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Truth extraordinaire

Sources to my journey of truth

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معدل نمو المشتركين

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The indigenous have been highjacked to take their soul substance and use it for many things one of which is the naming of America which the root mer comes from moore, and give them no credit. The Shriners highjacked the Moore’s (black royalty) A section of this article from Anna von Reitz in her blood Money series “It is no secret to the Holy See that the violation of the Holy Vows of Matrimony resulted in the severance of treaties merging the Kingdoms of Ireland, Wales, Powys (England) and Gaul early in the Sixth Century. Gaul, at that time, already included the land mass of The United States as a Christian country and nation, thanks to the earlier intermarriage of Armorican Chieftains (French Normans) with Native Americans. Our tribal people, the sea- faring Armoricans, gave their name to this westerly continent as can easily be seen. "America" is a British phonetic transliteration of "Armorican", so it is readily admitted both by name and by history that this continent and the people on it, are allied by the blood with France long before any such affiliation claimed by England.”
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AETHER by Marcia Ramalho

The second edition of my Aether video is about the high tech, architecture and White Star Cities of our Previous Civilization, destroyed by a Great Flood an...

HOW TO GET CONTROL OF YOUR MIND The battlefield is your mind. You either control and protect your mind, or the devil controls a part or all of your mind. Do you know that the Scriptures say that you can keep the devil out? You can: (1) Protect your mind (Ephesians 6:17); (2) Protect your children’s minds (I Cor 7:14; John 17:12; Isaiah 54:13; Eph 6:11), (3) Protect the minds of the newly delivered (Eph 6:18; Romans 8:26-27). You have to work at taking authority. These are the steps you need to take: (1) You must become a believer, for this only works for believers (John 14:12; Mark 16:17). (2) Break the bondage of Satan over the aware and unaware mind. Command all bonds of serpents, chains, cords, metal, etc., to be cast off, cut off and removed, in the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ. Call for the Father to send angels with swords to do this (Heb 1:14; Lev 26:13: Isaiah 28:22; Job 38:31). (3) Daily recite renunciation and warfare prayers and break soul ties. Daily break away from all mind-altering medicines such as Valium, Librium, tranquilizers and sleeping pills, etc. (4) Have an attitude of deliverance and keep yourself in a state of constant deliverance. Why? Because any doubt, care negative thought, or worry will be a crack in your protective armor (Luke 8:14). (5) Cast our fears (name each one or family group) such as: Forgetfulness, Curses, Vows, Anxiety, Confusion, Envy, Jealousy, Gossip, Compromise, Cravings, Addictions, Mind Control Spirits, etc. (Mark 16:17; Philippians 4:4-8). (6) Salvation really means being saved or delivered out of the control of the devil. Romans 10:10 says that we actually set ourselves free of various 17 areas of Satan's bondage as we confess (say so) with our mouths and agree with God's Word. We are freed as we agree with God and believe that through Jesus Christ we are being delivered as we speak it forth. Jesus Christ will set us free of sickness, bondage, poverty, oppression, and anything else that the devil tries to lay on us if we agree with the Word of God and act upon it (Philippians 2:12; Ephesians 6:17). (7) Learn the true meaning of hope. Hope within the believer is an inner uplift of optimism which comes from knowing that we are seated in heaven with the Father through Christ. Because of Christ's conquering power in us we can defeat and eliminate every care and worry. It is with this confidence that we are complete in Him (I Thess 5:8; Eph 2:6; Col 2:9-10). (8) Now you can control your mind by bringing every thought into captivity. You can now accept good thoughts and reject the devil's thoughts (II Cor 10:5).
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FRAGMENTED SOUL In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I break all bondages over our conscious and unconscious minds. I send out God's angels and command that all portions of our souls that have been removed by witchcraft, Communism, masonry, Catholicism, false religions, rock music, drugs and other means (and replaced by demons to control us) be restored to us (Ps 23:3; 7:1-5; 35:15-17; 50:22; Job 33:10-33; Ezek 13:17-23). I command the demons to be bound and cast out. I ask You, Father, to send angels to uncoil, untangle, dig out, break, cut, sever, cast off, and remove all demons and demonic roots, fetters, bands, ties, bonds, coils, tangles, serpents, cords, metals, wires, hairs and webs.
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This resonates - The Sky Clock does not lie. Do not watch if you ferverently think Trump is one of them
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UPDATE ~ State of The Hive ~ Part 1 of 3 ~ The Nation's Pluto Return

Ephesians 6:12, “For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.”Matthew 16:18-19, “Now I say to you that you are Peter (which means ‘rock’), and upon this rock I will build my church, and all the powers of hell will not conquer it. And I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven. Whatever you forbid on earth will be forbidden in heaven, and whatever you permit on earth will be permitted in heaven.” Luke 10:19, “I have given you the power to trample on snakes and scorpions and to defeat the power of your enemy Satan. Nothing can harm you.” Matthew 18:18 "Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” Luke 11:20-22, “But if I am casting out demons by the power of, it proves the kingdom of God has come near to you. When a strong man with all his weapons guards his home, all his belongings are safe: but when someone stronger than him attacks and overpowers, he strips him of his weapons and carries off his belongings.” Matthew 12:25-26, “Jesus knew their thoughts and replied, “Any kingdom divided by civil war is doomed. A town or family splintered by feuding will fall apart. And if Satan is casting out Satan, he is divided and fighting against himself. His own kingdom will not survive.” (These prayers are taken from a booklet which can be read online, called, “Win Worley Warfare Prayers,” which I included a link to below. In this booklet, even more scriptures are referenced, providing a scriptural basis for each warfare tactic used in the above prayers.)
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Oh I just found this in my notes: BINDING THE STRONGMAN Father, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the authority You have given us (Matt 16:19; Luke 10:19; Matt 18:18), we now bind the strongman (Luke 11:20-22) over all evil spirit powers working in and through the following: The Illuminati; Council of 13; The Rothchilds; The Rockefellers; The Bilderberg Group; Trilateral Commission; Council on Foreign Relations; Federal Reserve System; Internal Revenue Service; United Nations; Socialism; Humanism; Liberalism; Communism; Atheism; The Kremlin; Peking; Church of WICCA; All Satanist Churches; The Roman Catholic Church; The Vatican; Babylon; The Pope; Beast and False Prophet; Antichrist; Hospitals; Prisons; One World Government; International Monetary Fund; Witchcrafts and Zodiac Powers; World Council of Churches; Body of Christ; All True Churches; All Believers; Israel; and Jerusalem. And we break all the curses, vexes, hexes and spells over these people, places and institutions in the Name of Jesus Christ: The President, the Vice President, The Cabinet, All Senators & Representatives, Supreme Court, All Federal Judges, Family, Business, The Pentagon, State Department, All the States, Governors, State Legislatures, Counties, Cities, Home and Possessions. We bind all these evil spirit powers and loose the spirits of Burning, Destruction, Judgment and Confusion on them and loose Warrior Angels to attack and destroy them. We loose the ministering spirits of God on our loved ones, friends, country, business, etc. We loose the spirits of Adoption, Grace and Supplication, Truth, Peace, Love, Joy, Sound Mind, Praise, Worship, Prayer, Holiness, Obedience, Grace, Mercy, Conviction, Repentance, Deliverance and the Seven Spirits of God (Wisdom, Counsel, Might, Understanding, Knowledge, Fear of the Lord, Spirit of the Lord). Thank you, Father and Praise You, Father, in Jesus' mighty Name! Annihilating The Hosts of Hell Book II PG. pg 29 CIVIL WAR IN SATAN'S KINGDOM (Matt 12:22-32; Mark 3:20-30; Luke 11:14-23). In the Name of Jesus Christ, we command Satan's demons to fight against and destroy each other. Specifically, we command all marriage and family hindering, delaying, preventing, destroying and breaking demons to attack spirits of Ahab and Jezebel. We command the spirits of power and control to attack the spirits of pornography and Eros; the spirits of violence and torture to attack the spirits of human subjection, degradation and submission. Loose the spirits of riches and wealth by greed to attack the spirits of lust for one world rulership, currency, and total control of the world system; the spirits of anti-capitalism, rebellion against free enterprise, strike and work stoppage to attack the spirits of poverty, hatred for believers, anti- Americanism and human bondage. Let the spirits of war between the nations, destruction, hatred and anger attack the spirits of political and spiritual blindness, rage, mockery, vengeance, evil political science and influence, Illuminati and Communism. Let the spirits of antichrist, 666, and false religions attack the spirits of Roman Catholicism and Masonry, the spirits of infirmities, sicknesses, weaknesses, deformities, and accidents. Let them attack the spirits of alcohol, drugs nicotine, bad nutrition and abortion. Let them destroy the spirits of mind control and darkness and attack the spirits of Leviathan and pride. Father, we ask You to loose burning, judgment and destruction upon all disobedient and reluctant spirits that fail to follow these commands. Scriptures referenced:
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Holding public officials accountable (at the local, county, state and federal levels): -Applicable across the board - --File Notices of Claim, with sworn affidavits. Also hits their insurance. Sample NoC and AoF at ( , sample AoS at ( --File criminal complaints - for dereliction of duty (ie, to uphold the Consitution and the law), or for other crimes -Attorneys --File bar grievances (very effective - hits their insurance). Check your state for how to file, it's quite easy in Ohio. -Judges --File bar grievances (judges are often also attorneys) --File judicial complaints (hits their insurance) -Police officers --File professional conduct complants (affects their bond rating, which affects their ability to be employed) -Firm, but respectful letters (ie "Notices of Liability") can also have a significant impact. Sample NoL at ( Good rules of thumb: -ANY TIME a public official fails to perform a duty they are required by law to perform, you can file criminal charges against them. -ANY TIME another man or woman causes you harm, you can file Notices of Claim and criminal charges against them, at the very least. Remember: Public officials are PUBLIC SERVANTS. They exist to SERVE you. Help them remember that!
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