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BackEnd Stuff

Everything on Go and BackEnd by @ostotsky

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My thoughts on software engineering pretty much
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Rob Pike - What We Got Right, What We Got Wrong
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19. Rob Pike - What We Got Right, What We Got Wrong | GopherConAU 2023

Fourteen years after the launch of Go, there is much to think about. With the benefit of hindsight, this talk explores some of the lessons learned from Go's progress so far: not just the things that went well but also the things that could have been done better. Slides:

Blog Post:

About Rob Pike: Rob is a co-creator of the Go language (with Ken Thompson and Robert Greisemer). At Bell Labs he was involved in the creation of the Plan 9 from Bell Labs and Inferno operating systems, as well as the Limbo programming language. He is also the co-author (with Brian Kernighan) of The Practice of Programming and The Unix Programming Environment. He is co-creator (with Ken Thompson) of UTF-8.

Learning about Raft This holiday I finally took time to learn how Raft works. Raft is a consensus algorithm that allows servers to agree on log of commands. Most modern databases rely on consensus to keep the state between replicas consistent and a lot of them use Raft (for example, etcd). One of the goals behind the Raft was to make it as simple as possible so that a lot of people can understand it (as opposed to previously popular Paxos which was very hard to understand and had a lot of gaps between the theory and practical implementation). Here are the resources that I used: 1. Talk by one of authors ( I started by watching that talk to get a basic understanding of the algorithm. 2. I then read the original paper ( I still was hazy on a lot of details but had most of the general details figured out. 3. Following tutorial by Eli Bendersky ( This is the most important part! By reimplementing raft using his code I got a very good understanding of all the details and by playing with tests I got a lot of intuition and was able to revisit the paper and understand the intuition behind all the proofs. My next goal is to implement it from scratch using some other language (probably Zig or Rust) and make extensive use of modern testing techniques (i.e. fuzzing and deterministic simulation testing).
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An Introduction to Raft (CoreOS Fest 2015)

Diego Ongaro, creator of Raft. Check out more videos and event details here:

How Container Networking Works - Building a Linux Bridge Network From Scratch
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How Container Networking Works - Building a Linux Bridge Network From Scratch | iximiuz Labs

Begin with the basics to understand Docker and Kubernetes networking: learn how to create and interconnect network namespaces using standard Linux tools.

Learn about Cilium with interactive courses
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Cilium - Interactive Tutorials & Learning Labs

Hands on environments teaching how Cilium, Hubble, and Tetragon are used for networking, observability, and security

Encrypted traffic interception on Hetzner and Linode targeting the largest Russian XMPP (Jabber) messaging service
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An Interactive Intro to CRDTs |

CRDTs don't have to be all academic papers and math jargon. Learn what CRDTs are and how they work through interactive visualizations and code samples. Очень крутой доклад про то почему нельзя использовать non-direct I/O + fsync в базах данных и как нужно строить базы данных следующего поколения
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QCon London '23 — A New Era for Database Design with TigerBeetle

Pivotal moments in database durability, I/O, systems programming languages and testing techniques, and how they influenced our design decisions for TigerBeetle. This is the pre-recording of our talk, which was later given live at QCon London '23, in the Innovations in Data Engineering track hosted by Sid Anand... and a stone's throw from Westminster Abbey! The live QCon talks were in-person only this year, and were not recorded, but thankfully, we stuck to the script, so that what you see here is what you would have seen, if you had been there. The cover art is a special illustration by Joy Machs. We wanted to bring together the London skyline to showcase old and new design in the form of the historic London Bridge alongside the futuristic Shard. If you happen to be in London, take a walk across the Millennium Footbridge, and see if you can see Joy's vision as you look across the water. Thanks to Sid Anand for the special invitation. It was an honor to present TigerBeetle alongside DynamoDB, StarTree, Gunnar Morling, and our friends in the Animal Database Alliance: Redpanda and DuckDB!

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