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UK Patriots Against Lockdown

An attempt to unify Patriots against lockdown. Click this link to join the chat. Trying to grow it 😊@notolockdown

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JUST IN - White House announces second global COVID summit on May 12 aiming to "bring solutions to vaccinate the world for everyone, everywhere." @disclosetv
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I perhaps should have spoken to my family more over the last year. My mother would always think the truth is being silenced. But I never held this opinion or this analysis. The key phrase of 2021 was "narrative bifurcation". The point wasn’t to hide the truth; it was to create the conditions whereby only outlaws would speak the truth. Which, in large part explains Trump; he wasn’t afraid of being called a bigot, a Nazi, a white supremacist or whatever. The narcissist didn't give a dam. The media fired the kitchen sink at Trump. They tried to find something which would stick. But his impulsive lies where more trustworthy than the carefully scripted lies of Clinton. Trump of course (in every way) ran against the liberal hegemony that’s been rampant in the last 50 years. His true nemesis wasn’t Hillary. It was Bill and the Sustainable Development Goals of 1991. Information warfare is exceptionally powerful. I am trying to understand the great gaslighting but I would like to make the case that the below two sentences doesn't make anyone an ally of Putin. 1) The west thinks its measures are benign in incorporating NATO. 2) Great powers are sensitive to the potential threats near their home territory. Nor should Putin bad, endorse what structural issues may lie within a corrupt Ukraine and a complicated geopolitical battle. What I will say is the banning of RT in the UK was a mistake. I don’t just mean a strategic mistake (Russia banned the BBC the next day). I mean I serious mistake, how do you deal with bad ideas? You let them be heard and tell a better story. I thought it was the counter ideals of (so-called) western society that banned ideas they don’t want to be heard?
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Lies can have multiple aims of altering states of consciousness itself. To which I am now going to make a job back to nationalism. Let me quote George Orwell… “[Hitler] has grasped the falsity of the hedonistic attitude to life. Nearly all western thought since the last war, certainly all “progressive” thought, has assumed tacitly that human beings desire nothing beyond ease, security, and avoidance of pain. In such a view of life there is no room, for instance, for patriotism and the military virtues. Hitler, because in his own joyless mind he feels it with exceptional strength, knows that human beings don’t only want comfort, safety, short working-hours, hygiene, birth-control and, in general, common sense; they also, at least intermittently, want struggle and self-sacrifice, not to mention drums, flag and loyalty-parades ... Whereas Socialism, and even capitalism in a grudging way, have said to people “I offer you a good time,” Hitler has said to them “I offer you struggle, danger and death,” and as a result a whole nation flings itself at his feet” Who knows this? Xi knows this. Putin knows this (I would argue Zelensky too). The elephant in the room is that the west stands for nothing. The liberal hegemony took over the west. What’s the ethos of this era of foreign policy? What are the values of American Foreign Policy? The effect of rights to globalisation has been to dislocate trade. Starting with Nixon the growth of China occurred. No longer was the Soviet Union supported by the west for cheap imports of materials. No longer was it sustained. The global cult looked for a new ally in China. Well good luck feeding a dragon. A technocratic society has been well and truly born. Ready for rolling out across a one world liberal hegemony. Whether anyone wants to admit it or not. You don't win against nationalism. Most nations don't care about individual rights it's the wild wild west. Security implications come first. Security trumps rights. Always does, always has. Sanctions don't do shit. Putin has factored it into the equation. It's going to be a cold and expensive winter ahead. Let's see who backs down.
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Continued .... Look at the truckers in Canada. If a western democracy like that freezes you out of the banking system and calls you a neo-Nazi for feeding the homeless and a peaceful protest about creating a two tier society. What is the chance an authoritarian despot puts his hands up and goes "well actually, you western liberals have a point - I have gone too far... here you go Ukraine. You can have your land back." Not happening, I can confirm pigs do not in fact fly.
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The George Floyd effect - When a global event occurs and normies move, to voice allegiance with the "correct side" as deemed by the media/elite. No nuance: just pure allegiance, which is communicated via social media. This does not apply to people living with the realities of the situation. But predominately those who think they have monopoly on the facts during the fog of war. Those that became informed yesterday lacking any degree of critical thinking or understanding of the situation. Let's all hold hands, mediate and sing Kumbaya. Stop war? Not sure how this work. I am referring to westerns that think they can say "people dying is bad" and feel virtuous after saying it. Those that have identified who the :goodies and baddies" are without any articulation or nuance to qualify the position. I am referring to those that seem to believe they can use magic words to bend reality to their will. "No war in Ukraine" - Society might be turning atheist or nilhistic.
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Anyone know what happened to covid? 🔬🧬💉 I'm still searching for the flu 😅
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War bad. Putin bad. No war. Ukraine good. Russia bad. Yes peace. No war.
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After watching this, it’s impossible not to affirm that the vast majority of people have utterly lost their minds.
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Freddie Sayers investigates Austria's lockdown of the unvaccinated

Freddie visits the Austrian capital Vienna on the day that the world's first lockdown for the unvaccinated was introduced, looking for answers. How do ordinary people feel about a third of their population being put in partial house arrest? How does it feel for the people stuck at home? And how did a liberal democracy come to this in 2021? Read the full article here:

Listen to the podcast version here:

// Timecodes // 00:00 - 1:03 - Introduction 1:03 - 4:46 - What Vienna's residents have to say about Austria's lockdown for the unvaccinated 4:46 - 6:19 - Freddie's reflections 6:19 - 11:32 - Politically, how did we get here? 11:32 - 18:01 - Mia & Chris: unvaccinated and locked down in Austria 18:01 - 26:46 - How is this lockdown legal? 26:46 - 27:46 - Get out your vaccine passport and ID for the Christmas market 27:46 - 28:35 - Concluding thoughts #Covid19 #Austria #Lockdown

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hahahaha 😅
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