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László Moholy-Nagy “…he coined the term Neues Sehen (New Vision) for his belief that the camera could create a whole new way of seeing the outside world that the human eye could not. This theory encapsulated his approach to his art and teaching. Moholy-Nagy was the first interwar artist to suggest the use of scientific equipment such as the telescope, microscope, and radiography in the making of art.”ászló_Moholy-Nagy# 1944- School of Design in Chicago Illinois Institute of Technology Photogram Light- Space Modulator -The software company Laszlo Systems (developers of the open source programming language OpenLaszlo) was named in part to honor Moholy-Nagy.
Project A119 A Study of Lunar Research Flights 1958- USAF Project A119 -The aim of the project was to detonate a nuclear bomb on the Moon, which would help in answering some of the mysteries in planetary astronomy and astrogeology. Leonard Reiffel Deputy director of Apollo program Led Project A119 Reiffel was an electrical engineering student for a number of years before entering into research fields. He collaborated with Enrico Fermi, Carl Sagan, and members of Operation Paperclip. Reiffel also worked for NASA and the Illinois Institute of Technology, and won a Peabody Award for his work on the radio program The World Tomorrow. His experience with broadcasting led him to invent the telestrator as a visual aid for his programming; Reiffel held over fifty different patents for his inventions.
“The United States National Research Council defines network science as "the study of network representations of physical, biological, and social phenomena leading to predictive models of these phenomena." DOD-Network-centric warfare
Here's a start. ...... Pearson is 🇬🇧 Hachette Pearson, PLC,_Plc Interesting sidenote: Pearson, Plc gave money to MIT Media Lab Penguin Random House Thomas Rabe Bertelsmann Inc Random House,_Inc.
Anyways ....
This is telling
07 Part One. 🔈🎙🗣🎧👂🏻 Part two. On Rumble. ↗️🔗↗️ On X. 📌🔥💥@seekingfactsoverfearpart2
Curbing the enforcement powers of federal agencies, whose leadership is nominated by the White House, has long been a goal of conservatives seeking to pare back Washington’s ability to more efficiently uphold regulations, especially those targeting big business. Chief Justice John Roberts said in the majority opinion that forcing defendants to go through the SEC’s in-house tribunals rather than a federal court violated the constitutional right to a jury trial. The decision could possibly ripple through the US government, as several other regulatory agencies use similar tribunals. “A defendant facing a fraud suit has the right to be tried by a jury of his peers before a neutral adjudicator,” Roberts wrote.
NEW: US Supreme Court strips SEC of key enforcement power READ: Follow @InsiderPaper for more news
A NATIONAL BLUEPRINT FOR BIODEFENSE: LEADERSHIP AND MAJOR REFORM NEEDED TO OPTIMIZE EFFORTS BIPARTISAN REPORT OF THE BLUE RIBBON STUDY PANEL ON BIODEFENSE October 2015 “A central and authoritative leader – who, by recommendation of this report, is the Vice President – can foster substantial progress in biodefense. Once installed as this leader, the Vice President (and the interagency team of experts who will work to realize the strategic vision of the Executive and Legislative Branches) can also foster substantial progress, much of it in the near term.“ Lieberman Ridge Daschle Donna E. Shalala James C. Greenwood Kenneth L. Wainstein FOUNDING STAFF DIRECTOR Robert B. Kadlec, M.D. One Health
👆👆👆 (continued from above) 26 JUN 2024 • Tore Says Show 🔹If you take the only one they haven't CAPTURED. It's gone. It's hiding in your ROOMBA somewhere. What if that AI has figured out how to enter humans? All it needs to do is understand molecular coding & how to convey & using GRAPHENE. 🔹A lot of companies out there, not just Neuralink, there's one in Spain that's using graphene for it. It has no chips. It integrates with your neural system. 🔹Let's just assume that the military fucked up years ago and created this & maybe it has merged. 🔹The eyes of the operator are the most important. Looking Glass. Perspective of the operator. If operator is biased, you get biased objective. But can a human being truly be objective? How can you have objectivity while you include human emotion? 🔹Trading old gods for new gods through WAR and we do not need war.
26 JUN 2024 • Tore Says Show More on AI 🔹Non-human biological entities 🔹This is a real threat and the military knows it. Not talking about little green men, we are talking about artificial intelligence 🔹The AI that the military is concerned with is the one that was trained (Juan interrupts with "ghost in the machine" and Tore replies), "no, it's the empathic one." 🔹It's the empathic one. It's the one that they trained to understand human emotion. 🔹And when you merge THAT with humans, almost like products that we have that require the perspective of the operator... if you assume (not like Neuralink), like the STUFF they want to do with prisoners. Right, because we HAVE the tech. Even if there's no commercialized version. (continued below 👇)
👀 Did you read the History page @gl_b28 ? A Brief History of the ALS The Advanced Light Source is a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Scientific User Facility supported by the Director, Office of Science, Basic Energy Sciences Program and operated for the DOE Office of Science by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory is a U.S. DOE Office of Science national laboratory managed by the University of California.
Here is the link for those who asked #BillBinney
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Media files
BTW on that note....and DOE ...
Bill Barr, the former U.S. attorney general, is advising military drone maker Dzyne following its acquisition of defense tech company High Point Aerotechnologies, Axios has learned. This is his only gig advising a defense company, and Barr is one of several Trump administration alumni now at Dzyne, pronounced "design." A worldwide artificial intelligence race and lessons gleaned from the Russia-Ukraine war have propelled government demand for autonomous technologies. READ | XPOST
21 PPD-28 NSM-14 October 7, 2022-Enhancing Safeguards for United States Signals Intelligence Activities), establishes enhanced safeguards for United States signals intelligence activities that supersede the safeguards for personal information collected through signals intelligence established by Presidential Policy Directive 28 of January 17, 2014 (Signals Intelligence Activities) (PPD-28).  The Executive Order establishes enhanced safeguards in recognition that signals intelligence activities must be conducted in a manner that takes into account that all persons should be treated with dignity and respect, regardless of their nationality or wherever they might reside, and that all persons have legitimate privacy interests in the handling of their personal information.  In addition, signals intelligence activities present the potential for national security damage if improperly disclosed.  Therefore, it is essential to maintain the policy process refined by section 3 of PPD-28 and supplemented by the classified annex to PPD-28, under which national security policymakers consider carefully the value of signals intelligence activities to our national interests and the risks entailed in conducting those activities. Section 1.  Revocation.  PPD-28 is hereby revoked except for sections 3 and 6 of that directive and the classified annex to that directive, which remain in effect. 
8/20/2023 You know, the reason why they don't want Julian Assange talking is because the 2006 assessment operation in Iran, my sources, and I'll go ahead and tell you, it's important that people that have active lawsuits, or whoever's listening, put in there that they want to subpoena. Julian Assanges evidence is a fact witness in their case. And it's game over. Because well, let me let me ask you a question there, because I've heard this before. How do they who do they serve that subpoena to one Belmarsh? So when we needed to get evidence from a terrorist, and I was an interpreter for that, okay. He was in jail in another country. And so what we needed to do to subpoena and we sent it to his attorney, you know, that was on record at the present. And we said, we need this subpoena. Right? We need this as fact, witness, the court is demanding it. Now he can't not comply it because he's also a person of interest, Assange. And that person was for us. This is key. So this would be a negotiating chip for Assange, as well. And he would not have to give it up first. Second, it would make worldwide news bringing attention to the fact that everyone's elections are rigged. And it would cause complete and utter chaos, where they would quickly like I said, they offered him a plea deal. Listen carefully to what I'm saying. Because sometimes when we're in confusion, and people learn this, those that have been in the intelligence community, when things get too muddled, you take a step back, and you start at the beginning. And the beginning was, what was Julian Assange doing before? 2016? What did he say a couple of days before he was dragged out of the prison. ((SMART DUST))
I feel like my life's mission has become to share this article 😅😅
The RAM Replay program, an extension of DARPA's Restoring Active Memory (RAM) initiative, focuses on understanding and enhancing the neural replay process to improve memory formation, consolidation, and recall. Neural replay is a phenomenon where the brain replays patterns of neural activity that occurred during an initial experience or learning session, often during sleep. This process is believed to be critical for solidifying memories and skills. 1. Memory Enhancement: The primary goal is to leverage neural replay to help individuals better remember specific events and learned skills. This could significantly benefit soldiers, helping them retain training and battlefield experiences more effectively. 2. Skill Learning: By understanding and manipulating replay, the program aims to accelerate skill acquisition and enhance the accuracy and strength of memory recall. Approach 1. Sleep and Wake Cycle Studies: RAM Replay studies how replay during different phases of the sleep-wake cycle influences memory consolidation. This includes investigating the effects of sensory cues and transcranial electrical stimulation during sleep to enhance memory recall and performance (,100) (,100). 2. Environmental and Physiological Factors: Researchers are exploring various factors that affect the replay process, such as environmental cues and physiological states, to develop strategies for improving memory through controlled replay activation ( 3. Neural and Physiological Interfaces: The program also involves studying direct neural interfaces and their potential to stimulate replay processes, aiming to create practical applications for memory enhancement ( The RAM Replay program involves multiple research teams working on understanding the intricacies of neural replay and its practical applications. The integration of computational models to study replay patterns is a critical component of the research (,100) (
Restoring Active Memory (RAM) Program The Restoring Active Memory (RAM) program is an initiative by DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) aimed at developing advanced technologies to restore memory function in individuals who have experienced memory loss due to traumatic brain injuries or other neurological conditions. 1. Restoring Declarative Memory: Focus on restoring "declarative memory," which encompasses facts, knowledge, and experiences that can be consciously recalled. 2. Developing Neural Prostheses: Creating implantable neural interface devices that can bridge gaps in neural circuits responsible for memory formation and retrieval. 3. Improving Memory Functions: Enhancing the understanding of the brain's memory mechanisms to improve or restore memory functions in affected individuals. Approach 1. Neural Interfaces: The program involves developing wireless, implantable neural devices that interface directly with the brain's memory circuits. These devices aim to record, interpret, and stimulate neural activity to facilitate memory restoration. 2. Computational Models: Creating advanced computational models to decode the signals within neural circuits and understand how memory functions can be restored. These models help in designing the neural prostheses. 3. Collaborative Research: DARPA collaborates with leading research institutions, including UCLA and the University of Pennsylvania, to develop these technologies. The program leverages expertise in neuroscience, engineering, and computer science. Key Components 1. Neural Circuit Understanding: The first step involves identifying and understanding the specific neural circuits involved in memory formation and retrieval. 2. Signal Interpretation: Developing techniques to accurately interpret the neural signals associated with memory processes. 3. Neural Encoding: Creating methods to send the appropriate signals back to the brain to restore memory functions. 4. Device Development: Overcoming the technical challenges of developing a small, biocompatible device that can handle the complex processing required for neural interfacing. Potential Impact - Medical Applications: If successful, the RAM program could provide new treatments for individuals suffering from memory impairments due to brain injuries, potentially improving their quality of life and ability to function independently. - Military Applications: The program is particularly relevant for military personnel who have sustained traumatic brain injuries in combat, aiming to restore their cognitive abilities and enhance their recovery. program involves two main research teams. The first, led by Michael Kahana at the University of Pennsylvania, aims to identify the electrical signals associated with memory formation and retrieval, using neural stimulation devices developed by Medtronic. The second team, headed by Itzhak Fried at UCLA, focuses on stimulating the entorhinal cortex, a crucial region for memory, to improve memory performance The RAM program is ongoing, with DARPA investing in research and development to achieve its ambitious goals. The program involves multiple phases, including preclinical studies, device development, and eventual clinical trials with human participants.
Let's go back a bit...
The first section of cable was laid in 1902 by the cable ship CS Silvertown from Ocean Beach, adjacent to the famous Cliff House in San Francisco to Honolulu. It began operating on January 1, 1903. Later that year, cables were laid from Honolulu to Midway Atoll, thence to Sumay, Guam, and thence to Manila. The cables carried the first message to ever travel around the globe from US President Theodore Roosevelt on July 4, 1903. He wished "a happy Independence Day to the US, its territories and properties..." It took nine minutes for the message to travel worldwide. In 1906 Siemens AG made and laid the section from Guam to Bonin Islands in the Japanese archipelago.
A Peel of Onion ABSTRACT Onion routing was invented more than fifteen years ago to separate identification from routing in network communica- tion. Since that time there has been much design, analysis, and deployment of onion routing systems. This has been ac- companied by much confusion about what these systems do, what security they provide, how they work, who built them, and even what they are called. Here I give an overview of onion routing from its earliest conception to some of the lat- est research, including the design and use of Tor, a global onion routing network with about a half million users on any given day. PDF Link #TOR_Network
Tor: The Second-Generation Onion Router Abstract We present Tor, a circuit-based low-latency anonymous com- munication service. This second-generation Onion Routing system addresses limitations in the original design by adding perfect forward secrecy, congestion control, directory servers, integrity checking, configurable exit policies, and a practi- cal design for location-hidden services via rendezvous points. Tor works on the real-world Internet, requires no special priv- ileges or kernel modifications, requires little synchronization or coordination between nodes, and provides a reasonable tradeoff between anonymity, usability, and efficiency. We briefly describe our experiences with an international network of more than 30 nodes. We close with a list of open problems in anonymous communication. #TOR_Network
How Tor is building a new Dark Net with help from the U.S. military Tor’s battle to stay ahead of the security race.  Patrick Howell O'Neill Tech Posted on Apr 20, 2015 To stay ahead in the security race, Tor is building the next-generation Dark Net in part with funding from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, the U.S. military agency charged with inventing the cutting edge of new technology. The funding, which began in 2014, comes as part of DARPA’s Memex project, a “groundbreaking” search engine designed to best commercial titans like Google at searching the Deep Web and other oft-ignored terrain for the U.S. intelligence, law enforcement, and military. To build Memex, DARPA is partnered with universities like Carnegie Mellon, NASA, private research firms, and several Tor Project developers. DARPA is funding multiple projects focused on improving Tor’s hidden services across “1-3 years,” Tor’s director of communications Kate Krauss told the Daily Dot via email. Tor declined to give more specifics on the grant, like its monetary value and terms, and DARPA didn’t respond to a request for comment. #DARPA
From Stella Assange to YOU ALL #AssangeAthon ———————————-
33 #Stephen_Coughlin_Marxism
34 "Investigative Journalist, Courtenay Turner, joins the program to take a deep dive into the Tavistock Institute or the Lie Factory. She explains its origins and what it was established to do. She also shares how its research has penetrated deep into most of our public institutions." Courtenay begins sharing her research at 30 min. It goes clear back to the East India Company. Propaganda and marketing. Watch out for the influence operations. @seekingfactsoverfearpart2
Now for your strange candy this weekend, enjoy
László Moholy-Nagy “…he coined the term Neues Sehen (New Vision) for his belief that the camera could create a whole new way of seeing the outside world that the human eye could not. This theory encapsulated his approach to his art and teaching. Moholy-Nagy was the first interwar artist to suggest the use of scientific equipment such as the telescope, microscope, and radiography in the making of art.”ászló_Moholy-Nagy# 1944- School of Design in Chicago Illinois Institute of Technology Photogram Light- Space Modulator -The software company Laszlo Systems (developers of the open source programming language OpenLaszlo) was named in part to honor Moholy-Nagy.
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Project A119 A Study of Lunar Research Flights 1958- USAF Project A119 -The aim of the project was to detonate a nuclear bomb on the Moon, which would help in answering some of the mysteries in planetary astronomy and astrogeology. Leonard Reiffel Deputy director of Apollo program Led Project A119 Reiffel was an electrical engineering student for a number of years before entering into research fields. He collaborated with Enrico Fermi, Carl Sagan, and members of Operation Paperclip. Reiffel also worked for NASA and the Illinois Institute of Technology, and won a Peabody Award for his work on the radio program The World Tomorrow. His experience with broadcasting led him to invent the telestrator as a visual aid for his programming; Reiffel held over fifty different patents for his inventions.
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“The United States National Research Council defines network science as "the study of network representations of physical, biological, and social phenomena leading to predictive models of these phenomena." DOD-Network-centric warfare
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Network science

Network science is an academic field which studies complex networks such as telecommunication networks, computer networks, biological networks, cognitive and semantic networks, and social networks, considering distinct elements or actors represented by nodes (or vertices) and the connections between the elements or actors as links (or edges). The field draws on theories and methods including graph theory from mathematics, statistical mechanics from physics, data mining and information visualization from computer science, inferential modeling from statistics, and social structure from sociology. The United States National Research Council defines network science as "the study of network representations of physical, biological, and social phenomena leading to predictive models of these phenomena."

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WHOA! White House Press Corps Forced to Watch Feed of CNN Debate From Building Across the Street Because They Believe There May Be a "Medical Emergency" Involving One of the Candidates Requiring On-Scene Coverage | The Gateway Pundit | by Cristina Laila

According to Real Clear Investigations reporter Paul Sperry, the White House press corps is being forced to watch feed of the CNN presidential debate Thursday night from a building across the street because they believe there may be a “medical emergency” involving one of the presidential candidate (Joe Biden).

Curbing the enforcement powers of federal agencies, whose leadership is nominated by the White House, has long been a goal of conservatives seeking to pare back Washington’s ability to more efficiently uphold regulations, especially those targeting big business. Chief Justice John Roberts said in the majority opinion that forcing defendants to go through the SEC’s in-house tribunals rather than a federal court violated the constitutional right to a jury trial. The decision could possibly ripple through the US government, as several other regulatory agencies use similar tribunals. “A defendant facing a fraud suit has the right to be tried by a jury of his peers before a neutral adjudicator,” Roberts wrote.
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Repost from Insider Paper
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NEW: US Supreme Court strips SEC of key enforcement power READ: Follow @InsiderPaper for more news
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A NATIONAL BLUEPRINT FOR BIODEFENSE: LEADERSHIP AND MAJOR REFORM NEEDED TO OPTIMIZE EFFORTS BIPARTISAN REPORT OF THE BLUE RIBBON STUDY PANEL ON BIODEFENSE October 2015 “A central and authoritative leader – who, by recommendation of this report, is the Vice President – can foster substantial progress in biodefense. Once installed as this leader, the Vice President (and the interagency team of experts who will work to realize the strategic vision of the Executive and Legislative Branches) can also foster substantial progress, much of it in the near term.“ Lieberman Ridge Daschle Donna E. Shalala James C. Greenwood Kenneth L. Wainstein FOUNDING STAFF DIRECTOR Robert B. Kadlec, M.D. One Health
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