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Lost in my mind

There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you This is for all of ya'll out there going through a hard time. Ur not alone and never will be. Lets stay strong together✊✊ Love ya'll cross and talk at 👉 @lostinmymind14_Bot

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The 48 Laws Of Power by Robert Greene.pdf2.23 MB
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ohh, and for anyone interested in a more deeper dive. This is the cover and the pdf. For my Ethiopian audience the book is available in bulk around megenagna and mexico with street vendors. Only for 350, best money you'll ever spend!
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Any who, this might not be for the faint hearted but again it is something to surely consider. Whenever meditate of exploiting a bad situation ( occurrence, event or a person) that happened or is actively happening to me, one book always comes to mind (Use with caution, like I said not for the faint hearted) 48 laws of power by Robert Greene comes to mind. I wont go into the details of what it is and stuff, I'll leave that up to you but generally speaking its about power and how to never be a victim. Use this laws to actually deal with difficult people or situations ( they are more general) but you can configure them to your liking. I may or may not elaborate further on them. ENJOY!!! Law 2. Never Put Too Much Trust in Friends, Learn How to Use Enemies Friends are more likely to betray you in haste as they are more prone to envy. However, if you hire a former enemy, they will prove themselves more trustworthy, as they have more to prove. Consequently, you have more to fear from friends than your enemies. Often, you think you know your friends better than you do. This is because honesty rarely strengthens bonds, so friends frequently hide their true feelings about each other. As people want to feel they deserved their good fortune in hiring a friend, they can feel undeserving and, ultimately, resentful. Instead, it’s better to hire an enemy, as your motives are up front and are not clouded with personal feeling. Law 11. Learn to Keep People Dependent on You To maintain independence, you must make others need and want you. The more people rely on you, the more freedom you have. Yet, be wary to never teach those surrounding you with enough information that they can start doing things for themselves. This method is the best way to get people to do what you want without forcing them or inflicting pain on them. Once you have dependents, they are reliant on you, and you can subtly do with them as you wish. Law 12. Use Selective Honesty and Generosity to Disarm Your Victim A single honest gesture can help cover the traces of dozens of dishonest acts. By being generous, you can disarm even the most suspicious people. Once they are disarmed, you can manipulate them at will. The key to successful deception is distraction. An act of generosity distracts those you wish to deceive while turning them into docile children, delighted by the affectionate gesture. 44. Disarm and Infuriate With the Mirror Effect By mirroring your opponents and doing exactly as they do, you humiliate them and cause them to overreact. By making them believe you share their values, they find it challenging to work out your strategy, as they are blinded by your mirror. You are also able to teach your opponents a lesson by giving them a taste of their own medicine. Learning to give before you take is a skilled way of getting what you want. Selective honesty also functions as a means to disarm your opponents. However, regaling a single truth will not be enough. You’ll have to construct a facade of honesty built upon a series of acts to gain trust, but these acts can be quite inconsequential. And as always if you have any inquiries or just need to reach out to someone @lostinmymind14_Bot use it✌🏼 - R #toxic_people #48_laws_of_power @lostinmymind14
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So that we have cleared up what is deemed as toxic, the idea of utilization. I know, I know sounds very dark and dreadful. But keep an open mind and consider it. Manipulation and utilizing are words that have been given bad light through out the years. They are words often associated with a so called "Bad, evil person". But trust me when i say there is no such thing, at least in this case. Lets generalize this for a moment and talk about people in general. We are all users, manipulators some more than others. If we have the ability or the upper ground to show force and power over someone we will, the extent to which well that varies. Its inevitable and unavoidable unless your like a monk or sth.... maybe even then😁 Reminds me of the argument of Is there such a thing as a true selfless deed?
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Before anything else though I would like to clear up that there is a huge universe of difference between toxic and negative people. All toxic people are negative but all negative people aren't toxic. Both have underlying difficulties in their lives. The way they internalize their issues is what actually gives them the variations. Negative people internalize the issues within their minds and are pessimism about the world and how it works but don't actively give out the energy to others to push or pull them down. Their coping mechanism is of course sadness and in severe cases depression. In the case of toxic people their coping mechanisms stems with giving people a piece of their reality and issues. The sufferings and unhappiness of others around them gives them the sense of "Im okay" since others feel the same way. The act of draining someone's energy ( refers to happiness, joy, confidence...) replenishes their. Negative people may be more about vulnerability and less about vice. The label of "bad" and interchangeable use with toxic seems unfair if there is an underlying frailty. Toxic people are very infectious, they often use words to create relevant impact in their victims mind. They are often aware of their actions and impacts. Speaking from personal experience they exhibit this characters 1. The most dominant characteristic they have in common is that they leave the people they interact with, whether that be family members or friends sometimes even complete strangers, romantic partners constantly doubting themselves. They are energy vampires who suck all positivity out of you, transform it into negative energy and return it to you. 2. They often tend to be the loudest people in the environment you are in. 3. Are often passive aggressive in everything they do. 4. Can’t take no for an answer, and they lack the ability to admit they are wrong. 5. Inflated ego and easily getting offended. Individuals with an inflated ego and who easily get offended may not be able to empathize with others and are often unable to sustain relationships.
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We have all probably heard people say cancel and remove toxic people from your lives, they are no good. They don't add they substract. It's true they do and cutting them out might actually be one path to achieve independence from the dark shadow they cast on you, but how about another perspective to it all. Have you ever considered keeping them in your lives? Keep them in your lives but learn to utilize them.
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- R #Social_Conformity @lostinmymind14
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