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Another one bites the dust. Be careful what you wish upon others. Join @awakenedspecies
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Repost from Barbara O'neill
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A great video to watch!! Which is good and which is bad. Subscribe: HealthyCare ✅️
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Repost from Barbara O'neill
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The most powerful herb for brain circulation! ❗️ Have you been feeling your mind and body tired? Know that there is a powerful and flavorful herb that can provide the energy you need. ▪️ Rosemary grows well in warm climates and is widely used as a seasoning. People have been treating co health problems for centuries using the healing power of rosemary. ▪️ Here are just some of the benefits of this amazing herb: - Rosemary improves heart function and circulation. ▪️ To improve cerebral circulation and heart function, it is recommended to use rosemary this way: ✅ 1 teaspoon of leaves pour 2 cups of boiling water; ✅ Steep for 30 minutes in a thermos, then strain; ✅ Take 1-2 tablespoons 3 times a day before meals. Follow: Barbara O'neill ✅️
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Tucker: The term conspiracy theorist originated from the CIA in an attempt to shut down anyone who had questions about the JFK assassination and its 'fake' investigation. He says that the phrase conspiracy theorist is used as a control tool to stop you from questioning their corruption. He wants to know why he knows no one who died of Covid but four who were injured from the vaccine. Stay curious. Stay rational but stay open-minded. 🔥 "It's worth noting the providence of that phrase. It comes directly from the Central Intelligence Agency. In the aftermath of the murder of our President, John Kennedy. There was a very famous and entirely fake investigation into it called the Warren Commission. People were reading it critically noticed anomalies and raised questions about it. That phrase conspiracy theorist entered the lexicon in my country. It was designed to shout down and shame people who ask legitimate questions... There are far more people who just noticed like well that doesn't make any sense. You told me it was safe and effective. How come I don't know anybody who died of covid but four people were injured from the vax? What is that? 'Shut up, conspiracy theorist. Racist.' The first step is recognizing that that's a control tool. Those are not the responses of someone who seeks an honest adult conversation with you where you share evidence where you arrive at consensus. That's someone who believes that he can make you shut up like you would by yelling at your dog so he can go do something awful without you interfering with him. So anyone who uses the term conspiracy theorist is by definition discredited. Why don't you address the specifics of the claim I'm making? Doesn't mean every theory is true. Given what we now know about so many different things how can I in good faith dismiss something out of hand? I just can't at this point. You have to stay curious, stay rational. People should always stay rational. Where is the evidence for it? But stay open-minded."
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Tucker Carlson just exposed how corrupt our electronic voting system is, how they used Covid to encourage voter fraud, how they use 'racism' to prevent voter ID from being implemented, and says Fauci created Covid. "I'm very concerned about the election... We have problems with the electronic voting machines which are not more efficient, they don't produce more precise answers than written ballots and they don't give us the tally quicker. So the question is, why do we have them? The way Americans vote was changed completely using the pretext of Covid. The idea was that Americans were so sick with this killer virus they couldn't actually make it to the polls. And so they needed to have their ballots anonymously picked up from drop boxes without using Voter ID. Well now Covid is still around, it hasn't gone anywhere, once Fauci created it, it's going to be here forever. We aren't worried about Covid anymore for some reason. But the voting changes remain in place. The point of them was to abet voter fraud, obviously. If people can't trust election outcomes, you don't have a democracy. And Americans can't. There seems to be no appetite to do anything about it. The question of voter ID is not a question in most civilized countries. France, for example, you don't have an ID you can't vote. How do we know who you are? Even in primitive stinky France takes elections so much seriously we do. It's shameful to me as an American. We are told you can't do that because African Americans don't have an ID...Really? Is there evidence for that? In my country, you can't do anything without a government ID. You can't cash a check, you can't have a bank account, you can't buy a pack of cigarettes, you can't check into a hotel, you can't do anything without a government ID. It turns out nobody doesn't have a government ID. And yet nobody in the media noted this. To this day, we don't have voter ID laws in state after state because it's considered racist. It's yet another example of the way that ruthless people with evil intent leverage the inherent decency of the citizens of our country to get their way. If they said we're just going to commit voter fraud and if you don't like we are going to shoot you. The people of the United States would rise up as one and put them down. But instead, they say you're a bad person if you ask questions. You're a racist. No decent person wants to be a racist. Racism is abhorrent to me. So I don't want to be called racist and neither does anyone else in my sweet country because Americans are decent people. That claim right there is enough to shut down the opposition sufficient to roll over it. I hope we are at a point where we just stop taking them seriously. These are people who will accuse you of abetting a mass shooting because you think you're country has too many illegal aliens. My advice to you is, don't be quiet. Anyone who would force you to take the COVID vax long after it became clear it was neither safe nor effective. What wouldn't they do to you? They've shown who they are. (The media)." X
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