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AIAPGET Analysis -2023.pdf
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AIAPGET Analysis -2023.pdf1.83 MB
Medicine points noted from Saturday opds of NIH
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ft liver enlarge, piles > bleeding, cold water, salt meat affinity Heriteatry obesity - prickwicken syndrome Left ventricular hypertrophy & Faliure , Sleep apnoea - Gambosia Mezerium - Coin shaped eruption, distance heat agg Steroid induced Cushing syndrome - Hypercorticonism, we have to check Cortisol level Dysponea in late onset in - Valvular disorder is severe Pulmonary Hypertension only remedy - Laurosarus 6, cough with + dysponea RHD - tight mitral stenosis DCM - chocking sensation in throat, Dysponea , cough - Iberis Amara Pulse pressure decreasing in Dengue is dangerous , Dengue -2 dangerous Strophanthua his - Increases the cardiac activity Hernia - Sulphuric acid, protuding - Mezerium Convolleroa majus - more Decrease Diastolic pressure, cardiac toxic not used frequently. Usnea barbata - Migrine , busting senseation in head . Urticaria - Rhustox alternate with Bovista , - Antipyrine, breathing difficult is dangerous form Uric acid + Urticaria - Urtica urens Chloralum -after Alchol - Urticaria Cicuta vit - Fish bone for long standing in throat, Fish bone pain from throat radiation to ear - Steyalgia - Hypericum is indicated medicine. Towe view of skull on x ray. Carcinoid tumor - Cause cerebellar ataxia Metformoin when stop - Euphoric happy feeling Liver 2 things to think - constipation, oral hypoglycemia tablet - increase cerebral odema Supra metastinal tumour - Inspiration - Swelling of internal jugular vein - Kusmmal sign. CA branchogenic metastasis to cerebellum Dexamenthole - Can't be stopped immediately it change endocrinology CA bronchogenic - Bacilinum (lungs), Tuberculin (throat) Burning + CA bronchus - Anthracinum Excessive smoking + CA bron -lobelium Left lower lobe - Nat sulph Dexamenth Apomorphinum 3x - Vomiting from SOL in Brain - Clarke Ca lungs - Acute emergency - Spontaneous pnemothorax & Hematemisis. Left renal cyst + left hydronephrosis Burning urination + BPH desire cold- Causticum More thirst + BPH - Hydrangia Hygrophilia spibota - Itching when APIs fails leprosy. Hydrangia - Burning in urine Extensor swelling - tennis elbow - Kali bich Radiculopathy - Pain along the course due to compression - surgery may require ( Hypericum, acid nitricum) Temporal burning - Temporal arteritis - Epiphagus Bovista - Akwardness SLE - poly arthritis shifting type pulsatila 0/1 Merc sol- Sweating with pain - pulsatila Fibroadenoma Bromium - Hard, tenderness, Lolium lingiflora, Lictoia vitosa Keratosis pilliaris of upper limb - Ledum pal Rehutaism + Gastric - Nat carb Thalapsi pursa - anti hemorragic & Anti uric acid TB - Kidney affetion - coccalin Ferrum iod - Suppressed skin disease after nephritis Renal Faliure - Left heart Faliure - Asculate - Gallop breath,Big beat alter small beat, height of Inspiration creptation, 0.8 gram protein / kg, in case of non dialysis patients Hyperureamis leads to decrease reabsortion of protein causes odema Renal Faliure - Ampelopsis, Convulsions+ Renal Faliure - Cuprum ars Cough > water - Cuprum met, causticum Single - Calc 2 - merc, puls. 3- cupr Sticta - Cough ends in senez Vomiting - child - Mephitis Adult - Coccus cacti Parkinson - Aurum sulph Angusta vera - Stiffness of joint Eplipsy - Absinthinum ( Febrile convulsions) Epilpsy with Insomia - Zincum valerina Eplipsy - plum met Oenathe crocata - Convulsions during pregnancy. Allium cep, nat carb, Zincum - Discharge amel Gout - Thalapsi pursa Riters syndrome - Guarae - Eye symptom
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nger - Ruta Azardartia indica Q - Flatuence Apocynum andrum 3x - Head injury when Natrum sulp fails. Fear of death, Anxiety -stiffness of body crowds anxiety- panic attack - fear of impending disease -lithium carb, Kali carb Lichen planus - Natrum mur Emphysema - recurrent RTI + - Anti ars 30, justicia adhoda. Acidity flatulence, rainy weather aggravationh/o jaundice - Nat sulph o/1 + Myrica Q - catch easily cold, acidity, unsatisfied with stool, Glibert syndrome (doesn't go beyond 4mg bilurubin) mainly in 3 decayed. Fatty liver - white mucous stool, difficult swolling- Caecal polypi + internal haemorrhoids trembling we have to ask to put & off button - We can asses Cerebellar function.- Chaparro amarhosa +Dysenteric Com ( Bowels Sycotic com - obstinate ringworm+ Calc carb sweat + egg into ferrum met + Kali carb like low back pain + Thuja like chil Fear of impending disease - Kali carb Indian Lycopodium - Azardartia indica Sleeplessness+ anxiety - Piscida Q Right Renal Cyst - rupture + stone + Hypertension - Kali chlo Harpog Uva usi - Hematuria + dysuria Eucalyptus - gastric + Dysuria + Creatine increase Calc spur is not an exostosis - It arsises from metaphysis..Heckla lava - Chilly patient. Lactrdus dactrus -spider - reduce coagulability of blood Aneamia - Crataguas - + Mycarditis, Halmia - Nutrition impramen, TNT - , Kalicarb lactum - haemophilia+ Aneamia, Zincum , Calatropis gigtica Microcytic hypochromic Aneamia - peripheral smear, Pre erythrocytes RBW - increase only in Iron defiency anemia Iv - every week, iron - weekly once, reticulocyte not improved in 6 days means refractory aneamia Biochemicals Nat sulph - diuresis ( Dewey say - biochemicals not a supplementary, we have to give in a sufficient diluted) Insectiveorche - amm phos Phytolacca - pottasium present Rushtox & Causticum - pain killer joints Lapis alba - Glandular swelling soft & elastic tumor SILICEAE - affinity towards eyes - cold palms, Constipation. Polyarthritis - Touch pain + cold + - Heparsulph o/1 Skin - touch amel - croton tig Joint pain touch amel - Formica rufa Liver region touch amel - Podophyllum ABCD - Air borne contact dermatitis Senile dizziness - Ambra grasia Boricke Postural muscular pain - mag .mur, constipation Ca rectum - leptandra 1x + Ars alb, Cardus marianus - Ca rectum, cold application, mucus in stool, pain abdomen transverse Hydrastis Q- anti malignant Piles - belladonna 1m Hemplegia + stiffness of joints - Angustra vera 1M-- Static tremor ( continue movement) ITP in child - corrected itself, incase of adult it take time to resolve- Crotus horr 0/1 IBS - China Q & Chambaro 1X Reactive lymphadenitis - Belladonna Chain like swelling LN - Tuberculin, Belladonna Joint pain > presure - Gauicim ( left & night) Gauicim no decimal prepartion because of viscdity Harapgo phytum - joint pain Neck gland swelling Q - Hydrastis Aethusa - Epilpsy with milk indigestion Right side Knere pain + sepia like mentality - Osteoarthritis nosode Uric acid + Dyslipidemia - ictholum( uric acid diathesis), cholciucum 1x Left ovarian tumor - Arum mur nat ( PCOS - Dysmenorrhoea with Tumour lp Rectal pain ( Behind rectum pain) with Dysmenorrhoea - Endometriosis. LB pain > hard surface - Ruta Acryanthus aspera Q - Burning of soles HEDEoma - Thumb pain + tendo Achilles pain + Female symptoms+ Cardia dysponea - > by lying, duration less than -2t0 3 month ( pulmonary hypertension) Respiratory dysponea - Duration more than 3 month, not amel by different position CkD - body weight increase with Creatine level Basal crepitat + tachcard - End inspi + basal crept - LVF PND -pulse alterns CKD - Iberis , Senna Q ( constipation) Mitchell riens - Dysmenorrhoea+ Bulky uterus Folliculum - Joint pain + Menposal syn Numbness after injury - Xanthocylam + Bellisvpern Q Verbana Lolium - trembling Breathing + Sneezing+ constipation - Justiscia Headache intracranial pressure- Menyanthus, Glycerine - Apocynum - more thirst - Hydrocephalus ( restrctive, obstructive, normotensive Hydrocephalus) Heritatary obesity + Breathing difficul
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ty -pickwikan syndrome Dysponea amel rest - may be cardic In crisis Pulse volume is important that BP Gambosia - Sepia mind + rhustox modality+ night agg + osteophytes - Osteoarthritis nosode Harpago phytum - anti inflammatory + arthritis Kalium - fibrocystic affection of breast Fasuculation starts in tongue, we should examine hands for trembling or atrophy of thenar muscle Skin disease + oA + cough hassing - cas ADHD - Zincum group Zincum phos & Zinc met Zinc phos - zinc + phos - intelligence Zinc met - Brain fag ( repeats the word what we said) Cyperpedium, Paris Quaterfolia ( Hyperactive, talkative like lachesis, laughing) Cyperpedium - cerebral , hyperactivity in Child. Clostrophbia - OCD syndrome Urethral stricture - Solidago Q, Thiosinium, Kali phos, Aplastic Aneamia -crotalus horridus Stica pulmonale - Nose block with cough Cough from rain - cold amel dulcamera , warm amel - rhustox Pain - deltoid - tight clothes -rhustox Occium San 3.9 .2022- 72937/1 - Swapan Halder HABRA, 24P (N) - Astrocytes - Cenchtris contoris Uric acid pain - colchicum Thalapsi , allium sativa Q Oreodaphe -neuralgic headache La Asofidta _ sensation something thriat Cajuputum - pathological obstruction of esop Ars iod - Allergy Solidago -1x - Cystitis Hameturia - APIs - Bloody album Phos - Late album of pregn Painless hameturia - TB urinat tract Hameturia - Terebinth, occ can, eucl, crot hor Acidity+ anxiety of heart - Lithium carb Shifting pain- RF - Streptococcinum, Stelluria media - Rhustox like arthistis Shifting pain - Pul, kal suph Pain with sweat - more the pain more the sweat - Tila europa Pain + chill - pulsatila ( SLE) Fibroadenoma - Breast pain - Cyclamen Knee joint pain on swelling - Harpago phytum ( Better than Bosalia cerada) Bosewellia serrata - vegitable silicea ( tear of anter crucial lig Slicease Like syptom + Lung affec - Pulmonary off Sliceae like + joint pain Chronic fouliculitis - Myrstica & Merc sol Cardus maranus - Bleeding IBS + Jaundice - Chaparo amargosa Streptococcinum - Shifting pain 30yr lady with Joint pain + SHT is necessary to test ANA, May be the presenting of SLE Rhustox modality+ sepia mind + OA + Right - Osteoarthritis nosode Robinia - Hyperacidity most commonly for vegiterian, for non vegiterian - Carica papaya Q, Peridoic pain - Peptic ulcer pain Azardartia indica - Like lyco but hot patient. Neurofibromatosis - Calendula 1M Platina & Anacardium complement eachother well Cerebellar ataxia - Gait disturbance, No hyperkinesia Parkinosinum - Hypokinesia when ask the patient to turn Cerebral tremor arrest on comments Tremor - Lolium t Parkinson + Nodding of head - Aurm sulp. DM sugar decrease - may Burning DM - cep Arth + mense - Abro SKIn - Syzgi Thuja like remed - Phaseolus nanu - DM + Cardiac complaint Frozen shoulder, adhesive capsulitus. Sitiffness - Thiosinium 6c &30 Epilpsy - merc sol Streculia - liver , body staining without weakness Anagelia Q - Hepatic restructure Internat tremor + apthous + Offenive smell + alcholic history - syphilum Ginsing - descending pain left side Radiating pain Descending pain - Kalmia ,Naja ( numbness) Kalmia > stright Pruos spinous - BPH Female unmarried women - Chimphlia Platina - Uti Polycystic liver, haemangioma - ( <1 CA, <10 PCKD + liver disease) around 30-50 PCKD doesn't cause Pylonephritis, but has Hypertension , Rupture cyst heal itself Indian dhat Syndrome - seminal loss due to psychology stress Restless leg syndrome - Neuralitis, end stage renal, polymyopathy, polyneuropathy Sleep apnoia- Nail as drevien in pain - hiccoup - Niccolum Chest pain Illicium - Pix liquida, Ascepian tuberosa ( tubercular pt),mystrus communis, Plantatar fascitis - gentle ankle exercise ( dorsi & plantar flexion), warm water & cold water - calcanial spur - Heckla lava + Silicea Phytolocca dec - water entre in to head Kali iod - septic arthritis Taking BUFO repeatedly improve the seizure disease Pain shortening of hamstring muscles - cimmex., ginseang Polygunum punctatim - Venous ulcer of Climatric age group Chronic venous Cardus marianus - Le
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Coleus - like Merc Sol STD - Indian dat syndrome Pulse deficit - more that 10 - atrial fibrillation - Digitalis ( HR -90, pulse -85) Gynocomastria - alcholic cirhosis Function Murmur - thyrodocosis in base of heart. Lycopus virginicum - Cardiac thyrodocosis Asthma < - pregn - thyrodinum, > pregn - tuberculinum thyrodinum - deep allergic State Silcosis - Kali mur, Cassia suffora - constipation, skin disease, rhematism Wrist pain - Ulmus, oxalic acid , Ruta Cyclamen - colour spots in vision Gauicum- polyarthritis < night> pressure, cold Growing pain - Gauicum & acid phos To much of allergy - Thyrodinum 0/1 Gluten intolerance - uttra pradesh - Lucknow Supraspinatus tendonitis -( dysuria with heamturia- Uva usa Bladder tumor - Anilinium Phytolocca - lifting feet ameil Chilly patient bath with cold water - phosp Tumour of salivary gland - pleomorphic adenoma slow growing, vary in size - hard, - Oleum Jequllaris fery syndrome - face sweat during eating - mal nurishee - thermal hot - Tubercular gland - Chilly means - Cistus candansis Kalmia - Numbness right side , good by sitting straight. Adenoids - agrapis nuten, Rheumatic pain , midnight has to walk ferrum met, morning< staphy, before midnight < chamolia Stelluria mediata , Rhustox like rheumaism China Q - joint pain, flatulence Shifting polyarthritis - Gauicum, Pulsatilla, Rheumatism with increased appetite - Gaultheria, streptoccocainum ( history of rheutic fever) Apocynum arum -Profuse thirst, shifting polyarthritis Shifting polyarthritis with flatulence- pulsatilla Lichen simplex with candidial intertrigo ( atopic) - Sepia 200/ ( sour desire) Verbina offincalos Diabetes ulcer - Solanum xanthocarpum Dysuria - Stricture after blood - Uva usai, solidigo Stricture of esophageal-Cajput Desmodium - pain along the spine ( Indian drug) Apthus ulcer recurrent h/o jaundice- conus carsinsta Sticta pulmonale - cervical pain Cervical pain as nail pricken - Niccolum Boerhaevea diffusa - Odea dafnee - neck pain + weakness Periorbital pain - Sang, sil, spigelia Salt desire , day agg - Natrum Mur Anthrcinum. Multi nodular goitre -Natrum iod - Chilly hard swelling- cistus cannadesis Psoriasis h/o - hepatitis - natrum sulph Hepatica triloba - Cough , Hawking to expectorate Psychogenic cough - Ambra garasia Mal dhonlas syndrome -Pulsatila chronic siliceae. Tuberculinum - red plethora Baclinum - black plethora Strophanthu - EF - 40%, less, Death Myocardium Convalleria - Distolic pressure is less Aortic value - late onset of ischemia Adonis - cardiac asthma, left heart faliure Terminalis Arjuna - Ayurveda Terminalia Jubula - IBS, nux vomica like symp. Pulmonary odema - orthopnea subside after waking & going out. Infected granuloma in umblicus - calendula Fibroadenoma -Lac def, bromium,Galium apro NASH - Fatty liver - long period - hepatic inflammation- cytokines - more inflammation - more fibrosis- cirrhosis. Chronic liver disease- constipation- Mag mur Sencio aures - early cirrhosis of liver. SlE - Apium gran- rheumaism like rhus Asclepias Tuberosa- Hypericum - incresae dopamine, adrenaline, depression Parkinson- article Fatty liver + dyslipidmia + flatulence+ chest discomfort - Aurum met PAD - down syndrome, Anuerism - marfans Red eyes + pain in throat swolling Pain as needle in neck - Back of neck pain > bending - lysi Back pain like - plum - Paris Back pain with vertigo - olendar. Phytolocca Gluteal pain - piroformis syndrome - cimicifuga & bellis perni 3x Seziure -0/27 pizium - 10mg allopathy ( Xanthoxyllum Numbness after truma) Abies nigra - smoking + acidity. Cracks in joint - Angustra vera polyarthritis with stiffness, Artistolochia - PCOS, Eupion - calc carb like, PCOS pain - Actea racemosa, Gossipum - phos, oophrinum, senicio Polygonum - venous ulcer of climatric period. Lillium lungifloricum. Supraspinitis - Ruta 1M ( Ruta like pain, nux vomica like stool, arnica like injury - Nux jugulan) More the sweat more the pain - Tilea europa . Allegic rhinitis, back pain, left knee < morning- Kali carb Curcumia longa - HbsAg posit
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ive- asymptomatic. (16 weeks it can be negative, after 16weeks it can be positive) . Fibroscan of liver, post - HCV, HBV - Glutathione homoeopathic medicine Liver disease -Loss stool - mag carb, constipation- mag mur, cold drinks - phos, Andrographis - infantile jaundice & constipation. vasovagal attack - neurocadiac syndrome- Sinus - one side burning may be temporal arteritis -BT, CT ( chance of cerebral heamorrage)- Latrodectus mactans.- lowered coagulablity Prostateomegaly - sabal serrulata Muria puarma - when selenium & Agnus fails in loss of libido Chelidenium - white ball expectoration, Kali bich - large stringy, Coccus cati - small exoecoration Wythelia Q - gurgling pharangitis Liver speen palpable in typhoid fever, Malaria - alternate days, excessive chill- also in pnemonia.. Episodic, neurocardiogenic shock - multiple sclerosis Vertiog vs dizziness - vertigo object movement is present. Eructation - advice to drink by siping or with straw Eructation - fear of impending disease - Kali carb Glibert syndrome - mitral valve prolapse, panic attack, Atista radix - bacillary & ameobic dysentery Cynodyne dc Glyzzia globura - Q - Aneamia - vegitable corticosteroid - Auto immune disease, bronchial asthma, RA- advanced, IBD, Bufo - epilpsy frequently at night Aurum sulph - Autosomal recessive cerebellar ataxia young age, has both Parkinson feature, - Prymidal & extra Prymidal. Hand shake test - Delayed relaxation,. Repeated closure & opening of hand - warm up test- Fainting goat syndrome - myotonia congenital, -AD,AR Graves disease <35yrs, >35yrs thyrotox is called nodular goitre, - L.thyrox Tablet never reduced in winter...only reduced in summer. Cervical dystonia - Botox injection, tourette syndrome . Mondors disease - thrombophlebitis of anterior wall of chest. Gilbert syndrome - m/c Apprehension IBS - diarrhoea - Chambora IBS -Constipation - terminalia Jubula, Backache, Antronstonia ( pulsatilla like) IBS - children - Aloes 3x - Ameboisis immediate control of diarrhoea. Kurchi - ( atista indica, atista radix - bacil dysentery, merc cor ( atistia radix) Menopause syndrome -6-8 month, sangunaria , lachesis Multiple myeloma - ESR high, - osteoporosis..... ( desmodium Q - pain all over the body ) Terminal juglun - Back pain > lying on hard surface.. Traumatic costochondritis - Ruta o/3 Kali chloricum - PCKD & Grey white ulcer. Amyltropic lateral sclerosis- thallium, Low back pain + numbness - colocyn ( hard pressure) Termalia juglen - back pain + constipation Olender6 - skin scrapping KOH test FNAC - fibroadenosis - Castor equi - coccxydyni, Nipple discharge ( Paget disease) Coccydynmai - lobelia, Renal Cortical cyst -cause - hypertension- kali chlorium Abdomen discomfort> cold - aristolicia Asthma - ars iod Syncope Trachbarady syndrome, hypoglycemia - Admis test Indigestion - non vegetarian - Carica pappya Q China Q Headache > hard pressure, cold feet, - myenthaus ( Sol on brain ) Blotted papper apperance - Arsenic poisoning- green urine+ fever- methylum coelium Redness + swelling+ pain leg - Rhustox Osteoarthritis nosode - sudden night agg, sepia mind, Rhustox modality OA swelling with . Poplus terminus -frontal lobe disorder (BPH & gastric).. Kali iod - Knee pain Chalzion - plannus Occidental ASD - Paris quade- lachesis like talkative, Allium sativa - non veg, jumping - valerian Pain in breast before mesnstiration -> menses, Cyclamen. Children spleenomegaly downwards not toward diagnoal - Thalassamia - ( Aplastic Aneamia) TNT- poisoning, lechithin, vanadium. Post menposal bleeding + cirrhosis ( normal protein) - crotul horr Deriflinum - causes cardiac arrthymia Calc ars - fainting during anger, psycatric patient, Fraxinus Americana Q Natrum sulp acnea on scalp Itching Undressing agg - Nat sulp, tubercul, rumex. Causticum + cuprum - Sarsuria lappa Salivation + coryza - merc sol Leucorrhoea combination - Aletris Q + Av sati Q+ Thuja Q Ca colon - Hepatic manifest - Hydrastis Q, cureuma Q Schirrium -CA metastasis with worm infestation CA rectum - passe
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d hearing ( inflammatory change), Hydrogeniod constitution. Viola odarata - Impared hearing. Impared hearing due to deposition of wax - Conium Mac. When atrovastin is going don't give Ginko biloba. Itching smooth things rubbing -hydrocotyle Cold amel - Fargophyllum Epilepsy - intercurrent - Tuberculin Milk intolerance+ polyarthritis - Abrotnum - Lower part of body emaciated Posterior triangle of neck - Children swelling - cystic hygroma Tubercular pt, Ringworm, Polyarthritis, hirsutism - Oleum jacularis. Metastasis - Worm infest - Serinium Hodgkins lymphoma - scroporia nodosa ( chilly to touch) Fistula Zincum + phos -intelligence - Zincum phos. PCOS - Thalapsi pursa UTI + renal stone - Sarasparilla Renal calculi - Thalapsi bursa. Orhaeodephaines, Cimicifuga - Cervical pain Herpagophytum procudence - OA Dry cough, must cough out - Hepatica trifolia. Gyclaia globra Ars iod - allergy. Ameobiasis - Aloes so 3x Obstructive uropathy with raised urea and creatine - Equalptus. Ferrum pic - inital medicine for BPH. Urine void more than he drinks- merc Throat cough - Tuberculium Chest cough - Bacilinum Oophrinum - joint pain after ooperectmy. Nat sulp- DNS. Cracks in foot - Cistus can Swelling in rectum - thuja - Sweating palm+ Trembling - Anxiety. Cerebral ataxia - start as Trembling without hypothyroidism, heritary disease. Piscida Q Xanthoxylum - Lumba sacral region injury- Numbness and pain. Empyaema - Anti ars. Tenosinivitis - Ruta g Dryness of mouth and eye - Alumina Nodular Goitre - Nat iod. Frequency urine, UTI -, Obesity+ humb neck+ LBP - Kali carb Recurrent UTI - ecoli + Dysentery co.
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Paris Quaterfolia - Eye pain Ars iod - hot pt, Chilly - psorinum - Allergic rhinitis. Lemia album - Rheumatism hunger intolerance - Gultheria Allergy - Ars iod 0/1+ 0/2 Amm mur, Bryonia - Contracture of Hamstring, colocynth Gaicum amel cold Left shoulder - Ferr, Syph, sulp More Burning - Sangunaria - Deltoid pain nux mosh - both side, Raising laterally ferrum met, Shifting pain Kalmia Right deltoid - Above 40yrs mammograpy , below 40yrs USG of breast H/o pulmonary tb - Solidago Small scaling Ichthyosis - Ars iod Hydroctyle more induration Cistus canadensis -iccthyosis Pitrutrinum - neurogenic bladder + Rectum Dreams of urinating - Equisteum, Kreostum Aralia recemosa same as ars alb but modality is different. Cassia saphora Q - asthma + Ringworm+ Rheumidm When demand of oral hypoglycemic tablet one should think off Nephropathy. Gastric headache - termila chebula Lose stool, constipation - ibs - Termilia che, Andersonia Bites burning pain - Acanthysis aspera Torula - vaccine bad effects, pitraysis alba IBD - cardus marianus ( Portal haemorrhage) - Ascities, Haemptsis, > Haemorrhage. IBD + Eruption+ cough - Glyceroa glabora. ( vegitable anti steroids) Pain in abdomen along with stool, Constipation old people - Atista indica. Gastric upset after eating + Constipation - Lobelia infla Burning pain + constipation+ - Androsonia rihitikha Moon face - Cushing syndrome, Nephrotic syndrome, Nephritis. Left side chest pain - Pix liquida, Right side is Illicium Psorasis - cold weather agg - Malandrium Burning with diabetes - Cephalendra. Wrist pain restricted movement - Glyceriaglobra - Hoarseness of voice ( speed) Calc renalis - cut renal stone UTI + renal colic - Sarasparilla SLE improved by Pulsatila. Cough + Offenive sputum - Erbasentha. Epigastric pain - Gas after milk - Embelia officinalis. Gradually increasing in belief - thuja Cronus circinata - Reccurent ulcer + typhoid. Venous bleeding - vipera relived. Venous ulcer in Climatric age group- Polygunum punctat. Myrstica. Flouric acid - schamberg s disease ( pigmentation with vericose vein) no ulcer. Bilateral knee joint + sense of shortness of limbs - Herpago phytum Q Plantar fascitis - tendoachitis< winter, Aranae diadima siliceae HB -5% no bleeding. PCOS + Fatty liver - DM - Abroma Agusta. Atypical rheumatoid - pain comes suddenly - bacillus Proteus, muscle cramp is characterized. Guteria gumit - Hypercholest Viral fever - solianam Lycopus + Nat salicitum. Sarco lactic acid Xanthocapum - voice loss. After Hysterectomy - Begain case with medorrinum. Pain before menses, swelling Fibrocystic Conium, Brom, asteeia Rubens Lectuca vitosa - PCOS + Fibrocystic disease Fibr Cicuta - Funny gesture BUFO, Atresmia Q similar complains Belladonna - smilling face Standing amel belladonna. Zincum phos - Eruption suppressed+ eplipsy. Verbena - Hydroctyle asciatica. Ginkobiloba - Ischemia of brain old age Nyrol - Aethusa - Grandmal epilepsy. Hydrocephalus+ suture distasis - Hydragalix , apocynum. Stiffness of both side - CP Apomorphinum - CNS tumour + Vomiting Aethusa - SOl + seizure Anti tart - Vomiting not relief Stabbing gait - Helederma Toe walking - Latyrus Walking cross - Abrotnum. History of Jaundice+ Recurrent aptha ulcers- Cronus Cistus by Toxic look with throat pain - Diptheria Right - Pain throat hot patient - Merc bin iod. Cracking with neck stiffness - sticta pulmonale. Cervical pain bending backward - Lyssinum Abnormal fistula sinus - Lyssinum Cervical pain as needle driven in Niccolum. Hard nodular goitre - Bromium Pulse, water hammer, Perspiration, temperature Aortic reguition+ Hyperthyroidism - Lycopus. Obstinate UTI were you not get any symptoms - Sycotic.comp Piscida - 😴 medicine Aralia recemosa - 11pm aggravation. Sneezing with thirstless and hot pt - Sabadilla. Throat - Tubercul ( red plethora) Chest - Bacilinum. Thyrodinum - Family history of Allergy Sinnapis -throat Alternate side. Sambcus Selenium + Solanum xanthocapum - Throat pain in summer. RT Cooper article - Calendula impaire
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lation - Piscida. Chill with fever - Pnemonitis, Abscess, UTI, Malaria, cholangitis.. ACUTE ABDOMEN - tenderness in right side upper abdomen. Chinnium sulph - malaria, chill, pain abdomen. Fever without deblity - Ferrum phos. Constant sighing - Fever + Carditis + Splenomegaly - infective endocarditis. Pulmonary P2 loud - VSD. Optic neuritis - Carbonum sulph. Multiple sclerosis starts inbl eye, abnormal sensation in nape of neck. NMO - antibody ( neuromylitis optica antibodies). Myeline oligodencyte glycoprotein antibody Cough Loblia - GI predomient , Chilly from stomach, coccydynia like hypericum ( Castor Equi herring for Coccydynia). Plum met and Alum - CKD with post h/o TB CkD +Const - Cup Ace , Senna CKD + tinnitus + anean - Chin sulp CKD + Gastric - Equal Cup ars - Renal colic Helonis - CKD + DM +Em- Uran nit Crackling - Benzoic, Cocclus Appetite increased with acidity - Lactic acid, Choclate also cause acidity. Pain with numbness joint.- Xanthoxylum. Indian dhat syndrome - night falls, night emission. Muria puma - Impotency Q Coleus - pus Discharge from penis Child grow in conflict and seperate life + Mag mur. Tabacum - cold pot in abdomen pain. After 35 yrs hypo - multi nodular Goitre, below 35 - Graves - advise biopsy. Hypertension+ thyroctosis - Lycop Perspiration+ thyro - Pillocapine Atrill fibril + perspi + hyperthyroidism - Pillocapine. Wrist rheumatism not amel by pressure - Gauicum Q. Nitric acid look, merc sol disch - Kreostum Pulsatilla like symptom with thirst with ASO high - streptococcus Mitral stenosis - RHD, Convallaria - reduce diastolic pressure Parathyrodium - Sailithesis Worm - Chelone. Peri orbital pain - Bell 1M Chinimum sulph - Recurrent fever with chill, in paediatric Ask Canon t answer - Agarus ADHD - Cyperpedium, Valerina Palpitation felt in throat - Phytolocca. Borehaviaea diffusa - obesity, Hypothyroidism pt, Raised BP. Pain along the spine + chilly + weakness - Desmodium. Lamium album - Bleeding piles + Pinch eating - Caps, Graphites Itching> scratching - RT Mitcelleria - Dysuria + bullky uterus+ Dysmen Dysmen - calc, cimic, eupion Terminulia chebula - IBs + Ruta symp Ruta - Lying on Hard surface amel. Glioma -Numbness - Conium, Glycerine (5ml) Crackling - angustra, Cocclus, Pain On touching floor - Valerina, can't tolerate hunger. Can't hold urine + sciatica - Grease face, compressive mylopathy - Plumbum. Plumbum iod - Spinal canal stenosis. Headache on lying down - Cerebral hypoxia? Kali bich - Trem + Acidity+ Head pain. Gynacomastoa - Thuja 200 Less expecrotions - Kali bich, coccus cacti Profuse expectorant - erba sannta ACL tear - Kali iod Parietal swelling - Kali sulp - Scaling Kali phos -worry and sleepless Psoriasis of feet, cracks, offensivebreath- siliceae 12* Wisdom teeth - Cherianthus cherri, Heckla lava Belladonna - Hepar sulph - merc sol - Silicea More the pus - merc sol More the pain - Hepar sulp All course - Myristica Calc sulp in place of merc sol Gallium aprine Q - For breast tumors BPH - conium + sabal serrulata Plumbum iod- compressive radiculopathy, stenosis of spine. Small nerve - chinium sulph. Muscular pain - Cimicifuga Obesity- merc sol 0/2 Sensitive to rudeness - Offended easily.
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