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12 Highest Paying Programming Jobs
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Key Differences Between Java and C# 1. Java is a great option for building complex web-based, highly concurrent applications, whereas C# is ideal for game development and mobile development. 2. Java requires Java Development Kit, which includes a Java compiler and runs a time environment to run Java on any machine, whereas C# libraries are being shipped with a .NET framework with IDE like Visual Studio. 3. Source code written in Java is compiled into bytecode, and then bytecode is converted to machine code, ready to run on any platform, whereas with C#, a code is interpreted into bytecode (MSIL) which is compiled by CLR and JIT compiler will convert MSIL into native machine code. 4. Java is designed to execute on JRE (Java Runtime Environment), whereas C# is designed to execute on CLR (Common Language Runtime). 5. Java is heavily used for building a complex application in an open-source ecosystem, whereas C# is mostly used to develop an application for Microsoft platforms. 6. Java provides a clear difference between Checked and Unchecked exceptions, whereas the C# approach is minimalistic in nature by choosing only one type of exception. 7. Java enables the polymorphism by default, whereas with C#, one must invoke the “virtual” keyword in base-class and “override” keyword in a derived class. 8. Java library ecosystem is vast and well documented, which further assist in developing functionality at a decent pace, whereas C# libraries work within the Microsoft ecosystem, which is limited as compared to Java. 9. Java has traditionally a huge community providing open-source libraries, so any need can be fulfilled with the libraries, whereas free quality libraries support from the Microsoft community is a downside for C#. 10. Generic feature support in Java is compiler-assisted, implemented using erasures, whereas C# takes generics further by integrating them into the CLI and allow type information to be available at runtime.
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👍 14
Steps to learn Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) with Python 1. Learn Python: If you're not already familiar with Python, start by learning the basics of the language. There are many online resources and tutorials available for free. 2. Understand the Basics: Before diving into DSA, make sure you have a good grasp of Python's syntax, data types, and basic programming concepts. Use free resources from @dsabooks to help you in learning journey. 3. Pick Good Learning Resources: Choose a good book, online course, or tutorial series on DSA with Python. Most of the free stuff is already posted on the channel @crackingthecodinginterview 4. Data Structures: Begin with fundamental data structures like lists, arrays, stacks, queues, linked lists, trees, graphs, and hash tables. Understand their properties, operations, and when to use them. 5. Algorithms: Study common algorithms such as searching (binary search, linear search), sorting (quick sort, merge sort), and dynamic programming. Learn about their time and space complexity. 6. Practice: The key to mastering DSA is practice. Solve a wide variety of problems to apply your knowledge. Websites like LeetCode and HackerRank provide a vast collection of problems. 7. Analyze Complexity: Learn how to analyze the time and space complexity of algorithms. Big O notation is a crucial concept in DSA. 8. Implement Algorithms: Implement algorithms and data structures from scratch in Python. This hands-on experience will deepen your understanding. 9. Project Work: Apply DSA to real projects. This could be building a simple game, a small web app, or any software that requires efficient data handling. Check channel @programming_experts if you need project ideas. 10. Seek Help and Collaborate: Don't hesitate to ask for help when you're stuck. Engage in coding communities, forums, or collaborate with others to gain new insights. 11. Review and Revise: Periodically review what you've learned. Reinforce your understanding by revisiting data structures and algorithms you've studied. 12. Competitive Programming: Participate in competitive programming contests. They are a great way to test your skills and improve your problem-solving abilities. 13. Stay Updated: DSA is an ever-evolving field. Stay updated with the latest trends and algorithms. 14. Contribute to Open Source: Consider contributing to open source projects. It's a great way to apply your knowledge and work on real-world code. 15. Teach Others: Teaching what you've learned to others can deepen your understanding. You can create tutorials or mentor someone. Join @free4unow_backup for more free courses ENJOY LEARNING 👍👍
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👍 16
The right person will choose you as selflessly as you choose him. You won't have to hide how much you care, and you'll never feel like you're too much. You won't have to beg for the love you deserve. One day, you will be met for who you are. One day, you will become someone's biggest crush and it won't bother you - you will no longer have to fight for someone who doesn't fight for you. One day you will understand that no matter how long you have held on to the wrong people, no matter how sincerely you tried, because the right people will always find you. And the right people will remain forever.
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8👍 5👌 1
Best suited IDE's for programming languages: 1. JavaScript => VSCode 2. Python => PyCharm 3. C# => Visual Studio 4. Java => IntelliJ IDEA 5. Ruby => Ruby Mine 6. C & C++ => CLion
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17👏 7👍 4
DSA INTERVIEW QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1. What is the difference between file structure and storage structure? The difference lies in the memory area accessed. Storage structure refers to the data structure in the memory of the computer system, whereas file structure represents the storage structure in the auxiliary memory. 2. Are linked lists considered linear or non-linear Data Structures? Linked lists are considered both linear and non-linear data structures depending upon the application they are used for. When used for access strategies, it is considered as a linear data-structure. When used for data storage, it is considered a non-linear data structure. 3. How do you reference all of the elements in a one-dimension array? All of the elements in a one-dimension array can be referenced using an indexed loop as the array subscript so that the counter runs from 0 to the array size minus one. 4. What are dynamic Data Structures? Name a few. They are collections of data in memory that expand and contract to grow or shrink in size as a program runs. This enables the programmer to control exactly how much memory is to be utilized.Examples are the dynamic array, linked list, stack, queue, and heap. 5. What is a Dequeue? It is a double-ended queue, or a data structure, where the elements can be inserted or deleted at both ends (FRONT and REAR). 6. What operations can be performed on queues? enqueue() adds an element to the end of the queue dequeue() removes an element from the front of the queue init() is used for initializing the queue isEmpty tests for whether or not the queue is empty The front is used to get the value of the first data item but does not remove it The rear is used to get the last item from a queue. 7. What is the merge sort? How does it work? Merge sort is a divide-and-conquer algorithm for sorting the data. It works by merging and sorting adjacent data to create bigger sorted lists, which are then merged recursively to form even bigger sorted lists until you have one single sorted list. 8.How does the Selection sort work? Selection sort works by repeatedly picking the smallest number in ascending order from the list and placing it at the beginning. This process is repeated moving toward the end of the list or sorted subarray. Scan all items and find the smallest. Switch over the position as the first item. Repeat the selection sort on the remaining N-1 items. We always iterate forward (i from 0 to N-1) and swap with the smallest element (always i). Time complexity: best case O(n2); worst O(n2) Space complexity: worst O(1) 9. What are the applications of graph Data Structure? Transport grids where stations are represented as vertices and routes as the edges of the graph Utility graphs of power or water, where vertices are connection points and edge the wires or pipes connecting them Social network graphs to determine the flow of information and hotspots (edges and vertices) Neural networks where vertices represent neurons and edge the synapses between them 10. What is an AVL tree? An AVL (Adelson, Velskii, and Landi) tree is a height balancing binary search tree in which the difference of heights of the left and right subtrees of any node is less than or equal to one. This controls the height of the binary search tree by not letting it get skewed. This is used when working with a large data set, with continual pruning through insertion and deletion of data. 11. Differentiate NULL and VOID ? Null is a value, whereas Void is a data type identifier Null indicates an empty value for a variable, whereas void indicates pointers that have no initial size Null means it never existed; Void means it existed but is not in effect You can check these resources for Coding interview Preparation Credits: All the best 👍👍
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👍 11 4👏 4👌 3
🖥 Website To Learn Programming & Data Analytics 1. Learn HTML :- 2. Learn CSS :- 3. Learn Tailwind CSS :- 4. Learn JavaScript :- 5. Learn Bootstrap :- 6. Learn DSA :- 7. Learn Git :- 8. Learn React :- 9. Learn API :- 10. Learn Python :- 11. Learn SQL :- 12. Learn Web3 :- 13. Learn JQuery :- 14. Learn ExpressJS :- 15. Learn NodeJS :- 16. Learn MongoDB :- 17. Learn PHP :- 18. Learn Golang :- 19. Learn Power BI :- 20. Learn Data Analytics:- 21. Learn Excel:- Join for more free resources: ENJOY LEARNING 👍👍
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👍 16 8
11 ways to be more mysterious: 1. Keep calm 2. Talk less 3. Stay away from drama 4. Don’t overreact 5. Make eye contact 6. Use clear gestures 7. Hear more, talk less 8. Think creatively 9. Think before you talk 10. don’t always be available 11. Share less about yourself
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👍 27 7
Today, I got a new website which share amazing jobs & internship opportunities Step 1:- 👇Upload Your Resume Step 2:- Fill in your professional details like education & work experience (if any) Step 3 :- Select your skills & preferred job role(e.g., data analyst, business analyst, data scientist, etc.) & location  Apply for the jobs & internship opportunities that matches with your profile.
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👩‍🏫🧑‍🏫 PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES YOU SHOULD LEARN TO BECOME. ⚔️[ Web Developer] PHP, C#, JS, JAVA, Python, Ruby ⚔️[ Game Developer] Java, C++, Python, JS, Ruby, C, C# ⚔️[ Data Analysis] R, Matlab, Java, Python ⚔️[ Desktop Developer] Java, C#, C++, Python ⚔️[ Embedded System Program] C, Python, C++ ⚔️[Mobile Apps Development] Kotlin, Dart, Objective-C, Java, Python, JS, Swift, C#
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یک طرح متفاوت انتخاب کنید

طرح فعلی شما تنها برای 5 کانال تجزیه و تحلیل را مجاز می کند. برای بیشتر، لطفا یک طرح دیگر انتخاب کنید.