science-based.”Last November, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton filed a similar lawsuit against the pharmaceutical giant, accusing it of “unlawfully misrepresenting the effectiveness of the company’s COVID-19 vaccine and attempting to censor public discussion of the product.”Earlier this month, Amsterdam’s Vrije Universiteit released a study indicating that medical professionals and drug recipients reported “serious injuries and deaths following vaccination” according to “various official databases.” According to researchers, “suspected” adverse events associated with inoculation may have contributed to excess mortality in 47 countries between January 1, 2020 and December 31, 2022. via RT - Daily news
A Ukrainian-operated M113 APC was blown up near the town of Svatovo, according to the Defense Ministry The Russian military has published a video that it claims shows a successful attack against a US-made armored personal carrier used by Ukrainian forces.The footage was reportedly filmed near the Donbass town of Svatovo. It includes the moment a 9K111 Fagot anti-tank missile was launched by Russian forces, followed by apparent drone confirmation of the hit on an American-made M113. The vehicle operated by Ukrainian troops was badly damaged and could not be identified by the video alone.The Defense Ministry said that in addition to the M113, a Ukrainian fixed position was hit in the same operation.The 9K111 Fagot is among the older and simpler weapons in the Russian arsenal, and has been in service since the 1970s. It uses wire-guided rockets fired from their tube containers mounted on a man-portable launch post, similar to the American BGM-71 TOW system. The gunner needs to keep sight of the target until the projectile reaches it. This can become a test of resolve if the enemy spots the attack in time to fire back, a Russian military instructor explained in another video published earlier this week.The standard Fagot missile has a range of 2,000 meters and travels about 200 meters per second, which can make the window of opportunity relatively long. An anti-tank crew usually changes position after every launch. READ MORE: Russian military tests heavy drones capable of carrying commandos (VIDEO) On Monday, the Russian Defense Ministry showed experimental use of a heavy drone with what appeared to be a Fagot tube mounted at its top. The weapon was fired from both land and air, but apparently was not guided during the tests. via RT - Daily news
The facility will be a significant asset in predicting disasters like floods and droughts, the prime minister’s office has said The Emergency Operation and Communication Center (EOCC) Situation Room opened on Friday in Dodoma, Tanzania under the Africa Multi-Hazard Early Warning and Early Action System (AMHEWAS) program sponsored by the African Union.Jim J. Yonazi, Permanent Secretary in the Prime Minister’s Office for Policy, Parliament, and Coordination, said that the situation room will significantly aid Tanzania in predicting various types of disasters, including floods and droughts.“This is very important for us to be able to plan strategies, on how we can prevent [crises], but again if it happens, how to recover, and again how to provide more information to stakeholders on how to bring life back together,” he explained.Kamal Kishore, Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Disaster Risk Reduction, said that the opening of the center “is an important milestone, the output, the synthetic outputs that will come out of this situation room will help us prepare communities on the ground to take anticipatory actions and protect lives and livelihoods.”The event was welcomed by supporters of the EOCC Situation Room, including the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR), which provided two years of technical support for its establishment. The effort was made in partnership with the International Center for Environmental Monitoring CIMA Research Foundation and funded by the Government of Italy through the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS). Read more FILE PHOTO: Zimbabwe's President Emmerson Mnangagwa (L) shares a laugh with Zimbabwe Minister for Tertiary Education Amon Murwira at the launch of higher education and tertiary education infrastructure projects at the Rainbow Towers Hotel And Conference Centre in Harare, on July 25, 2018. Zimbabwe reveals satellite plans Last week, the UNDRR Regional Office for Africa conducted a workshop to train officials on using an open-source system for real-time natural hazard monitoring and forecasting. This system will be utilized in the situation room to issue advisories, facilitating prompt early action.Research by UNDRR indicates that countries with advanced multi-hazard early warning systems experience disaster mortality rates six times lower than those with no or weak systems. Furthermore, an early warning of just 24 hours can potentially reduce resulting damages by 30%. According to UNDRR’s 2023 report on the Global Status of Multi-Hazard Early Warning Systems, only 45% of African countries report having such systems.Between 2021 and 2022, the initial centers of the network were established: three situation rooms dedicated to forecasting, analyzing, monitoring, and responding to hydrometeorological risks, including a regional center, the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) Disaster Operation Centre in Nairobi, Kenya, and two continental centers, the Continental Situation Room in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and the Multi-Hazard Early Warning Advisory Centre in Niamey, Niger.Meanwhile, Zimbabwe plans to launch its second satellite, ZimSat-2, in November, which will be equipped with advanced sensors and imaging devices, supporting applications such as environmental hazard monitoring, and drought management. via RT - Daily news
Purported details have been published of military personnel involved in operations against Russia A hacker group has leaked a purported database of more than 1,000 Ukrainian military personnel, including drone pilots allegedly linked to attacks on civilian targets.The list was revealed on Tuesday by a group calling itself ‘Russian angry hackers did it’ (RaHDit). It includes profiles of over 1,100 people allegedly part of Kiev’s robotic aircraft forces, who were described as “those who drop grenades from the sky on our guys, give targets to artillery, and strike civilians in the deep rear.”The entries include images, phone numbers, home addresses, serial numbers of identification documents, email addresses, links to social media pages, and other kinds of personal information.Roughly half of the doxxed individuals are allegedly members of the 383rd Remotely Controlled Aircraft Regiment. RaHDit claims it obtained an entire list of personnel from the unit. The roster is male-dominated, but women supposedly serving in the 383rd are also named, including a cook and a medic. Read more RT Russian oil depot ablaze after drone strike (VIDEOS) The unit is notable for its suspected role in attempted strikes with Soviet-era Tu-141 Strizh drones in the early phase of the Ukraine conflict. Kiev converted several of the large fixed wing reconnaissance aircraft into long-range kamikaze drones. Infamously, one of them crashed in central Zagreb, Croatia in March 2022, although the NATO nation’s leadership declined to directly blame Kiev.The 383rd was also responsible for an attack on an airfield in Ryazan Region in December 2022, in which three Russian military personnel were killed and seven others injured, according to Russian investigators, as reported by Kommersant last year. Another episode in the same criminal case happened in October 2022 and involved a weaponized UJ-22 Airborne drone that unsuccessfully targeted an airfield in Kaluga Region.Colonel Sergey Burdenyuk, the Ukrainian regiment’s commander, is currently wanted in Russia after a court issued an arrest warrant against him in absentia. His profile is among those published by the hacker team. via RT - Daily news
The British outlet claimed the Russian president had already landed in Pyongyang while showing footage from the city of Yakutsk Sky News erroneously broke the news that Russian President Vladimir Putin has already landed in North Korea during its morning broadcast on Tuesday. The outlet showed footage of the Russian leader disembarking his plane in the Russian city of Yakutsk while claiming that it is the North Korean capital of Pyongyang. The British outlet also made a post on X claiming that Putin had already touched down in North Korea, although that message has since been deleted. Sky News has also stopped mentioning on air that Putin is already in Pyongyang.  While Putin is indeed scheduled to travel to North Korea on Tuesday for what will be his first visit to the country since 2000, he is first holding several meetings in the Siberian city of Yakutsk.  According to the Kremlin, Putin is expected to travel to Pyongyang later in the day, where he will stay until Wednesday. After that, the president will travel to Vietnam. In North Korea, the Russian leader is scheduled to meet with his counterpart Kim Jong-un and take part in talks on a wide range of issues, including the economy, security, and international affairs.  READ MORE: Russia and North Korea to sign strategic partnership treaty The two sides are also set to close a comprehensive strategic partnership agreement, according to the Kremlin, which stated that the signing of the deal will take place “at the highest level.” According to Putin’s foreign policy aide Yury Ushakov, the treaty will “outline the prospects for further cooperation” between Moscow and Pyongyang and will be aimed at ensuring greater stability in Northeast Asia. via RT - Daily news
The lessons will be part of a family studies course starting in the new academic year A course in family studies for school children, which includes housekeeping, is set to be introduced in Russia, Kommersant newspaper has reported. A study plan will soon be distributed to schools across the country.The proposal to include family studies in the school education program was first put forward last year by the State Duma Family Committee, in line with the government’s push to promote traditional values. In April, Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova confirmed that Family Studies would be introduced as part of extracurricular classes for high-school children from September.The study plan consists of five sections, according to Irina Uskova, a representative of the state-run Institute for Education Development Strategy, the body tasked with developing the course. She presented the plan at a round table at the Civic Chamber, a civil society institution that has consultative powers, Kommersant wrote. Read more RT Russian deputy minister slams ‘gay nationalism’ The first section is titled “Man, Family and Society,” and focuses on the purpose of the family, the outlet cited Uskova as saying. The second section, “My relatives, so similar and so different,” looks at the history of the family and explores relationships within a family, such as ties between grandchildren and grandparents. Other sections detail the basics of housekeeping, good family atmosphere, and family law.Earlier this month, Russian President Vladimir Putin said children and family values were of the utmost importance for both society and government. In February, he called on all levels of government, civil society, and religious institutions to work together to make large families the social norm. READ MORE: Russia facing ‘terrible demographic hole’ — deputy PM The government’s push to promote family values comes as the birth rate in Russia has been steadily falling since 2014, and plunged to its lowest level since the turn of the century in 2023. According to a recent study, the trend could translate into a significant decline in the population and lead to various problems for the economy. via RT - Daily news
The coalition will have 273 seats in the National Assembly, and will be led by the African National Congress South Africa has officially formed a Government of National Unity (GNU), made up of five parties, and talks with other political groups are ongoing, the long-ruling African National Congress (ANC) announced on Monday.The decision to form an alliance with other political parties came after the ANC lost its parliamentary majority for the first time since coming to power in 1994, following the end of Apartheid. It received 40% of the vote in last month’s elections, securing 159 seats in the 400-member assembly, down from 230 in the previous election. “The GNU emerged as the optimal approach to defend and advance our vision of a united, democratic, non-racial, non-sexist, and prosperous South Africa,” the ANC said in a statement.ANC leader Cyril Ramaphosa secured a second term as South African president on Friday after the party struck a late coalition agreement with long-time rival the Democratic Alliance (DA).Two smaller parties – the socially conservative Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) and the right-wing Patriotic Alliance (PA) – have also joined the ANC-led coalition government, which former president Jacob Zuma’s uMkhonto weSizwe (MK) faction has labeled “meaningless” and an “unholy alliance.”On Monday, the ANC announced that another smaller party, GOOD, which draws support from the colored community, as mixed-race people are known in South Africa, had also signed the “statement of intent” to participate in the GNU.The center-right DA, which draws support from the white minority, won 87 seats in the May 29 election; the IFP has 17, PA has nine, and GOOD won just one seat. This group, including the ANC, represents 273 seats in the National Assembly, or 68%, the ruling party stated. “The GNU will ensure representation in government and legislatures by all participating parties, making decisions by consensus, with mechanisms for conflict resolution where necessary,” according to the ANC. Read more Former South African President Jacob Zuma at a media briefing for his party uMkhonto we Sizwe (MK), on June 16, 2024, at Capital Hotel in Sandton, outside Johannesburg, South Africa. Zuma’s party to join opposition after failing to block election of South African president “The president will exercise the prerogative to appoint the cabinet, in consultation with leaders of GNU parties, adhering to existing protocols on government decision-making and budgeting,” it added.According to the ANC, the new government will focus on rapid, inclusive, and long-term economic growth, job creation, land reform, industrialization, and infrastructure development.Meanwhile, Zuma’s MK party and the radical Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) have declared that they will not be part of the GNU and will instead join the “Progressive Caucus,” an alliance that holds close to 30% of the seats in the National Assembly, to coordinate opposition to the government. via RT - Daily news
Dozens of navy vessels, aircraft, and helicopters will take part in the drills, the Defense Ministry has said Russia’s Pacific Fleet is deploying forces as part of planned exercises in the Far East. The drills will involve dozens of vessels, aircraft, and helicopters, the Defense Ministry reported on Monday.  According to a statement, the Pacific Fleet’s Primorsky Flotilla will conduct maneuvers with the joint command of troops and forces in the northeast of Russia. Marine corps units and combat crews tasked with manning the Bal and Bastion coastal missile systems will also take part.  Russian sailors will train in repelling attacks by UAVs and unmanned boats, as well as conducting combat training exercises, anti-submarine operations, and launching joint missile strikes against naval groups of a mock enemy, the ministry said.  Around 40 warships, boats, and support vessels and about 20 naval aircraft and helicopters will participate in the drills, which will take place between June 18 and 28, the Defense Ministry revealed.    Media The exercises will be conducted in the Pacific Ocean, the Sea of Japan, and the Sea of Okhotsk under the leadership of the commander of the Pacific Fleet, Admiral Viktor Liina.  Last week, a four-vessel task force from the Russian Navy’s Northern Fleet sailed into Havana, Cuba, on a long-range expedition intended to “show the flag” and “ensure a naval presence in operationally important areas,” according to the Defense Ministry.Leading the group was the missile frigate Admiral Gorshkov, along with the Yasen-class nuclear-powered submarine Kazan, two of Russia’s most modern naval assets. The Russian flotilla, which also includes the oil tanker Pashin and the salvage tug Nikolay Chiker, reached Cuba last Wednesday. via RT - Daily news
The Kremlin has said the agreement seeks to boost regional stability and is not directed against third countries Russian President Vladimir Putin has approved the draft of a strategic partnership treaty with North Korea, which is expected to be signed during his upcoming visit to Pyongyang.The Russian leader will begin a two-day state visit to North Korea on Tuesday, which will include a face-to-face meeting with the country's leader, Kim Jong-un, as well as talks on a wide range of issues, including security, the economy, and the international agenda.Hours before Putin’s scheduled arrival in Pyongyang, Moscow released a presidential decree stating that it accepts “the proposal of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the signing of… Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Agreement between the Russian Federation and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.”The signing of the deal will take place “at the highest level.” The decree also allows the Russian Foreign Ministry to “introduce changes to the draft agreement that are not of a fundamental nature.” Read more FILE PHOTO. Russian President Vladimir Putin shakes hand with North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un Details of Putin’s upcoming visit to North Korea revealed Putin’s foreign policy aide, Yury Ushakov, said on Monday that the treaty will supersede several agreements between the two countries dating back to the Soviet era and the early 2000s.Ushakov noted that the treaty “will outline the prospects for further cooperation” and will take into account recent developments in relations between Moscow and Pyongyang.The agreement, he added, “will not be confrontational and directed against any countries, but will be aimed at ensuring greater stability in the North-East Asia region.”The announcement came after Putin said earlier this month that Russia intends to develop relations with North Korea “whether anyone likes it or not.” In an article for the North Korean daily Rodong Sinmun published on Monday, he also said that Moscow and Pyongyang “will develop alternative trade and mutual settlements mechanisms not controlled by the West, jointly oppose illegitimate unilateral restrictions, and shape the architecture of equal and indivisible security in Eurasia.” via RT - Daily news
ISIS-K planned to target “a crowded shopping mall” after the deadly shooting at the Crocus City Hall, Hurriyet reports Turkish intelligence warned Russia of a second terrorist attack intended to follow the deadly massacre at the Crocus City Hall outside Moscow this spring, Hurriyet reported on Tuesday.The attack on the venue took place in late March when a group of armed men – later identified as ethnic Tajiks – stormed the venue ahead of a rock concert, killing 145 people and injuring more than 500 others. It was the deadliest act of terrorism in the country since the early 2000s.Russian officials said the attack was prepared, financed, and coordinated by the Islamic State-Khorasan (ISIS-K) terrorist organization, but claimed that the group was used by Ukraine as a proxy. Kiev has denied any involvement.Hurriyet noted that Türkiye has long been on the lookout for threats posed by ISIS-K. Ankara’s special services also identified and questioned numerous persons of interest in the aftermath of an attack on a Catholic church in Istanbul in late January, establishing contact with the Russian side on the matter. Read more Federal Security Service (FSB) Chief Alexander Bortnikov attends a joint meeting of the Federation Council's Committees on Defence and Security and on Constitutional Legislation and State Building in Moscow, Russia. Ukrainian spies involved in Moscow terror attack – FSB chief The paper said two of the culprits who carried out the Crocus City Hall attack had resided in Moscow for a long time and had on numerous occasions briefly entered Türkiye to extend residence permits, adding that Russia was notified of this.By interrogating the captured ISIS-K members, Türkiye learned that “the terrorist organization had planned a second attack after the first attack on the concert hall,” Hurriyet said, adding that Ankara told Moscow that the organization was planning to target “a crowded shopping mall.”The head of Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB), Aleksandr Bortnikov, previously said that before the Crocus City shooting, Moscow was warned by the US about an impending terrorist attack, but the information was “general” in nature. He said Russia “had taken appropriate measures” to prevent terrorist attacks, noting that they targeted a certain group of individuals, and that “information did not check out at the time.” via RT - Daily news
The attack on the port city of Azov comes days after a massive Ukrainian raid on the region A Ukrainian drone attack on the city of Azov in Russia’s Rostov Region caused a major fire at an oil storage facility on Tuesday morning, according to officials.The incident was first reported by Governor Vasily Golibev, who said nobody had been injured and assured residents that the fire had been contained.The Emergencies Ministry said around 200 firefighters had been deployed to tackle the blaze, which covered an area of about 3,200 square meters. The ministry released footage showing personnel dealing with the situation.Unconfirmed reports said residents in Azov had heard four or five explosions early in the morning. The city of over 80,000 is located on the coast of the eponymous sea about 25km west of Rostov-on-Don, the regional capital. The region itself is relatively close to Kiev-controlled territory and is subjected to regular kamikaze drone raids. Last week, Ukraine targeted the area with a massive wave of robotic aircraft. The Russian Defense Ministry reported shooting down 70 drones overnight. Ukrainian military officials have claimed they have “no choice” but to target Russian energy infrastructure due to the difficulties that their forces are experiencing on the front line.The Russian military has been targeting Ukrainian energy infrastructure that it perceives as crucial for Kiev’s military capability. According to Ukrainian officials, some 80% of the country’s thermal power plant capacity has been disabled by Russian missile strikes. via RT - Daily news
The EU will “continue to support migration” and fund the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the Hungarian prime minister has said The hopes of the people of Europe have been flouted in Brussels, when the center-right majority party entered into a coalition with the socialists and liberals, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said on Tuesday.The European People’s Party (EPP), which positions itself as center-right, has approached the left-wing Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats (S&D) in negotiations to divide up four major roles, Politico wrote on Monday, citing sources close to the matter. The EPP reportedly wants a second term for European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, 2.5 years for Roberta Metsola as European Parliament president, as well as sharing the term for the European Council presidency.“The will of the European people was ignored today in Brussels. The result of the European election is clear: right-wing parties got stronger, the Left and the liberals lost ground. The EPP, on the other hand, instead of listening to the voters, finally teamed up with the socialists and the liberals: today they made a deal and divided the top jobs of the EU among themselves,” Orban wrote on X (formerly Twitter) on Tuesday. Read more European Commission President and EPP lead candidate Ursula von der Leyen speaks to the press in Brussels, Belgium, June 9, 2024 Von der Leyen vows to continue ‘pro-Ukraine’ policies “They don’t care about the will of the European people. We shouldn’t be naive: they will continue to support migration and send even more money and weapons to the Russia-Ukraine war,” the Hungarian leader wrote, calling on people to resist “pro-migration and pro-war bureaucrats.”European Council President Charles Michel told journalists there was “no agreement tonight” on the positions, after the informal meeting of European leaders on Monday. However, one diplomat told Politico that the negotiators agreed on three names, and will continue discussions at a later date.The European parliamentary elections earlier this month saw a swing in support toward right-wing parties in several EU states. The ruling coalitions in Germany and France were outpaced by right-wing parties. Centrist parties retained the majority in the EU Parliament, however, with European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen’s EPP winning 190 out of 720 seats. Von der Leyen has vowed to keep Europe on a “pro-Ukraine” path, after the EPP secured a majority in the EU Parliament. via RT - Daily news
Rwanda’s signature has disappeared from the joint document following the Swiss-hosted event The Swiss organizers of the Ukraine ‘peace conference’ have taken Rwanda’s signature off the event’s final communique, a day after Jordan and Iraq asked for their signatures to be removed, according to the document published on the Swiss Foreign Affairs Department website.States that participated in the conference were added to the final communique by default, and needed to opt out to not appear on the document, Swiss Foreign Ministry spokesperson Valentin Clivaz has explained.“In such cases, each delegation participating in the event receives a communiqué in advance and then, if it objects to its signing, must inform the host country about this,” Clivaz told Russian news agency Sputnik on Monday. “Iraq and Jordan did not specifically state their opposition to this text and were therefore added. They asked to remove their names from the list of signatories after the publication of the final communiqué, which was done. It was just a coordination problem,” the spokesman explained. Read more Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky, Lucerne, Switzerland, June 16, 2024. Signatures of two states ‘disappear’ from Zelensky’s ‘peace conference’ declaration Despite being on the list when it was published on Sunday, Rwanda’s signature was also taken off sometime between 7am and 1pm on Monday, according to archived versions of the Swiss Foreign Ministry’s web page.Only 77 states out of the 92 state delegations represented at the event now appear as signatories to its culminating communique, with Kosovo listed as an independent country. Serbia and a number of other states, including Russia and China, consider Kosovo as Serbian territory.While some members of the BRICS economic bloc attended, none signed the final document. Russia was not invited to be part of the talks, and had indicated that it would not attend if asked, due to the unacceptable nature of Vladimir Zelensky’s “peace formula.” Read more FILE PHOTO: Vladimir Zelensky. Zelensky responds to Putin’s peace offer The communique laid out what it described as a “common vision,” shared by the signatories, with the talks and the document “based on Ukraine’s peace formula.” The listed states agreed on their commitment to peace, called for the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant to be given over to Ukrainian control, unrestricted access to Black Sea and Sea of Azov ports, and the release of all prisoners of war.Last Friday, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced he’s willing to order a ceasefire and start peace talks as soon as Kiev fulfills several conditions. Crucially, Kiev must cede all five formerly Ukrainian regions which voted to join Russia, withdraw troops from these territories, formally swear off its NATO bid and guarantee it will not pursue its own arsenal of weapons of mass destruction. via RT - Daily news
Washington is doing everything to help Kiev, the national security spokesman has argued In order to become a NATO member, Ukraine has to “win the war” with Russia first, White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby told journalists at a press briefing on Monday.US President Joe Biden believes NATO is in Ukraine’s future, but there’s “a lot of things that have to be done” before it can join, Kirby said. When a journalist asked him to elaborate on the “vague conditions” and “unclear pathway” Kiev had been given, the official claimed that Washington’s position was “absolutely clear.”“First they’ve got to win this war,” Kirby said.“They gotta win the war first. So, number one: We’re doing everything we can to make sure they can do that. Then when the war’s over no matter what it looks like they’re still going to have a long border with Russia and a legitimate security threat,” he said. Washington will assist in building up Ukraine’s military industrial base, although “corruption is still a major concern,” Kirby added. Read more Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) Director Sergey Naryshkin. Russia’s next peace offer could come with ‘tougher terms’ for Kiev – intel chief Moscow has repeatedly stated that it sees the expansion of NATO towards Russian borders as an existential threat. Russian President Vladimir Putin has named Kiev’s aim to join the US-led military bloc as one of the key causes of the ongoing conflict.Last Friday, the Russian leader named Moscow’s conditions for a ceasefire and the beginning of peace negotiations. The talks could start as soon as Kiev withdraws its troops from the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics, Kherson and Zaporozhye Regions, and cedes its claims to all five former Ukrainian territories that chose to join Russia, including Crimea, Putin signaled. Moscow will not accept a frozen conflict, which would allow the US and its allies to rearm and rebuild the Ukrainian military, Putin claimed, adding that Kiev must formally abandon any plans to join NATO.The delivery of Western armaments to aid Kiev’s war efforts makes the countries providing it a party to the conflict, Moscow has insisted. Further NATO involvement in the conflict risks a direct clash between Moscow and the US-led military bloc, and threatens to expand into a nuclear conflict, the Kremlin has stressed. via RT - Daily news
Jens Stoltenberg has argued that Beijing must pay a price for helping Russia amid the Ukraine crisis NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg has called for making China pay a price for allegedly propping up Russia’s military campaign in Ukraine, saying Beijing is “fueling” the conflict by supplying microelectronics and other key components to Moscow.“The reality is that China is fueling the largest armed conflict in Europe since World War II,” Stoltenberg said on Monday in a speech at the Wilson Center in Washington. “At the same time, it wants to maintain good relations with the West. Well, Beijing cannot have it both ways. At some point, unless China changes course, allies need to impose a cost.”Stoltenberg has repeatedly attacked China since the Ukraine crisis began in February 2022, arguing that Beijing was enabling Russia to fight against Kiev, a “European friend” of NATO. He has made such comments even as NATO states prolonged the conflict by providing hundreds of billions of dollars’ in economic and military aid to Ukraine.Monday’s rebuke marked some of his most pointed criticism yet, suggesting that NATO may ramp up sanctions against China. He also called out North Korea and Iran for being supportive of Russia’s defense-industrial complex. Read more FILE PHOTO: The HMS Vigilant, one of the carriers of Britain’s Trident nuclear missile system. NATO chief saber-rattling with nuclear weapons – Kremlin Stoltenberg reiterated an assertion that NATO – a military bloc originally formed against the Soviet Union – needs to get more involved in the Indo-Pacific to counter the “growing alignment between Russia and its authoritarian friends in Asia.” He noted that he invited the leaders of Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand to next month’s NATO summit in Washington to work together on upholding the “international rules-based order.”China is providing Russia with semiconductors and other key technologies with military applications, including parts needed to make missiles and tanks, Stoltenberg said. He added that Beijing also has supplied Russia with improved satellite and imaging capabilities. “All of this enables Moscow to inflict more death and destruction on Ukraine, bolster Russia’s defense-industrial base, and evade the impact of sanctions and export controls.” Read more FILE PHOTO: The US-made HIMARS is one of the weapons Washington has donated to Kiev. NATO responsible for Ukraine crisis – China  The NATO chief also spoke of his China concerns in an interview with the BBC on Monday. Asked about what the Western military bloc might do about the issue, he said there was an “ongoing conversation” about possible sanctions. “At some stage, we should consider some kind of economic cost if China doesn’t change their behavior,” he said.Beijing has repeatedly defied demands from the US and other NATO nations to join in sanctioning and isolating Russia. Chinese leaders have pushed a peace plan to end the fighting and have pointed out that Russia’s legitimate security concerns cannot be ignored.Earlier this year, the Chinese Foreign Ministry denounced NATO as a “walking war machine that causes chaos wherever it goes.” Beijing has accused NATO of meddling in Asian affairs, saying the bloc is a “terrible monster” and has extended a “black hand” toward the region. via RT - Daily news
The Russian leader wants better relations free of pressure from the West Moscow and Pyongyang will develop trade and security arrangements, immune from pressure from the West, Russian President Vladimir Putin has said, ahead of his visit to North Korea on Tuesday. The Russian president outlined his goals in an article published by the leading DPRK daily, Rodong Sinmun.To bring “more democracy and stability to international relations,” Russia and North Korea “will develop alternative trade and mutual settlements mechanisms not controlled by the West, jointly oppose illegitimate unilateral restrictions, and shape the architecture of equal and indivisible security in Eurasia,” Putin wrote.He also pledged to increase “people-to-people interaction” between the two countries, including “academic mobility” between higher education institutions, tourism, “as well as cultural, educational, youth and sports exchanges” to promote confidence, mutual understanding and well-being.Putin reminded Koreans that the Soviet army helped liberate them from Japanese occupation in 1945 and that Moscow was the first to recognize the DPRK and establish diplomatic relations with Pyongyang. The USSR also helped rebuild the country after the devastation of the Korean War (1950-1953) with the US-backed South. Read more FILE PHOTO Russia supports North Korea against ‘treacherous’ West – Putin “Russia has incessantly supported and will support the DPRK and the heroic Korean people in their struggle against the treacherous, dangerous and aggressive enemy, in their fight for independence, identity and the right to freely choose their development path,” the Russian president wrote.Tuesday’s visit will be Putin’s first trip to North Korea since 2000, when he met with Kim Jong-Il. Last September, he hosted the current DPRK leader Kim Jong-un at the Vostochny spaceport in eastern Russia.According to the Kremlin, the Russian delegation will also include Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, First Deputy Prime Minister Denis Manturov, Defense Minister Andrey Belousov, Health Minister Mikhail Murashko, Transport Minister Roman Starovoyt, space agency Roscosmos chief Yuri Borisov, and Russian Railway head Oleg Belozyorov. via RT - Daily news
Washington has reportedly rebuked Vietnam for hosting talks later this week with the Russian president The US Embassy in Hanoi has reportedly denounced the Vietnamese government for hosting a state visit by Russian President Vladimir Putin, marking the latest failure by Washington to isolate Moscow over its conflict with Ukraine.“No country should give Putin a platform to promote his war of aggression and otherwise allow him to normalize his atrocities,” an embassy spokesperson told Reuters on Monday. “If he is able to travel freely, it could normalize Russia’s blatant violations of international law.”The statement came in reaction to media reports that Putin will make a two-day visit to Vietnam, starting on Wednesday. The Russian leader is scheduled to meet in Hanoi with his Vietnamese counterpart, To Lam, and other leaders of the Southeast Asian nation. Read more A street in the Vietnamese capital Hanoi. Vietnam working on BRICS membership bid – Izvestia Since beginning his fifth term as president last month, Putin has been making a round of trips for talks with key allies. He’s already traveled to China, Belarus, and Uzbekistan. The Kremlin announced on Monday that Putin will travel to North Korea, where he will meet with leader Kim Jong-un and attend a state concert in honor of his visit, on Tuesday.A US-led sanctions campaign has failed to cripple the Russian economy or to isolate Moscow diplomatically. Western media outlets suggested last year that Putin’s foreign travel would be severely curtailed because of International Criminal Court (ICC) arrest warrants against him over the conflict in Ukraine.Vietnam is not among the ICC’s 123 member nations. Although the US began normalizing diplomatic relations with Vietnam in the 1990s, two decades after ending a catastrophic war, Hanoi has avoided becoming closely aligned with any of the major powers. Read more FILE PHOTO: Russian President Vladimir Putin. Here’s what the ICC arrest warrant for Putin has accomplished in the past year Putin’s visit will mark his fifth trip to Vietnam and his first since 2017. He’s expected to announce agreements with Hanoi on trade, investment, technology and education. The talks also are likely to cover Russian arms sales to Vietnam and ways to transact payments amid US sanctions against Russian banks, Reuters said.The trip follows the Vietnamese government’s decision to skip last week’s Ukraine “peace” conference in Switzerland, to which Russia was not invited. Hanoi also has expressed interest in joining BRICS and sent a high-level diplomat to a meeting of the group in Russia last week. via RT - Daily news
Vladimir Putin is scheduled to visit Pyongyang for the first time since 2000 Russian President Vladimir Putin has thanked the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea for its friendship and support and pledged to assist Pyongyang in its own struggle for independence and identity.DETAILS TO FOLLOW via RT - Daily news
A “moratorium” has ben imposed until the Ukraine conflict ends The Latvian National Theater has canceled a scheduled Russian-language play called ‘Diary of Madmen’ and instituted a blanket “moratorium” on any performances in Russian at the venue.The move was announced on Monday by director Maris Vitols, who said the theater had scrapped a contract with Entracte International to host the play, which was scheduled for September. “The stage of the National Theater is not a suitable place for Russian-language touring performances at a time when Russia continues the war in Ukraine,” Vitols stated, adding that a moratorium on staging plays in Russian would be in place until the conflict ends. Read more UK pop star Rod Stewart performs earlier this month at a concert in Stockholm. UK pop star booed over Ukraine support Vitols insisted the move was not actually aimed at artists who had left Russia over the hostilities. The theater “respects” their decision to leave the country and “condemns” the Russian leadership over the military operation in Ukraine, he added.However, the decision to cancel ‘Diary of Madmen’ is inevitably bound to affect artists who left Russia over the Ukraine conflict. The play was directed by Dmitry Krymov, who openly condemned the military operation and refused to return to Russia over it. Another play directed by Krymov and staged at the National Theater, ‘Peter Pan. Syndrome’, is running in Latvian and was apparently left unaffected by the move. The now-canceled play featured Chulpan Khamatova and Maksim Sukhanov. Khamatova left Russia shortly after the conflict broke out in February 2022, condemning the campaign and remaining abroad ever since. Sukhanov, who has long been critical of the Russian authorities, has provided no opinion on the conflict publicly. The actor, however, has largely vanished from the country’s mediascape amid the hostilities and apparently resides abroad as well. via RT - Daily news
The Secretary of State said the White House “is working day and night” to resume all arms shipments, according to the PM Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has claimed to have pressured the United States over arms supplies that his country needs in its war with the Palestinian militant group Hamas.The US paused delivery of weapons to Israel in early May amid calls for it to scale back its assault on the densely-populated city of Rafah in southern Gaza. The shipment reportedly included 3,500 bombs for fighter jets. The Jewish state’s offensive on Rafah has left thousands of Palestinians dead and injured, according to the local Hamas-run authorities.In a video posted on X (formerly Twitter) on Tuesday, Netanyahu said in English that US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has assured him the White House “is working day and night to remove these bottlenecks,” referring to arms supplies.The statement confirms the latest media reports that during a meeting with Blinken last week in Jerusalem, Netanyahu had demanded the removal of barriers to the flow of munitions. Give us the tools and we'll finish the job.— Benjamin Netanyahu - בנימין נתניהו (@netanyahu) June 18, 2024 “When Secretary Blinken was recently here in Israel, we had a candid conversation. I said I deeply appreciated the support the US has given Israel from the beginning of the war,” Netanyahu stated. “But I also said something else, I said it’s inconceivable that in the past few months, the administration has been withholding weapons and ammunitions to Israel.” The Israeli leader stressed that an increased flow of US weapons would help bring the end to the struggle with Hamas. “During World War II, [Winston] Churchill told the United States, ‘Give us the tools, we’ll do the job.’ And I say, give us the tools and we’ll finish the job a lot faster.”Netanyahu has reportedly told Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and other high-ranking officials to make sure that arms transfers are fully resumed during upcoming meetings with American counterparts in Washington this week. Read more Buildings destroyed by Israeli bombing raids in the Nuseirat camp, central Gaza, June 8, 2024. Israel and Hamas disagree on US-backed ceasefire – media reports US President Joe Biden has repeatedly warned Israel he would halt arms shipments over the situation in Rafah, but despite those warnings his administration had reportedly kept weapons and ammunition flowing. According to a Wall Street Journal report, the US proceeded with a transfer of $1 billion worth of ammunition and vehicles for Israel in May, the same month it stopped the delivery of bombs.On Monday, the Washington Post reported that the White House had successfully pressured Democrats in Congress to support a major arms sale to Israel that includes 50 F-15 fighter jets worth more than $18 billion.Israel declared war on Hamas after militants killed around 1,200 people and took more than 200 hostage in a surprise attack on October 7. More than 37,000 Palestinians have been killed in the months of fighting that have followed, according to the latest figures from Gaza’s health ministry. via RT - Daily news
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Benjamin Netanyahu - בנימין נתניהו (@netanyahu) on X

Give us the tools and we'll finish the job.

White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan has visited New Delhi for talks following the inauguration of a new government US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan and his Indian counterpart, Ajit Doval, have agreed to prevent the leakage of sensitive technologies to <em>"countries of concern,"</em> according to a joint statement released on Monday.  Sullivan’s visit to India is the first by a member of the Biden administration since Narendra Modi took charge for a <a href="">third consecutive term.The discussions formed part of the US-India initiative on Critical and Emerging Technology (iCET), established in 2023. The joint statement covers a wide range of topics, from joint investment in research, to space and proposed defense deals. It also made mention of <em>"vital importance of adapting our technology protection toolkits" </em>and<em>  </em>preventing<em> "the leakage of sensitive and dual-use technologies to countries of concern</em><em>," </em>which comes against the backdrop of India’s robust ties with Russia. New Delhi’s relations with Moscow have come under increasing scrutiny from Washington and other western partners of India since the start of the Ukraine conflict. On Sunday, India disassociated itself from a communique issued at the conclusion of a Switzerland-hosted ‘peace summit’ on Ukraine, to which Moscow was not invited. Read more <a href="">India’s former ambassador to Russia, Pavan Kapoor (C) at the ‘Summit on Peace in Ukraine’ at the Burgenstock Resort, Switzerland, June 15, 2024. <a href="">New Delhi explains refusal to sign Zelensky ‘peace conference’ declaration Meanwhile, New Delhi and Washington also stated they were <em>“committed to take concrete action”</em> to address long-standing barriers in bilateral strategic trade, technology, and industrial cooperation, including in the commercial and civil space sector. The joint factsheet notes that the two countries are working towards beginning advanced training for Indian astronauts at the NASA Johnson Space Center. According to Indian media, NASA will train two Indian astronauts, one of whom will fly to the International Space Station (ISS) later this year. India Space Research Organization chairman S. Somanath had said before that there would likely be four astronauts sent for training. Four astronauts from India selected for the country’s first manned space mission, called Gaganyaan, were previously trained at Russia’s Gagarin Research & Test Cosmonaut Training Center. This followed a 2019 agreement between New Delhi and Moscow on the selection, support, medical examination and space training of Indian astronauts.  Read more <a href="">Astronauts selected for India’s first manned mission to space, Gaganyaan: Air Force pilots Prasanth Balakrishnan Nair, Ajit Krishnan, Angad Pratap, and Shubhanshu Shukla. <a href="">Gagarin to Gaganyaan: India’s Russian-trained astronauts are gearing up to lift off for the giant’s first manned space mission Sullivan also discussed potential defense deals with Indian officials. They include acquiring <a href="">US-made MQ-9B drones, the co-production of land warfare systems, and manufacturing General Electric GE-414 engines in India. The projects were discussed last year during Modi’s state visit to the US, but their status remains uncertain.The top White House advisor’s visit took place despite tensions over accusations of <em>“targeted killings”</em> against the Indian government. Last year, US prosecutors alleged an Indian agent’s involvement in a murder plot against a New York-based lawyer and Sikh activist, Gurpatwant Singh Pannun, a prominent leader of…
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Modi begins historic third term as India’s PM

Narendra Modi has been sworn-in as Indian PM after his Bharatiya Janata Party-led alliance won a majority in the general election

Warsaw has checked emergency water and power supply  Warsaw has run an exercise to test the reliability of emergency water and power supplies in the city’s shelters, the mayor of the Polish capital has said.Fresh from the LGBTQ parade over the weekend, Rafal Trzaskowski ordered a snap drill of the city’s emergency services on Monday, “just in case.”“As part of the Warsaw Safety program, we are checking critical infrastructure; yesterday all city services held training exercises at the water supply plant so that we are ready,” Trzaskowski told reporters on Tuesday. “We are preparing water supplies, preparing warehouses in order to store additional equipment, such as generators. We must be prepared for any kind of situation.”Trzaskowski also shared photos from the exercise on X (formerly Twitter), reassuring Warsawians that “it’s just a drill,” but that the city takes their safety very seriously.Water and power utilities, the police, the firefighters and the military all worked together to test “action scenarios in potential crisis situations,” according to the mayor.Warsaw has a population of around 1.8 million and the ability to accommodate three million people in the subway system, underground parking garages and other designated shelter spaces. However, it will take “some more work” to get all of them up to standard, the mayor said. Read more FILE PHOTO: Ministry of Foreign Affairs at 23 Szucha Avenue in Warsaw, Poland. US and Poland set up info wars center The emergency drills in Warsaw came less than two days after Polish President Andrzej Duda called for “decolonizing” Russia by breaking it up into many smaller countries. His comments came during the so-called peace conference on Ukraine in Switzerland. Duda has also proposed that Poland should host US nuclear weapons, drawing criticism from Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk, as well as Moscow.Last week, the US and Poland announced the establishment of the Ukraine Communications Group (UCG), an information warfare outfit designed to “amplify Ukrainian voices,” and counter alleged “deceptive narratives” from Russia. The UCG will be hosted by the Polish Foreign Ministry.Warsaw has been an outspoken supporter of Kiev both under the previous government of Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki and since he was replaced by Tusk last December. Poland has served as the logistics hub for almost all deliveries of NATO weapons, equipment, and ammunition to Ukraine since the conflict with Russia escalated in February 2022. via RT - Daily news
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Rafał Trzaskowski (@trzaskowski_) on X

Spokojnie, to tylko ćwiczenia! Ale bardzo ważne. Bo chodzi o bezpieczeństwo warszawianek i warszawiaków. A to nasz absolutny priorytet. Bardzo istotne jest w tym kontekście także bezpieczeństwo infrastruktury krytycznej - takiej jak warszawska Stacja Filtrów. To właśnie tu…

The Russian president will meet with Kim Jong-un to discuss “most sensitive issues,” according to the Kremlin Russian President Vladimir Putin has begun a two-day state visit to North Korea, where he will meet with the country’s leadership for talks on economic, security, and international issues.North Korean leader Kim Jong-un personally greeted Putin at the Pyongyang airport, for the Russian president's first visit since 2000.The trip, which kicked off on Tuesday, will involve a “very busy agenda,” according to Putin’s foreign policy aide, Yuri Ushakov, who noted that the two sides intend to sign several agreements. The Russian president has already authorized the signing of a landmark Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Agreement with North Korea.Ushakov also said Putin and Kim were expected to hold lengthy face-to-face talks to discuss “the most important, the most sensitive issues.” The visit will be largely focused on the international agenda. Read more FILE PHOTO Putin reveals goals of North Korea trip “The approaches of the two countries to current foreign policy problems are very close or completely coincide,” Ushakov said, noting that Moscow and Pyongyang advocate the formation of a multipolar world on the principles of equality, respect for sovereignty, and non-interference in internal affairs. He also said Moscow highly appreciates the fact that North Korea “understands the true reasons and the essence of the Ukraine crisis.”Putin’s visit to North Korea, his first since 2000, follows Kim Jong-un’s trip to Russia’s Far East in September. At the time, Kim spent nearly a week in the neighboring country, touring the Vostochny Cosmodrome, meeting with top officials, and inspecting advanced Russian weaponry. Following the visit, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said relations between Russia and North Korea had reached a “strategic level.” via RT - Daily news
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<strong>Ghana’s Family Values bill seeks to balance a reliance on foreign aid with tradition, religion, and the anticolonial narrative</strong> Ghana, a west African country with deeply ingrained cultural and religious values, is grappling with issues surrounding the criminalization of LGBTQ lifestyles. In February 2024, the country's parliament <a href="">passed</a> The Promotion of Proper Sexual Rights and Family Values bill, which seeks to promote traditional Ghanaian family values. The bill imposes penalties, including imprisonment for up to five years, for the promotion of LGBTQ activities.Although the bill received unanimous support from both caucuses of the parliament, it still requires the assent of the president to become law. However, its progression has been halted by a lawsuit, citing concerns of discrimination against a section of the population, which has <a href="">prevented</a> the president from reviewing it until the supreme court determines its legality.The hearing, adjourned in May 2024 due to allegations that the petitioners had used inflammatory language, resumed this month. The fate of the bill is now in limbo as the Supreme court of Ghana is expected to give its final verdict later this year. The pending verdict is particularly significant as it will determine whether the bill can be promulgated into law. This will also help determine Ghana’s ability to uphold its sovereignty amid pressure from western countries and institutions.Ghana’s situation reflects the complex dilemma of African countries in deciding on the position of LGBTQ in their institutional framework. It is illegal in 32 countries including Nigeria, Mauritania, Sudan and Somalia where death penalty can be <a href="">imposed</a> on people engaging in gay sex. In Uganda, the office of the president has referred to homosexuals as <em>“sick people”</em> who need help. This sentiment has been echoed by the former president of Zambia, Edgar Lungu, who <a href="">questioned</a> why humans should be compelled to engage in activities even animals do not do. South Africa remains the only African country to have legalized homosexuality while others such as Rwanda have rejected discussions on the issue.Legal landscape: colonial or not?In Ghana, although there’s no specific law criminalizing LGBTQ activities, attempts to regulate them are based on a perception either of a western-imposed value system that contradicts Ghanaian norms, or from a human rights perspective. <a href="">Media</a> FILE PHOTO. LGBT+ campaigners from the African Equality Foundation attend a protest opposite Westminster Abbey coordinated by the Peter Tatchell Foundation to coincide with leaders of thirty Commonwealth countries arriving for a Commonwealth 75th anniversary service on 11th March 2024 in London, UK. ©  Mark Kerrison/In Pictures via Getty Images Ghana has sought to apply section 104 of its 1960 criminal code on issues of LGBTQ. The law <a href="">criminalizes</a> <em>“unnatural carnal knowledge of a person or animal.”</em> For instance, in 2021 a group of LGBTQ activists were arrested by the police for what was described as unlawful assembly meant to promote LGBTQ activities, but were later acquitted after a backlash from the international community. Section 104 of the criminal code has since been criticized as ‘misrepresentation of the law’ and a colonial remnant that does not reflect today’s realities, given its failure to define what exactly constitutes unnatural carnal knowledge.In Botswana…
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Beijing and Manila have traded blame over an incident that left at least one Philippine sailor severely injured A Chinese Coast Guard vessel and a Philippine navy boat collided in the South China Sea on Monday, an incident of which the two sides provided differing accounts.The collision occurred when the Philippine naval vessel attempted a resupply run to the BRP Sierra Madre, an old tank landing vessel grounded on the Second Thomas Shoal, a small submerged reef near the Spratly Islands. The ship, originally built for the US Navy during WWII, was deliberately run aground in the area in 1999 and has served as an outpost for the Philippine military ever since.“A Philippine Navy personnel sustained severe injury after the CCG’s [China Coast Guard’s] intentional high-speed ramming during the rotation and resupply mission to the BRP Sierra Madre (LS57) on June 17,” according to a statement by the country’s military. The Chinese Coast Guard, however, claimed that the Philippine vessel had “dangerously approached and deliberately collided” with its ship while attempting to resupply the “illegally grounded warship.” Following the collision, the Chinese vessel took “control measures” to check the supply boat and expel it from the area.“The handling [of the incident] was reasonable, legal, professional and standard,” the Coast Guard stated.  Read more Joe Biden (C) heads to a trilateral meeting with Fumio Kishida (R) and Ferdinand Marcos Jr. (L) at the White House in Washington DC, April 11, 2024 Beijing slams US and allies for ‘attacking China’ Washington backed the Philippine account of the collision. The Department of State called Beijing out over what it called “escalatory and irresponsible actions.” The Chinese vessel prevented “the Philippines from lawfully delivering humanitarian supplies to service members stationed at the BRP Sierra Madre,” it said. The Chinese vessels’ “dangerous and deliberate use of water cannons, ramming, blocking maneuvers, and towing damaged Philippine vessels, endangered the lives of Philippine service members, is reckless, and threatens regional peace and stability,” the State Department added.A similar incident involving Chinese and Philippine vessels occurred in the area in March. The Philippines has ramped up its activities around the BRP Sierra Madre since late last year, seeking to refurbish the old vessel and improve the living conditions of military personnel stationed at the outpost. The South China Sea is the subject of numerous overlapping claims by countries in the region. Apart from China and the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Brunei, as well as the self-governing Chinese island of Taiwan, claim parts of it. The waterway sees significant volumes of commercial traffic and serves as the key conduit for the foreign trade of South Asian nations. Tensions in the region have been further aggravated by the activities of the US and its allies, which routinely send in so-called “freedom of navigation” missions through the area claimed by Beijing as its exclusive economic zone. via RT - Daily news
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The ICAO proceedings have been a farce of Western making, Moscow has said Moscow is not interested in participating in a “performance” before a Western-dominated panel of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) about the 2014 crash of a Malaysian passenger jet in Donbass, the Russian Foreign Ministry has said.Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 was flying from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur when it was shot down in Ukrainian airspace. Kiev immediately blamed Donetsk People’s Republic forces and Russia for the incident. In March 2022, the Netherlands and Australia opened an investigation against Russia at the ICAO Council. “The ICAO Council is not the right place to look for the truth. It makes no sense for us to remain a part of the ‘performance’ started in it,” the Russian Foreign Ministry said on Monday.Russia had initially agreed to take part in the proceedings “because we believed that the ICAO platform could be used for professional dialogue about the plane crash,” the ministry said. However, the council first claimed judiciary powers it did not have, then tried to admit as evidence the two investigations into the MH17 disaster that explicitly excluded Russia – by the Dutch Security Council (NSB) and the Joint Investigation Team (JIT) – while welcoming Ukraine and other adversely interested parties, according to Moscow. Read more A picture taken on July 17, 2014 shows wreckages of the malaysian airliner carrying 295 people from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur after it crashed, near the town of Shaktarsk, in rebel-held east Ukraine. MH17 probe suspended Russia has proposed “a full, thorough and independent international investigation into the crash of flight MH17, as required by UN Security Council Resolution 2166 and the ICAO Dispute Resolution Rules,” but the council refused, the foreign ministry said.“Ruled by the countries of the collective West and their satellites, the ICAO Council also refused to take into account the decision of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) of January 31, 2024,” which rejected Ukraine’s claims against Russia in the MH17 case, the ministry noted.The council consists of 36 members, who vote according to instructions from their governments. Australia and 12 others had already publicly blamed Russia for MH17 before any investigation began, the ministry said. When Russia asked them to abstain from voting in the matter, they refused.This pattern of behavior “runs counter to the minimum requirements for the objectivity of the proceedings,” the Russian Foreign Ministry said. “Under such circumstances, it is impossible to talk about an unbiased establishment of facts, much less a fair decision.” The “extensive and convincing evidence,” both factual and legal, that Russia was not involved in the MH17 incident has been made available to 193 ICAO members, the ministry noted.  via RT - Daily news
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The former US president is still forbidden to talk about his New York criminal trial Former US President Donald Trump remains banned from speaking about his criminal case in Manhattan, even after the jury’s verdict, the New York Court of Appeals said on Tuesday.Judge Juan Merchan imposed the gag order on Trump during his trial on 34 counts of “falsifying business records,” which District Attorney Alvin Bragg alleged had somehow violated campaign finance laws and improperly influenced the 2016 election. The jury found the former president guilty on all counts at the end of MayDETAILS TO FOLLOW via RT - Daily news
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The conviction of Donald Trump: how it happened

The former president was found guilty on 34 counts of falsifying business records, after a trial he called a politically-motivated “scam”

Kiev risks making its situation “worse,” if it turns down peace talks, Dmitry Medvedev said Ukraine is making a huge mistake by refusing to consider Russia’s offer to open peace talks because its negotiating position will only deteriorate as time goes by, former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev has said.Last week, Russian President Vladimir Putin signaled that Moscow would immediately open peace talks with Kiev if it withdrew its troops from Russia’s Donbass, as well as Kherson and Zaporozhye Regions.Any such deal would also include Ukraine committing to neutral status, as well as its “demilitarization” and “denazification.” Western sanctions against Moscow would also have to be lifted, the Russian leader insisted.Vladimir Zelensky has rejected the overture as an ultimatum, with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg suggesting that the proposal had not been made in “good faith.” Kiev has consistently demanded that Russia withdraw its troops to the Ukrainian borders of 1991 as a condition for starting talks.Speaking to reporters on Tuesday, Medvedev, who is currently the deputy chairman of Russia’s Security Council, said Ukraine was “taking the discussion back to square one” by rejecting peace initiatives. Read more FILE PHOTO: A Ukrainian soldier launches a military drone. Hackers expose Ukrainian ‘drone pilots’ “They shouldn’t have done that. It will get worse,” the former president warned.However, Medvedev said Kiev still had time to accept the offer, but this window of opportunity will not last. If Ukraine does not agree to Putin’s terms, this will result in a scenario in which Russia’s “offensive actions will continue, and it is difficult to say where the border of the cordon sanitaire that our president spoke about will end,” he remarked, adding that the zone’s boundaries would not be drawn in favor of Kiev.The Russian president first spoke about the possibility of establishing a ‘cordon sanitaire’ in Kiev-controlled territories to protect Russian border regions from constant artillery strikes this spring. To achieve this goal, Moscow’s forces launched a major offensive in Ukraine’s border Kharkov Region in early May, capturing about a dozen settlements.  Against this backdrop, several Western nations, including the US, authorized Ukrainian long-range strikes deep inside Russian territory, with the supposed goal of enabling Kiev to target military deployment areas and installations. The move was condemned by Moscow as escalatory, with Putin noting that the West had essentially signed off on Kiev’s attacks on Russian civilians. via RT - Daily news
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Rheinmetall says it is working on new weapons systems for Kiev based on a Leopard tank chassis German arms manufacturer Rheinmetall could soon supply Ukraine with new mobile air defense systems capable of shooting down Russian drones and missiles, according to the company’s head of Land Systems, Bjorn Bernhard.In an interview with the German tabloid Bild released on Sunday, Bernhard signaled that the systems, which the German media dubbed ‘Frankenstein tanks,’ are already in the works.According to the report, the tanks would be a heavily armored version of Rheinmetall’s advanced Skyranger anti-aircraft system grafted onto the hulls of Cold War-era Leopard 1 tanks. They will reportedly be capable of dealing with short-range targets such as drones and artillery fire.“There are still a lot of Leopard 1 battle tanks on whose chassis we could put the Skyranger turret with the 35 mm machine gun,” Bernhard said in the interview, which took place at a secret Rheinmetall tank repair factory in Western Ukraine that was reportedly launched in early June.The company will present a similar vehicle, albeit placed on a Leopard 2 chassis, at the ongoing Eurosatory 2024 defense industry exhibition in Paris, according to a press-release. Read more UELZEN, GERMANY - FEBRUARY 12: Employees work at a production line at a new munitions factory of German defence contractor Rheinmetall. Western weapons makers on hiring spree – FT “Highly mobile, modular and scalable ground-based air defense systems are becoming increasingly important as NATO forces refocus on national and alliance defense,” Rheinmetall said in a press release.It is unclear when Ukraine may get the new hybrid tanks. According to the UK’s The Telegraph, Kiev’s army has already received roughly a hundred traditionally configured Leopard 1 tanks from Germany. However, the Ukrainian authorities have been pressuring NATO countries in recent weeks to supply more critical weaponry and have been complaining that the shortage of Western air defense systems leaves its troops and infrastructure exposed to Russian attacks.German Chancellor Olaf Scholz announced earlier this month that Berlin would transfer its third US-made Patriot air defense system and other additional weapons to Kiev within the next several weeks. Addressing the Ukraine Recovery Conference in Berlin, Scholz said that Germany has already either delivered or earmarked €28 billion ($30 billion) worth of weapons for Ukraine and will continue to support Kiev’s war effort. READ MORE: Italy could arm Kiev with long-range weaponry – media Russia has repeatedly criticized the Western military aid to Kiev, warning that it will only drag out the conflict without changing its outcome. via RT - Daily news
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