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The Patriot Voice

A Modern Day Paul Revere FEARLESS in the pursuit of TRUTH. ANTI-COMMUNIST. ⚓️ US Navy Vet 🇺🇸 Christ Is KING! ✝️🙏🏻 #Trump2024 This is the ONLY OFFICIAL TPV Telegram channel.

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Saw the ORIGINAL ONE & ONLY “Pimp on a Blimp!” tonight doing some BASED stand up And, he is FUNNY as hell! 🤣🇺🇸🔥 Great to meet you, and thanks for the laughs @alexstein99
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TRUMP SPEAKS LIVE AT TEMPLE IN PHILLY!!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 Being a North Philly Native, I NEVER thought I would see this! HISTORIC!!! 🔥🔥🔥
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BREAKING!🚨According to to a source at NBC News, President Trump has officially picked his Vice President. However, he hasn’t told the person yet. Whoever, the VP pick is will be attendance at the debate on Thursday. The top contenders are: North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum and Sens. Marco Rubio of Florida, Tim Scott of South Carolina and JD Vance of Ohio. Ben Carson is the ONLY one who has stuck with him 💯 since the beginning in 2015. I PRAY he picks Ben Carson, NOT any of these others who have shown they are NOT LOYAL.
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Trump writes “VOTE TRUMP! NO TAX ON TIPS!” on his receipt from Tony’s & Nick’s Steaks in Philly. 🔥🔥🔥 Who is the service industry can’t get behind this?!?!
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Trump stops for a cheesesteak at famous Tony’s & Nick’s before his EPIC rally at Temple tonight! PHILLY LOVES TRUMP!!! USA! USA! USA! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 LFG!!! 🔥🔥🔥 #ThePeoplesPresident
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I would LOVE to be in North Philly today, which is where I was born, to see Trump speak at Temple University today. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 To me, this is especially significant because that is the LAST place I would have EVER expected to see Trump do a rally. If you know anything about North Philly, it’s NOT a place you see people wearing MAGA hats. That is for sure. I can remember when Bernie Sanders did a rally at The Liacouras Center in 2016 & 2020 when he was running and there were rampant ANTIFA protests AGAINST Trump. The DNC was also held in Philly in 2016. It was NO MANS LAND for Trump supporters. It took almost 4 BRUTAL years of Biden to turn that around and make Philadelphia TRUMP COUNTRY. North Philly is predominantly Black and It’s blatantly obvious at this point that Trump has captured the Black vote. There is an upswell of resistance taking place in one of the strongest Democratic strongholds in the country. YUGE! That should SCARE THE LIVING HELL out of the Democrats!!!
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Handing out green cards to EVERY foreign student that graduates from an American university is the WORST IDEA & A DISASTER waiting to happen. Everyone knows about my undying support for Trump. I would crawl over broken glass to cast my vote for him this November, because I believe he is our LAST CHANCE to bring America back from the brink of DEATH. However, I will be critical when I feel something is NOT right. This policy is essentially “LEGAL” MASS IMMIGRATION REPLACEMENT. There are now 30+ MILLION ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS in our country. So, we want to exasperate that by ALLOWING MANY MILLIONS MORE TO FLOOD IN “LEGALLY”?? There is NO WAY you could properly “vet” everyone & their INTENTIONS. Especially, those who still have DUAL LOYALTY to their home countries. THINK HARD ABOUT THAT. A list of people who have advocated for the SAME policy... Joe Biden Nancy Pelosi Hillary Clinton Mitt Romney Charlie Kirk Maybe a certain POWERFUL lobby is calling the shots on this one.
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EVERY AMERICAN MUST WATCH THIS! 🚨🚨🚨 America's universities are being used as "sanctuary universities" to house, and facilitate the UN sponsored and funded US border INVASION of illegal aliens. UN Agenda 2030 is setting up "Smart Cities" that will essentially FORCE Americans who are living in rural areas into highly controlled and surveilled "15 minute cites". In other words, they are being brought here ILLEGALLY, and then TRAINED at our universities to become FULL blown Marxists/ Communists to be "leaders" in new slave cities. This will be the new "foreign work force" that will RULE OVER US. WHY do you think they are working overtime on manipulating the weather, creating disasters that FORCE PEOPLE OUT of rural areas? Do you think it's coincidental that there are SO many toxic train derailments, and fires that destroy livestock/food facilities? They KNOW we won't go willingly, so they are FORCING OUR HAND. THAT IS PART THE NWO GLOBALIST PLAN TO DESTROY AMERICA. FROM WITHIN.
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The Ten Commandments must be displayed in Louisiana classrooms under requirement signed into law 🚨🚨🚨 "Louisiana has become the first state to require that the Ten Commandments be displayed in every public school classroom under a bill signed into law by Republican Gov. Jeff Landry on Wednesday. The GOP-drafted legislation mandates that a poster-sized display of the Ten Commandments in “large, easily readable font” be required in all public classrooms, from kindergarten to state-funded universities. Although the bill did not receive final approval from Landry, the time for gubernatorial action — to sign or veto the bill — has lapsed." If you truly want to "Make America Great Again" then FIRST WE MUST Make America GODLY Again, and THIS is how it's done! Only Godliness can put us on the path where we can begin the transformation from degeneracy and destruction to RESTORATION. A house without solid foundation CANNOT stand.
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A few days ago Javier Milei, who has been lauded by the right as a trailblazer in “freedom and liberty” was seen supporting and embracing Zelensky in Switzerland for the “Summit on Peace in Ukraine” Zelensky, you know the guy who is a WAR CRIMINAL that is responsible for the deaths of entire generations of his own countrymen, and who is extorting BILLIONS of US tax payer dollars to sustain the MASSIVE money laundering operation that is the “war in Ukraine”. This is NOT the first time that they have been seen in public embracing each other. The first time I called it out too, and I am now also. Zelensky is easily one of the most EVIL men on earth. Something is OFF. BIG TIME. I don’t know about you, but I am sick and tired of the endless DECEPTION regardless of which “side”. I said back in 2023 that 2024 was going to be a REAL test of discernment. Don’t you know that Lucifer masquerades as a beautiful Angel of light? THE ENTIRE WORLD IS A STAGE. WE ARE BEING PLAYED FOR FOOLS.
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I think that most every single Middle Class American can feel this man’s PAIN. We are collectively at a BREAKING POINT. There are MANY out there who feel EXACTLY how he does, and for good reason. This is what it looks like to reach the “precipice”. It’s going to take MILLIONS just like him to feel at LEAST this level of pain, and turn that into something productive before there is any kind of REAL CHANGE. Politics alone is NOT going to fix anything when the WHOLE system is corrupt, rotted and compromised. It is going to take MASSIVE ACTION.
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I was just informed by a source that I know who lives in DC that there are NO fences that have gone up around the Supreme Court, and that the barriers are a normal sight. I apologize for any confusion and I have deleted the post, as I always do when I receive bad information. I appreciate your understanding! 🙏🏻
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BREAKING!🚨 Fences have just been installed around the US Supreme Court in Washington DC. This is indicative of a BIG ruling that is about to be handed down, and it is NOT a ruling that is likely to piss off the left, because Conservatives don't typically get unruly during protests or send in bus loads of ANTIFA. For reference, the LAST time Chief Justice John Roberts ordered the building to be fenced was on the eve of the overturning of Roe v. Wade. My best guess is that it has to do with "Presidential Immunity" for Trump and/or possible justice for J6 political prisoners. That would sure as hell piss off the Communists! What do you think???
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Obama is Biden’s handler. That’s not even a “conspiracy theory” anymore, it’s a FACT. Just look at how he leads him off stage like an old sick dog that needs direction after this fundraiser in The Hamptons over the weekend. It is a FAT CHANCE Biden makes it into the November election at this point, he is almost certainly going to be swapped out. Especially after Trump CRUSHES him in the first debate. That’s what the rumor mill in DC is saying. His replacement will be MUCH, MUCH WORSE and I think his name begins with a G.
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The House just yesterday voted to AUTHORIZE “Automatic Military Draft” registration of men between the ages of 18 and 26 as part of the NDAA. 🚨🚨🚨 I mentioned a while back how the DRAFT was going to make a return. I really did NOT want to be right about this. “This new system of automatic draft registration would replace the existing system, in place since 1980, in which young men have the freedom to decide whether or not to sign up for the draft.” That means young men will now be FORCED to register for the draft. I really hate to be the bearer of bad news, but speaking as a Veteran I can say with almost absolute certainty that a WIDE SCALE MILITARY DRAFT is happening in the near future otherwise this would NOT be happening. IT IS IN THE PLANS. A draft now would be DISASTROUS with our Military EMBRACING LGBTQ/DEI initiatives. Just think of ALL the pacified & weak men who are afraid of guns that would be on the front lines of WW3. WE ARE IN BIG TROUBLE.
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UPDATE!🚨I originally got some bad information. It looks like this ruling was strictly for Alex Jones personal assets, NOT Infowars. Thank God that the Judge ruled that Infowars CAN STAY IN BUSINESS! My apologies. I just wanted to correct the record.
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UPDATE!🚨I originally got some bad information. It looks like this ruling was strictly for @RealAlexJones personal assets, NOT Infowars. Thank God that the Judge ruled that @infowars CAN STAY IN BUSINESS! My apologies. I just wanted to correct the record.
BREAKING!🚨 Alex Jones assets, including Infowars studio to be sold to help pay for the ABSOLUTELY ABSURD $1.5 BILLION “owed” to Sandy Hook parents, a Federal Judge in Houston ruled today. This goes FAR beyond “canceling” someone… This is a TOTAL ASSASSINATION & ANNIHILATION to make sure he can’t even feed his family. They want to BURY him. It’s important NOT to forget this interview with Gavin O’Blennis from March in which he goes into detail about how the CIA, FBI and DOJ “cut his legs off” referring to Alex. Gavin also said that they “took his money away” and essentially FORCED him into bankruptcy by using civil proceeding, knowing he is NOT guilty of any crime and cannot be put in jail. THE DEEP STATE INTENTIONALLY SET UP ALEX JONES USING SANDY HOOK AS A PRETEXT. THIS IS AN ATTACK ON ALL OF US. Just like with Trump they are NOT after just him, he is just the EXAMPLE. Same with Alex Jones, who was their first real target. THEY ARE AFTER YOU AND ME. PRAY FOR ALEX!
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The pendulum is swinging back, and it will continue to. WE HAVE HAD ENOUGH!!!
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OpenAI just hired U.S. Army General Paul Nakasone (ret.) to be on their board of directors. 🚨🚨🚨 Nakasone is former NSA head, and also lobbied IN FAVOR OF FISA. “As a first priority, Nakasone will join the Board’s Safety and Security Committee, which is responsible for making recommendations to the full Board on critical safety and security decisions for all OpenAI projects and operations. Nakasone’s insights will also contribute to OpenAI’s efforts to better understand how AI can be used to strengthen cybersecurity by quickly detecting and responding to cybersecurity threats. We believe AI has the potential to deliver significant benefits in this area for many institutions frequently targeted by cyber attacks like hospitals, schools, and financial institutions.” Trusting anyone with a former NSA background to “keep your data safe” is quite the oxymoron. The AI “super intelligence” they hope for by 2027 is now injected with POLICE STATE level surveillance.
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This would be a MASSIVE BLOW to the Central Bank Cabal. Quite possibly THE single most devastating blow Trump could bring to the Globalists. With a cessation of income tax feeding the fiat debt machine, the Federal Reserve would be FORCED to dissolve into the abyss. It would be the END OF THE FED & DEBT SLAVERY. THAT IS HOW YOU MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. BRING. IT. ON. 🔥🔥🔥
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I know I haven’t been on and active very much lately, in fact the whole past week feels like a total blur. Amy and I are going through quite a lot in our lives right now and I guess you can say it was time to take a break from it all… A break from the madness in the world. A break from the madness in our “movement”. A break from it ALL. It was necessary to TUNE OUT for a bit, re-center with God, and get energized again. I think that is something that we should all do for our mental health. This stuff can really take a toll if you push yourself too hard. There is nothing wrong with turning it all off, and relaxing for a while. Burnout is a real thing, and the last thing I want is to have that happen in one of the most critical stages of this battle. I appreciate you sticking with me, I love all of you and I am glad to be beside you in this digital foxhole. TO VICTORY!
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BREAKING!🚨 Hunter Biden found GUILTY on all 3 Federal Gun charges in a Delaware Court. These charges are for lying on forms. While he has been convicted, this is hardly “accountability” given the vast array of other crimes he is involved with that are arguably MUCH worse. You can bet your ass Biden will pardon him.
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Alex Jones to liquidate assets to pay off $1.5B Sandy Hook judgment, sell off Infowars 🚨🚨🚨 “Jones, the host of the popular Infowars site, has asked a US judge to convert his bankruptcy into a Chapter 7 liquidation, giving up on an effort to settle the judgments related to his lies about the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre. Jones believes that “there is no reasonable prospect of a successful reorganization” of his debts, most of which stem from $1.5 billion awarded in defamation lawsuits”. You should NEVER forget… The CIA IS ON RECORD setting up Alex Jones & Infowars. THIS was the plan ALL along. Alex apologized many times, but the Bolsheviks didn’t care. He said the “wrong” thing & that was enough to SHUT HIM DOWN. We are at a point in America where expressing your OPINION is enough to get you SHUT DOWN PERMANENTLY, or put on some “extremism” list. WHAT EVER HAPPENED TO 1A “FREEDOM OF SPEECH AND EXPRESSION”?! COMMUNISM. I STAND WITH ALEX!
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Today is the 80th Anniversary of one of the bloodiest days in American history, D-Day. June 6, 1944. It’s very important NOT to forget the SACRIFICES made by the MANY thousands of Soldiers, Sailors and Marines on that fateful day, and in the days following the invasion. The SAD thing about remembering this occasion, is how radically DIFFERENT & unrecognizable we are as a country now, as we were then. It’s like a day and night difference. The REAL MEN who came ashore on Omaha, and Utah Beach under heavy machine gun fire, then ran up the hill to storm the bunkers could have NEVER envisioned that what they would die for is a Godless, degenerate, and helplessly ungrateful society that has radically devolved into a Marxist hell scape. There is GOOD reason they are the “Last Great Generation” Men of COURAGE & GRIT. What these BRAVE & VALIANT men fought and died for now exists only as a fond memory of the America we once knew, now LONG GONE. Salute these HEROS. Remember their HONOR. 🫡🇺🇸
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Biden (Pooper in Chief) just apparently crapped his pants at the 80th Anniversary of D-Day at Omaha Beach. 💩💩💩 You can see Biden bending over awkwardly, and then being whisked away swiftly by Jill. How many times has he crapped himself while on official business at this point?!?! It’s like a NORMAL occurrence. 🤦🏻‍♂️ The US is an UTTER EMBARRASSMENT to the entire world!!!
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They’re NOT going to shut up Trump! They’re NOT going to shut up Navarro! They’re NOT going to shut up Bannon! They’re certainly NOT going to shut up MAGA! Bannon is the PATRIOT VOICE that we ALL need to hear right now!!! 🔥🔥🔥 WE STAND BEHIND YOU!!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸💯💯💯
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BREAKING!🚨 Steve Bannon has been ordered to go to PRISON starting July 1, and his bail has been totally REVOKED by his Judge, Carl Nichols. “A federal judge on Thursday heard arguments on whether former Trump advisor and War Room host Steve Bannon should be forced to begin his four-month prison sentence after a higher court rejected his appeal. Bannon has been ordered to report to prison on July 1. Bannon was previously found guilty of contempt of Congress.” “Bannon was sentenced in October 2022 to four months in prison for defying subpoenas from the J6 Committee. Bannon’s sentence had been placed on hold pending appeal.“ I’m just going to say the painful TRUTH that no one really wants to hear right now… They are making an EXAMPLE out of Bannon, like they have to many other INNOCENT Patriots in spite of J6. IF for whatever reason Trump does NOT make it back into the White House, the plan will be to come after ALL of us in one form or another.
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BIG NEWS! 🚨🚨🚨 An Appeals Court in Georgia stayed on ALL proceedings in the Fani Willis RICO case against Donald Trump This stay is until they rule on disqualification of Fani Willis.
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Meet the new President of Mexico…Claudia Sheinbaum. Is it just me, or does anyone else feel that it is EXTREMELY SUSPECT that 37 political candidates in Mexico were ASSASSINATED before they “elected” their first female president, who happens to be the MOST WOKE Communist, open borders friendly person in the race? That is a little TOO “on the nose” Was she INSTALLED by BlackRock or the CIA? 2 days after her “election” WHO confirms first fatal human case of bird flu A(H5N2) IN MEXICO. “The World Health Organization said on Wednesday a death was caused by the first laboratory-confirmed human case of infection with a subtype of avian influenza. WHO said the 59-year-old resident of Mexico had died on April 24 after developing a fever, shortness of breath, diarrhoea, nausea and general discomfort.” I would bet a LOT that Mexico is the new Wuhan, China circa 2019. Call it “conspiracy theory” but I like to say it’s “pattern recognition”. PREPARE FOR THE WORST.
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Fauci was RIGHTEOUSLY GRILLED by MTG at Congressional hearing yesterday. It was GLORIOUS! 🔥🔥🔥 Some FACTS… Fauci openly, and unapologetically FORCED ALL AMERICANS to receive the COVID jab in order to participate “normally” in society. He also recommended that USELESS masks be MANDATED. Fauci recommended to the CDC that EVERYONE…man, woman, and CHILDREN wear a mask to “stop the spread” then said that “masks that you get in the drug store don’t work to stop viruses”. We were lambasted daily by this creep either in White House briefings, or on MSNBC about how not wearing a mask and getting the jab was DANGEROUS. He said this close to THREE YEARS. The American people were TORTURED. Fauci ADMITTED to “making up” the rule about “six feet social distancing”. Fauci experimented on, and tortured cute Beagles using tax payer funds. BEAGLES. Fauci is a MONSTER, and A SERIAL KILLER who is emphatically GUILTY OF CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY. He belongs in GITMO for the rest of his life! 💯💯💯
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Saw the ORIGINAL ONE & ONLY “Pimp on a Blimp!” tonight doing some BASED stand up And, he is FUNNY as hell! 🤣🇺🇸🔥 Great to meet you, and thanks for the laughs @alexstein99
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👍 30 9
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TRUMP SPEAKS LIVE AT TEMPLE IN PHILLY!!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 Being a North Philly Native, I NEVER thought I would see this! HISTORIC!!! 🔥🔥🔥
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BREAKING!🚨According to to a source at NBC News, President Trump has officially picked his Vice President. However, he hasn’t told the person yet. Whoever, the VP pick is will be attendance at the debate on Thursday. The top contenders are: North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum and Sens. Marco Rubio of Florida, Tim Scott of South Carolina and JD Vance of Ohio. Ben Carson is the ONLY one who has stuck with him 💯 since the beginning in 2015. I PRAY he picks Ben Carson, NOT any of these others who have shown they are NOT LOYAL.
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Trump writes “VOTE TRUMP! NO TAX ON TIPS!” on his receipt from Tony’s & Nick’s Steaks in Philly. 🔥🔥🔥 Who is the service industry can’t get behind this?!?!
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Trump stops for a cheesesteak at famous Tony’s & Nick’s before his EPIC rally at Temple tonight! PHILLY LOVES TRUMP!!! USA! USA! USA! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 LFG!!! 🔥🔥🔥 #ThePeoplesPresident
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I would LOVE to be in North Philly today, which is where I was born, to see Trump speak at Temple University today. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 To me, this is especially significant because that is the LAST place I would have EVER expected to see Trump do a rally. If you know anything about North Philly, it’s NOT a place you see people wearing MAGA hats. That is for sure. I can remember when Bernie Sanders did a rally at The Liacouras Center in 2016 & 2020 when he was running and there were rampant ANTIFA protests AGAINST Trump. The DNC was also held in Philly in 2016. It was NO MANS LAND for Trump supporters. It took almost 4 BRUTAL years of Biden to turn that around and make Philadelphia TRUMP COUNTRY. North Philly is predominantly Black and It’s blatantly obvious at this point that Trump has captured the Black vote. There is an upswell of resistance taking place in one of the strongest Democratic strongholds in the country. YUGE! That should SCARE THE LIVING HELL out of the Democrats!!!
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Handing out green cards to EVERY foreign student that graduates from an American university is the WORST IDEA & A DISASTER waiting to happen. Everyone knows about my undying support for Trump. I would crawl over broken glass to cast my vote for him this November, because I believe he is our LAST CHANCE to bring America back from the brink of DEATH. However, I will be critical when I feel something is NOT right. This policy is essentially “LEGAL” MASS IMMIGRATION REPLACEMENT. There are now 30+ MILLION ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS in our country. So, we want to exasperate that by ALLOWING MANY MILLIONS MORE TO FLOOD IN “LEGALLY”?? There is NO WAY you could properly “vet” everyone & their INTENTIONS. Especially, those who still have DUAL LOYALTY to their home countries. THINK HARD ABOUT THAT. A list of people who have advocated for the SAME policy... Joe Biden Nancy Pelosi Hillary Clinton Mitt Romney Charlie Kirk Maybe a certain POWERFUL lobby is calling the shots on this one.
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39👍 13👀 8💯 7🤯 1🤬 1
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EVERY AMERICAN MUST WATCH THIS! 🚨🚨🚨 America's universities are being used as "sanctuary universities" to house, and facilitate the UN sponsored and funded US border INVASION of illegal aliens. UN Agenda 2030 is setting up "Smart Cities" that will essentially FORCE Americans who are living in rural areas into highly controlled and surveilled "15 minute cites". In other words, they are being brought here ILLEGALLY, and then TRAINED at our universities to become FULL blown Marxists/ Communists to be "leaders" in new slave cities. This will be the new "foreign work force" that will RULE OVER US. WHY do you think they are working overtime on manipulating the weather, creating disasters that FORCE PEOPLE OUT of rural areas? Do you think it's coincidental that there are SO many toxic train derailments, and fires that destroy livestock/food facilities? They KNOW we won't go willingly, so they are FORCING OUR HAND. THAT IS PART THE NWO GLOBALIST PLAN TO DESTROY AMERICA. FROM WITHIN.
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The Ten Commandments must be displayed in Louisiana classrooms under requirement signed into law 🚨🚨🚨 "Louisiana has become the first state to require that the Ten Commandments be displayed in every public school classroom under a bill signed into law by Republican Gov. Jeff Landry on Wednesday. The GOP-drafted legislation mandates that a poster-sized display of the Ten Commandments in “large, easily readable font” be required in all public classrooms, from kindergarten to state-funded universities. Although the bill did not receive final approval from Landry, the time for gubernatorial action — to sign or veto the bill — has lapsed." If you truly want to "Make America Great Again" then FIRST WE MUST Make America GODLY Again, and THIS is how it's done! Only Godliness can put us on the path where we can begin the transformation from degeneracy and destruction to RESTORATION. A house without solid foundation CANNOT stand.
نمایش همه...
The Ten Commandments must be displayed in Louisiana classrooms under requirement signed into law

BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) — Louisiana has become the first state to require that the Ten Commandments be displayed in every public school classroom under a bill signed into law by Republican Gov. Jeff Landry on Wednesday.

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A few days ago Javier Milei, who has been lauded by the right as a trailblazer in “freedom and liberty” was seen supporting and embracing Zelensky in Switzerland for the “Summit on Peace in Ukraine” Zelensky, you know the guy who is a WAR CRIMINAL that is responsible for the deaths of entire generations of his own countrymen, and who is extorting BILLIONS of US tax payer dollars to sustain the MASSIVE money laundering operation that is the “war in Ukraine”. This is NOT the first time that they have been seen in public embracing each other. The first time I called it out too, and I am now also. Zelensky is easily one of the most EVIL men on earth. Something is OFF. BIG TIME. I don’t know about you, but I am sick and tired of the endless DECEPTION regardless of which “side”. I said back in 2023 that 2024 was going to be a REAL test of discernment. Don’t you know that Lucifer masquerades as a beautiful Angel of light? THE ENTIRE WORLD IS A STAGE. WE ARE BEING PLAYED FOR FOOLS.
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وارد شوید و به اطلاعات مفصل دسترسی پیدا کنید

ما این گنجینه ها را پس از تأیید هویت به شما نشان خواهیم داد. ما وعده می‌دهیم که سریع است!