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美國軍警使用山埃毒氣。 The Washington Post: Amid a tense meeting with protesters, Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler tear-gassed by federal agents.
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Amid a tense meeting with protesters, Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler tear-gassed by federal agents

“It’s hard to breathe — it’s a little harder to breathe than I thought,” Wheeler said. “This is abhorrent. This is beneath us.”

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BBC News: Trump to send 'surge' of hundred of federal agents to cities.
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Trump to send 'surge' of hundreds of federal agents to cities

Protests are ongoing in Portland, where the mayor was among those tear-gassed by federal agents.

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Those detained said they were dragged into the courthouse without being told why they were being arrested or by whom and then suddenly let go without any official record of being held. It smacked of police state tactics. So did some of the violence meted out by federal agents who looked more like an occupying army in a war zone.
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The Guardian: Federal agents retreat to Portland base as protesters control streets.
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Federal agents retreat to Portland base as protesters control streets

Donald Trump’s shadowy police taskforce has given new life to protests and may not be succeeding in PR terms either

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因在「通俄門」事件向國會作虛假陳述及干擾證人等7罪被判處3年4個月徒刑,資深共和黨說客,同時擔任川普(Donald Trump)2016年競選大選顧問的斯通(Roger Stone),原在14日前需前往監獄報到,但川普10日突然宣布赦免他的刑期。
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【我說了算】川普宣布赦免因「通俄門」入獄的前顧問 民主黨怒批破壞法治--上報


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